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Craitland national football team statistics

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This article contains lists of statistics relating to the Craitland national football team. This includes a full results list of every match the national team has played, including date and stadium data, and any known upcoming fixtures. In addition, the records of every player to represent Craitland, listing appearances, goals and cards, can be found in this article.

National team results

Matches are listed chronologically by default.

No. Date Match type Venue Opposition For Against Ref.
1 2006-12-22 World Cup group Taesong Athletics Complex, Qinan New-EmpireNew-Empire New-Empire 2 1 [1]
2 2006-12-26 World Cup group Taesong Air Taesong Stadion, Seongchen AlexandriaAlexandria Alexandria 1 0 [2]
3 2006-12-28 World Cup group Taesong Stade Francoasie, Asia-Paris New BrittaniaNew Brittania New Brittania 0 4 [3]
4 2007-01-01 World Cup quarter-final Taesong ZBG Arena, Seongchen Nova EnglandNova England Nova England 0 02 0 04 [4]
5 2007-02-22 Friendly Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees ShirerothShireroth Shireroth 3 3 [5]
6 2007-04-25 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees ColCol Col 3 2 [6]
7 2007-05-01 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Harbór Arenä, Osĵätoņ IridiaIridia Iridia 4 0 [7]
8 2007-05-09 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Harbór Arenä, Osĵätoņ BenevolentBenevolent Benevolent 5 0 [8]
9 2007-05-12 Qualifier Col Benkernstad, Benkerngrad ColCol Col 0 1 [9]
10 2007-05-27 Qualifier Iridia Lokun Stadium, Iridia City IridiaIridia Iridia 1 0 [10]
11 2007-05-29 Qualifier Benevolent Benevolent City Stadium, Benevolent BenevolentBenevolent Benevolent 2 0 [11]
12 2007-06-23 Friendly Oscland Estadio del Globe, The Great Warren OsclandOscland Oscland 0 1 [12]
13 2007-06-27 Friendly Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees PassasPassas Passas 2 1 [13]
14 2007-06-30 Friendly Gaia Stadia di Fiore, Fiorecittà GaiaGaia Gaia 0 0 [14]
15 2007-08-07 World Cup group Tokidoki RedPlatinum Arena, Hamuji TaesongTaesong Taesong 2 3 [15]
16 2007-08-15 World Cup group Tokidoki Ar-Football Stadium, Stardock JamziniaJamzinia Jamzinia 2 0 [16]
17 2007-08-17 World Cup group Tokidoki Dekiru Dome, Dekiru City TokidokiTokidoki Tokidoki 1 0 [17]
18 2007-08-22 World Cup quarter-final Tokidoki Dekiru Dome, Dekiru City AlexandriaAlexandria Alexandria 3 2 [18]
19 2007-08-26 World Cup semi-final Novatainia St Nova City Stadium, St Nova's PassasPassas Passas 2 0 [19]
20 2007-08-31 World Cup final Tokidoki Rillanon Athletic Dome, Rillanon TokidokiTokidoki Tokidoki 1 0 [20]
21 2007-10-01 EMU group Nova England West Grinstead National Stadium, West Grinstead BenevolentBenevolent Benevolent 4 0 [21]
22 2007-10-04 EMU group Nova England East Moorland Provincia Stadium, Newcastle upon Eastmoor SharoviaSharovia Sharovia 7 1 [22]
23 2007-10-10 EMU group Nova England The Lord's Stadium, St Joseph's New NsawamNew Nsawam New Nsawam 2 0 [23]
24 2007-10-13 EMU group Nova England West Grinstead National Stadium, West Grinstead InterlandInterland Interland 1 1 [24]
25 2007-10-16 EMU group Nova England The Lord's Stadium, St Joseph's BosworthBosworth Bosworth 1 0 [25]
26 2007-10-19 EMU group Nova English Korea Port Barret Stadium, Port Barret Nova EnglandNova England Nova England 1 1 [26]
27 2007-10-24 EMU quarter-final Nova England Detsab Football Stadium, Detsab New South VietnamNew South Vietnam New South Vietnam 3 1 [27]
28 2007-10-28 EMU semi-final Nova England The Lord's Stadium, St Joseph's RiponiaRiponia Riponia 1 14 1 15 [28]
29 2007-10-30 EMU third-place Nova England Surtland Stadium, Hunstland Nova EnglandNova England Nova England 1 0 [29]
30 2007-12-26 Friendly Batavia Jairo Stadium, 's Koningenwaarde BataviaBatavia Batavia 2 2 [30]
31 2008-03-01 Friendly Hamland St Josaphat's Stadium, Porapa HamlandHamland Hamland 1 1 [31]
32 2008-03-08 Friendly Amokolia Ste Marie SunBowl, Anun AmokoliaAmokolia Amokolia 2 0 [32]
33 2008-04-19 Friendly Craitland Oesst Harbór Arenä, Osĵätoņ KavalosKavalos Kavalos 1 0 [33]
34 2008-05-24 Friendly Craitland Jämtfall Stadión, Tiem TaelandTaeland Taeland 3 1 [34]
35 2008-06-07 Friendly Durntkinstan Kobayashi Stadium, Hanajima City DurntkinstanDurntkinstan Durntkinstan 1 0 [35]
36 2008-08-27 MicrOlympics final Vanderveer National Stadium of Vanderveer, Verona VanderveerVanderveer Vanderveer 2 1 [36]
37 2008-09-05 World Cup group Amokolia Carton Field, Petersburg HurmuHurmu Hurmu 3 3 [37]
38 2008-09-13 World Cup group Amokolia Champ Danish, Danish United EmpireUnited Empire United Empire 3 0 [38]
39 2008-09-20 World Cup group Amokolia Parisia Field, Parisia ShirerothShireroth Shireroth 2 1 [39]
40 2008-09-27 World Cup quarter-final Amokolia Parisia Field, Parisia HamlandHamland Hamland 3 0 [40]
41 2008-09-29 World Cup semi-final Amokolia Ste Marie SunBowl, Anun BobalaniaBobalania Bobalania 4 2 [41]
42 2008-10-05 World Cup final Amokolia Parisia Field, Parisia PassasPassas Passas 4 1 [42]
43 2009-06-21 Friendly Craitland Oesst Harbór Arenä, Osĵätoņ ZandarijnZandarijn Zandarijn 1 0 [43]
44 2009-06-28 Friendly Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees PassasPassas Passas 0 0 [44]
45 2009-07-18 EMU group Bobalania Uro Stadium, City of Bobalania InterlandInterland Interland 1 1 [45]
46 2009-07-22 EMU group Nova England West Grinstead National Stadium, West Grinstead PassasPassas Passas 1 1 [46]
47 2009-07-25 EMU group Interland Stadion Norodowy, Novograd Nova EnglandNova England Nova England 1 0 [47]
48 2009-08-01 EMU group Passas Northman Memorial Arena, Zidado West BobalaniaBobalania Bobalania 3 1 [48]
49 2009-08-05 EMU final Ocia National Football Arena, Directus PassasPassas Passas 1 2 [49]
50 2009-09-05 Friendly Craitland Oesst Darrä Arenä, Hänävissen-ó-Cräiteland New VaduzNew Vaduz New Vaduz 3 0 [50]
51 2009-10-06 World Cup group Alexandria Stade de Loup, Ville d'Alain InterlandInterland Interland 1 1 [51]
52 2009-10-10 World Cup group Alexandria Stade Royale, Geneva MonoviaMonovia Monovia 2 0 [52]
53 2009-10-14 World Cup group Alexandria International Superdome, Ponce BeaugiumBeaugium Beaugium 4 4 [53]
54 2009-10-17 World Cup quarter-final Alexandria Le Temple, Crécy BobalaniaBobalania Bobalania 1 13 1 12 [54]
55 2009-10-20 World Cup semi-final Alexandria Stade de Loup, Ville d'Alain AlexandriaAlexandria Alexandria 1 3 [55]
56 2009-10-23 World Cup third-place Alexandria Stade de Loup, Ville d'Alain BeaugiumBeaugium Beaugium 5 2 [56]
57 2010-04-14 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Harbór Arenä, Osĵätoņ NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 4 0 [57]
58 2010-04-28 Qualifier Bobalania Uro Stadium, City of Bobalania BobalaniaBobalania Bobalania 0 1 [58]
59 2010-05-12 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees OciaOcia Ocia 2 0 [59]
60 2010-05-19 Qualifier Ocia National Football Arena, Directus OciaOcia Ocia 1 1 [60]
61 2010-06-02 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees BobalaniaBobalania Bobalania 2 1 [61]
62 2010-06-16 Qualifier Netherlands Brussel Arena, Brussel NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 1 0 [62]
63 2010-07-09 Friendly Hamland St Josaphat's Stadium, Porapa HamlandHamland Hamland 6 4 [63]
64 2010-07-24 Friendly Incontinentia Peninsula Stadium, Incontinentia City IncontinentiaIncontinentia Incontinentia 9 11 0 [64]
65 2010-08-03 World Cup group Hamland Fisherman Road, Hamlet O'Groppa NatopiaNatopia Natopia 3 1 [65]
66 2010-08-08 World Cup group Hamland Avidion Stadium, New Kirriemuir NovatainiaNovatainia Novatainia 0 0 [66]
67 2010-08-13 World Cup group Taeland HaemBeer Garden, Tly Nova EnglandNova England Nova England 2 1 [67]
68 2010-08-18 World Cup quarter-final Hamland Royal Union Stadium, Port Tablot ValenciaValencia Valencia 2 0 [68]
69 2010-08-21 World Cup semi-final Hamland Fisherman Road, Hamlet O'Groppa ToketiToketi Toketi 4 0 [69]
70 2010-08-25 World Cup final Hamland Avidion Stadium, New Kirriemuir HamlandHamland Hamland 1 0 [70]
71 2011-03-09 Friendly Craitland Jämtfall Stadión, Tiem MercuryMercury Mercury 3 2 [71]
72 2011-03-23 Friendly Mercury Freddie Mercury Memorial Arena, Mercury MercuryMercury Mercury 1 0 [72]
73 2011-03-30 Friendly Victoria King's Park, Riego VictoriaVictoria Victoria 5 0 [73]
74 2011-06-18 EMU group Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees TaelandTaeland Taeland 2 1 [74]
75 2011-06-21 EMU group Craitland Johaņ Mortensen Cómunähl Grónd, Biulya FlatlandFlatland Flatland 3 0 [75]
76 2011-06-24 EMU group Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees InterlandInterland Interland 1 2 [76]
77 2011-06-27 EMU group Craitland Jämtfall Stadión, Tiem Nova English KoreaNova English Korea Nova English Korea 2 0 [77]
78 2011-06-30 EMU group Craitland Johaņ Mortensen Cómunähl Grónd, Biulya OciaOcia Ocia 0 0 [78]
79 2011-07-05 EMU final Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees HamlandHamland Hamland 3 0 [79]
80 2011-07-23 Friendly Hammish Monovia Geneva Arena, Geneva Hammish MonoviaHammish Monovia Hammish Monovia 1 0 [80]
81 2011-07-30 Friendly Craitland Oesst Harbór Arenä, Osĵätoņ BabkhaBabkha Babkha 2 0 [81]
82 2011-08-15 World Cup group Shireroth Dutch's Field, Blackrock Nua Nova EnglandNova England Nova England 3 2 [82]
83 2011-08-20 World Cup group Shireroth Antya Stadion, Apollo City AnticaAntica Antica 6 1 [83]
84 2011-08-25 World Cup group Shireroth Haunted Park, Mortis Mercatoria TelliaTellia Tellia 0 1 [84]
85 2011-08-28 World Cup quarter-final Shireroth Halberd Arena, Syrelwynn AlexandriaAlexandria Alexandria 1 14 1 12 [85]
86 2011-09-01 World Cup semi-final Shireroth Dutch's Field, Blackrock Nua HamlandHamland Hamland 1 0 [86]
87 2011-09-04 World Cup final Shireroth National Stadium, Shirekeep ShirerothShireroth Shireroth 1 0 [87]
88 2012-02-22 Friendly Craitland Oesst Harbór Arenä, Osĵätoņ HamlandHamland Hamland 0 1 [88]
89 2012-03-10 Friendly Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees MercuryMercury Mercury 1 1 [89]
90 2012-04-18 Friendly Craitland Oesst Harbór Arenä, Osĵätoņ North AntarcticaNorth Antarctica North Antarctica 2 1 [90]
91 2012-05-30 Friendly Passas Northman Memorial Arena, Zidado West PassasPassas Passas 2 1 [91]
92 2012-06-06 Friendly Sanilla Losuna Park, Mortis Mercatoria SanillaSanilla Sanilla 3 0 [92]
93 2012-06-20 Friendly Antica Delphi Memorial Stadium, Nafticon AnticaAntica Antica 0 0 [93]
94 2012-07-04 Friendly Antica Newfield Ground, Newport Kyō-JimaKyō-Jima Kyō-Jima 6 0 [94]
95 2012-07-10 World Cup group Antica Octavius Sheep Stables Arena, Woden StormarkStormark Stormark 2 0 [95]
96 2012-07-14 World Cup group Antica Delphi Memorial Stadium, Nafticon TelliaTellia Tellia 0 2 [96]
97 2012-07-18 World Cup group Antica Octavius Sheep Stables Arena, Woden MercuryMercury Mercury 1 1 [97]
98 2012-07-21 World Cup quarter-final Antica Cliffside Arena, Kyriaki AlexandriaAlexandria Alexandria 0 3 [98]
99 2012-08-05 Friendly New Vaduz Newstadion, New Vaduz New VaduzNew Vaduz New Vaduz 2 0 [99]
100 2012-08-10 Friendly Mercury Ironworks Road, Tow Law MercuryMercury Mercury 0 3 [100]
101 2012-08-16 EMU group Mercury May Road, May Nova English KoreaNova English Korea Nova English Korea 1 1 [101]
102 2012-08-19 EMU group Mercury Taylor Sporting Club, Taylor UantirUantir Uantir 3 0 [102]
103 2012-08-22 EMU semi-final Mercury Ironworks Road, Tow Law HamlandHamland Hamland 1 2 [103]
104 2012-08-25 EMU third-place Mercury Taylor Sporting Club, Taylor InterlandInterland Interland 4 3 [104]
105 2012-09-05 Friendly Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees TelliaTellia Tellia 1 0 [105]
106 2012-11-21 Friendly Craitland Oesst Harbór Arenä, Osĵätoņ Nova EnglandNova England Nova England 1 1 [106]
107 2013-01-30 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees TianaTiana Tiana 2 1 [107]
108 2013-02-27 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees LollandLolland Lolland 5 0 [108]
109 2013-03-27 Qualifier Normark Den Norske Nasjonal Fotballstadion, Konungsheim NormarkNormark Normark 1 1 [109]
110 2013-04-10 Qualifier Tiana Estadio del Pato, Vancona TianaTiana Tiana 0 0 [110]
111 2013-05-08 Qualifier Lolland Stadio Stardel, Clover LollandLolland Lolland 4 0 [111]
112 2013-06-05 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees NormarkNormark Normark 1 0 [112]
113 2013-06-12 Friendly Craitland Oesst Darrä Arenä, Hänävissen-ó-Cräiteland MailongMailong Mailong 8 0 [113]
114 2013-06-22 Friendly Senya Revolution Road, Jogasim SenyaSenya Senya 3 1 [114]
115 2013-06-25 Friendly Gerenia Elstree Road, Port Isherwood GereniaGerenia Gerenia 1 2 [115]
116 2013-07-02 Friendly Interland Kern FC Stadium, Kern MercuryMercury Mercury 1 0 [116]
117 2013-07-09 EMU group Interland Rybakov Novoboisko, Rybaków HøgmårkHøgmårk Høgmårk 0 0 [117]
118 2013-07-15 EMU group Interland Novograd Arena, Novograd Nova English KoreaNova English Korea Nova English Korea 2 2 [118]
119 2013-07-19 Friendly Interland Abramowice Community Training Complex, Abramowice ValenciaValencia Valencia 2 1 [119]
120 2013-07-31 Friendly Zandarijn Kuip Stadium, Nieuw Rotterdam InterlandInterland Interland 4 5 [120]
121 2013-08-06 World Cup group Zandarijn ZandArena, Hamstadt ZandarijnZandarijn Zandarijn 1 0 [121]
122 2013-08-10 World Cup group Hammish Monovia FZH Arena, Zurich Nova EnglandNova England Nova England 4 0 [122]
123 2013-08-14 World Cup group Zandarijn Grenstad Stadium, Grenstad NovatainiaNovatainia Novatainia 2 1 [123]
124 2013-08-17 World Cup quarter-final Hammish Monovia FZH Arena, Zurich North AntarcticaNorth Antarctica North Antarctica 1 13 1 11 [124]
125 2013-08-21 World Cup semi-final Zandarijn PrinsArena, Prins Haven MercuryMercury Mercury 0 00 0 03 [125]
126 2013-08-24 World Cup third-place Hammish Monovia The King's Park, Geneva AlexandriaAlexandria Alexandria 2 4 [126]
127 2013-11-20 Friendly Craitland Johaņ Mortensen Cómunähl Grónd, Biulya LakkviaLakkvia Lakkvia 2 0 [127]
128 2014-01-22 Friendly Neo Patrova Neo Patrova National Stadium, Freedom City Neo PatrovaNeo Patrova Neo Patrova 4 1 [128]
129 2014-01-29 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees Nova EnglandNova England Nova England 1 0 [129]
130 2014-02-26 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees HaifaHaifa Haifa 3 0 [130]
131 2014-03-26 Qualifier Juclandia MicroArena, New Jucărești JuclandiaJuclandia Juclandia 1 1 [131]
132 2014-04-09 Qualifier Nova England West Grinstead National Stadium, West Grinstead Nova EnglandNova England Nova England 2 1 [132]
133 2014-05-07 Qualifier Haifa Hapoel Field, Abeis HaifaHaifa Haifa 2 0 [133]
134 2014-06-04 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees JuclandiaJuclandia Juclandia 3 1 [134]
135 2014-06-15 Friendly Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees SafiriaSafiria Safiria 2 0 [135]
136 2014-06-25 Friendly Incontinentia Peninsula Stadium, Incontinentia City IncontinentiaIncontinentia Incontinentia 7 0 [136]
137 2014-06-28 Friendly Mercury Freddie Mercury Memorial Arena, Mercury MercuryMercury Mercury 1 1 [137]
138 2014-07-09 EMU group Nova England St John's Stadium, St John's InterlandInterland Interland 1 0 [138]
139 2014-07-13 EMU group Nova England West Grinstead National Stadium, West Grinstead PassasPassas Passas 1 2 [139]
140 2014-07-27 Friendly Nova English Korea Port Barret Stadium, Port Barret Nova English KoreaNova English Korea Nova English Korea 4 2 [140]
141 2014-08-02 World Cup group Indokistan Sentralnaya Glavnyy Stadion, Al Majidiyah North AntarcticaNorth Antarctica North Antarctica 1 0 [141]
142 2014-08-06 World Cup group Indokistan Stadium of Revolusi Nasional, Kratsin ElwynnElwynn Elwynn 2 1 [142]
143 2014-08-10 World Cup group Indokistan Stadion Utama Indokistan, Swazlek IndokistanIndokistan Indokistan 3 0 [143]
144 2014-08-15 World Cup quarter-final Indokistan Air Centerino Hall, Gorerski BirgeshirBirgeshir Birgeshir 1 0 [144]
145 2014-08-19 World Cup semi-final Indokistan Stadium of Sunda, Spariste HamlandHamland Hamland 0 1 [145]
146 2014-08-22 World Cup third-place Indokistan Stadium of Revolusi Nasional, Kratsin SenyaSenya Senya 3 1 [146]
147 2014-10-29 Friendly Vyktory Vyktoryan Micras National Stadium, Jamestown VyktoryVyktory Vyktory 2 1 [147]
148 2015-01-28 Friendly Nova English Korea Port Barret Stadium, Port Barret Nova English KoreaNova English Korea Nova English Korea 0 1 [148]
149 2015-02-11 Friendly Craitland Johaņ Mortensen Cómunähl Grónd, Biulya Reindeer HerdersReindeer Herders Reindeer Herders 4 0 [149]
150 2015-02-25 Friendly Passas Northman Memorial Arena, Zidado West PassasPassas Passas 1 1 [150]
151 2015-03-11 Friendly Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees ValenciaValencia Valencia 2 1 [151]
152 2015-03-25 Friendly Ranentsi Osogovo Stadium, Kyustendil RanentsiRanentsi Ranentsi 4 0 [152]
153 2015-04-08 Friendly Craitland Oesst Darrä Arenä, Hänävissen-ó-Cräiteland Nova English KoreaNova English Korea Nova English Korea 2 0 [153]
154 2015-04-22 Friendly Reindeer Herders Elkheart Park, Elkheim Reindeer HerdersReindeer Herders Reindeer Herders 4 0 [154]
155 2015-05-06 Friendly Craitland Oesst Harbór Arenä, Osĵätoņ PassasPassas Passas 1 3 [155]
156 2015-05-20 Friendly Valencia Trévoux Stadium, Trévoux ValenciaValencia Valencia 2 1 [156]
157 2015-06-03 Friendly Craitland Jämtfall Stadión, Tiem RanentsiRanentsi Ranentsi 3 0 [157]
158 2015-07-08 Friendly Craitland Oesst Harbór Arenä, Osĵätoņ ZandarijnZandarijn Zandarijn 3 0 [158]
159 2015-07-12 Friendly Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees TalenoreTalenore Talenore 1 1 [159]
160 2015-07-15 Friendly Craitland Xäiville City Arenä, Xäiville MercuryMercury Mercury 1 2 [160]
161 2015-07-19 World Cup group Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees TelliaTellia Tellia 2 3 [161]
162 2015-07-23 World Cup group Craitland Xäiville City Arenä, Xäiville BirgeshirBirgeshir Birgeshir 1 0 [162]
163 2015-07-27 World Cup group Craitland Oesst Harbór Arenä, Osĵätoņ ValenciaValencia Valencia 3 0 [163]
164 2015-07-31 World Cup group Craitland Diamond Län, Róndlinga GotzborgGotzborg Gotzborg 2 0 [164]
165 2015-08-13 World Cup quarter-final Craitland Oesst Harbór Arenä, Osĵätoņ HamlandHamland Hamland 0 1 [165]
166 2016-01-27 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees MishalanMishalan Mishalan 5 0 [166]
167 2016-02-10 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees LlængLlæng Llæng 2 1 [167]
168 2016-02-24 Qualifier Merenolitovina Astopov Stadium, Mamehblinij MerenolitovinaMerenolitovina Merenolitovina 1 1 [168]
169 2016-03-09 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees MinarboriaMinarboria Minarboria 1 0 [169]
170 2016-03-23 Qualifier Shireroth National Stadium, Shirekeep ShirerothShireroth Shireroth 1 1 [170]
171 2016-04-06 Qualifier Mishalan Rodina Arena, Mishagrad MishalanMishalan Mishalan 3 0 [171]
172 2016-04-20 Qualifier Llæng Zi'yeh Kla Arena, Zi'yeh Kla LlængLlæng Llæng 3 1 [172]
173 2016-05-04 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees MerenolitovinaMerenolitovina Merenolitovina 2 1 [173]
174 2016-05-18 Qualifier Minarboria Sunken Gardens, &zeter MinarboriaMinarboria Minarboria 2 0 [174]
175 2016-06-01 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees ShirerothShireroth Shireroth 3 1 [175]
176 2016-06-22 Friendly Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees New VaduzNew Vaduz New Vaduz 1 0 [176]
177 2016-07-03 Friendly Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees SenyaSenya Senya 0 1 [177]
178 2016-07-09 Benacia Cup group Elwynn St Harald's Park, Rǫvarsbýur NordzibolaNordzibola Nordzibola 6 2 [178]
179 2016-07-15 Benacia Cup group Elwynn White Orchid Stadium, Araxion Tower TelliaTellia Tellia 1 2 [179]
180 2016-07-19 Benacia Cup semi-final Elwynn The Valley, Dragonskeep ElwynnElwynn Elwynn 1 13 1 14 [180]
181 2016-07-23 Benacia Cup third-place Elwynn Cape Cottage, Caligae KaralakhKaralakh Karalakh 3 0 [181]
182 2016-08-24 Friendly Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees VyktoryVyktory Vyktory 0 0 [182]
183 2017-01-04 Treesian Memorial Cup Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees ArboriaArboria Arboria 6 3 [183]
184 2017-01-18 Treesian Memorial Cup Elwynn Tidewater Stadium, Avaldsnes ElwynnElwynn Elwynn 1 1 [184]
185 2017-01-25 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees MishalanMishalan Mishalan 3 1 [185]
186 2017-02-08 Friendly Senya The Snakepit, Svorgas SenyaSenya Senya 1 2 [186]
187 2017-02-22 Qualifier Blackstone Elu Verion Arena, Blackstone BlackstoneBlackstone Blackstone 6 0 [187]
188 2017-03-22 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees ShirerothShireroth Shireroth 0 1 [188]
189 2017-04-05 Qualifier Mishalan Rodina Arena, Mishagrad MishalanMishalan Mishalan 2 0 [189]
190 2017-04-19 Friendly Craitland Oesst Harbór Arenä, Osĵätoņ LakkviaLakkvia Lakkvia 3 1 [190]
191 2017-05-03 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees BlackstoneBlackstone Blackstone 5 1 [191]
192 2017-05-31 Qualifier Shireroth Malak Stadium and Fighting Pit, Shirekeep ShirerothShireroth Shireroth 1 0 [192]
193 2017-06-11 Friendly Kingdom of Coria Stadion Grendbej, Grandbay Kingdom of CoriaKingdom of Coria Kingdom of Coria 2 0 [193]
194 2017-06-17 Friendly Jingdao Zijincheng Stadion, Daocheng JingdaoJingdao Jingdao 4 0 [194]
195 2017-06-23 Friendly Craitland Xäiville City Arenä, Xäiville Passio-CorumPassio-Corum Passio-Corum 3 2 [195]
196 2017-06-28 Friendly Craitland Johaņ Mortensen Cómunähl Grónd, Biulya MercuryMercury Mercury 1 1 [196]
197 2017-07-02 Friendly Senya Politzëa Stadium, Moroni Fort KolgradFort Kolgrad Fort Kolgrad 5 0 [197]
198 2017-07-09 World Cup group Senya Moroni Sports Oval, Moroni GereniaGerenia Gerenia 3 1 [198]
199 2017-07-13 World Cup group Senya Eprat City Stadium, Eprat GotzborgGotzborg Gotzborg 6 0 [199]
200 2017-07-17 World Cup group Senya Stad Urzi, Magalatska New VaduzNew Vaduz New Vaduz 7 1 [200]
201 2017-07-25 World Cup group Senya ĴetsStad, Dyas BirgeshirBirgeshir Birgeshir 3 2 [201]
202 2017-08-04 World Cup quarter-final Senya Stad Urzi, Magalatska TelliaTellia Tellia 1 3 [202]
203 2017-08-16 Friendly Florian Republic City of Blackoak Stadium, Blackoak Florian RepublicFlorian Republic Florian Republic 2 0 [203]
204 2018-01-03 Friendly Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees Florian RepublicFlorian Republic Florian Republic 1 2 [204]
205 2018-01-31 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees LlængLlæng Llæng 1 0 [205]
206 2018-02-14 Qualifier Brettish Isles Fairfriend Arena, Melton Brettish IslesBrettish Isles Brettish Isles 3 0 [206]
207 2018-03-14 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees DomolicaDomolica Domolica 7 0 [207]
208 2018-03-28 Qualifier Kalgachia Jollybowl, Jollity KalgachiaKalgachia Kalgachia 2 1 [208]
209 2018-04-11 Qualifier Llæng Zi'yeh Kla Arena, Zi'yeh Kla LlængLlæng Llæng 2 0 [209]
210 2018-04-25 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees Brettish IslesBrettish Isles Brettish Isles 3 1 [210]
211 2018-05-09 Friendly Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees SenyaSenya Senya 2 2 [211]
212 2018-05-23 Qualifier Domolica Todzou Stadium, Todzou DomolicaDomolica Domolica 5 0 [212]
213 2018-06-06 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees KalgachiaKalgachia Kalgachia 2 1 [213]
214 2018-06-20 Friendly Craitland Jämtfall Stadión, Tiem TransbataviaTransbatavia Transbatavia 4 0 [214]
215 2018-06-27 Friendly Mercury Freddie Mercury Memorial Arena, Mercury MercuryMercury Mercury 2 3 [215]
216 2018-07-04 Friendly Craitland Oesst Harbór Arenä, Osĵätoņ RaspurRaspur Raspur 3 1 [216]
217 2018-07-10 Benacia Cup group Shireroth Halberd Arena, Syrelwynn KalgachiaKalgachia Kalgachia 3 1 [217]
218 2018-07-13 Benacia Cup group Shireroth JHI Stadium, Avakair ShirerothShireroth Shireroth 0 2 [218]
219 2018-07-17 Benacia Cup semi-final Shireroth Haunted Park, Mortis Mercatoria TelliaTellia Tellia 0 02 0 00 [219]
220 2018-07-21 Benacia Cup final Shireroth Malak Stadium and Fighting Pit, Shirekeep ShirerothShireroth Shireroth 2 1 [220]
221 2019-01-02 Treesian Memorial Cup Arboria Meiridosa Stadium, Meiridosa ArboriaArboria Arboria 2 0 [221]
222 2019-01-16 Treesian Memorial Cup Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees ElwynnElwynn Elwynn 3 0 [222]
223 2019-01-30 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees KasterburgKasterburg Kasterburg 3 1 [223]
224 2019-02-13 Qualifier Batavia Jairo Stadium, 's Koningenwaarde BataviaBatavia Batavia 3 2 [224]
225 2019-03-13 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees ElwynnElwynn Elwynn 1 0 [225]
226 2019-03-27 Qualifier Iron Cult Pentheros Sports Theater, Normaria Iron CultIron Cult Iron Cult 6 0 [226]
227 2019-04-10 Qualifier Kasterburg Jeroen van Veen Stadium, Kasterburg KasterburgKasterburg Kasterburg 2 0 [227]
228 2019-04-24 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees BataviaBatavia Batavia 3 3 [228]
229 2019-05-22 Qualifier Elwynn Tidewater Stadium, Avaldsnes ElwynnElwynn Elwynn 0 2 [229]
230 2019-06-05 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees Iron CultIron Cult Iron Cult 8 0 [230]
231 2019-06-12 Friendly Alduria Imperial Field, Narbonne AlduriaAlduria Alduria 2 3 [231]
232 2019-06-19 Friendly Craitland Oesst Darrä Arenä, Hänävissen-ó-Cräiteland LakkviaLakkvia Lakkvia 4 0 [232]
233 2019-07-05 Friendly Tellia Stadio di Romero, Romero TelliaTellia Tellia 1 0 [233]
234 2019-07-14 World Cup group Birgeshir Güneş Stadium, Öturma Nova EnglandNova England Nova England 1 0 [234]
235 2019-07-18 World Cup group Birgeshir Çiçekli Ælan Stadium, Balkon NatopiaNatopia Natopia 4 2 [235]
236 2019-07-26 World Cup group Birgeshir Büjük Birvij Stadium, Otaq SenyaSenya Senya 1 3 [236]
237 2019-07-30 World Cup group Birgeshir Güneş Stadium, Öturma JingdaoJingdao Jingdao 2 1 [237]
238 2019-08-04 World Cup play-off round Birgeshir Koridor Stadium, Koridor FreelandFreeland Freeland 3 0 [238]
239 2019-08-08 World Cup quarter-final Birgeshir Büjük Birvij Stadium, Otaq BirgeshirBirgeshir Birgeshir 1 2 [239]
240 2020-01-01 Friendly Florian Republic Sports City, Northcliff Florian RepublicFlorian Republic Florian Republic 2 2 [240]
241 2020-01-22 Friendly Craitland Grey Park, Kealb LostislandLostisland Lostisland 2 0 [241]
242 2020-01-29 Confederations Cup group Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees MercuryMercury Mercury 1 2 [242]
243 2020-02-12 Confederations Cup group Birgeshir Büjük Birvij Stadium, Otaq BirgeshirBirgeshir Birgeshir 1 2 [243]
244 2020-02-26 Confederations Cup group Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees SenyaSenya Senya 0 1 [244]
245 2020-03-25 Confederations Cup group Mercury Freddie Mercury Memorial Arena, Mercury MercuryMercury Mercury 1 1 [245]
246 2020-04-08 Confederations Cup group Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees BirgeshirBirgeshir Birgeshir 3 1 [246]
247 2020-04-22 Confederations Cup group Senya The Snakepit, Svorgas SenyaSenya Senya 1 2 [247]
248 2020-05-20 Friendly Sanpantul Kipei Stadium, Kipei SanpantulSanpantul Sanpantul 4 0 [248]
249 2020-06-21 Friendly Kingdom of Coria Stadion Grendbej, Grandbay Kingdom of CoriaKingdom of Coria Kingdom of Coria 1 2 [249]
250 2020-06-28 Friendly Krasnarus Pelezu Olympic Stadium, Nuví Pelezu KrasnarusKrasnarus Krasnarus 1 1 [250]
251 2020-07-22 Friendly Sanama SanOil Arena, Niyi SanamaSanama Sanama 2 1 [251]
252 2020-08-01 Benacia Cup group Batavia Fortuna Stadium, Davignon Unified GovernoratesUnified Governorates Unified Governorates 4 2 [252]
253 2020-08-05 Benacia Cup group Batavia Sportpark Vinandy, Vinandy TelliaTellia Tellia 2 1 [253]
254 2020-08-09 Benacia Cup group Batavia Jairo Stadium, 's Koningenwaarde SanamaSanama Sanama 0 1 [254]
255 2020-08-12 Benacia Cup semi-final Batavia Fortuna Stadium, Davignon BataviaBatavia Batavia 5 0 [255]
256 2020-08-15 Benacia Cup final Batavia Jairo Stadium, 's Koningenwaarde SanamaSanama Sanama 2 23 2 25 [256]
257 2021-01-06 Friendly Craitland Oesst Harbór Arenä, Osĵätoņ ZandarijnZandarijn Zandarijn 2 1 [257]
258 2021-01-27 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees LusaLusa Lusa 9 0 [258]
259 2021-02-10 Qualifier Batavia Jairo Stadium, 's Koningenwaarde BataviaBatavia Batavia 2 1 [259]
260 2021-02-24 Treesian Memorial Cup Arboria Meiridosa Stadium, Meiridosa ElwynnElwynn Elwynn 0 1 [260]
261 2021-03-10 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees Hazarese Taka'atuiHazarese Taka'atui Hazarese Taka'atui 9 10 0 [261]
262 2021-03-24 Qualifier Kalgachia Jollybowl, Jollity KalgachiaKalgachia Kalgachia 3 0 [262]
263 2021-04-07 Qualifier Lusa National Stadium, Lusa LusaLusa Lusa 7 0 [263]
264 2021-04-21 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees BataviaBatavia Batavia 3 0 [264]
265 2021-05-05 Friendly Senya The Snakepit, Svorgas SenyaSenya Senya 0 2 [265]
266 2021-05-19 Qualifier Hazarese Taka'atui Tonaga Stadium, Hana'apui Hazarese Taka'atuiHazarese Taka'atui Hazarese Taka'atui 9 10 0 [266]
267 2021-06-02 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees KalgachiaKalgachia Kalgachia 6 0 [267]
268 2021-06-16 Treesian Memorial Cup Elwynn White Orchid Stadium, Mindon Araxion ArboriaArboria Arboria 4 0 [268]
269 2021-06-26 Friendly Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees HazarHazar Hazar 2 1 [269]
270 2021-06-30 Friendly Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees TelliaTellia Tellia 1 1 [270]
271 2021-07-05 Friendly Çakaristan Akbar Stadium, Agra ÇakaristanÇakaristan Çakaristan 3 1 [271]
272 2021-07-12 World Cup group Floria Farrar International Stadium, Northcliff North Antarctic DomainNorth Antarctic Domain North Antarctic Domain 5 0 [272]
273 2021-07-16 World Cup group Floria Dragonmoor Stadium, Dragonmoor MeckelnburghMeckelnburgh Meckelnburgh 1 1 [273]
274 2021-07-24 World Cup group Floria Sports City, Northcliff Unified GovernoratesUnified Governorates Unified Governorates 4 2 [274]
275 2021-07-28 World Cup group Floria Thunder Park, Oldhaven The HexarchyThe Hexarchy The Hexarchy 3 1 [275]
276 2021-08-06 World Cup quarter-final Floria Noir Group Stadium, Westlake ThracistanThracistan Thracistan 3 0 [276]
277 2021-08-11 World Cup semi-final Floria Dragonmoor Stadium, Dragonmoor MeckelnburghMeckelnburgh Meckelnburgh 1 0 [277]
278 2021-08-15 World Cup final Floria Sports City, Northcliff FloriaFloria Floria 0 1 [278]
279 2022-01-05 Friendly Victoria King's Park, Riego VictoriaVictoria Victoria 2 0 [279]
280 2022-01-12 Friendly Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees PhinbellaPhinbella Phinbella 2 1 [280]
281 2022-01-26 Confederations Cup group Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees SenyaSenya Senya 0 3 [281]
282 2022-02-09 Confederations Cup group Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees HazarHazar Hazar 1 0 [282]
283 2022-02-23 Confederations Cup group Phinbella Kamp Nou, Phinéas Padolski PhinbellaPhinbella Phinbella 2 1 [283]
284 2022-03-09 Friendly Craitland Oesst Harbór Arenä, Osĵätoņ LamantiaLamantia Lamantia 2 2 [284]
285 2022-03-23 Confederations Cup group Senya The Snakepit, Svorgas SenyaSenya Senya 0 0 [285]
286 2022-04-06 Confederations Cup group Hazar 14 June Stadium, Hazar HazarHazar Hazar 1 1 [286]
287 2022-04-20 Confederations Cup group Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees PhinbellaPhinbella Phinbella 1 0 [287]
288 2022-05-04 Friendly Craitland Oesst Harbór Arenä, Osĵätoņ New SussexNew Sussex New Sussex 4 0 [288]
289 2022-05-18 Confederations Cup semi-final Mercury Freddie Mercury Memorial Arena, Mercury MercuryMercury Mercury 1 13 1 11 [289]
290 2022-06-01 Confederations Cup final Mercury Freddie Mercury Memorial Arena, Mercury SenyaSenya Senya 1 0 [290]
291 2022-06-25 Friendly Nouvelle Alexandrie Estadio Real, Cárdenas Nouvelle AlexandrieNouvelle Alexandrie Nouvelle Alexandrie 1 1 [291]
292 2022-06-29 Friendly Vegno Mhacompare Arena, Mhazar VegnoVegno Vegno 0 0 [292]
293 2022-07-02 Friendly Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees FloriaFloria Floria 0 1 [293]
294 2022-07-06 Friendly Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees KrasnovlacKrasnovlac Krasnovlac 3 2 [294]
295 2022-07-16 Friendly Craitland Diamond Län, Róndlinga The HexarchyThe Hexarchy The Hexarchy 2 0 [295]
296 2022-07-30 Benacia Cup group Sanama FS Provincial Stadium, Fatehpur Sikri ShirerothShireroth Shireroth 6 0 [296]
297 2022-08-03 Benacia Cup group Sanama Ffelisa Corp Arena, Niyi Sovereign ConfederationSovereign Confederation Sovereign Confederation 4 0 [297]
298 2022-08-07 Benacia Cup group Sanama Tosha City Stadium, Tosha City Unified GovernoratesUnified Governorates Unified Governorates 1 1 [298]
299 2022-08-10 Benacia Cup semi-final Sanama Ffelisa Corp Arena, Niyi SanamaSanama Sanama 2 0 [299]
300 2022-08-13 Benacia Cup final Sanama SanOil Arena, Niyi TelliaTellia Tellia 2 1 [300]
301 2022-08-16 Friendly Calbion Caerdragon Stadium, Pentyre CalbionCalbion Calbion 1 0 [301]
302 2023-01-04 Friendly Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees SenyaSenya Senya 2 1 [302]
303 2023-01-11 Friendly Craitland Oesst Harbór Arenä, Osĵätoņ SanamaSanama Sanama 0 0 [303]
304 2023-01-25 Qualifier Chryse Iron Arena, Chryse ChryseChryse Chryse 2 0 [304]
305 2023-02-22 Qualifier Elwynn White Orchid Stadium, Mindon Araxion ElwynnElwynn Elwynn 0 1 [305]
306 2023-03-22 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees AmokoliaAmokolia Amokolia 3 0 [306]
307 2023-04-05 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees ChryseChryse Chryse 3 0 [307]
308 2023-05-03 Qualifier Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees ElwynnElwynn Elwynn 5 0 [308]
309 2023-05-31 Qualifier Amokolia Parisia Field, Parisia AmokoliaAmokolia Amokolia 2 0 [309]
310 2023-06-14 Friendly Craitland Jämtfall Stadión, Tiem MercuryMercury Mercury 1 2 [310]
311 2023-06-29 Friendly Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees VictoriaVictoria Victoria 3 1 [311]
312 2023-07-02 Friendly Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees CalbionCalbion Calbion 0 0 [312]
313 2023-07-09 World Cup group stage Mercury May Road, May PhinbellaPhinbella Phinbella 0 1 [313]
314 2023-07-13 World Cup group stage Mercury Freddie Mercury Memorial Arena, Mercury New BataviaNew Batavia New Batavia 4 0 [314]
315 2023-07-21 World Cup group stage Mercury Ironworks Road, Tow Law Nouvelle AlexandrieNouvelle Alexandrie Nouvelle Alexandrie 0 1 [315]
316 2023-07-25 World Cup group stage Mercury Taylor Sporting Club, Taylor RaspurRaspur Raspur 2 1 [316]
317 2023-07-29 World Cup play-off round Mercury Little Wembley, Tow Law SanamaSanama Sanama 5 2 [317]
318 2023-08-04 World Cup quarter-final Mercury Taylor Sporting Club, Taylor SenyaSenya Senya 1 13 1 15 [318]
319 2024-01-03 Friendly Victoria King's Park, Riego VictoriaVictoria Victoria 1 0 [319]
320 2024-01-17 Friendly Tiana Estadio del Pato, Vancona TianaTiana Tiana 3 2 [320]
321 2024-01-31 Confederations Cup group Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees Nouvelle AlexandrieNouvelle Alexandrie Nouvelle Alexandrie 0 2 [321]
322 2024-02-14 Confederations Cup group Calbion Caerdragon Stadium, Pentyre CalbionCalbion Calbion 0 0 [322]
323 2024-02-28 Confederations Cup group Craitland Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees SenyaSenya Senya 2 0 [323]
324 2024-03-27 Confederations Cup group Nouvelle Alexandrie Estadio Real, Cárdenas Nouvelle AlexandrieNouvelle Alexandrie Nouvelle Alexandrie 1 1 [324]
325 2024-04-10 Confederations Cup group Craitland Oesst Harbór Arenä, Osĵätoņ CalbionCalbion Calbion 3 2 [325]
326 2024-04-24 Confederations Cup group Senya The Snakepit, Svorgas SenyaSenya Senya 0 1 [326]

Upcoming fixtures

No. Date Match type Venue Opposition For Against Ref.
327 2024-06-25 Friendly Craitland Johaņ Mortensen Cómunähl Grónd, Biulya NatopiaNatopia Natopia
328 2024-07-30 Friendly Sanpantul Atiya bint Alsalam Stadium, Kipei SanpantulSanpantul Sanpantul
329 2024-08-10 Benacia Cup group Sovereign Confederation JHI Stadium, Avakair ElwynnElwynn Elwynn
330 2024-08-13 Benacia Cup group Sovereign Confederation Tidewater Stadium, Dravotih iker MerenolitovinaMerenolitovina Merenolitovina
331 2024-08-17 Benacia Cup group Sovereign Confederation JHI Stadium, Avakair SanamaSanama Sanama
332 2024-08-20 Benacia Cup semi-final Sovereign Confederation JHI Stadium, Avakair TelliaTellia Tellia
333 2024-08-24 Benacia Cup final Sovereign Confederation Tidewater Stadium, Dravotih iker SanamaSanama Sanama

Competitive record

Overall record

326 212 61 53 726 270 +456

FMF World Cup

FMF World Cup record Qualification record
Year Round Pld W D L GF GA Squad Pos Pld W D L GF GA
Taesong 2006 QF 4 2 1 1 3 5 Squad N/A
NovatainiaTokidoki 2007 1st 6 5 0 1 11 5 Squad 1 6 5 0 1 15 3
Amokolia 2008 1st 6 5 1 0 19 7 Squad Qualified automatically as holders
Alexandria 2009 3rd 6 2 3 1 14 11 Squad Qualified automatically as holders
Hamland 2010 1st 6 5 1 0 12 2 Squad 1 6 4 1 1 10 3
Shireroth 2011 1st 6 4 1 1 12 5 Squad Qualified automatically as holders
Antica 2012 QF 4 1 1 2 3 6 Squad Qualified automatically as holders
ZandarijnHammish Monovia 2013 4th 6 3 2 1 10 6 Squad 1 6 4 2 0 13 2
Indokistan 2014 3rd 6 5 0 1 10 3 Squad 1 6 5 1 0 12 3
Craitland 2015 QF 5 3 0 2 8 4 Squad Qualified automatically as hosts
Senya 2017 QF 5 4 0 1 20 7 Squad 1 6 5 0 1 17 3
Birgeshir 2019 QF 6 4 0 2 12 8 Squad 1 8 6 1 1 26 8
Floria 2021 2nd 7 5 1 1 17 5 Squad 1 8 8 0 0 50 1
Mercury 2023 QF 6 3 1 2 12 6 Squad 1 6 5 0 1 15 1

FMF Confederations Cup

Year Round Pld W D L GF GA
2020 GS 6 1 1 4 7 9
2022 1st 8 4 3 1 7 6
2024 GS 6 2 2 2 6 6

Benacia Cup

Benacia Cup record Qualification record
Year Round Pld W D L GF GA Squad Pos Pld W D L GF GA
Sanilla 2012 to Tellia 2014 Not a WMFA member Not a WMFA member
Elwynn 2016 3rd 4 2 1 1 11 5 Squad 1 10 8 2 0 23 6
Shireroth 2018 1st 4 2 1 1 5 4 Squad 1 8 8 0 0 25 3
Batavia 2020 2nd 5 3 1 1 13 5 Squad Qualified automatically as holders
Sanama 2022 1st 5 4 1 0 15 2 Squad Qualified automatically as runners-up
Sovereign Confederation 2024 TBD 0 0 0 0 0 0 Squad Qualified automatically as holders

EMU Championships

EMU Championships record Qualification record
Year Round Pld W D L GF GA Squad Pos Pld W D L GF GA
Nova EnglandNova English Korea 2007 3rd 9 6 3 0 21 5 Squad N/A
Ocia 2009 2nd 5 2 2 1 7 5 Squad Invited to compete
Craitland 2011 1st 6 4 1 1 11 3 Squad Qualified automatically as hosts
Mercury 2012 3rd 4 2 1 1 9 6 Squad Qualified automatically as holders
Interland 2013 GS 2 0 2 0 2 2 Squad 1 6 4 2 0 13 2
Nova England 2014 GS 2 1 0 1 2 2 Squad 1 6 5 1 0 12 3
Hamland 2016 to Nouvelle Alexandrie 2024 Not an EMUFA member Not an EMUFA member

Minor tournaments

Tournament Round Pld W D L GF GA
Vanderveer 2008 MicrOlympics 1st 1 1 0 0 2 1
2017 Treesian Memorial Cup 1st 2 1 1 0 7 4
2019 Treesian Memorial Cup 1st 2 2 0 0 5 0
2021 Treesian Memorial Cup 2nd 2 1 0 1 4 1

Player statistics

  • Players are listed alphabetically by their most commonly used shirt name by default.
  • "Career" refers to the years a player was in the international setup; starting with the year of their first call-up and ending with their declared international retirement, as opposed to the year of their final cap.
  • Emboldened players are still available to play for the national side.
Player Pos. Career Caps Goals Yellow Red
Aazrel, AzthenÄthen Aärel MF 2015– 15 1 1 0
Alexis PellegrinoAlexis Pellegrino MF 2018– 100 27 5 0
Azmel PellegrinoÄmel Pellegrino FW 2024– 1 0 0 0
Baazrdsen, MaxMax Baärdsen FW 2023– 10 4 0 0
Brazr, TimoTimo Brär MF 2021– 7 0 0 0
Chentzansio, JuliajzJuliaĵ Chentzansio MF 2007–2015 1 0 0 0
Chentzansioheraz, AzlÄl Chentzansio-Herä MF 2006–2016 27 4 2 0
Christiansen, MarkkoMarkko Christiansen MF 2017– 33 5 0 0
Crazite, MiloMilo Cräite DF 2014–2016 2 0 0 0
Daviddlaw, ZenZen Daviddlaw FW 2007–2020 41 15 0 0
Dazl, LaznsLäns Däl DF 2021– 32 0 3 1
Dazmez AzqijzDämez Äqiĵ GK 2006–2011 4 0 0 0
Dehbo, JimJim Dehbo DF 2006–2014 28 0 0 1
Demb, PhilPhil Demb DF 2006–2014 16 0 1 0
Demhivo, MarcMarc Demhivo DF 2012–2017 7 0 1 0
Demhivo, PaulioPaulio Demhivo DF 2006–2014 114 3 8 0
Demo, FreddieFreddie Demo MF 2008–2015 4 0 0 0
Demo, JoznJón Demo MF 2006–2011 21 1 3 0
Densar, MikelMikel Densar MF 2018– 21 3 0 0
Dermazna, OlivierOlivier Dermäna MF 2009–2020 55 2 9 0
Dermazna, PatricePatrice Dermäna DF 2021– 4 0 0 0
Dozral, CraitmanCraitman Dóral FW 2022– 15 2 0 0
Drazsen IsrdlvarienDräsen Isrdlvarien FW 2018– 47 18 1 0
Edmildozn, MarkkoMarkko Edmildón MF 2007–2014 74 2 6 1
Enzo PellegrinoEnzo Pellegrino DF 2006–2008 1 0 0 0
Fachh, JoznJón F'achh MF 2006–2013 24 4 4 1
Fechhamlazr, JonlydveldtJon-Lydveldt F'echhamlär FW 2024– 1 0 0 0
Fermo, LydveldtLydveldt F'ermo DF 2012–2014 1 0 0 0
Fredriksen, TozrTór Fredriksen FW 2012–2018 27 9 1 0
Gaazrsen, FreddieFreddie Gaärsen FW 2006–2019 172 106 6 0
Hanast PellegrinoHanast Pellegrino FW 2006–2014 49 31 2 0
Hemingway, NdolaNdola Hemingway DF 2022– 6 0 1 0
Heraz, HjanzHjaņ Herä MF 2006–2014 104 5 7 0
Heraz, JoznvorgenzJón-Vorgeņ Herä MF 2020– 27 1 2 0
Heraz, MortenzMorteņ Herä MF 2020– 13 3 0 0
Hjansen, DanielDaniel Hjansen DF 2011– 196 6 11 1
Hjansen, FrancisFrancis Hjansen GK 2017– 64 0 0 1
Hjansen, JoznJón Hjansen DF 2008–2014 38 0 6 0
Hjansen, LydveldtLydveldt Hjansen DF 2009–2013 5 0 0 0
Hjansen, TommyTommy Hjansen FW 2007–2015 32 15 3 0
Hjansen, YaqinYaqin Hjansen DF 2008–2014 10 0 1 0
Hjyngmost, BenBen Hjyngmost DF 2014– 86 4 6 0
Hulazj, FreddieFreddie Huläj DF 2023– 6 0 0 0
Inzazki, OscarOscar Iņäki MF 2007–2017 1 0 0 0
Inzvaazrsen, JohanzJohaņ Iņvaärsen DF 2013– 133 1 15 2
Isrdlvarien, TimTim Isrdlvarien FW 2012–2021 55 27 2 0
Jansen, DavidDavid Jansen DF 2017– 15 0 2 0
Johansen, KraigKraig Johansen GK 2007–2020 57 0 0 0
Johansen, YaqinYaqin Johansen FW 2012–2021 1 0 0 0
Jones, Hjanz PellegrinoHjaņ Pellegrino Jones MF 2010–2018 13 0 0 0
Jones, Tiem PellegrinoTiem Pellegrino Jones MF 2007–2016 80 7 4 0
Jonmikeltsen, LydveldtLydveldt Jonmikeltsen FW 2011– 102 44 4 0
Jonsen, WillWill Jonsen DF 2013–2018 3 0 1 0
Joznsen, JonjanJon-Jan Jónsen MF 2012–2017 48 11 2 0
Juan PellegrinoJuan Pellegrino MF 2018– 99 14 3 0
Juliajzsen, JanJan Juliaĵsen GK 2015–2021 1 0 0 0
Juliajzsen, JanmortenzJan-Morteņ Juliaĵsen FW 2015– 115 60 4 0
Jzaazrgo, MorganzMorgaņ Ĵaärgo DF 2014– 25 0 1 0
Kahthajtensen, HozldarmanHóldarman Kahthajtensen MF 2024– 1 0 0 0
Karganov, AsilAsil Karganov DF 2019– 63 0 4 0
Kejzinz, AidanAidan Keĵinz FW 2015– 23 10 1 0
Keremov, Izlkerİlker Keremov MF 2014– 86 7 8 1
Larsen, Jon AndersJon Anders Larsen DF 2007–2014 77 5 8 1
Leverhjen, SamSam Leverhjen MF 2024– 1 0 0 0
Loresen, DavidDavid Loresen MF 2007–2022 65 9 5 1
Loresen, LydveldtLydveldt Loresen MF 2011–2020 50 5 2 0
Lydveldt, JesseJesse Lydveldt GK 2017–2023 3 0 0 0
Manta PellegrinoManta Pellegrino MF 2006–2014 101 11 2 0
Mazlent, JamieJamie Mälent MF 2020– 42 8 0 0
Menaozxazi, CameronCameron Mena-ó-Xäi DF 2024– 1 0 0 0
Mikelt, JanJan Mikelt MF 2007–2020 77 5 9 1
Mortensen, JanJan Mortensen MF 2015–2022 37 2 4 0
Mortensen, KraigKraig Mortensen DF 2015–2021 8 0 3 0
Mortensen, MarcMarc Mortensen FW 2011–2017 19 5 2 0
Oneale, CraitmanCraitman O'Neale DF 2012–2013 8 0 2 0
Ozlsen, JzulianĴulian Ólsen MF 2013– 150 26 6 0
OzmaozTazoz, PaulPaul Óma-ó-Täó FW 2007–2013 28 13 1 0
Ozstvaazr, LydveldtLydveldt Óstvaär DF 2014–2018 2 0 0 0
Paulsen, JanJan Paulsen DF 2020– 1 0 0 0
Pellegrino, AzlekazÄlekä Pellegrino MF 2006–2017 1 0 0 0
Pellegrino, ChristianChristian Pellegrino MF 2011– 1 0 0 0
Pellegrino, FreddieFreddie Pellegrino GK 2021– 6 0 0 0
Pellegrino, LucazsLucäs Pellegrino DF 2011–2019 4 0 0 0
Pellegrino, VictozrioVictório Pellegrino DF 2022– 16 1 1 0
Pellegrino, VorgenzVorgeņ Pellegrino GK 2008–2018 10 0 0 0
Perryman, AdazmAdám Perryman MF 2006– 100 14 6 0
Protenz, AlexisAlexis Proteņ DF 2009–2022 175 7 12 0
Senovichi, OscarOscar Senovichi GK 2010–2018 12 0 0 0
Senovichi, YaqinYaqin Senovichi MF 2006–2015 100 13 3 0
Tereminus, AlexisAlexis Tereminus FW 2006–2009 28 15 0 0
Tereminus, YaqinYaqin Tereminus DF 2015–2017 1 0 0 0
Tozrsen, JanJan Tórsen FW 2020– 43 20 1 0
Ula, DenisDenis Ula DF 2024– 1 0 0 0
Ula, HaznazHänä Ula DF 2008–2019 3 0 0 0
Ula, HjanzHjaņ Ula GK 2009–2019 2 0 0 0
Ula, TimTim Ula GK 2013– 32 0 0 0
Vallensen, JamieJamie Vallensen GK 2018– 42 0 2 1
Valmer, IltIlt Valmer MF 2017– 58 0 2 0
Vanisen, VaznVän Vanisen MF 2013–2020 11 1 2 0
Vijzoa, BenBen Viĵoa MF 2012–2018 28 4 2 0
Vorgensen, DamienDamien Vorgensen DF 2016–2021 6 0 1 0
Vorgensen, JackJack Vorgensen GK 2006–2014 100 0 0 1
Vorgensen, ThijsThijs Vorgensen MF 2019–2021 1 0 0 0
Vorgensen, TobiasTobias Vorgensen FW 2012–2021 4 1 0 0
Vorgensen, TobyToby Vorgensen MF 2008–2015 47 6 1 0
Vorgenz, TozrTór Vorgeņ MF 2016– 17 0 2 0
Yhrenhjozltsvensen, JzazroĴäro Yhrenhjólt-Svensen GK 2024– 1 0 0 0
Zaya, LucasLucas Zaya FW 2013–2017 9 5 0 0
Zen, RossRoss Zen DF 2018– 57 1 7 0
Zensen, HaznazHänä Zensen MF 2007–2020 129 22 8 0
Zozma, WillWill Zóma FW 2015– 113 68 4 0
ZozmaozTazoz, FreddieFreddie Zóma-ó-Täó DF 2007–2013 14 0 1 0
Zyxveldtsen, JoznJón Zyxveldtsen MF 2016–2020 13 1 3 1
Own goals 6

External links