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List of Róndlinga Diamonds FC players

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This is a list of all senior players who have been contracted to the Craitish football club Róndlinga Diamonds FC throughout its history.

List of players

  • By default, players are listed chronologically by their first season with the club, then alphabetically by most commonly used shirt name.
  • Nationality refers to the FMF member nation which the player was first eligible to represent while at the club, irrespective of international call-ups or prior eligibility.
    • Any subsequent nationality changes are documented in the footnotes.
  • Position covers the general tactical areas in which the player was utilised:
    • GK is a goalkeeper; DF is a defender; MF is a midfielder; FW is a forward; U is a utility player (one considered to play in multiple positions).
  • Club career lists the seasons in which the player was a part of the club's senior squad. As per CrFA rules, teams must have a full squad of 25 registered players per season (previous squad limits were lower). Players who are loaned out often fall outside of this limit.
    • Noncontinuous spells with the club are entered on separate lines. Years split by a dash indicate that the player was a squad member for both seasons and all seasons inclusive. A dash with no number following it shows that the player is still registered with the club as of the 2022 season.
    • As per CrFA rules, seasons are dated by the calendar year in which they are completed. As a result, players may have officially joined the club in the previous calendar year to that which is listed first.
  • Squad numbers are the numbers which the player wore on their kit. As per CrFA rules, these are permitted to change between seasons, leading to multiple numbers for some players.
Name Nat. Pos. Club career №s
Chentzansio PPeter Chentzansio Craitland CRA DF 2004–2013 2
Chentzansio VVorgeņ Chentzansio Craitland CRA MF 2004–2017 15, 20
Crazite MMarkko Cräite Craitland CRA FW 2004–2016 9
Heraz ZZyxveldt Herä Craitland CRA DF 2004–2013 6
Hjanz ZZyx Hjaņ Craitland CRA GK 2004–2019 1
Isrdlvarien PPaul Isrdlvarien Craitland CRA GK 2004–2013 13
Juliajz RRasólio Juliaĵ Craitland CRA DF 2004–2007 16
Juliajzsen VVorgeņ Juliaĵsen Craitland CRA MF 2004–2017 8
Kejzer JJón K'eĵer Craitland CRA MF 2004–2015 11
Marshall CCorey Marshall Passas PAS MF 2004–2017 4
Mortensen LLydveldt Mortensen Craitland CRA FW 2004–2007 12
Pellegrino JJón Pellegrino Craitland CRA MF 2004–2013 7
Pellegrino LLucäs Pellegrino Craitland CRA DF 2004–2019 3
Pellegrino MMarkko Pellegrino Craitland CRA FW 2004–2021 14
Reilly JJames Reilly Jamzinia JMZ[A] DF 2004–2015 5
Vanisen VVän Vanisen Craitland CRA MF 2004–2013 10, 19
Demb HHänä Demb Craitland CRA DF 2006–2023 18
Lydveldtsen PPelle Lydveldtsen Craitland CRA MF 2006–2008 20
Pellegrino MMax Pellegrino Craitland CRA MF 2006–2007 19
Vanisen OOscar Vanisen Craitland CRA GK 2006–2019 17, 21
Inzazki JJon Iņäki Craitland CRA FW 2008–2011
16, 13
Jonmikeltsen LLydveldt Jonmikeltsen Craitland CRA FW 2008–2013 10
Mackenzie PPeter MacKenȝie Hamland HAM DF 2008–2017 12
Azmo RRóbert Ämo Craitland CRA MF 2009– 15
Lee AAndrew Lee Nova England NEN FW 2009–2016 23, 10
Menti GGiorgio Menti Tellia TEL FW 2009–2011 22
Mortensen YYaqin Mortensen Craitland CRA DF 2009–2010 24
Paulsen NNicky Paulsen Craitland CRA DF 2009– 25, 2
Perryman AAdám Perryman Craitland CRA MF 2009–2012 17
Azmo ZZen Ämo Craitland CRA DF 2011– 24, 3
Campbell EEric Campbell Hamland HAM FW 2012–2013 16
Gonzaleshernan HHoratio Gonzáles-Hernán Valencia VAL[B] FW 2012–2022 22, 7
Wibbens BBenjamin Wibbens Antica ANT[C] MF 2013– 17
Carlsen LLewis Carlsen Craitland CRA GK 2014– 16, 1
Dozral CCraitman Dóral Craitland CRA FW 2014– 25, 10
Gunnarsen JzĴulian Gunnarsen Craitland CRA DF 2014– 23
Heraz MMorteņ Herä Craitland CRA MF 2014– 6, 7
Keremov SŞevki Keremov Incontinentia ICT[D] MF 2014– 19
Tazoz MMichael Täó Craitland CRA DF 2014– 22
Ecclestone JJames Ecclestone Vyktory VYK[E] DF 2016– 5
Heraz JJón-Vorgeņ Herä Craitland CRA MF 2016– 11
Tebeck AArjun Tebeck Shireroth IRS FW 2017–2023 25
Tozrsen JJan Tórsen Craitland CRA FW 2017– 9
Lydveldtsen JJón Lydveldtsen Craitland CRA MF 2018–2021 8
Lydveldtsen YYaqin Lydveldtsen Craitland CRA MF 2018– 12
Sardenocer JJan Ƨardënöčer Senya DES DF 2018– 20, 6
Yao TYao Tsutang Jingdao DAO[F] MF 2018–2024 4
Andersen LLydveldt Andersen Craitland CRA GK 2020– 16
Gaazr VVictor Gaär Craitland CRA GK 2020– 24
Ulrich MMartin Ulrich New Vaduz NVD[G] DF 2020– 21
Azhlcqist LLars Ählcqist Craitland CRA FW 2022– 14
Lemaire PPierre Lemaire Meckelnburgh MCK MF 2022– 8
Sailla WWewé Sailla North Antarctic Domain NAD FW 2023 20
Brunz HHelge Bruņ Craitland CRA FW 2024– 18
Hjozberg KKaärsten Hjóberg Craitland CRA FW 2024– 20
Kelleydunn CCharlton Kelley-Dunn Victoria VIC DF 2024– 25
Finnpender BBarnaby Finn-Pender Victoria VIC MF 2025– 4
Stenberg MMarliņ Stenberg Craitland CRA FW 2025– 13

  1. ^ A Jamzinia JMZ until 2009, Bobalania BOB between 2009 and 2010, Victoria VIC between 2010 and 2012, Natopia NAT between 2012 and 2013, Victoria VIC from 2013.
  2. ^ B Valencia VAL until 2017, Caputia CAP between 2017 and 2019, Alduria ALD between 2019 and 2021, Nouvelle Alexandrie NAX from 2021.
  3. ^ C Antica ANT until 2013, Highpass HPS between 2013 and 2014, Karalakh KAR between 2014 and 2017, Kalgachia KAL from 2017.
  4. ^ D Incontinentia ICT until 2021, Craitland CRA from 2021.
  5. ^ E Vyktory VYK until 2018, Hoenn HON between 2018 and 2019, Nijima NJM between 2019 and 2020, Craitland CRA from 2020.
  6. ^ F Jingdao DAO until 2022, Kildare KIL in 2022, Shireroth IRS from 2022.
  7. ^ G New Vaduz NVD until 2020, Craitland CRA from 2020.