2006 FMF World Cup squads

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The 2006 FMF World Cup was the very first FMF World Cup, and was held in Taesong between 21 December 2006 and 7 January 2007. The competing national teams were required to name a squad of sixteen players for the tournament, numbered 1 to 16, with two named goalkeepers.

In case of injury, teams were given allowance to call-up an emergency reserve player who would wear number 17.

Group A

New Oscland

No. Pos. Player Age Club
1 1GK Alfredo Viscariello 23 New Oscland New Luanda FC
2 3DF Alessandro Mitchell 23 Unattached
3 3DF Leonzio Pandolfi 26 Unattached
4 5MF Luca Nucciarone 29 Unattached
5 3DF Christian Esposito 31 Unattached
6 3DF Oscar Castrogiovanni 19 Unattached
7 5MF Ben Jersey 25 New Oscland Great Warren Wanderers
8 5MF Frederick Konta 21 New Oscland Great Warren Wanderers
9 7FW Ferdinando Michelluzzi 17 Unattached
10 5MF Elario Campisano 22 Unattached
11 7FW Paul di Michele 30 Unattached
12 1GK Francesco Peters 22 Unattached
13 3DF Oscar Inzaghi 24 Unattached
14 7FW Thomas Direzione 26 Unattached
15 5MF Craig Jackson 26 Unattached
16 5MF Donnachaidh Ó Mórdha 18 New Oscland Portside Rangers

New South Vietnam

No. Pos. Player Age Club
1 1GK Dương Văn Minh 26 Riponia Ripon City Magnets
2 3DF Lê Sinh Dũng 28 New South Vietnam New Saigon FC
3 3DF Phan Hoàng Trần 25 Passas Kingsland Mavericks
4 5MF Vương Quảng Thạch 26 New South Vietnam New Harbour Athletic
5 3DF Nguyễn Hữu Văn 29 Unattached
6 3DF Huỷnh Hồ Đạt 26 Unattached
7 5MF Đặng Minh Thạch 26 New South Vietnam New Harbour Athletic
8 5MF Lỷ Minh 21 Unattached
9 7FW Lưu Công Minh 24 New South Vietnam New Saigon FC
10 7FW Lâm Sinh Vũ 27 New South Vietnam Northern Country United
11 5MF Chu Văn Trần 29 Unattached
12 1GK Lê Bỉnh 30 Unattached
13 3DF Trần Vo Anh 29 Unattached
14 5MF Ngô Quốc Khải 24 Unattached
15 5MF Mai Chủ Hiếu 30 Unattached
16 7FW Trương Tấn Tảnh 32 Unattached

Nova England

No. Pos. Player Age Club
1 1GK Paul Larkin 29 Nova England AFC Heartpool
2 3DF Clive Austonov 24 Nova England AFC Heartpool
3 3DF John Cesear 27 Nova England AFC Heartpool
4 3DF Joseph Slatter 28 Nova England East Moorland FC
5 3DF Max Herbert 25 Nova England East Moorland FC
6 5MF Jeff Johnson 24 Gaia FC Bayern Klemmen
7 5MF Marcus Downs 28 Nova England AFC Heartpool
8 7FW Callum Sorrel 26 Nova England AFC Heartpool
9 5MF Peter Nelson 22 Nova England West Grinstead FC
10 7FW Ka'an Peterson 27 Nova England AFC Heartpool
11 5MF Richard Jones 25 Unattached
12 1GK Lewis White 30 Nova England West Grinstead FC
13 3DF Phillip Hadden 23 Nova England West Grinstead FC
14 7FW Neil Forsen 26 Nova England West Grinstead FC
15 5MF Stuart Miles 29 Unattached
16 5MF Nigel Bradford 19 Nova England AFC Heartpool


No. Pos. Player Age Club
1 1GK Kim Yoh-Wan 29 Gaia AC Fiorecittà
2 3DF Lee Nam-Hwan 24 Taesong Seongchen FC
3 3DF Lee Dong-Yong 28 Taesong Daegon United
4 5MF Lee Jo-Hoon 26 Riponia Ripon City Magnets
5 3DF Lee Jung-Hwan 24 Riponia Tramerton FC
6 3DF Choi Myung-Ho 26 Taesong Seongchen FC
7 5MF Park Do-Ri 29 Taesong Daegon Rovers
8 5MF Lee Gu-Bin 24 Taesong Asia-Paris FC
9 7FW Lee Ahl-Yung 25 Gaia FC Fiorecittà
10 7FW Lee Jin-Su 25 Taesong Daegon United
11 5MF Park Ji-Pyo 22 Taesong Daegon Rovers
12 1GK Kim Byung-Du 24 Taesong Daegon United
13 3DF Lee Eul-Hyun 28 Taesong Asia-Paris FC
14 5MF Lee Yoo 27 Taesong Asia-Paris FC
15 5MF Lee Young-Hoon 20 Taesong Seongchen FC
16 7FW Lee Ki-Cheol 20 Taesong Seongchen FC

Group B


No. Pos. Player Age Club
1 1GK Alexandre von Heil 27 Alexandria Franchescia Athletic
2 3DF Frédéric du Clèrc 23 Unattached
3 5MF Samuel Jean 27 Unattached
4 3DF David Belle 27 Alexandria Franchescia Athletic
5 3DF Jean-Pierre Belle 26 Alexandria Franchescia Athletic
6 3DF Pierre de Chix 30 Alexandria Franchescia Athletic
7 5MF Sébastien Focán 27 Alexandria Franchescia Athletic
8 5MF Jean Brown 32 Unattached
9 7FW Edgard Alonzo 24 Alexandria Franchescia Athletic
10 7FW Enrique La Mamon 25 Alexandria Baudrix Bears
11 5MF Francis de la Vega 23 Unattached
12 1GK Nicolas Valent 21 Unattached
13 3DF Cyril Kopaczewski 20 Unattached
14 5MF Francesc Xavier Alonso 24 Riponia Port Rackham Rangers
15 5MF Philippe Alexandre 26 Unattached
16 5MF Antoine Bodmer 23 Unattached


No. Pos. Player Age Club
1 1GK Jack Vorgensen 26 Craitland Osĵätoņ Aztecs FC
2 3DF Phil Demb 28 Craitland Osĵätoņ Aztecs FC
3 5MF Yaqin Senovichi 25 Craitland Osĵätoņ Aztecs FC
4 3DF Jim Dehbo 27 Craitland Cherry Trees FC
5 5MF Hjaņ Herä 25 Craitland Sverige Tiem FC
6 3DF Paulio Demhivo 26 Craitland Osĵätoņ Aztecs FC
7 5MF Manta Pellegrino 26 Craitland Biulya äqi Jedu FC
8 5MF Jón Demo 28 Craitland Osĵätoņ Aztecs FC
9 7FW Alexis Tereminus 29 Craitland Cherry Trees FC
10 7FW Freddie Gaärsen 21 Craitland Cherry Trees FC
11 5MF Adám Perryman 16 Craitland Osĵätoņ Aztecs FC
12 3DF Enzo Pellegrino 31 Craitland Cherry Trees FC
13 1GK Dämez Äqiĵ 29 Craitland Cherry Trees FC
14 5MF Jón F'achh 26 Craitland Xäiville Teflons FC
15 5MF Äl Chentzansio-Herä 24 Craitland Sverige Tiem FC
16 7FW Hanast Pellegrino 26 Craitland Hänävissen-ó-Cräiteland FC
17 5MF Älekä Pellegrino1 22 Craitland Osĵätoņ Aztecs FC

1 Älekä Pellegrino was added to Craitland's squad as an emergency reserve following injury to Freddie Gaärsen.

New Brittania

No. Pos. Player Age Club
1 1GK John Rogers 30 New Brittania Willow FC
2 3DF Jim Smith 30 New Brittania Willow FC
3 3DF Bob Mitchell 29 New Brittania Willow FC
4 5MF Vincent Spencer 27 New Brittania Willow FC
5 3DF Frank Young 26 New Brittania Willow FC
6 3DF James Price 24 New Brittania Willow FC
7 5MF Daniel Perry 26 Taesong Seongchen FC
8 5MF Robin Southwell 23 New Brittania Willow FC
9 7FW Thomas Malt 25 New Brittania Willow FC
10 7FW Benjamin Heald 26 New Brittania Willow FC
11 5MF Jack Royale 25 New Brittania Willow FC
12 7FW Roy Fletcher 28 New Brittania Willow FC
13 1GK Lee Canton 20 New Brittania Willow FC
14 3DF Carlos Slavene 22 New Brittania Willow FC
15 3DF Uchenco Hertz 23 New Brittania Willow FC
16 7FW Ardashir Khan 19 New Brittania Willow FC


No. Pos. Player Age Club
1 1GK Kieran Mercury 26 New-Empire Jupiter FC
2 3DF Greg Iupita 24 New-Empire Jupiter FC
3 3DF Jules Orenga 23 New-Empire Jupiter FC
4 3DF Craig Purple 27 New-Empire Jupiter FC
5 3DF James Rock 28 New-Empire Andromeda Invaders
6 3DF Benny Smith 18 Taesong Seongchen FC
7 5MF Danny Craze 21 Taesong Daegon United
8 5MF Mike Jamizzo 22 Taesong Seongchen FC
9 5MF Ryan Gibbs 24 Riponia Ripon Rovers
10 7FW Glyn Wranws 23 New-Empire Jupiter FC
11 7FW Peter Pluto 26 New-Empire Jupiter FC
12 1GK Louis Baranga 27 New-Empire Andromeda Invaders
13 3DF Rory Neptun 27 New-Empire Andromeda Invaders
14 7FW Morgan Djalma 22 Riponia Marton-le-Moor Wanderers
15 5MF Quentin Djalma 23 Riponia Marton-le-Moor Wanderers
16 5MF Ian Jarvis 27 Unattached

Group C


No. Pos. Player Age Club
1 1GK Fred Frederickson 28 Nova England AFC Heartpool
2 3DF Rob Robertson 23 Beaugium Cake Cut
3 3DF Alex Alexanderson 24 Beaugium Cake City
4 3DF Pete Peterson 26 Beaugium Sirap Slitherers
5 3DF James Jameson 25 Beaugium Sirap Slitherers
6 5MF John Johnson 24 Taesong Daegon Rovers
7 5MF Adam Adamson 24 Beaugium MadnessRovers
8 5MF Alan Alanson 26 Beaugium MadnessRovers
9 7FW Phil Phillipson 26 Riponia Ripon Rovers
10 7FW Steve Stevenson 28 Riponia Gunners Athletic
11 5MF Eddie Edwardson 21 Beaugium Cake City
12 1GK Matt Matthewson 23 Beaugium Cake City
13 5MF Benjamin Benson 20 Beaugium Cake City
14 3DF Jack Jackson 19 Beaugium Cake Cut
15 5MF Mike Michaelson 24 Beaugium Sirap Slitherers
16 7FW George Georgeson 22 Beaugium MadnessRovers


No. Pos. Player Age Club
1 1GK Charles Richardson 22 Monovia FC Monoviaville
2 3DF Timothy Archer 31 Unattached
3 3DF Barry Tudor 32 Unattached
4 5MF Michel Wojchiechowski 24 Monovia Zürich Monovia
5 5MF Sebastian Smith 27 Monovia FC Monoviaville
6 3DF David Große 18 Unattached
7 3DF Jermison Clargo 23 Monovia Monovian Lions
8 5MF Matthew Kiedis 22 Monovia Zürich Monovia
9 7FW Armand Diarra 18 Unattached
10 7FW Vince O'Brien 21 Monovia Monovian Lions
11 5MF Aaron Olsen 37 Unattached
12 1GK Grégory Maurel 30 Unattached
13 5MF Jean-Baptiste Alain 25 Unattached
14 5MF Adam Lalić 16 Unattached
15 3DF Louis Ducourtioux 25 Unattached
16 7FW Adam Štefánik 19 Unattached


No. Pos. Player Age Club
1 5MF Douglas von Flaven 30 Natopia Flaventia United
2 3DF John Benden 25 Natopia Alrodria Lions
3 5MF Victor von Castleberry 24 Natopia Punkrock Punks
4 1GK Alan des Saint-Louis 31 Natopia Giessan Guesses
5 3DF Roger Azin 23 Natopia Muckypuckyland Muckies
6 7FW Arthur Pavle 23 Natopia Ziegeland Goats
7 3DF Throatwobbler Mangrove 33 Natopia Borders City Continentals
8 7FW Howard Fieser 26 Natopia Dracoheim Dragons
9 3DF Joshua Murphy-Lee 21 Natopia Tasneemian Devils
10 1GK Earl Bagelman 29 Natopia Lavalon Eucas
11 5MF Anthony von Hazelwood 23 Natopia Ziegeland Goats
12 5MF Raymond Luxury-Yacht 27 Natopia Borders City Continentals
13 7FW Mohammed Chowdhury 30 Natopia Tasneemian Devils
14 5MF James Shin 27 Natopia Andiopolis Skippers
15 3DF Steve Collins 20 Natopia Mighty Maconers
16 7FW Jason Sulls 19 Natopia Robland Raiders


No. Pos. Player Age Club
1 1GK John Smith 30 Riponia Ripon City Magnets
2 3DF Christian Mackintosh 20 Riponia Ripon City Magnets
3 3DF Thomas Brown 22 Unattached
4 5MF Sophie McCabe 18 Unattached
5 3DF Edward Lilley 23 Riponia North Stainley United
6 3DF James Warren 25 Unattached
7 5MF Daniel Smedley 26 Riponia Ripon City Magnets
8 5MF Christopher Farnham 24 Riponia North Stainley United
9 7FW Andrew Lee 24 Riponia Ripon City Magnets
10 7FW Alex Kiker 25 Riponia Marton-le-Moor Wanderers
11 5MF James Parker 21 Unattached
12 5MF Lewis Prescott 22 Riponia Marton-le-Moor Wanderers
13 1GK Glenn Topping 23 Unattached
14 7FW Joseph Fletcher 20 Unattached
15 3DF Matthew Ragnus 21 Riponia Ripon City Magnets
16 5MF David Jewson 18 Unattached

Group D


Adraisia withdrew from the competition after the draw for the group stage had been made for an unknown reason, and so did not compete in the tournament.


No. Pos. Player Age Club
1 1GK Fabrizio Daniello 26 Gaia FC Fiorecittà
2 3DF Giorgio Rosso 25 Gaia FC Fiorecittà
3 3DF Roberto Vincenzo 35 Gaia FC Bayern Klemmen
4 3DF Antonio Jamba 30 Gaia Les Verts Gaianiano
5 3DF Pasquale di Montezemolo 17 Gaia FC Fiorecittà
6 5MF Franz Menzola 27 Taesong Daegon United
7 5MF Luca Riviera 26 Gaia FC Fiorecittà
8 5MF François Germaine 28 Riponia Tramerton FC
9 5MF Vincenzo Motta 27 Gaia FC Fiorecittà
10 7FW Andrea Luca Peruzzi 16 Gaia FC Fiorecittà
11 7FW Giorgio Menti 26 Taesong Daegon United
12 1GK Roberto Flavienchini 25 New South Vietnam New Saigon FC
13 3DF Marco Schiavvi 22 Gaia Romero Sport
14 5MF André Blemant 27 Gaia Inter Vecchiavo
15 5MF Cristiano Ascari 31 Gaia AC Fiorecittà
16 7FW Antonio Vaiano 24 Taesong Seongchen FC


No. Pos. Player Age Club
1 1GK Nahraya Izmou 26 Matbaa Matbaa City FC
2 3DF Sarkis Sadovian 21 Matbaa FC Gamaskhurion
3 3DF Assur Bet Sargis 26 Gaia FC Fiorecittà
4 3DF Yohannan Et Izo Malkeh 25 Matbaa Kefr Zehr ZCFC
5 3DF Ninos Ahudummeh 23 Matbaa Matbaa City FC
6 5MF Zakar Shmuni 28 Matbaa FC Gamaskhurion
7 5MF Afyut Zaferan 27 Gaia AFC Ajax Klemmen
8 5MF Isa Barthkyomo 29 Matbaa Matbaa City FC
9 5MF Dbeth Zadiqo 30 Matbaa Matbaa City FC
10 7FW Quryaqos Kheldumeh 26 Riponia Ripon City Magnets
11 7FW Philoxenos Mayara 27 Matbaa Matbaa City FC
12 1GK Ninos Bet Dburi 31 Matbaa Turoyo Province FC
13 3DF Nemro Hayak 22 Matbaa FC Gamaskhurion
14 3DF Gewarkis Sassavian 19 Matbaa Turoyo Province FC
15 5MF Ya'qub Izo Shakko 17 Matbaa FC Gamaskhurion
16 7FW Ismail Aiyaz 21 Matbaa Turoyo Province FC


No. Pos. Player Age Club
1 1GK Turk ronAjain 35 Tokidoki Rillanon Reflex
2 3DF Praji Nuesin 27 Tokidoki Rillanon Reflex
3 3DF Timmu Ranjana 25 Tokidoki Rillanon Reflex
4 5MF Yafan Firanjan 26 Tokidoki Rillanon Reflex
5 3DF Nuiar Jufirya 21 Tokidoki Rillanon Reflex
6 3DF Richard Miesin 22 Tokidoki Rillanon Reflex
7 5MF Ichigo Trask 21 Tokidoki Dekiru Demons
8 5MF Nick Furben 23 Tokidoki Dekiru Demons
9 7FW Alberto Trask 23 Tokidoki Dekiru Demons
10 7FW Tom Kenstein 24 Tokidoki Dekiru Demons
11 5MF Pietro Largen 27 Tokidoki Dekiru Demons
12 7FW Erin Jowasaki 25 Tokidoki Dekiru Demons
13 1GK Jeordin Kafka 30 Tokidoki Stardock Wacky Wizards
14 7FW Lemelin Yarlin 28 Tokidoki Stardock Wacky Wizards
15 5MF Praper Nag 26 Tokidoki Stardock Wacky Wizards
16 3DF Tobias Elrod 26 Tokidoki Scoiattoli Stingers