Order of the Holy Lakes | |||
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Motto: Toj mar be-Hurmu (We are Hurmu) | |||
Anthem: Hanwen u-Brida (Way of Life) | |||
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Map versions | Map not showing Ports of Newhaven, Samhold and Oystra Stoorskerið | ||
Capital | Huyenkula (Vesüha) | ||
Largest city | Negara Awan, Liancourt Rocks, Khojinacinggha, Kuala ForajasakiKaupang, Ghawlama, Mitrovska | ||
Official language(s) | Istvanistani Hurmu Norse Phineaner Lakkvian Lontinian Londinistani Krasnocorian | ||
Official religion(s) | None official; Traditional Hurmu practices granted cultural protection | ||
Demonym | Hurmudan(s), Orderites | ||
- Adjective | Hurmu, Orderite | ||
Government | Constitutional state | ||
- Chancellor | Utas Enrique Naian | ||
- First Secretary of State | Velibor Jovanović-Smičić (secretariat) | ||
- Legislature | Senate | ||
Establishment | 1476 AN (as an independent state) 1690 AN (re-establishment) 1720 (re-organized) | ||
Area | |||
Population | 153,160,692 (1730 AN, est., see census) | ||
Currency | Crown (HUK) | ||
Calendar | |||
Time zone(s) |
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Mains electricity | |||
Driving side | left | ||
Track gauge | |||
National website | |||
National forum | |||
National animal | Dragon | ||
National food | Yoghurt, cheese | ||
National drink | Tea | ||
National tree | Laketree | ||
Abbreviation | OHL, HUR, HU |
The realms of the Order of the Holy Lakes, collectively referred to as Hurmu or, rarely, as Hurmu and Phineonesia, form a sovereign state consisting of a number of realms held by the Order of the Holy Lakes in northern Lyrica, centred around its six Holy Lakes, but with a much larger territory on Apollonia (consisting of the realms of the Lake District on Lyrica, Al-Khadra, Northern Coria, Lontinien, Transprinitica, and the island of Svetostrov (Holy Island)) and territory on Keltia (constituting the realms of Amaland and Karnamark, and the former Phineonesian states, now realms, of Forajasaki, Phinbella and Plazas de Irian)
Despite being reunified only in 1690, Hurmu has a long history as a nation. It emerged on the world scene in the late 1400s. It has throughout its history been influenced by, and in one way or another, been part of, Menelmacar, Cranda, Arminy, Shireroth, Safiria, Elwynn, and, most recently, Stormark and Craitland (though the territory of Lakkvia).
Note on terminology
Hurmu is not only the name of the country, it is also the preferred adjective form. A person who identifies with the traditional ethnic Hurmu culture is a Hurmudan (pl. Hurmudans, or Hurmudan-ka). Hurmudan or Hurmudanic may be used as adjectives to describe the ethnic Hurmudans. However, not all in Hurmu are ethnic Hurmudans.
There is no one Hurmu language. Hurmu Norse is the main language of the Hurmudans, Lakkvian of the Lakkvians, and Hurmumol is the classical liturgical language of the Hurmudans.
For geographical purposes, Hurmu can be divided into the Lake District (on Lyrica), Apollonian Hurmu containing Al-Khadra, Lontinien, Northern Coria, and Transprinitica; and Keltian Hurmu (Districts of Amaland and Karnamark) and the Ports of Newhaven on the eastern coast of Keltia.
It is the long-standing policy of the Order of the Holy Lakes to seek to avoid any borders with the Green. As of 1736, only Karnamark borders the Green (to its north), after the Hexarchy vacated its northwesternmost possessions in Keltia in 1735.
Furthermore, the condominium of Eesdeheito (held together with Lac Glacei) borders Lac Glacei's administrative divisions of Anglien, Glacei, Jorvik, and Lorelei, as well as Vegno's administrative division of Humlant.
Lake District
The Lake District is hilly. The six Holy Lakes are formed in basins in the terrain. Certain flat lands occur in the Huyenkula region – along the east bank of Lake Cashma.
Leafy forests are in Lyrican Hurmu, with almost half of the non-urban land covered in trees. Grasslands and agricultured lands form the rest. The soil in Hurmu is generally quite fertile.
Lyrican Hurmu borders Nouvelle Alexandrie's North Lyrica region.
Apollonian Hurmu
Apollonian Hurmu is generally flat, with some mountains and cliff formations in the far north of the district. Forests are rare, though exist in the far southern regions of the District, and some in the northern regions. The rest of the land is steppe-like and generally not well suited for growing crops.
The River Glacei marks the border between Lontinien (west of it) and Al-Khadra (east of it).
Hurmu expanded in Apollonian Hurmu in 1702 AN when the Transprinitican District was annexed, thus extending Hurmu from the eastern coast to the western coast of the Northern Sea.
Keltian Hurmu
Keltian Hurmu consists of:
Amaland, Karnamark and Samhold are categorized as Noorðmannaland, while Forajasaki, Oystra Stoorskerið, Phinbella, Plazas de Irian, and Tanah Tōnán'hyôrï are categorized as Phineonesia.
Lake District
The Lake District (on Lyrica) experiences temperate-to-cold winters and hot summers. The climate is humid. In winter, temperatures below 0 do occur regularly mainly in the inland and highland regions. Lake-effect snow and blizzards occur in the Lake District. The lowest temperature recorded in Hurmu is -32 degrees (°C). Average temperature just after midwinter is -10 degrees (°C). Ice is a common occurrence on the Holy Lakes (except Anseth which due to its salinity remains ice-free)
Just after midsummer, the average temperature is around 30 degrees Celsius. Temperatures can go up as far as 44 degrees (record high).
Apollonian Hurmu
Apollonian Hurmu, in contrast, is mostly dry, with humidity experienced only a few kilometres from the River Glacei banks. Summers remain hot and winters cold. Due to the steppe-like vegetation around Apollonian Hurmu, it is battered with winds. A wind-still day is a rare occurrence. At times, the River Glacei freezes over, but this, too, is rare.
Lyrican Hurmu
Due to the hilly nature of Lyrican Hurmu, growing crops is restricted to the Huyenkula region. However, Hurmudans make use of the rest of the land in many other ways. The main agricultural exports are tea, wool, and goat/sheep products (both dairy and meat). The hills are suitable for growing tea and the grazing of sheep and goats.
Apollonian Hurmu
In Lontinien, agriculture is mainly restricted to the herding of musk ox, and the use of musk ox felts, meat, and dairy (yogurts are a specialty here). Horses are also common here, and horsemeat and leather is also produced here.
In Northern Coria, agriculture is more developed, with production of cotton and food crops being the main agricultural businesses.
Flora and fauna
Apollonian Hurmu
The wildlife of Apollonian Hurmu is mainly various forms of flowering grasses and other plants. Trees are quite rare, though small pockets of forests exist along the southern areas of Northern Coria. Bushlands are common along a narrow stretch of land along the River Glacei.
Lake District
Much of the land in the Lake District is covered in forest. Laketree is an endemic deciduous tree that makes up 20–25% of the trees in the Lake District. Other common trees are ash, elm, lark, beech, and birch. Pine trees are uncommon in the inland and around the lakes, though prefer the more acidic soils of the northern coastline of the Lake District.
In terms of fauna, Hurmu has a healthy mix of both preying and preyed mammals, such as wolf, fox, lynx, and bear, and various forms of deer and rodents. Dragons, though rare (about 5 sightings every decade), is a dangerous animal that ravishes the land (the young, being more impulsive, are the most dangerous kind). Traditionally, Hurmudans would hunt the dragons down. Young dragons are furry (and not scaly), and the fur of their skin is treated to be like wool, and of which rare and expensive forms of textile are made. About 5000 kg of dragon wool is known to have been produced in the last 300 years, and there are currently only 50 items of clothing known to exist from dragon wool (mainly cloaks and coats, as the fabric is extremely resistant to heat, cold, weather, and fire). In later years, synthetic dragon wool has been produced, with similar properties. These are popular outdoor clothes and fabrics, e.g. also for tents and camping geer. Draken is the largest label producing such fabrics and products.
- 1476: The Hurmu Republik is declared, Hallgrím Aðalgeirsson elected the first president, Joshua Aradoika its foreign minister. Lyrica City is the capital. The Lyrican Republic, a former sovereign of the territory, keeping a guerrilla presence, declares war on Hurmu. The continent had many different with wars between various factions, with what was to become Stormark emerging as one of the more powerful players.
- 1477: Hurmu, being pacifist, refuses to fight in any of the wars, and thus quickly loses territory. The country is made smaller, pushed to to the small area around the lakes. Huyenkula, previously a small market town, is named the new capital. The continent was ruled by various tribes and nations which were at at constant war with one another, and commanded their people's obedience through dictatorial and oppressive ways. The last tribe, the Hurmu, lived around the lakes of the north of the Heartland, and were a peaceful, pacifict nation. Not long before Harald's invasion of the Heartland (maybe only 10 years), the Hurmu people controlled most of the Heartland. Due to their pacifist nature, however, they were easily subdued by the other tribes and reduced to living in the inaccessible far north of the Heartland.
- 1476–1479: Conquest of the Heartland. Stormarkers, led by the petty king Harald, invade the Lyrican continent (by the Storish called the Heartland), pushing Hurmudans northwards and Crandishmen westwards. Local petty kings were forced to other subjugate to Stormark or be killed. Hurmu fears the worst. Harald and his wife Harald and Hervör continued fighting heavily across the Heartland and the nearby Hålogaland. Learning that Ivar the Impaler controlled many fishing, trading and whaling stations along the coasts, Harald was angered. He knew of the Impaler's hate for his family and kin, and decided to eradicate that threat once and for all. However, the Impaler managed to find out of Harald's plans (by help of a widowed queen of one of the local kings that Harald had earlier killed) and attacked pre-emptively Harald’s camp. It was a bloody massacre. Almost all of Harald's men were killed, however Harald and Hervör, along with a small number of soldiers, managed to escape. They headed to Hurmu's peaceful lands, hoping to rest there and gather support. The Hurmu, true to their pacifist nature, refused to engage in any war of any kind and declined to join Harald’s army. Harald asked the tribesmen there rhetorically if they would rather be slaughtered by a foreign army, and the tribesmen answered "yes, we would rather die true to our beliefs than die killing other of the children of Ash and Elm". Surprised with their answer, Harald developed respect for the un-Viking-like behaviour of the Hurmu people, and decided that they indeed had bravery worthy of admiration. Accordingly, he acceded to the Hurmu people's wishes of being independent. In a letter to them, entlitled the Epistle of the Peaceful Pastures, he confirmed that he would never lay arms upon Hurmu's people or lands. As such, it was only in recognition of the support and shelter given to him and Hervör by the Hurmu Tribes during the couple's escape from the so-called Blood Parley that Jarl Harald accepted their wish of not to be brought under his rulership and confirmed the same in a letter called the Epistle of the Peaceful Pastures. However, Hurmu became dominated in many other ways by its much larger neighbour. In a second effort to protect itself from the "scourges of war", Hurmu goes to its friends, Baracão and Menelmacar, for counsel. Baracão chooses not to help Hurmu, as Hurmu did not wish to become socialist, while Menelmacar offers to make Hurmu its protectorate.
Hurmu Menelmakarel (1479–1483)
- 1479: Hurmu joins Menelmacar as a protectorate.
- Elenaran Caesar Augustus, the third Elenaran of Menelmacar (after first Sirithil nos Fëanor, then Archetype XXIII), is hailed as the new head of state in Hurmu.
- A palace is planned in his honour, to be built in Menelmacari marble style, Palace of the Elenaran
- Richard Lyon is named Governor over Hurmu, replacing Hallgrím Aðalgeirsson as head of government.
- 1483: Menelmacar is on the verge of collapse, and the government of Hurmu tries to salvage the situation in Hurmu by appealing to Crandish support. Cranda and Hurmu enter into the Treaty of Hichanberg, in which Hurmu transfers the powers of Menelmacar over Hurmu to Cranda. Two years later, in 1485, the Republican Imperium of Menelmacar collapsed, with its Sirithilist counterpart surviving for a few more years.
Hurmu u-Krant (Crandish Hurmu, 1483)
The Crandish and the Hurmudans had for some time now been in negotiated for the Crandish take-over of the former Menelmacari treaty obligations. This was done because Hurmu sensed that Menelmacar would soon collapse, and Hurmu did not want to be part of that collapse. They saw how Ashintully and Haradwaith had already collapsed, how the Yellow Territory was being used as a nuclear test place for the OAM, how Jaiha had been collapsing since the first Menelmacari revolution. They wanted to avoid being part of the collapse.
The Government of Hurmu and the government of Cranda agreed to a treaty, the Treaty of Hichanberg (after the Crandish name for Huyenkula), and this was announced and ratified by both Cranda and Hurmu. Although the people of Hurmu knew that they now were Crandish they decided to keep the Menelmacari flag hoisted at the Palace of the Elenaran.
And when the fall of Menelmacar was announced in Vice-Elenaran Pathfollower's Goodnight Menelmacar speech, the Menelmacari flag was lowered to half mast in memory of all those dead in the cold conflict between the two Menelmacars, and those who died from the Menelmacari crises.
Six days the Menelmacari flag was at half mast, and on the seventh day up and flying once more, for the very last time on Micras ever. One day more the flag was flying, but then at midnight lowered for the last time, and replaced by the Crandish flag.
The former Crandish consulate in Huyenkula was made the Crandish High Commission and the former Menelmacari Embassy in Johannsessbuurg was turned into the Hurmu High Commission, to represent Hurmudan interests and businesses in Cranda.
The following weeks a ship came ashore from Cranda. It carried all administrative works and dealings that would be necessary in Hurmu. What interested the population was the new currency to be used and the new passports made by the Crandish government in advance for the Hurmudans!
The Crandish were not as imperialistic as the Menelmacaris. The Crandish refrained from changing the roadsigns to Crandish, for example. During the Menelmacari period, all roadsigns were in Elfinshi, none were in the Hurmu native language. Instead of changing the roadsigns to Crandish, they removed the Elfinshi ones and replaced them with Hurmu Nordic (which was more or less what people spoke in Hurmu).
This started the Hurmudanization of life in Hurmu. The Hurmu literature flourished and plays and works of music, films and art were done in large scale Hurmu mode.
Hurmu art and culture was free. The Crandish were a bit uncertain with any sort of Crandishization of Hurmu, but when Hurmudans petitioned the Crandish government to get Crandish analogue TV, because the only ones they could get at the moment were the poor B-type Viking movies and soaps of Stormark.
There was a large Micran conference on languages in Johansessbuurg, and Hurmu was proud to be such a small nation and yet represent the four daily spoken languages of Hurmu: Hurmudan traditional, Nordic Hurmu, Elfinshi and Crandish.
Hurmu was now a tourist hotspot for the people of Micras. People went to the beautiful big salt lakes, camped. They went to the discos and nightclubs of Huyenkula. And Hurmudan cuisine was exported. The whole world danced Hurmu, ate Hurmu and relaxed Hurmu.
Arminian discussions
It now was that Slobovia and Cranda were discussing to merge (they were last united by a common government a thousand years ago under “Arminy”, on which the epic of Arminy was based). Hurmu was a bit distanced in these discussions but were initially worried that this would make Hurmu a part of Cranda, and not this semi-independent status it had had.
Thankfully, many Hurmudans thought, the discussions failed. But a while later the discussions were resumed. Should Cranda, Northworthy and Slobovia rejoin into the union they once were in under Arminy?
Anyway, the Hurmudans were refused participation at the discussions. This upset many people in Hurmu, who now boycotted Crandish, Northworthy and Slobovian goods. The Hurmudans soon realized that they had to buy extremely expensive goods, food especially, if they were to boycott, so they stopped nagging about the discussions and said that so long they were still semiindependent and in a protectorate, they’d be fine with the union.
But they refused to pay any taxes to the union, arguing that the treaty of Hichanberg was still applicable and that those few taxes they paid to Cranda for defence, foreign affairs and citizenship were enough.
Arminy reborn
Arminy was thus declared. And the Arminian Community now consisted of Slobovia, Cranda and Northworthy, with Hurmu as some sort of protectorate. This time the population was less enthusiastic with getting new money, passports, but when the Arminian government called for having all roadsigns in Arminian as well as in the local language, Hurmu refused and started ignoring the government in Fonresbur3, just as they had done with the Menelmacari government.
For a few decades Hurmu ignored Arminy, and during this time Slobovia achieved independence. In defiance of the Arminian government, they set up the Embassy of Hurmu in Slobovia, the first Hurmudan embassy for a few hundred years.
Now a fraction of Hurmu wanted independence from Arminy, led by Thoenen Helios, but the Arminian government realized that that would be bad PR, so the King himself went to Huyenkula and promised Hurmu full membership in the union, and Helios agreed. Hurmu became a member in Hurmu.
Hurmu Arminel
Now that Hurmu was a state within Arminy, and no longer sovereign or having its semi-independent status, most affairs concerning Hurmu were made in Arminsburgh, several hundred kilometres away. De jure, the Hurmudans could control most things themselves as they had always done, but de facto was another matter. The Arminian government let regulations fall on the member states through the back door, and laws were passed in contradiction of treaties and constitutions.
This again, upset the Hurmudans, especially the rural ones. For example, the Arminsburgh regulations stated that cucumbers had to be straight, but Hurmudans actually liked their bent ones. The bent ones, however, became illegal.
Boohoo, the Hurmudans thought and they initiated a new era of ignorance. They ignored Arminsburgh (but followed Arminian soaps slavishly) and enacted their own laws which at times heavily contradicted the Arminian constitution.
The Arminians got fed up with the Hurmudan tradition of ignoring higher laws when the laws don’t suit them. So in response the Arminian legislature dissolved Hurmu as a state (together with Lorelei) and placed Hurmu under direct control under the Kingdom of Northworthy. The Hurmu Republik was officially dead.
Hurmu under Northworthy
The government of Northworthy was largely uninterested in the whiny people to the south and let them run things mostly on their own. But on one point the government in Deorby was clear: There would be no “ignorance”, and Hurmudans started ignoring politics and started marketing Hurmu abroad once more, especially in Northworthy. The rural farmers of Northworthy went for spa weekends to the isle of Cashma House.
Soon, Arminy became more centralized and even the Kingdom of Northworthy was dissolved, and the different areas of Arminy were drastically reorganized. Now, on the first day of the first month of the year 1497, Hurmu became a barony.
The baronial government of Hurmu was rather different from baronial and feudal governments elsewhere in Arminy. In Hurmu, the baron was a nominal head of state who represented Hurmu abroad and in the Ricchesdey, but the internal government of Hurmu was conducted mostly through referenda.
The Alexandrine War
The Baron of Hurmu supported an annexation of the instable state to the west of Arminy, Alexandria. Without any support in Hurmu, the people of Hurmu now ignored their baron, and started doing things their own way. A new period of Hurmudan ignorance started. The Baron, however, ignored the Hurmudan ignorance and said that, despite contradicting the Brida, Arminy should forcefully annex Alexandria.
The then King of Arminy agreed to this a note was given to the “Emperor” of Alexandria who did not respond. The government in Arminy took his silence as acceptance, (a Hurmu saying goes “To not re-act is to accept”) and legally incorporated the Alexandrine lands to one fiefdom in Arminy. (The annexation did get some international support, Lemuria for example saw the annexation as being legal under international law) The Emperor was killed during this, but his successor was declared Baron of Alexandria, but in Hurmudan style ignored Arminy. The newspapers in Huyenkula loved this.
But the politicians in Arminsburgh did not. They started invading Alexandria but met heavy resistance. Sadly, the Alexandrine forces came further inland and were it not for a coup d’état in Alexandria Arminy might had to surrender vast pieces of land to Alexandria.
The Alexandrine coup dissolved the nation and the nation swept into chaos and anarchy. Alexandria was placed under Arminian occupation from now on.
Barony of Hurmu
From 1500 to 1505, the country was part of Shireroth as an Arminian barony. It consisted of two counties, Lake District and Elwynn. While Hurmu was part of Shireroth, four of the lakes were in Shirerithian hands while the other two, Shelm and Anseth were under the administration of Stormark.
Immediately after Arminy was admitted to the Empire as a duchy, the Council of the Duchy of Hyperborea decided to lease Elwynn, then a county within Hyperborea, to Arminy. As such, Arminy became the largest duchy in size and the counties of the Lake District (corresponding to the territory of Arminian Hurmu prior to their accession to Shireroth) and Elwynn joined in to form a barony.
The Barony of Hurmu was first headed by Troy Thompson. During his tenure a pilgrimage to Shelm and Anseth began, but due to his inactivity, Thompson was removed from office and replaced by Harald. Harald created the Order of the Holy Lakes, from which the Senate of Hurmu descended. One of the first recipients of the Order was Carol, mother of Hypatia Agnesi.
In the end, Arminy seceded from Shireroth, and along went Hurmu with Arminy to go different ways from the rest of Shireroth. Elwynn remained in Shireroth.
Principality of Hurmu
Reign of Prince Andelarion (1512–1527)
As Prince of Hurmu (1512–1527), Rashid developed the law and constitution of Hurmu, reformed the Order of the Holy Lakes, and appointed the Knights and Ladies of it. All members of the Order of the Holy Lakes then became Senators of the Lakes, forming Hurmu's first legislature since the fall of the Parlerment. Once the new constitution had been enacted (1527), his son Cashmaiel Andelarion took over the executive power in Hurmu as Chairman of the Senate, and Aoife the Celt was elected Queen of Hurmu.
- 1515: Hurmu begins a lease of the Lósálfareyjar (Ljoosalvaroyjar) from Stormark (for 12 years).
- 1517: Nidaros declares war on Hurmu. Osman Shahanshah orders a full conscription of all Hurmu men.
- 1518: War with Nidaros ended, however, Nidaros does not apologise for the war.
- 1519: Relations normalized with Nidaros.
- 1520: The property of the State belongs to the entire people of Hurmu. There is no limit to the property which the State can own. Only the State possesses all the natural resources, waterways, transportation, major factories, enterprises and ports. The State shall guarantee giving priority to the growth of its property. The property of social cooperative organisations belongs to the collective property of working people within the organisations concerned. Social cooperative organisations can possess such property as land, agricultural machinery, ships, medium-small sized factories and enterprises. The State shall protect the property of social cooperative organisations.Private property is confirmed to property meeting the simple and individual aims of the citizen. Private property consists of distributions of the result of labour and additional benefits of the State and society. The products of individual sideline activities including those from the kitchen gardens of cooperative farmers and income from other legal economic activities shall also belong to private property. The State shall protect private property and guarantee its legal inheritance.
- 1522: First Senate (the Extraordinary Session) called to session.
- 1522: Whereas the Zindarian king, Luke I, approached the government of Hurmu to ask for access to the Gate of the Obelisk in the cities of Huyenkula, and whereas the governments of Babkha and Stormark, protectors of Hurmu, saw no danger in giving the Zindarian state access to the Gate, it has been decided that the Zindarian state may transport 100 human individuals, each one carrying a maximum of 50 kg luggage and equipment, through the Gate once a week in return for Zindarian maintenance of 5000 km of road every year.. It has also been decided, after consultations with high advisors to the Prince, that the Zindarian state, or any individual or company thereof, may not acquire, copy or analyse the structure and technology of the Gate. Should this happen, this decree will be repealed and Zindaria will no longer be able to use the Gate for transportation between the worlds of Micras and Giess.
Constitutional reform
Second republican period
Green Hurmu (1562–1566)
Safirian occupation (1566–1571)
1566: An expedition from the Safir Alliance colonizes recently-vacated Lyrican Hurmu; the capital is placed at Fiskarvik, which is renamed Aňira to honor the Firnerámnese capital.
Second principality (1571–1573)
Union with Elwynn (1573–1599)
1573: Elwynn and Hurmu merge to become Realm of Elwynn and Hurmu. Provisional government and elections held.
1574: Daniel Kalirion elected Prince of Elwynn and Hurmu.
1582: The union adopts the name Elwynn, Amokolia and Hurmu (Riqi Adurellion).
1585: Natopia becomes Elwynnese protectorate.
1586: Daniel Kalirion is assassinated at Cape Farewell. Nathan is elected Prince.
1587: "Elwynn, Amokolia and Hurmu (Riqi Adurellion)" becomes "Union of Elwynn, Amokolia and Hurmu."
1588: Daniel's son Elijah becomes Kaiser of Shireroth as Kaiser Ayreon II, and marries Prince Nathan.
1589: Renegade Emir of Sathrati, Kaspar Soleiman, took the Senate, the Prince of Elwynn and the Kaiser of Shireroth, hostage in the Senate House of Eliria Castle. Prince Nathan was caught in crossfire during a poorly coordinated hostage rescue operation mounted by the Union Defence Force and Babkhan commandos. The operation descended into a three-sided fire-fight between renegade Babkhan mercenaries, Babkhan special forces and Babkhan trained Elwynnese soldiers, all sporting similar uniforms and the same equipment. By the time order was restored, the Prince was mortally wounded and Eliria Castle was ablaze. Kaspar was taken alive and extradited to Babkha, where he was personally beaten to death by the Grand Vizier for bringing disgrace and shame to the name of Farzan Shahanshah, their Lord the Radiant Sun. People's Academy of Elwynn restarted by order of the Regent of Elwynn, the Senator Aurangzeb Osmani.
1590: Elijah Ayreon elected Prince of Elwynn. "Union of Elwynn, Amokolia and Hurmu" becomes "Elwynnese Union"
1592: Elijah Ayreon declines re-election, Aaden Allot elected prince. Normark joins the Elwynnese Union. Raspur Pact signed.
1593: Nau is adopted by Elijah and Nathan.
1594: Aaden Allot impeached and removed, Luix Rakira ruling Steward. Air Mango incident, bombings in East Elwynn and the Absentias.
1595: Elijah Ayreon elected Prince once more.
1597: Albion admitted as UT. Elijah Ayreon declines re-election, Tarjei Einhornsson elected Prince against Jacobus Loki but Constitutional Coup backed by Shireroth sees the Usurper take power instead. The people of the Union protest against re-unification, but Loki gathers enough political support to pass the required bill in the Senate. A group of Senators who previously supported Tarjei Einhornsson refuse to recognise the re-unification as lawful, but are quickly overtaken by the harsh reality.
1598: Omnitree Group nationalized by Govt. Mass protests. Normark declares independence. Elijah Ayreon murdered by Sisera in Wahlstadt. Steward Jack Lewis, a staunch opponent of re-unification, attempts suicide and slips into a coma. Misguided messianic cults begin to proliferate. Euran Apocalypse results from the atomic self-immolation of the Kingdom of Babkha. Wave of Babkhan refugees to both the Elwynnese Union and feudal East Elwynn.
1599: Hurmu gains independence.
Independence, Dominion
On 11.VI.1599, Hurmu signed the Covenant of the Dominion, after being admitted on . Hurmu thus became a member state of the Dominion, along with Normark and Tyrenia.
Destruction of the Hurmu Gate (1600)
On 2245 hours local time, on 3.VIII.1600, the air control and warning and C3I assets, and medium heavy surface-to-air missiles of the Gate Guard Authority (Liðsskjaldarvaldeð) were subjected to a systematic aerial bombardment from unknown quarters. Hurmu's security assets had been identified, isolated - subjected to jamming and other forms of electrical interference - and then ultimately engaged and silenced by parties unknown, but of evident hostile intent.
This had culminated in an attack on the Gate itself which occurred at 2300 hours. With outer-defences paralysed Hurmu had been forced to repulse this attack using obsolete anti-aircraft guns and man-portable weapon systems as a point defence in order to prevent the Gate being overrun. This victory was achieved at horrendous cost, in terms of the loss of lives, and with the result of significant damage to the overall integrity of the facility itself.
The current adversary was unknown but the surviving personnel had reported to the Rapid Reaction Force, as it arrived at the scene, that multiple (30+) unmanned aerial vehicles were engaged.
"Gentlemen, dark days lie ahead of us if those forces are once more active," said Senator Royston Merrick in an address to the Senate. Ominously, of the 30+ 'drones' engaged and then driven off by weight of firepower directed against them, none were reported as destroyed or even disabled.
Genocide (1602–1604)
See Hurmu genocide
Lakkvia and Stormark
- 1603–1605: Lakkvian immigration to the territory of the Holy Lakes to aid the Hurmu people at the same time as the Lakkvians are fleeing their traditional homeland. Brotherhood of nations declared.
- 1606:
- Lakkvia is formed as a Craitish overseas territory.
- Elections across Lakkvia held for the new Assembly. Koos wins majority. Villu Sepp, leader of Koos, becomes prime minister (office held until 1630)
- 1622:
- Craitland signs a treaty with Stormark on cooperation. Among other matters, the two countries agreed that all Hurmudans could perform pilgrimage across the border to their Holy Lakes, and that the sanctity of the Holy Lakes would be protected. King Craitman IV is inducted into the Order as a response.
- 1626
- Koos loses a majority in the Assembly for the first time; forms a majority coalition however with Liberaali-13. Villu Sepp still prime minister.
- 1630
- Villu Sepp, now aged 85, resigns from the position of Prime Minister, citing frailer health as a reason. Replaced by Ott Laurits, who keeps the Koos-Liberal coalition intact.
- 1631
- Ott Laurits and Koos lose the Assembly election, and Koos loses the office of prime minister for the first time ever. Liberals betray Koos and join a government headed by the Mõõdukas Partei. Artur Kuusik (Mõõd. new prime minister.
- 1685
- Stormark collapses, turns to the Green.
- The Order of the Holy Lakes rescues Hurmu artifacts from the Temple of the Lakes, at Haraldsborg and across Lyrica and takes them to Talenore.
- Hurmudans across Lyrica congregate northwards.
- Order of the Holy Lakes board of trustees begin negotiations with parties to establish the Hurmu Trust Territory; negotiations last four years due to distractions related to the logistics of evacuation of artifacts and Hurmudans across Lyrica facing lawlessness.
- 1689
- Hurmu Trust Territory formed.
- Lakkvia sovereignty referendum, 1689: 68% of voters in favour of union with the Hurmu Trust Territory. Negotiations leading to the Vesüha Accords begin.
- 1690
- 22.V.1690: Signing ceremony for the Vesüha Accords. Ratified by all parties the next day.
- 13.VI.1690: Lakkvia and the Hurmu Trust Territory both dissolved, replaced by the new independent and sovereign Hurmu state.
- 1694:
- Hurmu's territory in Lontinien is expanded greatly with the supplication of the Eastern Ulus of the Silver Yak Horde, and with the annexation of Mitrovska. Hurmu's population is increased by over 3 million people. Hurmu's now biggest city, Khojinacinggha, is in the newly annexed territory in western Lontinien.
- Moreover, Hurmu begins official relations with Lac Glacei and the two countries agree to establish a condominium in the Seivannavik area.
- Arbor and Hurmu establish relations, and Arbor gifts Hurmu East Barrow Island.
- 1696
- Rekozemlje annexed from the Green and carved out from south Lontinien, created as a homeland for the Krasnocorian people in and around Apollonia
- 1699
- Hurmu annexes West Barrow Island, Great Warring Island and Northern Bretland
- 1702
- Batavia cedes Antonia Island (Princess Fränzi-Ferdinanda Island) to Hurmu; Hurmu in turn cedes Northern Bretland to Batavia
- 1703
- Transprinitica created from annexed Green land.
- 1705
- Transprinitica expanded; Askuhafn, Markusarvik, Grøßenburg, Qarakül, and Enkhjargalbalgas chartered as cities.
- 1706
- Railway plans in Transprinitica agreed with Meckelnburgh and Ashinthael, so that Apollonian Hurmu will be fully connected through rail transport to most of North Apollonia
- 1707:
- 1709:
- Treaty of Chryse signed: Promises a land trade with the Benacian Union: The District of the Warring Islands will be handed over to the Benacian Union; the island of Samholdsøya will be handed over to Hurmu.
- 1710:
- Treaty of Chryse land transfers complete.
- 1713:
- Following the the previous year's general elections, a non-humanist is sworn in as prime minister for the first time since 1690 (Patrik Djupvik). Moreover, Harald, Aoife, and Asa are posthumously expelled from the Order of the Holy Lakes along with their descendants.
- 1714:
- Tanah Tōnán'hyôrï Treaty signed and ratified, making Phineonesia's Tanah Tōnán'hyôrï a condominium of both Hurmu and Phineonesia.
- Territorial dispute in Karnamark with the Hexarchy resolved peacefully.
- 1716
- Widespread protests and strikes
- SDP leaving govt; resignation of Patrik Djupvik as PM; Jamshid-e Osman new PM.
- 1717:
- State visit of Muhammad Furkorn Mat Jeen to Hurmu
- Oystra Stoorskerið becomes a condominium (shared with Phineonesia).
- 1719–1720 Hurmu civil conflict
- 1719: State visit to Sankt Ludwigshafen
- 1720: Rekozemlje renamed Northern Coria
- 1720: Southern District dissolved and turned into the Southern Municipality and annexed into the Lake District
- 1720: Charter for the Order of the Holy Lakes becomes the new constitution for Hurmu
- 1727:
- In early 1727, Phinbellan president Muhammad Furkorn Mat Jeen flew to Hurmu with the view to merge Phineonesia and Hurmu into a new federation. As negotiations progressed, the parties agreed that the easiest way would be for the Phineonesian states to join as realms of the Order of the Holy Lakes. Negotiations were concluded 8.IX.1727. Signing was postponed due to the death of Jaaguzan the following the day. On 10.XI.1727, the Phineonesian Accession Treaty was signed (ratified 6.XII.1727). The Treaty would have the Phineonesian states Forajasaki, Phinbella and Plazas de Irian accede as realms on 1.I.1728.
- 1729:
- Expansion into Eura with Desaremix as a new realm, and the expansion of Phinbella there with the Phinbellan Euran States.
- Patrik Djupvik assassinated by Cisamarrese humanists in the Lake District.
Organization of the State
Hurmu is organized into realms (first-tier division). These may be subdivided into further divisions, as per by local conditions and legislation.
Order of the Holy Lakes
Realm of the Lakes
- Municipalities
- Bakkaland
- Blaðhofd
- Borgarhafn
- Cashma Island
- Edjaanion
- Eldalandeð
- Eressea Rannik
- Fiskarvik
- Huvuðeð
- Huyenkula
- Isammaland
- Kašmarand
- Kaupang
- Knutsgaarð
- Crandish Island
- Liderai
- Lindedal
- Loyvadal
- Norton
- Orulinn
- Oystra Laastrand
- Silmasaal
- Simunshus
- Southern Municipality
- Suðrvatnum
- Tingsala
- Uusjärv
- Valdahafn
- Vana Rongijaam
- Varna
- Vestra Laastrand
- Municipalities
Northern Coria
- Municipalities
- Municipalities
- Municipalities
- Regions
- Territories
- Special administrative territories
- Dependencies
- Federal directly-administered territories
- Federal directly-administered cities
- Unincorporated territories
- States
- Autonomous regions
Plazas de Irian
- Regions
Svetostrov (Holy Island)
- Municipalities
Government and Politics
Hurmu is a constitutional state, with the sovereignty vested in the Order of the Holy Lakes in right of Hurmu. Its legislature is the Senate of the Lakes.
The Senate is the only body in the country that has the power to interpret the Constitution. The judicial responsibilities of the Senate extend also such that any case where a member of the Order of the Holy Lakes is part must be tried in the Senate.
Defence and security
Hurmu traditionally defined itself as a cultural rather than a military power. Bordered by the Great Apollonian Empire in the west, Arbor in the east, and New Alexandria to the south, there is no realistic prospect of Hurmu matching the armed might of the great powers, while the policy of neutrality precluded membership of any of the antagonistic alliance blocs that have existed, such as the Raspur Pact or USSO.
Early doctrine
During its early period of independence, Hurmu embraced a policy of civic defence whereby, in the event of an invasion, the Hurmu Peace Corps and the Hurmu Constabulary would focus on defending key cities, ports, and airports, as Islands of Resistance, denying their immediate use to the aggressor, whilst providing support to organised elements within civil society that would be called into action to form espionage and sabotage networks and form partisan units ready to rise against the occupier once the prospects for success are favourable.
Hurmu would also seek to resist aggression via diplomatic, economic, and propaganda means, as well as through non-violent forms of resistance as boycotts and strikes.
In peacetime, the state forces of Hurmu, these being primarily the Peace Corps and the Constabulary, were to have been supplemented by contracted defence partners, both civic and corporate in nature.
The Peace Corps operated under a commission received from the Senate of the Lakes and reports to a Senatorial Committee tasked with its oversight. The Constabulary meanwhile reported to the elected government and was under the authority of a minister appointed by the Prime Minister.
The security of the new colonial plantations made in western Keltia, from 1706 AN onwards, was left in the hands of locally raised levies and contracted bodies of foreign volunteers.
Notably, this arrangement failed to prevent ostensibly neutral Hurmu from long being garrisoned by forces of the Raspur Pact, and ultimately failed entirely during the 1719–1720 Hurmu civil conflict.
Reformed organisation
See also
- Hurmu nationality and residency law
- Foreign relations of Hurmu
- Visa policy of Hurmu (Xäiville Convention)
The Hurmudan community can be described as an ethnoreligious group. As such, the religious practices of the community is deeply interlinked with the cultural self-expression of the Hurmudans.
Hurmu Norse
- Hurmudan fishing fleet
- Work homes
- Samlag (Hurmu corporate structure) > For a list of companies in Hurmu, see this link.
Hurmu has three international airports, Vesüha International Airport, Kaupang International Airport, and Ghawlama International Airport. The airports in Mitrovska, East Barrow Island, and Khojinacinggha are scheduled to be upgraded to international airports by 1696. Scheduled flights, subsidised by the Hurmu government, are operated by the Hurmu Air Service. Airstrips and helipads are located around the country for smaller aircraft.