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Dozan Bovic Church

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See also: Bovinism
Dozan Bovic Church
Theology: Bovinism
Polity Episcopal
Origin 1530 AN organized
Countries Natopia (State Religion),
Shireroth, Elwynn, Alduria-Wechua, Senya, Drak-Modan
Divisions 6 eparchies
Members 81,034,123

Bovic yoke symbol.png

The Dozan Bovic Church, originally known as the Bovinist Church, is the largest Bovic church, with millions of adherents worldwide. The Church was founded in 1530, and reorganized in 1539. Its scriptures are collected in the Tetrabiblios. The Church of Caputia is considered a sister-church.


The Pentheros is the leader of the church and appoints all Metrobosarchs and Bosarchs. Metrobosarchs govern Eparchies. In 1690, Pentheros Sergius Hergones instituted a new series of reforms to the eparchies. Instead of dividing the world into four quadrant-eparchies, each eparchy would include the Bovics, herds (congregations), and stampedes (missions) on a continent and surrunding minor and major islands. This would reduce the inequality in certain Metrobosarchs governing "empty" quadrants (like the southeast).

As part of the Sergian Reforms, the Pentheros is strongly recommended to coordinate with local Continental Conferences of Bovic Bosarchs when selecting their Metrobosarch, to ensure a strong and fruitful relationship between Doza and the eparchies. It is also customary for the Pentheros to solicit a list of candidates from the continental conferences when selecting bosarchs to appoint.

When the Pentheros dies or resigns, they are replaced by a vote of the Metrobosarchs who must select from among themselves the new Pentheros.

Pentheral Eparchy of Doza

  • Pentheral Basilica of Saint Bessie, Seat of the Bosarch of Doza (Athlon), The Mother Church of the Dozan Bovic Church
    • His Holiness Sergius Hergones, Pentheros of the Dozan Bovic Church
  • The Joellenon, fortified base of The Most Holy Order of the Armoured Goats (OAG) and seat of the Bosarch of Hergon.
  • The Garden of the Eternal Goat, Seat of the Bosarch of Eupragia
  • Cathedral of Lost Magic, Seat of the Bosarch of Port Pragma

Eparchy of Tapfer

Coat of Arms of the Tapferite Eparchy
  • Cathedral-Basilica of the Sacred Calf (The Ruined Cathedral), Seat of the Metrobosarch of Tapfer and Bosarch of Lindstrom, Destroyed during the return of the Butter Bull and used as his seat of government.
  • Cathedral of Saint Taznim the Dhury, Seat of the Bosarch of Tassity. Member of the Dhurist rite.
  • Cathedral of Saint Sherrith, Seat of the Bosarch of Anmutstadt
  • Cathedral of Our Beloved Saint Elijah-on-the-Lake, Seat of the Bosarch of St. Bartholoma. Elijahn rite
  • Cathedral of the Ancient Dinarchs, Seat of the Bosarch of Myrtilis. Member of the Dhurist rite.
  • Cathedral of Saint Branflake, Seat of the Bosarch of Klaasisitya
  • Monastery of Saint Taznim-the-Lawgiver, secluded headquarters of the Dhurist rite and seat of the Bosarch of Lee's Summit.
  • Cathedral of the Bay, Seat of the Bosarch of Borders City
  • Cathedral of the Foolish Martyrs, Seat of the Bosarch of Butter Cow City
  • Cathedral of the Great River, Seat of the Bosarch of Mehlville
  • Monastery of Saint Biffor, headquarters of The Bovic Order of Saint Biffor (BOSB) and Seat of the Bosarch of St. Biffor.
  • Cathedral of Our Founder of the Nation, Seat of the Bosarch of Nettivity.
  • Cathedral of the Repentant Plantations, Seat of the Bosarch of Dyuupvik.
  • Cathedral of the Common Tongue, seat of the Bosarch of Port Istvan. Largest Bovic herd on Neridia.
  • Cathedral of Emperor Naian the Evergreen, seat of the Bosarch of Oakham. Practices the Jaiesican rite
  • Monastery of Saint Jaies Timberpine, headquarters of the Jaiesican Rite, and seat of the Bosarch of the Sacred Glade.
  • Chapel of Saint Guinevere the Great Mother Tree, seat of the Bosarch of New Lindstrom (Tarsica). Practices the Jaiesican rite
  • Cathedral of the Fleur-de-Natopi, seat of the Bosarch of Hazelwood City. Practices the Jaiesican rite

Eparchy of Cibola

  • Cathedral-Basilica of the Crucifixion, Seat of the Metrobosarch of Cibola and Bosarch of Walstadt. Site of the crucifixion of Emperor Saint Nathaniel Ayreon-Kalirion. Elijahn rite
    • His Eminence Takahashi Shu. Metrobosarch Takahashi dedicated his early years as a Bovic missionary to the Green.
  • Cathedral of the Once-Living God, Seat of the Bosarch of Paine City.
  • Cathedral of the Horned Child, Seat of the Bosarch of Luix-Satyria.

Eparchy of Benacia

Coat of Arms of the Benacian Eparchy
  • Temple of the Butter Cow, Seat of the Metrobosarch of Benacia and Bosarch of Smjorkyr (Elwynn). Site of the creation of the Butter Bull's body.
    • His Eminence Nathaniel Joellion. The Joellion family was among the first Tapferites to move to Elwynn and have served in the church for generations.
  • Chapel of Prince Dariolin, Seat of the Bosarch of Eliria (Elwynn)
  • Cathedral of Kaiser Ayreon III, Seat of the Bosarch of Shirekeep
  • Cathedral of the Capric Rite, seat of the Bosarch of Drakorda (Drak-Modan). There is a small, tolerated, herd of Dozan Bovics who still practice the Capric rite despite the majority of Bovics in Drak-Modan converting to the Reorganized Church of Bous of Modern-Day Saints.

Eparchy of Apollonia

Coat of Arms of the Apollonian Eparchy
  • Cathedral-Basilica of Saint Gustav-in-Chains, Seat of the Metrobosarch of Apollonia and Bosarch of Lausanne (Nouvelle Alexandrie). Former seat of the National Eparchy of Lyrica before it was infiltrated and corrupted by Vanics.
  • Cathedral of the North, Seat of the Bosarch of Tirlar, A house converted into a church for use of the small herd of local Bovics.
  • Chapel of Saint Andre, Seat of the Bosarch of Port St. Andre. A modest church built when Port St. Andre was founded and capital of Natollonia. Accommodates the small Bovic herd that remains.
  • Sherds Cathedral (St. Christopher's, Senya), Seat of the Bosarch of New Aquitane. Named after sherds of pottery.
  • Chapel of the Ancient Lakes, seat of the Bosarch of Kaupang, Hurmu. Re-established under new Hurmu leadership.
    • Divided into congregations, viz:

Eparchy of Keltia

The Coat of Arms of the Keltian Eparchy
  • Cathedral-Basilica of Eternal Slumber, Seat of the Metrobosarch of Keltia and Bosarch of Elijah's Rest (Elwynn). Tomb of Saint Elijah Ayreon-Kalirion. Elijahn rite
    • Her Eminence, Elsa Simmer. Metrobosarch Simmer served previously as the mistress of the Stampede to Jangsong, a fierce woman who will spread Bous' words at all costs.
  • Monastery of the Holy Order of the Cult of Elijah, Elijah's Rest.
  • Cathedral of Our Lady of Thaleia, Mistress of the Seas, Cárdenas (Nouvelle Alexandrie). Established in the nation's new capital in 1693 and dedicated to Melusine.
  • Cathedral of the Norse Bay, Seat of the Bosarch of Storesund (Elwynn). Re-established under Elw-Norse leadership.
  • Cathedral of the Straits, Seat of the Bosarch of Keybir Aviv-Revby (Elwynn). The herd relocated from Keybir Aviv to Revby after fall of Caputia.
  • Cathedral of Melusine, Sister of Bous, Seat of the Bosarch of Zalae-Judah (Alduria-Wechua). The herd relocated from former Zalae to Judah after fall of Caputia.
  • Skerry Cathedral, seat of the Bosarch of Pharos (Alduria-Wechua).
  • Cathedral-Monastery of the Order of the Super Secret Stripper Seekers. Fortified base of the OSSSS and seat of the Bosarch of Baldersborg (Elwynn).

Eparchy of Eura and Corum

  • Cathedral-Basilica of the Wardens, Seat of the Metrobosarch of Eura & Corum and Bosarch of Ely (Naya Island).
    • His Eminence Gwyn Moonoak, Metrobosarch of Eura & Corum, a cousin of Nathan II who went into the Church at a young age. At 81 years old he is the eldest and longest-serving Metrobosarch.
  • Cathedral of Basileus Petros III, Seat of the Bosarch of Vey (the Green)
  • Cathedral of the Forgotten, Seat of the Bosarch of Xechaspolis-Alkhiva (Alduria-Wechua)