Euran Economic Union

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Euran Economic Union
Emblem of EEU
Headquarters Fontainebleau, Nouvelle Alexandrie Nouvelle Alexandrie
Official language(s)
 - Secretary-General of the EEU Amir Manuel Hosseini Nouvelle Alexandrie (Since 1723 AN)
 - Deputy Secretary-General Behrouz Moshiri Suren Confederacy (Since 1720 AN)
 - Main assembly Interparliamentary Committee
Establishment 1694 AN
Organisation website {{{site}}}
Organisation forum {{{forum}}}

The Euran Economic Union (EEU) was formed in 1694 AN and it comprises the Euran nations of Constancia, the Suren Confederacy, Nouvelle Alexandrie, and Zeed. The EEU originated as a result of the First Fontainebleau Accords, part of a greater diplomatic effort to bring these neighboring Euran nations together in greater cooperation. While the First Fontainebleau Accords were signed in 1691 AN by all nations, the Treaty underwent lengthy ratification processes that were completed when its last country, Constancia finally ratified the First Accords in 1694 AN.



Secretariat of the Euran Economic Union

Secretary-General of the EEU

Deputy Secretary-General of the EEU

Integration Committee

Interparliamentary Committee

Military and Intelligence Cooperation Committee

Often criticised for being a superfluous liaison staff that duplicated some of the roles of the Trans-Euran Command, the personnel attached to the Military and Intelligence Cooperation Committee had a rare opportunity to provide useful service after being tasked with organising a Euran Expeditionary Force, based on contributions from the Suren Confederacy and Zeed, to participate in the liberation of Razjania during 1706-1707.

From 1708 AN the Military and Intelligence Cooperation Committee was absorbed into the Committee of Euran Salvation.

Nouradin River Regional Authority

Euran Development Bank


Euran Continental Standard Time Commission

The Euran Continental Standard Time Commission was formed in 1711 AN at the suggestion of the delegation of Raspur Pact-Occupied Zeed.

Euran Broadcasting Union

The Euran Broadcasting Union brings together, in voluntary association and subordination to the Euran Economic Union, the national broadcasting corporations of Constancia, Alduria (Nouvelle Alexandrie), the Suren Confederacy, and Zeed. The primary purpose of the EBU is to facilitate mutual cooperation and asset sharing in order to ensure a more effective pan-continental reach for output intended to deliver entertainment, information, and indoctrination to allied, adjacent, and subject, populations.

Established in XIII.1719 AN, the Euran Broadcasting Union is headquartered in Fontainebleau.


The Hotel Metropole (1681 AN), built in the style of the old Alexandrian city of Geneva.

The Euran Economic Union shall be headquartered in the picturesque coastal town of Fountainebleau in Nouvelle Alexandrie. Until the signing of the First Fountainebleau Accords in 1691 AN, the Hotel Metropole, one of the most luxurious and prestigious resorts in the city, served as the main hosting site for rounds of diplomatic talks that regularly went into the evening and early morning. However, it was not all work, as there were dozens of balls, parties, and plenty of social functions for diplomats and government officials of Constancia, Zeed, the Suren Confederacy, and Nouvelle Alexandrie present for the talks and their staff.

While the Hotel Metropole served as a world-class site to host the summit, soon after signing the first set of accords it was decided that a proper complex of buildings would be built to house the Euran Economic Union. The complex is currently under design. It will serve as the official headquarters of the organization, provide offices for all its staff, and include museums and cultural centers. The land to be occupied by the headquarters and buildings shall be placed in a special legal arrangement under the sole administration of the Euran Economic Union and not the government of Nouvelle Alexandrie. Under New Alexandrian law, the headquarters of the EEU has been granted extraterritoriality much like foreign embassies have in the Federation already.

The Euran Economic Union has three additional subsidiary regional headquarters in each of the capitals of the member states. These were opened in 1694 AN, soon after Constancia finally ratified the First Fountainebleau Accords. These adjunct offices help represent EEU interests, facilitate diplomatic and cultural activities, and enjoy certain extraterritorial privileges, but do not contain the seats of major organs of the organization.

In addition to the foregoing, the Imperial State of Constancia and the ESB Group very generously donated 20 acres for the perpetual use of the organization in Tapfer Plaza, Aqaba. The offices of the Commission of Technical Experts, Financial Committee, and the central permanent public information office of the Pan-Euran Highway were located here, initially in leased space, beginning 1695 AN.

Pan-Euran Highway

Commission of Technical Experts

Financial Committee

Permanent Public Information Office

Member states

Nation Member since Currency(ies) Population Capital(s) Head of State
Constancia Constancia 1694 AN Imperial stater 23,132,188 (1690 AN) Petropolis Basileus Giakoumis
Nouvelle Alexandrie Nouvelle Alexandrie 1694 AN New Alexandrian écu 216,892,547 (1694 AN) Cardenas King Manco Cápac I
Oportia Oportia 1723 AN Oportian mérite 7,803,733 (1716 AN) Vanie Federal Representative Céline Beaumont
Suren Confederacy Suren Confederacy 1694 AN Suren tomān 7,620,348 (1690 AN) Surenshahr Surenšāh Dāryuš of the Suren
Zeed Zeed 1694 AN Zeeder ruble 27,050,770 (1691 AN) Rusjar High Representative and Supreme Plenipotentiary Jost Grobba


The Euran Economic Union may grant entities observer status. The Euran Economic Union welcomes many international agencies, entities, and a non-member state (Natopia) as observers. Observers have the right to speak at meetings of the Euran Economic Union, but not to vote on resolutions or decisions that the EEU takes.

Observer status is granted by a resolution of the Interparliamentary Committee.

Nation Observer since Currency(ies) Population Capital(s) Head of State
Benacian Union Benacian Union 1699 AN Benacian sovereign 215,204,271 (1698 AN) Chryse High Presidium of the Benacian Union
Floria Floria 1706 AN Florian Dollar 132,236,430 1705 AN Northcliff Michael Hutchinson
Natopia Natopia 1694 AN Natopian natopo 374,686,235 (1690 AN) Lindström Empress Vadoma I

See also