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Natopia Natopian demesne
Flag of Sororiya
Coat of Arms of Sororiya
Coat of Arms
Motto: Ancient, Noble, Proud
Location of Sororiya
Map versions 14.3.3 - present
Capital Bagelston
Largest cities Butter Cow City
Official language(s) Laval, Nats
Official religion(s) Bovinism
Demonym Sororiyan
 - Adjective Sororiyan
Official full name Principality of Sororiya
under the Constitution of Natopia
Monarchy with transitional government
 - Demesnial Charter {{{demesnialcharter}}}
 - Empress of the Natopians Vadoma I
 - Princess Vadoma Rowena Waffel-Paine
 - Demesnial Legislature Congress of Sororiya
 - Part of
(Demesnial Union)
Key Historical Dates {{{historicaldates}}}
 - Establishment 1571 AN
Population 15,666,174 (1707)
Key Landmarks {{{landmarks}}}
Abbreviation SO
Full Greater Arms of the Empire WP version Nathan III crest.png

Administrative divisions of Natopia

The Principality of Sororiya is a demesne of Eastern Natopia. It occupies most of the Laval Peninsula on the Tapfer continent. Major cities are Fort Newport, Eucal, Butter Cow City, Bagelston, Aurochsburg, Starsitya, Zoomsitya, Estatia, and Nandaton. It was previously a constituent Land of the Dynastic Incarnation of the Lands of Flaventia until Flaventia was broken up following the establishment of Eastern Natopia. It lays claim to be the heir of the culture of Lavalon, a sovereign nation that was once considered Natopia's sister land due to proximity and cross migration. Sororiya borders Universalis to the east and Northern Klaasiya and New Dracoheim to the west. It is connected to Hazelwood to the north across the Newport Strait via the Oakham-Eucal Bridge.


The terrain of Sororiya.

The principality is divided into three duchies, Zeck in the east, Valentina in the center, and Hanzelon in the west. Most of Zeck's terrain is covered in bush and eucalyptus. Zeck is also dominated by Mt Bagel, one of the 15 tallest peeks on Tapfer. The capital city, Bagelston, is located in the southern foothills of Mt Bagel and at the source of the Aurochs River.

Valentina has a diverse geography, with bush, farmlands, and grazing pastures. In the south, the rich soil provides excellent growing conditions for wheat and other grains. Sororiyan wheat is the preferred ingredient for bagels throughout Natopia and played a role in Natopia's decision to annex the Laval Peninsula for itself after the collapse of independent Lavalon. The Laval peninsula is one of Micras' four major grain-exporting regions (having adjacent grain resources) earning it the nickname, the breadbasket of Tapfer. Butter Cow City is located at the mouth of the Laval River, and is an important port for exporting the grain grown in the Laval River watershed. Aurochsburg is situated at the confluence of the Laval River and its main tributary, the Aurochs River.





The government of Sororiya is a constitutional monarchy with Vadoma Rowena Waffel-Paine as Princess since the untimely death of Viktor von Zeck IV, who left no heirs or successors. After the dissolution of the Flaventian Legislature, Sororiya inherited the Congress of the Lands. The Congress is currently comprised of three senators elected from each of Sororiya's nine counties to serve as a transitional government and constitutional convention. Prince Viktor has delegated many responsibilities of governing to the Congress in exchange for popular support to remain on the throne. Congress has begun to reintroduce noocratic ideals from of the university-governed Spoudastecracy of Sororiya that preceded the principality.

See also
