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Federal Forces of Nouvelle Alexandrie

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Federal Forces of Nouvelle Alexandrie
The Federal War Banner (1673 AN)
Country Nouvelle Alexandrie Nouvelle Alexandrie
Founded 1685 AN
Branches Grand Army of the Federation,
Federal Navy,
Federal Air Force,
Federal Space Force,
Federal Guards Service
Headquarters El Fuerte, Cárdenas
King Sinchi Roca II
Secretary of Defense Jose Manuel Montero
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Alejandro Sanabria
Military age 18–65 years old
Conscription Citizens register at age 18 (conscription constitutional but inactive)
Available for military service 165,000,000 (males and females, age 18–49)
Fit for military service 130,000,000 (physically fit for service)
Reaching military age annually 5,500,000 annually (eligible for military service)
Active personnel
  • Federal Army: 1,250,000
  • Federal Navy: 600,000
  • Federal Space Force: 225,000
  • Federal Air Force: 375,000
Reserve personnel
  • Federal Guards Service: 1,100,000
Deployed personnel 350,000 (deployed across bases, peacekeeping missions, and allied operations worldwide)
Budget NAX€1.39 trillion (1741 AN)
Percent of GDP 3.38% (1741 AN)
Domestic suppliers Ahvaz Automotive Engineering Company, ESB Susa, Javelin Industries, National Qullqa System, Pontecorvo Firm
Foreign suppliers
Annual imports Advanced avionics, cyber-warfare technology, high-energy weapons components
Annual exports Aircraft, armored vehicles, naval systems, small arms, missiles, electronic warfare equipment

The Federal Forces of Nouvelle Alexandrie (FFNA) are the military forces of the Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie. Established in 1685 AN as the successor to the armed forces of the former Federation of Alduria and the Wechua Nation, the FFNA have developed into one of the most technologically advanced and well-funded militaries on Micras. Tasked with guaranteeing the sovereignty and independence of Nouvelle Alexandrie, defending its territorial integrity, and upholding the constitutional order, the FFNA operate as a professional, all-volunteer force with a global presence.

The FFNA consist of five service branches: the Grand Army of the Federation, the Federal Navy, the Federal Air Force, the Federal Space Force, and the Federal Guards Service. The Grand Army of the Federation is responsible for land-based military operations, including mechanized infantry, armored divisions, and special forces. The Federal Navy operates an extensive fleet, including aircraft carriers, submarines, and amphibious assault ships, securing Nouvelle Alexandrie’s maritime interests and enabling power projection abroad. The Federal Air Force ensures air superiority and strategic deterrence through a mix of advanced multirole fighters, bombers, and reconnaissance aircraft. The Federal Space Force manages orbital defense, missile warning systems, and cyber-warfare capabilities. The Federal Guards Service serves as the nation’s primary reserve force, providing homeland defense, disaster response, and rapid mobilization in times of crisis.

Since its formation, the FFNA has played a key role in shaping Nouvelle Alexandrie’s national security strategy and geopolitical influence. Initially formed by merging the Aldurian and Wechua armed forces, it has undergone successive waves of modernization, incorporating cutting-edge military technologies, cyber-warfare capabilities, and next-generation weapons systems. The passage of the Defense of the Federation Act, 1694 and the Home Guard Act, 1711 laid the foundation for the modern Federal Military Establishment under the leadership of the Secretary of Defense.

The King of Nouvelle Alexandrie serves as the commander-in-chief of the FFNA, with strategic and operational oversight delegated to the Council of State and the Secretary of Defense. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff leads military operations, coordinating the readiness and deployment of all service branches. While military conscription is permitted under the Proclamation of Punta Santiago, it has never been enacted, with the armed forces relying entirely on voluntary enlistment. However, all citizens and legal residents between the ages of 18 and 30 are required to register in the national conscription database as part of emergency preparedness measures.

With a defense budget of NAX€1.39 trillion, representing 3.38% of GDP as of 1741 AN, the FFNA maintain a high level of operational readiness and technological sophistication. The armed forces operate a vast network of domestic and foreign defense suppliers, ensuring access to advanced equipment, logistical infrastructure, and strategic capabilities. Through alliances and global deployments, Nouvelle Alexandrie asserts itself as one of the leading military powers on Micras, capable of responding to a broad range of threats and fulfilling both national and international security commitments.


Formed from the Military of Alduria and the Military of the Wechua Nation in 1685 AN. Transfer of allegiance to the Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie took place during 1693 AN.

Current missions

Contributions to Raspur Pact theatre commands

Continental Theatre Command Material allocation (%) Lead Nation
Home Service (Federal Districts) 5% Nouvelle Alexandrie Nouvelle Alexandrie
Apollonia Command 30% Floria Floria
Keltia Command 35% Nouvelle Alexandrie Nouvelle Alexandrie
Trans-Euran Command 30% Constancia Constancia

Ongoing operational deployments

Concluded operational deployments

Command Structure

The interim command structure, implemented 24.VII.1690, directly replicates that introduced by the Sanaman Armed Forces, allowing for differences in local circumstances and organisation.

Joint Chiefs of Staff Council

The Joint Chiefs of Staff Council is the body of the most senior commanders of the Alduro-Wechua Armed Forces, providing advice to the King of Alduria-Wechua, the Secretary for Defence, and other entities on military matters. The council does not have operational command over the armed forces. Operational command flows from the King as Commander-in-Chief, through the Secretary for Defence, to the Joint Commanders in the field. The council consists of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Council, the Vice Chairman, the Commanding General of the Federal Army, the Chief of the Admiralty, the Chief of Staff of the Federal Air Force, the Commandant of the Federal Coast Guard, and the Commandant-General of the Federal Guards Service.

Chiefs of Staff Designate for 1739 AN1743 AN
Office Holder Tenure
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Council Marshal General
Alejandro Sanabria
  • Nominated: 24.XV1738 AN
Vice-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Council General
Victoriano Ayala
  • Nominated: 24.XV1738 AN
Commanding General of the Federal Army Captain General of the Army
Esteban Noriega
  • Nominated: 24.XV1738 AN
Chief of the Admiralty Captain General of the Federal Navy
Adrienne Lafleur
  • Nominated: 24.XV1738 AN
Chief of Staff of the Federal Air Force Captain General of the Federal Air Force
Rodrigo Estevez
  • Nominated: 24.XV1738 AN
Commandant-General of the Federal Guards Service Captain General of the Federal Guards Service
Hassan Arzola
  • Nominated: 24.XV1738 AN
Chief of Staff of the Federal Space Force Captain General of the Federal Space Force
Natalia Vélez
  • Nominated: 24.XV1738 AN

General Staff

The General Staff is the organisation supporting the Joint Chiefs of Staff Council in the performance of its duties. The General Staff handles both preparation for royal and security council briefings, research and development, as well as operational control of several units staffed by the different armed services.

  • Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Council
    • Office of the Vice-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Council
    • Manpower and Personnel Directorate (D1)
    • General Service Directorate (D2)
    • Operations and Planning Directorate (D3)
    • Logistics Directorate (D4)
    • Communications Directorate (D5)
    • Armed Forces Development Directorate (D6)
    • Force Structure, Resources and Evaluation Directorate (D7)



The Grand Army of the Federation comprises of thirty Territorial Defence Units, corresponding to the equivalent number of states within the federation for which they have defensive responsibility, supported by twenty-three airmobile Rapid Response Units. These units are then organised into six Combined Arms Corps, each corresponding to five of the regions of the federation and a sixth (Outremer) concerned with overseas and colonial deployments, bolstered with air-defence, armour, and artillery regiments.

As noted, the VI (Outremer) Combined Arms Corps encompasses the ten new states and eleven special cities mooted in the colonial expansion of 1688. Owing to the geographically dispersed nature of these new colonies, this combined arms corps is orientated towards cooperation with naval forces and the marines as well as the organisation of local levies and volunteer forces drawn from settler communities.

The personnel of the army are organised into regimental corps based on their combat role. Each regimental corps is headed by a staff responsible for training and doctrine within the corps. The regimental corps staff do not command the field regiments affiliated to the corps. The staff and training units are organised into regiments. The regimental corps inspector-general reports directly to the Army Staff.

  • Regimental Corps of Infantry
  • Regimental Corps of Artillery
  • Regimental Tank Corps
  • Regimental Air Defence Corps
  • Regimental Corps of Engineers
  • Regimental Signals Corps
  • Regimental Corps of Aviation
  • Regimental Intelligence Corps
  • Regimental Corps of Transport and Logistics
  • Adjutant General's Corps
  • Regimental Corps of Medical Services

With the proposed expansion of the Alduro-Wechuan occupation of Lyrica receiving the green light from the international community, a seventh combined arms corps headquarters was established in mid-1689 AN with the deduction of a squadron from each field infantry regiment hitherto assigned to territorial defence units within the other CACs. These would form the basis of regimental combat teams sent out to secure the locations identified for colonial settlement, with shortfalls in infantry numbers being made good by transfers from combat support services, the navy, the air force, and the federal border guard.

Home Service

Unit Subordinate Units Headquarters Garrisoned Area
II (Federal Capital District) CAC
2nd C&CU
  • 1002nd Corps Headquarters Company
  • 605th General Support Regiment
  • 606th Area Defence Regiment
  • 607th Pioneer Regiment
  • 608th Works & Maintenance Regiment
Cardenas Federal Capital District
2nd ACU
  • 807th General Support Regiment
  • 808th Reconnaissance Regiment
  • 809th Vanguard Regiment
      • - 809th/1st Heavy Tank Squadron
  • 810th Flankguard Regiment
  • 811th Flankguard Regiment
  • 812th Skyguard Regiment
  • 813th Support Regiment
Cardenas Federal Capital District
2nd ADU
  • 707th General Support Regiment
  • 708th Silver Hammer Regiment
  • 709th Silver Hammer Regiment
  • 710th Corps Artillery Regiment
  • 711th Corps Artillery Regiment
  • 712th Security Regiment
  • 713th Support Regiment
Cardenas Federal Capital District
552nd RRU
  • 1st Guards Brigade of the Army
III (Wechua Nation) CAC
3rd C&CU
  • 1003rd Corps Headquarters Company
  • 609th General Support Regiment
  • 610th Area Defence Regiment
  • 611th Pioneer Regiment
  • 612th Works & Maintenance Regiment
Parap Wechua Nation
3rd ACU
  • 814th General Support Regiment
  • 815th Reconnaissance Regiment
  • 816th Vanguard Regiment
      • - 816th/1st Heavy Tank Squadron
  • 817th Flankguard Regiment
  • 818th Flankguard Regiment
  • 819th Skyguard Regiment
  • 820st Support Regiment
Parap Wechua Nation
3rd ADU
  • 714th General Support Regiment
  • 715th Silver Hammer Regiment
  • 716th Silver Hammer Regiment
  • 717th Corps Artillery Regiment
  • 718th Corps Artillery Regiment
  • 719th Security Regiment
  • 720th Support Regiment
Parap Wechua Nation
545th RRU
  • 5452nd Parachute Regiment
  • 5453rd Parachute Regiment
  • 5454th (Airborne) Light Artillery Regiment
  • 5455th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
  • 5456th Armoured Car Squadron
546th RRU
  • 5461st Airlanding Regiment
  • 5463rd Parachute Regiment
  • 5464th (Airborne) Light Artillery Regiment
  • 5465th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
  • 5466th Armoured Car Squadron
548th RRU
  • 5481st Airlanding Regiment
  • 5483rd Parachute Regiment
  • 5484th (Airborne) Light Artillery Regiment
  • 5485th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
  • 5486th Armoured Car Squadron
549th RRU
  • 5491st Airlanding Regiment
  • 5492nd Parachute Regiment
  • 5493rd Parachute Regiment
  • 5495th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
  • 5496th Armoured Car Squadron
San Luis
550th RRU
  • 5501st Airlanding Regiment
  • 5502nd Parachute Regiment
  • 5503rd Parachute Regiment
  • 5504th (Airborne) Light Artillery Regiment
  • 5505th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
  • 5506th Armoured Car Squadron
551st RRU
  • 5511st Airlanding Regiment
  • 5512nd Parachute Regiment
  • 5513rd Parachute Regiment
  • 5514th (Airborne) Light Artillery Regiment
  • 5516th Armoured Car Squadron
19th TDU
  • 1st Cavalry Brigade
  • 1st Infantry Brigade
  • 7th Infantry Brigade
Cajamarca Antisuyu
20th TDU
  • 4th Mountain Brigade
  • 35th Jungle Brigade
  • 33rd Infantry Brigade
Midyan Chinchasuyu
21st TDU
  • 18th Armoured Brigade
  • 2nd Infantry Brigade
  • 1st Special Forces Brigade
Huichajanca Kuntisuyu
22nd TDU
  • 32nd Infantry Brigade
  • 6th Jungle Brigade
  • 9th Armoured Brigade
Rimarima Qullasuyu
23rd TDU
  • 3rd Guards Brigade of the Army
  • 1st Combined Arms Brigade
  • 21st Infantry Brigade
Potosi Santander
IV (Santander) CAC
4th C&CU
  • 1004th Corps Headquarters Company
  • 614th Area Defence Regiment
  • 615th Pioneer Regiment
  • 616th Works & Maintenance Regiment
Potosi Santander
4th ACU
  • 821st General Support Regiment
  • 823rd Vanguard Regiment
      • - 823rd/1st Heavy Tank Squadron
  • 825th Flankguard Regiment
  • 826th Skyguard Regiment
  • 827st Support Regiment
Potosi Santander
4th ADU
  • 721st General Support Regiment
  • 723rd Silver Hammer Regiment
  • 724th Corps Artillery Regiment
  • 725th Corps Artillery Regiment
  • 726th Security Regiment
  • 727th Support Regiment
Potosi Santander
553rd RRU
  • 5531st Airlanding Regiment
  • 5532nd Parachute Regiment
  • 5533rd Parachute Regiment
  • 5535th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
  • 5536th Armoured Car Squadron
Ciudad Real
554th RRU
  • 5541st Airlanding Regiment
  • 5542nd Parachute Regiment
  • 5543rd Parachute Regiment
  • 5544th (Airborne) Light Artillery Regiment
  • 5545th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
  • 5546th Armoured Car Squadron
555th RRU
  • 5551st Airlanding Regiment
  • 5552nd Parachute Regiment
  • 5553rd Parachute Regiment
  • 5554th (Airborne) Light Artillery Regiment
  • 5555th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
  • 5556th Armoured Car Squadron
Port of Jirishanca
V (Valencia) CAC
5th C&CU
  • 1005th Corps Headquarters Company
  • 617th Area Defence Regiment
  • 619th Pioneer Regiment
  • 620th Works & Maintenance Regiment
New Franciscania Valencia
5th ACU
  • 828th General Support Regiment
  • 829th Reconnaissance Regiment
  • 830th Vanguard Regiment
      • - 830th/1st Heavy Tank Squadron
  • 831st Flankguard Regiment
  • 832nd Flankguard Regiment
  • 833rd Skyguard Regiment
  • 834th Support Regiment
New Franciscania Valencia
5th ADU
  • 728th General Support Regiment
  • 729th Silver Hammer Regiment
  • 730th Silver Hammer Regiment
  • 731st Corps Artillery Regiment
  • 732nd Corps Artillery Regiment
  • 733rd Security Regiment
New Franciscania Valencia
556th RRU
  • 5561st Airlanding Regiment
  • 5562nd Parachute Regiment
  • 5563rd Parachute Regiment
  • 5564th (Airborne) Light Artillery Regiment
  • 5565th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
  • 5566th Armoured Car Squadron
557th RRU
  • 5571st Airlanding Regiment
  • 5572nd Parachute Regiment
  • 5573rd Parachute Regiment
  • 5574th (Airborne) Light Artillery Regiment
  • 5575th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
  • 5576th Armoured Car Squadron
558th RRU
  • 5581st Airlanding Regiment
  • 5582nd Parachute Regiment
  • 5583rd Parachute Regiment
  • 5584th (Airborne) Light Artillery Regiment
  • 5585th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
  • 5586th Armoured Car Squadron
New Franciscania
559th RRU
  • 5591st Airlanding Regiment
  • 5592nd Parachute Regiment
  • 5593rd Parachute Regiment
  • 5594th (Airborne) Light Artillery Regiment
  • 5595th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
  • 5596th Armoured Car Squadron
Port Cardozo
VI (Outremer) CAC
6th C&CU
  • 1006th Corps Headquarters Company
  • 621st General Support Regiment
  • 622nd Area Defence Regiment
  • 623rd Pioneer Regiment
  • 624th Works & Maintenance Regiment
Pharos City
  • Isles of Caputia
  • New Luthoria
  • Outremer
6th ACU
  • 835th General Support Regiment
  • 836th Reconnaissance Regiment
  • 837th Vanguard Regiment
      • - 837th/1st Heavy Tank Squadron
  • 838th Flankguard Regiment
  • 839th Flankguard Regiment
  • 840th Skyguard Regiment
  • 841st Support Regiment
Ciudad de Howard
  • Isles of Caputia
  • New Luthoria
  • Outremer
6th ADU
  • 728th General Support Regiment
  • 729th Silver Hammer Regiment
  • 730th Silver Hammer Regiment
  • 731st Corps Artillery Regiment
  • 732nd Corps Artillery Regiment
  • 733rd Security Regiment
  • 734th Support Regiment
Ciudad de Howard
  • Isles of Caputia
  • New Luthoria
  • Outremer
1st CDU Port Tablot Volunteer Rifle Regiment Port Tablot
Gotfriedplatz Volunteer Rifle Regiment Gotfriedplatz
Velez Volunteer Regiment of Yeomanry Velez
Port Karsten Harbour Defence Force Port Karsten
2nd CDU
  • Pharos Rapid Response Group
  • Pharos Port Security Group
  • Pharos Airfield Security Group
Pharos City
3rd CDU Benavides
4th CDU Nuevo Corcovado
Ciudad de Howard
Jaris Garrison
  • Ijubicastagrad Volunteer Rifles Regiment
  • Jaris Native Constabulary
Ijubicastagrad Harbor
Regimental Corps
Regimental Corps of Infantry All infantry regiments
Regimental Corps of Artillery All artillery regiments
Regimental Tank Corps All armoured regiments
Regimental Air Defence Corps All area defence regiments
Regimental Corps of Engineers All engineer or pioneer regiments
Regimental Signals Corps All signals regiments or detachments
Regimental Corps of Aviation All airlanding or parachute regiments
Regimental Intelligence Corps All reconnaissance and special forces regiments
Commissariat Corps All general support and works & maintenance Regiments
General Inspectorate All security regiments
Regimental Corps of Medical Services
Other units
Army Headquarters Command All command & control Regiments
Land Combat School
Army Technical School
Jungle Warfare School
Staff College
Royal Military Academy

210th Army (Lyrica)

Unit Subordinate Units Headquarters Garrisoned Area
VII (Lyrica) CAC
7th C&CU
  • 1007th Corps Headquarters Company
Southern District
547th RRU
  • 5471st Airlanding Regiment
  • 5472nd Parachute Regiment
  • 5473rd Parachute Regiment
  • 5474th (Airborne) Light Artillery Regiment
  • 5475th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
  • 5476th Armoured Car Squadron
Southern District
25th LEU
(Alexandrian Legion)
  • 3rd Demi-Brigade
  • 5th Regiment (Marching)
  • 6th Regiment (Mounted)
Southern District
27th LEU
(Alexandrian Legion)
  • 5th Demi-Brigade
  • 9th Regiment (Marching)
  • 10th Regiment (Mounted)
Southern District
28th LEU
(Alexandrian Legion)
  • 6th Demi-Brigade
  • 11th Regiment (Marching)
  • 12th Regiment (Mounted)
Southern District
5th CDU
  • 1st Armoured Car Regiment
  • Local Defence Liaison Group
  • Allied Forces Liaison Group
Southern District
  • 5th Composite Regimental Combat Team
  • 6th Composite Regimental Combat Team
  • 7th Composite Regimental Combat Team
  • 8th Composite Regimental Combat Team
Southern District
IX (Lyrica) CAC
1st LEU
(Alexandrian Legion)
  • 8th Demi-Brigade
  • 15th Regiment (Marching)
  • 16th Regiment (Mounted)
Cantonments VIII North Lyrica
2nd LEU
(Alexandrian Legion)
  • 9th Demi-Brigade
  • 17th Regiment (Marching)
  • 18th Regiment (Mounted)
Beaufort North Lyrica
12th LEU
(Alexandrian Legion)
  • 1st Demi-Brigade
  • 1st Regiment (Marching)
  • 2nd Regiment (Mounted)
Cantonment VII North Lyrica
24th LEU
(Alexandrian Legion)
  • 2nd Demi-Brigade
  • 3rd Regiment (Marching)
  • 4th Regiment (Mounted)
Cantonment VI North Lyrica
26th LEU
(Alexandrian Legion)
  • 4th Demi-Brigade
  • 7th Regiment (Marching)
  • 8th Regiment (Mounted)
La Fortaleza de Mehusina North Lyrica
29th LEU
(Alexandrian Legion)
  • 7th Demi-Brigade
  • 13th Regiment (Marching)
  • 14th Regiment (Mounted)
Montchiery North Lyrica
  • 1st Composite Regimental Combat Team
  • 2nd Composite Regimental Combat Team
  • 3rd Composite Regimental Combat Team
  • 4th Composite Regimental Combat Team
Beaufort North Lyrica

211th Army (Lyrica)

Unit Subordinate Units Headquarters Garrisoned Area
VIII Corps
VIII Corps Headquarters
  • VIII Corps
    • VIII/0 Command Echelon
      • VIII/0/1 Command Staff
        • VIII/0/1/1 Command & Control Regiment
        • VIII/0/1/2 Inspectorate Regiment
Buenaventura South Lyrica
VIII / 1st Division
  • VIII/1 Division
    • VIII/1/0 Command Echelon
      • VIII/1/0/1 Command & Control Regiment
      • VIII/1/0/2 Inspectorate Regiment
    • VIII/1/1 Infantry Brigade
      • VIII/1/1/1 Command & Control Regiment
      • VIII/1/1/2 Area Defence Regiment
      • VIII/1/1/3 Motorised Infantry Regiment
      • VIII/1/1/4 Commissariat Regiment
      • VIII/1/1/5 Inspectorate Regiment
    • VIII/1/2 Infantry Brigade
      • VIII/1/2/1 Command & Control Regiment
      • VIII/1/2/2 Area Defence Regiment
      • VIII/1/1/3 Motorised Infantry Regiment
      • VIII/1/2/4 Commissariat Regiment
      • VIII/1/2/5 Inspectorate Regiment
VIII / 2nd Division
  • VIII/2 Division
    • VIII/2/0 Command Echelon
      • VIII/2/0/1 Command & Control Regiment
      • VIII/2/0/2 Inspectorate Regiment
    • VIII/2/1 Infantry Brigade
      • VIII/2/1/1 Command & Control Regiment
      • VIII/2/1/2 Area Defence Regiment
      • VIII/2/1/3 Motorised Infantry Regiment
      • VIII/2/1/4 Commissariat Regiment
      • VIII/2/1/5 Inspectorate Regiment
    • VIII/2/2 Infantry Brigade
      • VIII/2/2/1 Command & Control Regiment
      • VIII/2/2/2 Area Defence Regiment
      • VIII/2/1/3 Motorised Infantry Regiment
      • VIII/2/2/4 Commissariat Regiment
      • VIII/2/2/5 Inspectorate Regiment
VIII / 3rd Division
  • VIII/3 Division
    • VIII/3/0 Command Echelon
      • VIII/3/0/1 Command & Control Regiment
      • VIII/3/0/2 Inspectorate Regiment
    • VIII/3/1 Infantry Brigade
      • VIII/3/1/1 Command & Control Regiment
      • VIII/3/1/2 Area Defence Regiment
      • VIII/3/1/3 Motorised Infantry Regiment
      • VIII/3/1/4 Commissariat Regiment
      • VIII/3/1/5 Inspectorate Regiment
    • VIII/3/2 Infantry Brigade
      • VIII/3/2/1 Command & Control Regiment
      • VIII/3/2/2 Area Defence Regiment
      • VIII/3/1/3 Motorised Infantry Regiment
      • VIII/3/2/4 Commissariat Regiment
      • VIII/3/2/5 Inspectorate Regiment
La Hermandad South Lyrica
VIII / 4th Division
  • VIII/4 Division
    • VIII/4/0 Command Echelon
      • VIII/4/0/1 Command & Control Regiment
      • VIII/4/0/2 Inspectorate Regiment
    • VIII/4/1 Infantry Brigade
      • VIII/4/1/1 Command & Control Regiment
      • VIII/4/1/2 Area Defence Regiment
      • VIII/4/1/3 Motorised Infantry Regiment
      • VIII/4/1/4 Commissariat Regiment
      • VIII/4/1/5 Inspectorate Regiment
    • VIII/4/2 Infantry Brigade
      • VIII/4/2/1 Command & Control Regiment
      • VIII/4/2/2 Area Defence Regiment
      • VIII/4/1/3 Motorised Infantry Regiment
      • VIII/4/2/4 Commissariat Regiment
      • VIII/4/2/5 Inspectorate Regiment
IX Corps
IX Corps Headquarters
  • IX Corps
    • IX Command Echelon
      • IX/0/1 Command Staff
        • IX/0/1/1 Command & Control Regiment
        • IX/0/1/2 Inspectorate Regiment
Humahuaca South Lyrica
IX / 1st Division
  • IX/1 Division
    • IX/1/0 Command Echelon
      • IX/1/0/1 Command & Control Regiment
      • IX/1/0/2 Inspectorate Regiment
    • IX/1/1 Infantry Brigade
      • IX/1/1/1 Command & Control Regiment
      • IX/1/1/2 Area Defence Regiment
      • IX/1/1/3 Motorised Infantry Regiment
      • IX/1/1/4 Commissariat Regiment
      • IX/1/1/5 Inspectorate Regiment
    • IX/1/2 Infantry Brigade
      • IX/1/2/1 Command & Control Regiment
      • IX/1/2/2 Area Defence Regiment
      • IX/1/1/3 Motorised Infantry Regiment
      • IX/1/2/4 Commissariat Regiment
      • IX/1/2/5 Inspectorate Regiment
IX / 2nd Division
  • IX/2 Division
    • IX/2/0 Command Echelon
      • IX/2/0/1 Command & Control Regiment
      • IX/2/0/2 Inspectorate Regiment
    • IX/2/1 Infantry Brigade
      • IX/2/1/1 Command & Control Regiment
      • IX/2/1/2 Area Defence Regiment
      • IX/2/1/3 Motorised Infantry Regiment
      • IX/2/1/4 Commissariat Regiment
      • IX/2/1/5 Inspectorate Regiment
    • IX/2/2 Infantry Brigade
      • IX/2/2/1 Command & Control Regiment
      • IX/2/2/2 Area Defence Regiment
      • IX/2/1/3 Motorised Infantry Regiment
      • IX/2/2/4 Commissariat Regiment
      • IX/2/2/5 Inspectorate Regiment
IX / 3rd Division
  • IX/3 Division
    • IX/3/0 Command Echelon
      • IX/3/0/1 Command & Control Regiment
      • IX/3/0/2 Inspectorate Regiment
    • IX/3/1 Infantry Brigade
      • IX/3/1/1 Command & Control Regiment
      • IX/3/1/2 Area Defence Regiment
      • IX/3/1/3 Motorised Infantry Regiment
      • IX/3/1/4 Commissariat Regiment
      • IX/3/1/5 Inspectorate Regiment
    • IX/3/2 Infantry Brigade
      • IX/3/2/1 Command & Control Regiment
      • IX/3/2/2 Area Defence Regiment
      • IX/3/1/3 Motorised Infantry Regiment
      • IX/3/2/4 Commissariat Regiment
      • IX/3/2/5 Inspectorate Regiment
Nouveau Geneva
IX / 4th Division
  • IX/4 Division
    • IX/4/0 Command Echelon
      • IX/4/0/1 Command & Control Regiment
      • IX/4/0/2 Inspectorate Regiment
    • IX/4/1 Infantry Brigade
      • IX/4/1/1 Command & Control Regiment
      • IX/4/1/2 Area Defence Regiment
      • IX/4/1/3 Motorised Infantry Regiment
      • IX/4/1/4 Commissariat Regiment
      • IX/4/1/5 Inspectorate Regiment
    • IX/4/2 Infantry Brigade
      • IX/4/2/1 Command & Control Regiment
      • IX/4/2/2 Area Defence Regiment
      • IX/4/1/3 Motorised Infantry Regiment
      • IX/4/2/4 Commissariat Regiment
      • IX/4/2/5 Inspectorate Regiment
Ciudad Roas

513th Army (Alduria)

Unit Subordinate Units Headquarters Garrisoned Area
I Combined Arms Corps
1st C&CU
  • 1001st Corps Headquarters Company
  • 601st General Support Regiment
  • 602nd Area Defence Regiment
  • 603rd Pioneer Regiment
  • 604th Works & Maintenance Regiment
Punta Santiago Alduria
1st ACU
  • 800th General Support Regiment
  • 801st Reconnaissance Regiment
  • 802nd Vanguard Regiment
      • - 802nd/1st Heavy Tank Squadron
  • 803th Flankguard Regiment
  • 804th Flankguard Regiment
  • 805th Skyguard Regiment
  • 806th Support Regiment
Punta Santiago Alduria
1st ADU
  • 700th General Support Regiment
  • 701st Silver Hammer Regiment
  • 702nd Silver Hammer Regiment
  • 703th Corps Artillery Regiment
  • 704th Corps Artillery Regiment
  • 705th Security Regiment
  • 706th Support Regiment
Punta Santiago Alduria
19th RRU
  • 191th Airlanding Regiment
  • 192th Parachute Regiment
  • 193th Parachute Regiment
  • 194th (Airborne) Light Artillery Regiment
  • 195th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
  • 196th Armoured Car Squadron
Punta Santiago
31st RRU
  • 311th Airlanding Regiment
  • 312th Parachute Regiment
  • 313th Parachute Regiment
  • 314th (Airborne) Light Artillery Regiment
  • 315th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
  • 316th Armoured Car Squadron
36th RRU
  • 361st Airlanding Regiment
  • 362nd Parachute Regiment
  • 363rd Parachute Regiment
  • 364th (Airborne) Light Artillery Regiment
  • 365th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
  • 366th Armoured Car Squadron
45th RRU
  • 451st Airlanding Regiment
  • 452nd Parachute Regiment
  • 453rd Parachute Regiment
  • 454th (Airborne) Light Artillery Regiment
  • 455th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
  • 456th Armoured Car Squadron
78th RRU
  • 781th Airlanding Regiment
  • 782nd Parachute Regiment
  • 783rd Parachute Regiment
  • 784th (Airborne) Light Artillery Regiment
  • 784th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
  • 785th Armoured Car Squadron
Fort Laons
541st RRU
  • 5411st Airlanding Regiment
  • 5412nd Parachute Regiment
  • 5413rd Parachute Regiment
  • 5414th (Airborne) Light Artillery Regiment
  • 5415th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
  • 5416th Armoured Car Squadron
542nd RRU
  • 5421st Airlanding Regiment
  • 5422nd Parachute Regiment
  • 5423rd Parachute Regiment
  • 5424th (Airborne) Light Artillery Regiment
  • 5425th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
  • 5426th Armoured Car Squadron
543rd RRU
  • 5431st Airlanding Regiment
  • 5432nd Parachute Regiment
  • 5433rd Parachute Regiment
  • 5434th (Airborne) Light Artillery Regiment
  • 5435th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
  • 5436th Armoured Car Squadron
544th RRU
  • 5441st Airlanding Regiment
  • 5442nd Parachute Regiment
  • 5443rd Parachute Regiment
  • 5444th (Airborne) Light Artillery Regiment
  • 5445th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
  • 5446th Armoured Car Squadron
XV Territorial Defence Corps
1st TDU
  • 23rd Field Infantry Regiment
  • 24th Field Infantry Regiment
  • 12th Field Artillery Regiment
2nd TDU
  • 2nd Guards Brigade of the Army
  • 25th Field Infantry Regiment
  • 13th Field Artillery Regiment
Aldurian Capital District
3rd TDU
  • 25th Field Infantry Regiment
  • 26th Field Infantry Regiment
  • 14th Field Artillery Regiment
Alduria City Altus
4th TDU
  • 27th Field Infantry Regiment
  • 28th Field Infantry Regiment
  • 15th Field Artillery Regiment
5th TDU
  • 29th Field Infantry Regiment
  • 30th Field Infantry Regiment
  • 16th Field Artillery Regiment
6th TDU
  • 31st Field Infantry Regiment
  • 32nd Field Infantry Regiment
  • 17th Field Artillery Regiment
7th TDU
  • 33rd Field Infantry Regiment
  • 34th Field Infantry Regiment
  • 18th Field Artillery Regiment
8th TDU
  • 35th Field Infantry Regiment
  • 36th Field Infantry Regiment
  • 19th Field Artillery Regiment
9th TDU
  • 35th Field Infantry Regiment
  • 36th Field Infantry Regiment
  • 20th Field Artillery Regiment
10th TDU
  • 37th Field Infantry Regiment
  • 38th Field Infantry Regiment
  • 21st Field Artillery Regiment
XVI Territorial Defence Corps
11th TDU
  • 39th Field Infantry Regiment
  • 40th Field Infantry Regiment
  • 22nd Field Artillery Regiment
13th TDU
  • 41st Field Infantry Regiment
  • 42nd Field Infantry Regiment
  • 23rd Field Artillery Regiment
Saint Ignace
14th TDU
  • 43rd Field Infantry Regiment
  • 44th Field Infantry Regiment
  • 24th Field Artillery Regiment
15th TDU
  • 45th Field Infantry Regiment
  • 46th Field Infantry Regiment
  • 25th Field Artillery Regiment
16th TDU
  • 47th Field Infantry Regiment
  • 48th Field Infantry Regiment
  • 26th Field Artillery Regiment
17th TDU
  • 49th Field Infantry Regiment
  • 50th Field Infantry Regiment
  • 27th Field Artillery Regiment
Baatharzi Autonomous State
18th TDU
  • 51st Field Infantry Regiment
  • 52nd Field Infantry Regiment
  • 28th Field Artillery Regiment
Ladino Autonomous State
30th TDU
  • 53rd Field Infantry Regiment
  • 54th Field Infantry Regiment
  • 29th Field Artillery Regiment

300th Air-Land Combined-Arms Army (Moorland / Normark)

Established as the Alexandrian Expeditionary Force for the Normark campaign (1717–1721). Retained as a strategic reserve force attached to the Northern Banner Group of Keltia Command. The 822nd Reconnaissance Regiment in particular would acquire a sterling reputation for providing cadres of forward air controllers to support local forces during the Wars of the Disinherited.

Unit Subordinate Units Headquarters Garrisoned Area
X Corps (Rapid Reaction Force)
Task Force "Vanguard"
  • 613th General Support Regiment
  • 822nd Reconnaissance Regiment
  • 5451st Airlanding Regiment
  • 5462nd Parachute Regiment
  • 5494th (Airborne) Light Artillery Regiment
  • 5515th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
Citadele Alexandrin Normark
Task Force "Vigilance"
  • 617th General Support Regiment
  • 722nd Silver Hammer Regiment
  • 824th Flankguard Regiment
  • 5482nd Parachute Regiment
  • 5534th (Airborne) Light Artillery Regiment
  • 734th Support Regiment
Nouvelle Alexandrie-Moorland Joint Training Facility Moorland
1st Armoured Division
1st Armoured Division Headquarters
  • 1st Armoured Division
    • 1/0/0 Command Echelon
      • 1/0/1 Command & Control Regiment
      • 1/0/2 Inspectorate Regiment
Citadele Alexandrin Normark
1st / 4th Armoured Brigade
  • 1/4 Armoured Brigade
    • 1/4/0 Command Echelon
      • 1/4/0/1 Command & Control Regiment
    • 1/4/1 Combat Echelon
      • 1/4/1/1 Armoured Regiment
      • 1/4/1/2 Area Defence Regiment
      • 1/4/1/3 Motorised Infantry Regiment
    • 1/4/2 Support Echelon
      • 1/4/2/1 Commissariat Regiment
Citadele Alexandrin Normark
1st / 7th Armoured Brigade
  • 1/7 Armoured Brigade
    • 1/7/0 Command Echelon
      • 1/7/0/1 Command & Control Regiment
    • 1/7/1 Combat Echelon
      • 1/7/1/1 Armoured Regiment
      • 1/7/1/2 Area Defence Regiment
      • 1/7/1/3 Motorised Infantry Regiment
    • 1/7/2 Support Echelon
      • 1/7/2/1 Commissariat Regiment
Citadele Alexandrin Normark

301st Combined-Arms Army (Boriquén)

Unit Subordinate Units Headquarters Garrisoned Area
XI Combined Arms Corps (North)
XIII Combined Arms Corps (South)

302nd Combined-Arms Army (New Caputia)

Unit Subordinate Units Headquarters Garrisoned Area
XII Combined Arms Corps (East)
XIV Combined Arms Corps (West)


The Federal Navy of Nouvelle Alexandrie operates a network of naval installations that serve as the backbone for the navy's operational and logistical needs. These installations include home bases, training centers, repair and construction facilities, and command centers, ensuring the Federal Navy's readiness and capability. Reflecting the diverse cultural heritage of Nouvelle Alexandrie, the Navy draws upon the maritime traditions of Alexandria, Caputia, Gotzborg, as well as the indigenous cultures of the Regions within its federation.

The core of the Navy's organizational structure is its fleet dockyards, which are essential for the maintenance, overhaul, and repair of naval vessels. These dockyards also house headquarters units, fueling stations, arsenals, and supply depots. Positioned in strategically defensible locations, they are protected by coastal artillery, harbor defense vessels, and perimeter defense forces. These dockyards are officially designated as "Nouvelle Alexandrie Navy Dockyard" (NAND Dockyard), with abbreviations used as appropriate (e.g., NAND Dockyard Punta Santiago). Ships of the Federal Navy are known as "His Majesty's Ship", or HMS.

Naval Bases are the next tier in the infrastructure hierarchy, offering similar facilities to dockyards but on a smaller scale. Their defense capabilities are also scaled down compared to dockyards. Repair and outfitting facilities at bases are designed to accommodate vessels up to 500 tonnes. These bases are named in a similar fashion to dockyards (e.g., NAND Naval Base San Francisco).

Naval Stations, which are smaller and offer basic repair capabilities and limited defense, support specific missions or temporary operations. These stations provide essential refueling and resupply services for ships, including ammunition, food, and other necessities, though they are not equipped to support major fleet operations. All naval stations include refueling capabilities.

Naval Establishments, the smallest installations, can be located inland or along the coast. They serve as recruitment and training centers for naval personnel, centers for Naval Reserve activities, and support units for naval personnel in combined arms formations.

The manpower of the Federal Navy includes 106 admirals, 515 post-captains, 394 commanders, 2,091 lieutenants, 8,200 other officers, 168,000 enlisted personnel, and 144,000 marines. This reflects the modern, integrated structure of Nouvelle Alexandrie's military forces.

Attempts by the Federal Navy to gain control of the aviation assets deployed aboard its vessels have been continually thwarted by stalwart opposition of the Federal Air Force, a factor that has ultimately contributed to the failure of the Federal Navy to develop a carrier arm to the fleet. Indeed, in some circles of the admiralty it is felt as a keen humiliation that Floria was able to put four fleet carriers to sea before 1723 AN whilst the the Federal Navy has to its name a single light carrier, which, in their eyes, was only suitable for helicopter-borne anti-submarine warfare operations. However, Nouvelle Alexandrie's Navy has made strides in establishing a capable fleet, including the commissioning of state-of-the-art aircraft carriers in 1728 AN, overcoming previous limitations.

Apollonian Fleet

The Apollonian Fleet, responsible for regions such as North Lyrica, South Lyrica, New Luthoria, and Islas de la Libertad, is based at NAND Dockyard Beaufort, with additional bases at Rochefort and Estefanía. It comprises three Battle Groups (Lyrica, New Luthoria, Libertad) and a specialized Submarine Group, highlighting its strategic focus on these key areas.

Euran Fleet

The Euran Fleet, serving Alduria, operates from NAND Dockyard Punta Santiago, with bases at Beauhamais, Alduria City, and Piriya. It includes three Battle Groups (North, West, East), each equipped with cruisers and destroyers, and features two Submarine Groups. The North BG also boasts an Amphibious Assault Ship and a Transport Dock, underscoring its amphibious capabilities.

Keltian Fleet

As the largest component, the Keltian Fleet covers Wechua, Santander, Boriquén, New Caputia, and Valencia. Headquartered at NAND Dockyard Jirishanca, with bases at San Francisco, Mayenne, Corcovado, and San Juan, it is organized into two Battle Groups (West, South) and a robust Submarine Group. This fleet is pivotal for regional security and includes the current flagship light aircraft carrier, HMS Proclamacion, enhancing Nouvelle Alexandrie's naval power projection.

Colonial Marines and Auxiliaries

The remit of the Colonial Marines and the Auxiliaries as a combined force, covered the defence and security of the littoral waters, harbours and port installations, coastal settlements, and overall exclusive economic zone (EEZ) that passed under the sovereignty of Alduria-Wechua during the colonial expansions that followed in the wake of the Proclamation of Punta Santiago. With the majority of existing naval assets assigned to the Apollonian, Euran and Keltian Fleets, in line with their origins with the naval services of Alduria and the Wechua Nation prior to the establishment of the union, the needs of the initial Colonial Fleet were met by a combination of new builds, procured directly from the shipyards of the Pontecorvo Firm, and requisitioned commercial shipping.

Each colonial state of the new foundations (North Lyrica, South Lyrica, etc) serves as the duty station for a Marine Infantry Brigade subordinated to the Colonial Marine Command. A Marine Infantry Brigade consists of four demi-regiments (x1 Command & Control, x2 Landing Force, x1 Raiding Force) and one combat support regiment (x1 Amphibious Mobility Cohort, x1 Artillery Landing Cohort, x1 Combat Service Support Cohort) amounting to a total establishment of 3,600 marines per brigade.

Air Force

The Federal Air Force of Alduria-Wechua had been in existence for a scant five years as of 1690 AN. However in terms of personnel and equipment the air force could trace its lineages back to the aviation arms of the military of Alduria and the military of the Wechua Nation. Both these forces were of minimal establishments, with the burden of air defence both on Eura and Keltia being shouldered by the continental theatre commands of the Raspur Pact. Since the Proclamation of Punta Santiago in 1685, and especially with the ensuing concerted effort to infill the gap between the two realms through an intensive programme of colonisation culminating in the pacification of Lyrica, the air force has had to expand exponentially in order to ensure territorial coverage and support for land and maritime assets that were, at times, perilously spread thin during the campaigns of conquest and settlement that had been embarked upon.

Aware that it would not be facing organised resistance by first rate opponents under any circumstances where the assistance of the Raspur Pact could not be swiftly called upon, the expansion of the air force was initially predicated upon the mass production of comparatively cheap light attack aircraft and medium transport planes - the T-4/A-4 Flecha and the C-11 Mula respectively - distributed across ten air fleets with modern multi-role strike aircraft organised into two Federal Air Defence Wings (one stationed in Cárdenas and the other at Punta Santiago) with the Federal School of Aviation based at Parap receiving the two-seater training versions of the FA-9B Banshee and the remainder of the dedicated training aircraft (x10 T-2/A-2 Saeqeh, x25 T-3 Akóntio, x26 TP-5 Alpha).

The advantage of this programme, although it delayed the building up of an advanced striking force, such as that put into being by Sanama over a comparable period, was that the air force instead focused on building up cadres of experienced pilots, well versed in ground attack missions, ready for conversion to fast jets when these began to enter service as the multinational Project 1700 entered into its maturation and production phase. The modernisation and expansion plans for the air force, centred around the F-9 Ashavan II, F-17 Axarana, Javelin F-18 Cyclone, Javelin Industries helicopter series, and R-2 Krähenwürger heavy assault rotorcraft, are intended to be complete by the year 1720 AN.

Within the aforementioned resource constraints the Federal Air Force attempts to maintain one air fleet per region, subdivided into banner air groups corresponding to the number of states within their respective region of operation. The number of airframes, and accordingly of operational squadrons, is determined by the contributions to the Continental Theatre Commands of the Raspur Pact, as mandated by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. There is a high degree of flexibility in the internal organisation of the air fleets, with the rapid transfer of aircraft and aircrews between banner air groups according to operational needs. This means that squadrons tend to form, transfer, and disband, with great alacrity - meaning however that esprit de corps is sometimes wanting as units of a necessarily temporary nature struggle to achieve meaningful cohesion.

Ground-Based Air Defence Establishment

11x Ground-based Air Defence Divisions. Commencement from 13.V.1693 AN Details to follow.

Space Force

Article Six of the founding treaty of the Raspur Pact commited Nouvelle Alexandrie to

... work together to create, under Natopian guidance, an orbital defence force for the better protection of the [member states], the swifter detection and interception of unsanctioned weapons of mass destruction and for the defence of Micras and the interests of the Signatory Nations in the wider Atos System against any external force or anomalous phenomena...

Nouvelle Alexandrie has, during the early 18th century after Norton, emerged as one of the leading members of the Raspur Pact in its contributions towards the fulfillment of this remit. Whilst not at Natopia's singularly advanced level of technological development, Nouvelle Alexandrie is not however burdened with the near-ruinous costs of maintaining a legacy space fleet and has been better able to allocate resources towards activities in the near-Micras orbit, such as the placement of reconnaissance satellites and the construction of the orbital defence platforms recently utilised by the Raspur Pact in the repulse of the Theogiorickan incursion of 1721–1722 AN.

As one of the major contributors to the Planetary Defence Network, as well as the controller of its own growing constellation of orbital assets, it was inevitable that Nouvelle Alexandrie would stand up its own Space Force which it duly did in 1720 AN.

At present an embryonic force, it will by 1727 AN have full operational control of the assets generated under the Nouvelle Alexandrie Orbital Defense Initiative.

Federal Guards Service

Federal Royal Guards

The Federal Royal Guards are an independent, highly-trained unit of the Federal Forces tasked primarily with the protection of the King, the Royal Family, important members of the Government, and visiting foreign heads of state or government. The Federal Royal Guard also provides physical security for the Palace of Carranza, the Cortes Federales building, the residences of the President and Vice-President of the Government, and all foreign diplomatic missions in Cárdenas, FCD. This also includes protective operations to coordinate manpower and logistics with regional and local law enforcement, protective advances to conduct site and venue assessments for protectees, and protective intelligence to investigate all manners of threats made against protectees. The Federal Royal Guards is also in charge of the planning, coordination, and implementation of security operations for events designated as special events requiring extra security provisions and planning, usually involving foreign heads of state or government or a member of the Government or the Royal Family. As part of the Guards' mission of preventing an incident before it occurs, the agency relies on meticulous advance work and threat assessments developed by its Intelligence Division to identify and neutralize potential risks.

The Federal Royal currently has a strength of 4,800 troops, constituting a fully functional combat unit drawn from the ranks of all branches of the Federal Forces.

Coast Guard

The Federal Coast Guard Force of Nouvelle Alexandrie consists of 193,569 personnel assigned to 161 regiments each with a nominal strength of 1,200 enlisted.

The coast guard operates Berthier and Napoleon-class cutters, as well as Melusine-class fast attack boats transferred from the Federal Navy. This relatively modest boat strength is supplemented by large numbers of in-shore rigid craft as well as microlights utilised in a light air patrol function. Attempts by the coast guard to form its own search and rescue orientated helicopter force was frustrated by the combined opposition of the Federal Navy and the Federal Air Force, which both vie for exclusive control of helicopter forces utilised in the maritime environment.

Border Guard

Skerrian levies of the Border Guard undergoing basic training in New Luthoria, circa 1699 AN.

The Border Guard is Nouvelle Alexandrie's primary security organisation at its borders with Çakaristan and Hurmu on Apollonia, Constancia on Eura, the Hexarchy, Imperial Federation, and Vales on Keltia, and the frontiers with the Green across all continents. It is also responsible for ensuring the security of the riverways of the Federation and related matters.

The Border Guard Force comprised some 230,400 men under arms, organised into 192 regimental detachments with an average strength of 1,200 enlisted. As such it constituted one of the largest branches of the Federal Guards Service.

As Keltia is the last continent with open frontiers for the borders of Nouvelle Alexandrie to face onto, this is reflected by the prioritisation the 67 regiments of the Border Guard Force assigned there receives in terms of manpower and equipment.

Federal Support Corps

The Federal Support Corps serve as the military corps that are shared by all the branches of the Federal Forces, often providing specific professional expertise or support to the Federal Forces.

The Federal Support Corps are five:

  • the Military Emergencies Unit;
  • the Military Legal Corps;
  • the Military Comptroller Corps;
  • the Military Medical Corps;
  • the Military Band Unit.

Initially comprising of 36,000 personnel assigned to the Military Emergencies Unit, the Military Legal Corps, the Military Comptroller Corps, the Military Medical Corps, and the Military Band Corps, the Federal Support Corps would expand rapidly after 1691 AN to provide the main source of general purpose auxiliaries and construction troops required for the Defence Special Works Programme and provides the primary interface between the Federal Forces and the National Qullqa System, allowing for resources to be requisitioned from the latter and delivered to the specified destination point.

Military Emergencies Unit

A brigade strength formation, six thousand strong, comprised of five regiments, dedicated to providing disaster relief services and aid to the civil power.

Regiment Headquarters Area Served
1st MEU Narbonne Alduria (West Bank)
2nd MEU Bathshahr Alduria (East Bank & Baatharz)
3rd MEU Parap Wechua
4th MEU Cárdenas Federal Capital District & Santander
5th MEU Chambery Valencia
Military Legal Corps

The Military Legal Corps of the Federal Forces works in judicial and legal advising and assessment in the Department of Defense and in all military tribunals and judicial organizations.

Military Comptroller Corps

The Military Comptroller Corps exercises the internal audit of the economic and financial management of the Department of Defense and the Federal Forces, and of all military public agencies dependent on it. Likewise, it is responsible for acting as the military notary in the form and conditions established by the laws and for advising in matters of its competence to the superior and directive departments of the Department.

Military Medical Corps

The Military Medical Corps is entrusted with attention and care for the health of service members of the Federal Forces and all related fields, such as psychology, pharmacology, and veterinary medicine.

Military Band Unit

The Military Band Unit is in charge of all the Federal Forces' music bands and services, such as but not limited to the preparation and direction of its military branches.

Euran Auxiliary Corps

In the aftermath of Operation Paramount, the 9 Rapid Response Units deployed into the region were withdrawn for reassignment to Norvind for operations against Zeed in the culminating months of the Third Euran War. This left security in the newly established state of Villalba in the hands of the Federal Guards service, which deployed a mixed force of border guards and personnel from the Federal Support Corps to fill the void. By this stage the initial landing zones taken by airborne assault in 1698 had been turned into forward operating bases and the next phase of Augustus Strong's "ink-blot" strategy for the conquest of Villalba State was to transform these sites into colonial settlements. To this end, on 18.XIII.1699 AN orders were sent out by the Secretary of Defence to the mayors of municipalities in the regions of Alduria, Santander, and the Wechua Nation, to collect those able-bodied presently in detention within their jurisdictions, for selection parades that would be attended by officers of the Federal Guards Service on 24.XV.1699 AN. The municipalities would receive a 1,000 écu cash bounty for every suitable person selected for voluntary enlistment, so as to incentivise their cooperation. These recruits would be assigned to the nine cantonments now in the possession of the FGS, where a colonial regiment apiece would be raised.

Corps-General Eugène Fouché, a veteran of the pacification of Altus, was recalled to the colours from retirement and appointed to the command of the Euran Auxiliary Corps on 20.II.1700 AN.

Home Guard

Established under the Home Guard Act, 1711, the Home Guard is a volunteer part-time militia into which all licenced firearms owners are enrolled as a condition of their permit. Home Guard Regiments, serving as an administrative and operational cadre for the organisation, are active in each state (second tier subdivision) of the Federation. Full musters of the Home Guard may only occur during instances of war or national emergency where such conditions have been established by a proclamation of the State Council.

Home Guard Regiments are subject to the command and discipline of the Federal Guards Service, and as such cadre personnel can expect to support the internal security and logistical support remit of that branch.

Home Guardsmen are under no obligation to serve outside the territorial bounds of the Federation nor to be stationed at posts outside of their permanent state of residence.



Combat Aircraft

Aircraft Origin Type Image № in Service Notes
A-5 Tejón de Miel Mk. II Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Close air support / CAS File:A-5 Tejón Miel MkII.png 400 / 800
  • Modernized variant, featuring advanced composite armor, sensor fusion, and low‐observable upgrades.
  • Evaluation completed 1720 AN; entered service 1722 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 40× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
  • 50 units converted to advanced trainer configuration in 1740 AN; 20 units allocated for allied integration in 1741 AN.
B-15 Airspark Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Strategic bomber Javelin-B-15-Airspark.png 8 / 38
  • Stealth strategic bomber with a long‐range precision strike capability and integrated sensor suite.
  • Evaluation completed 1722 AN; entered service 1724 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 3× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
B-16 Ironlance Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Supersonic stealth bomber File:B-16 Ironlance.png 6 / 26
  • Supersonic stealth bomber engineered for rapid penetration of enemy airspace with advanced electronic countermeasures.
  • Evaluation completed 1723 AN; entered service 1725 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 2× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
B-17 Sealance Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Naval stealth bomber File:B-17 Sealance.png 4 / 24
  • Naval variant optimized for carrier operations with reinforced structure and foldable wing design.
  • Evaluation completed 1724 AN; entered service 1726 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 2× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
F-9 Ashavan II Benacian Union Benacian Union Multi‐role strike fighter F-9 Ashavan II.png 240 / 240
  • Upgraded multi‐role platform with advanced stealth coatings, sensor integration, and precision strike capability.
  • Legacy fleet consolidation completed by 1720 AN; operational from 1722 AN.
  • 50 units allocated to allied commands (1741 AN); 10 lost during training exercises (1742 AN).
F-9 Ashavan III Multi‐role strike fighter (advanced) F-9 Ashavan III.png 300 / 650
  • Enhanced variant featuring next‐generation avionics and improved survivability.
  • 2 evaluation prototypes received in 1728 AN; full order confirmed in 1741 AN.
  • Production at 35× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
F-17 Axarana Raspur Pact Axarana Industrial Consortium Air superiority fighter (stealth) F-17 Axarana.png 120 / 320
  • Stealth air superiority platform with supercruise capability and integrated electronic warfare systems.
  • Evaluation completed in 1720 AN; Operational Conversion Unit formed in 1723 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 20× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
F-18 Cyclone Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Strategic deep‐strike fighter Project Cyclone.png 150 / 400
  • Next‐generation deep‐strike fighter with stealth integration and extended range capabilities.
  • Evaluation completed in 1722 AN; entered service 1724 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 25× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
F-19 Greystrike Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Air superiority fighter (next‐gen) JAVF-19-GreyStrike.png 200 / 600
  • Cutting‐edge stealth design intended to replace legacy fighters; excels in high‐threat environments.
  • Trials completed in 1725 AN; operational from 1727 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 40× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
F-20 Bluestrike Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Fleet air defense fighter F-20-BlueStrike.png 180 / 430
  • High‐performance fighter optimized for fleet defense, equipped with long‐range radar and advanced missile systems.
  • Evaluation completed in 1726 AN; entered service 1728 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 25× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
F-21 Heavenscream Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries STOVL strike fighter F-21-Heavenscream.png 150 / 450
  • Advanced STOVL platform featuring vector thrust and integrated sensor fusion.
  • Evaluation completed in 1725 AN; entered service 1727 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 30× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
F-23 Seapulse Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Carrier‐launched hypersonic interceptor File:F-23 Seapulse.png 90 / 240
  • Carrier‐launched interceptor designed for rapid response against high‐speed threats, featuring advanced propulsion and low‐observable features.
  • Evaluation completed in 1727 AN; entered service 1729 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 15× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
EA-23 Stormbreaker Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Electronic warfare fighter variant File:EA-23 Stormbreaker.png 100 / 300
  • Dedicated EW fighter developed from the F-19 Greystrike platform, incorporating advanced electronic countermeasures and sensor jamming systems.
  • Evaluation completed in 1729 AN; entered service 1731 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 20× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).

Helicopters & Rotorcraft

Aircraft Origin Type Image № in Service Notes
Helicopters & Rotorcraft
H-1 Menace Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Reconnaissance & attack rotorcraft JavelinH-1Menace1699AN.png 240 / 600
  • In service from 1708 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 30× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
H-2 Siren Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Utility helicopter JavelinH-2Siren1699.png 160 / 600
  • In service from 1708 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 40× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
H-3 Buccaneer Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Anti-submarine warfare (ASW) helicopter File:JavelinH-3Buccaneer.png 100 / 320
  • In service from 1725 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 20× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
H-4 Whisper Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Light utility helicopter File:JavelinH-4Whisper.png 200 / 500
  • In service from 1727 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 30× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
H-5 Sovereign Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Heavy-lift cargo helicopter Javelin-H-5-Sovereign.png 80 / 250
  • In service from 1730 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 15× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
H-6 Guardian Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Search and rescue helicopter File:JavelinH-6Guardian.png 120 / 300
  • In service from 1726 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 20× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
H-7 Predator Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Advanced attack helicopter File:JavelinH-7Predator.png 180 / 500
  • In service from 1731 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 35× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
H-8 SeaGuard Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Maritime patrol helicopter File:JavelinH-8SeaGuard.png 90 / 280
  • In service from 1729 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 15× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
H-9 Thunder Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Tactical transport helicopter File:JavelinH-9Thunder.png 150 / 450
  • In service from 1733 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 30× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
H-10 Phantom Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Special operations helicopter File:JavelinH-10Phantom.png 110 / 320
  • In service from 1732 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 20× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
H-11 Frosthawk Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Arctic operations helicopter File:JavelinH-11Frosthawk.png 75 / 250
  • Specialized for extreme cold-weather operations, reinforced airframe, anti-icing systems, and upgraded avionics.
  • In service from 1735 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 20× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).

Patrol Aircraft

Aircraft Origin Type Image № in Service Notes
Patrol Aircraft
AEW-1 Buscadora Nouvelle Alexandrie ESB Susa Airborne early warning aircraft AEW-1 Buscadora.png 10 / 30
  • In service from 1708 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 5× per year (1742 AN1748 AN).
P-2 Navegador Nouvelle Alexandrie ESB Susa Maritime patrol aircraft P-2 Navegador.png 48 / 100
  • In service from 1708 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 10× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
P-3 Vigía Nouvelle Alexandrie ESB Susa Multi-role patrol aircraft File:P-3 Vigia.png 36 / 80
  • Enhanced maritime and land surveillance variant with advanced radar and anti-submarine capabilities.
  • In service from 1725 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 8× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
AEW-2 Centinela Nouvelle Alexandrie ESB Susa Next-generation airborne early warning aircraft File:AEW-2 Centinela.png 12 / 40
  • Advanced AWACS platform with expanded detection range and networked battle management capabilities.
  • In service from 1730 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 7× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).

Trainer Aircraft

Aircraft Origin Type Image № in Service Notes
Trainer Aircraft
T-4/A-4 Flecha Alduria ESB Susa Turboprop trainer T-4 Flecha Alduria.png 1,357
  • In service from 1676 AN onwards;
  • Peak number in service - 3,027 (1692 AN);
  • 470x transferred to Constancia (1694 AN);
  • 470x transferred to Suren (1694 AN);
  • 120x transferred to Elluenuueq (1694 AN).
  • Removed from light attack role with arrival of first domestically manufactured attack rotorcraft, 1708 AN.
  • 120x transferred to Zeed, 1721 AN.
  • 400x transferred to Natopia, 1727 AN.
  • 90x transferred to Anahuaco as defence aid, 1729 AN.
T-5 Tejón de Miel Alduria-Wechua Javelin Industries Jet trainer Javelin T-5-A-5 Tejón de Miel.png 400
  • Transferred from attack role to jet training 1708 AN.
T-6 Preceptora Nouvelle Alexandrie ESB Susa Twin-engine turboprop trainer T-6 Preceptora.png 240 In service, 1708 AN
T-7/A-6 Víbora Nouvelle Alexandrie ESB Susa Turboprop trainer T-6-A-6 Víbora.png 183 / 603
  • 3x evaluation prototypes received
  • 600x production airframes ordered, 1727 AN.


Aircraft Origin Type Image № in Service Notes
C-11 Mula Alduria ESB Susa Transport C-11 Mula.png 1,200 / 2,000
  • In service from 1676 AN onwards.
  • Peak number in service - 2,184 (1698 AN).
  • 300x sold to ESB Group (Apollonia) (1698 AN).
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 50× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
C-12 Sojourner Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Air-to-air refueling aircraft and transport Sojourner.jpg 44 / 86
  • In service from 1708 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 10× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
C-13 Albatross Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Strategic and tactical airlifter File:Javelin C-13 Albatross.png 180 / 400
  • High-capacity airlifter with extended range for rapid troop and cargo deployment.
  • In service from 1725 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 25× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
C-14 Skyserpent Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Carrier onboard delivery aircraft File:Javelin C-14 Skyserpent.png 60 / 150
  • Naval variant designed for carrier resupply missions.
  • In service from 1730 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 10× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
C-15 Titanhauler Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Strategic airlifter File:Javelin C-15 Titanhauler.png 90 / 250
  • Heavy-lift aircraft for intercontinental cargo transport.
  • In service from 1732 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 15× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
C-16 Thunderhaul Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Aerial refueling tanker and strategic transport aircraft File:Javelin C-16 Thunderhaul.png 70 / 200
  • Multi-role tanker and transport platform.
  • In service from 1731 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 12× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
C-17 Primeward Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Carrier aerial refueling aircraft File:Javelin C-17 Primeward.png 50 / 120
  • Naval refueling aircraft for carrier-based operations.
  • In service from 1733 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 8× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
C-18 Vanguard Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries STOL special operations transport File:Javelin C-18 Vanguard.png 40 / 100
  • Short takeoff and landing (STOL) aircraft designed for special forces and covert operations.
  • In service from 1735 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 6× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Aircraft Origin Type Image № in Service Notes
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
M-1 Eternal Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries High-altitude theatre reconnaissance M-1-Eternal.png 6 / 24
  • Operated on behalf of the Raspur Pact.
  • Assigned to continental theatre commands.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 3× per year (1742 AN1750 AN).
M-2 Dragoon Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Remote reconnaissance & light attack M-2-Dragoon.png 120 / 500
  • Evaluation prototypes received, 1698 AN.
  • In service from 1708 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 30× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
M-3 Dark Eye Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Tactical reconnaissance UAV M-3-dark-Eye.png 90 / 300
  • Deployed for battlefield intelligence gathering.
  • In service from 1730 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 15× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
M-4 SkyPiercer Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Dual-role surveillance & loitering munition UAV File:M-4-SkyPiercer.png 75 / 250
  • Equipped for real-time surveillance and precision strike.
  • In service from 1733 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 10× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
M-5 Sea Reaver Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Maritime UAV for oceanic operations File:M-5-SeaReaver.png 40 / 120
  • Optimized for naval surveillance and anti-submarine roles.
  • In service from 1735 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 8× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
V-1 Cargo Guardian Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries VTOL UAV for cargo delivery File:V-1-CargoGuardian.png 50 / 200
  • Specialized in autonomous logistics and resupply in challenging environments.
  • In service from 1736 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 15× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
S-1 Swarm Scout Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Swarm UAV for reconnaissance File:S-1-SwarmScout.png 200 / 600
  • Deployed in tactical swarms for battlefield awareness.
  • In service from 1734 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 40× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
U-1 UrbanEye Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Compact UAV for urban surveillance File:U-1-UrbanEye.png 120 / 400
  • Designed for counter-terrorism and law enforcement operations.
  • In service from 1737 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 25× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
L-1 Phantom Strike Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Long-range UCAV for precision strikes File:L-1-PhantomStrike.png 80 / 250
  • Armed UAV with deep-strike capability.
  • In service from 1738 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 12× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
T-1 Flash Recon Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries High-speed UAV for tactical reconnaissance File:T-1-FlashRecon.png 60 / 200
  • Developed for rapid intelligence collection and electronic warfare support.
  • In service from 1737 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 10× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
E-1 Silent Jammer Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries MALE UAV for electronic warfare File:E-1-SilentJammer.png 50 / 180
  • Designed for electronic jamming and cyber-warfare support.
  • In service from 1739 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 8× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
SNOWFOX Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Autonomous UAV for extreme polar surveillance File:SNOWFOX.png 30 / 100
  • Engineered for arctic and high-altitude operations.
  • In service from 1740 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 7× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).

Retired Aircraft

Aircraft Origin Type Image № in Service Notes
Retired Aircraft
F-8 Shrike Shireroth fighter F-8M.png 12
FA-9A Banshee Talenore fighter (single-seat Multirole) FA9 Banshee.png 23
  • Purchased from Talenore, 1681 AN.
  • Transferred to Zeed for air policing duties, 1721 AN.
FA-9B Banshee Talenore fighter (Two-seat trainer/Multirole) 3
  • Purchased from Talenore, 1681 AN.
  • Transferred to Zeed for air policing duties, 1721 AN.
T-2/A-2 Saeqeh Normark Sårensby Industrial Area light attack aircraft / trainer OAH Saeqeh.png 10 In service from 1659 AN onwards. Stationed in Wechua. Retired 1708 AN.
T-3 Akóntio Constancia Ergostásio Aeroskafón light attack aircraft / trainer Vey Akintos.png 25 In service from 1659 AN onwards. Stationed in Wechua. Retired 1708 AN.
TP-5 Alpha Shireroth jet trainer 26 Purchased from Talenore, 1681 AN. Retired 1708 AN.
UH-123 Hawk Talenore utility 10 Purchased from Talenore, 1681 AN.
UH-500 Protector Talenore light attack / scout 4 Purchased from Talenore, 1681 AN.


Ground-based Air Defence System

Name Origin Type № in Service Image Notes
Ground-based Air Defence System
Athena Air Defense System Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Short-range air defense system 600 / 1,200 Athena AADS tranche 2.png
  • Production order for 211x placed in 1713 AN.
  • 211x sold to Benacian Union, 1729 AN.
  • Order for 600x placed in 1729 AN; full delivery by 1739 AN.
  • Additional order for 600x confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 50× per year (1742 AN1754 AN).
Geneva 2 Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Anti-Ballistic Missile System 184 / 300 Geneva2Launch.jpg
  • Initial entry into service 1680 AN.
  • Full operational capacity 1703 AN onward.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 12× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
Silver Hammer Nouvelle Alexandrie Silver Hammer Consortium C-RAM and short-range air defense system 824 / 1,500 Silver-hammer.jpg
  • Initial entry into service 1675 AN.
  • Full operational capacity 1688 AN onward.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 50× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
System-2 Missile Complex Unified Governorates Šlomxala Arsenal SAM system / rocket artillery 96 / 180 System 2 Missile Complex.png
  • Initial entry into service 1678 AN.
  • Full operational capacity 1689 AN onward.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 7× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
Vulcan Advanced Air Defense System Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries High-energy air defense system 30 / 150 File:Vulcan AADS.png
  • Incorporates Tactical High-Energy Beam (THEB) technology to neutralize missiles, mortars, drones, and aircraft.
  • In service from 1735 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 10× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
Aerial Defense Sentinel Swarm Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Networked drone air defense system 80 / 400 File:Aerial Defense Sentinel Swarm.png
  • Networked drone swarm equipped with interception capabilities against UAVs, missiles, and low-orbit threats.
  • In service from 1737 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 20× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
Purple Shield Air Defense System Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Multi-layered air defense 40 / 120 File:Purple Shield AADS.png
  • Combines radar, electronic warfare, and interceptors to defend against hypersonic and aerial threats.
  • In service from 1738 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 8× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
Hyperion Skyguard Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Orbital and high-altitude defense 20 / 80 File:Hyperion Skyguard.png
  • Designed to detect and intercept orbital bombardments and hypersonic threats using kinetic interceptors and directed-energy weapons.
  • In service from 1739 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 6× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
Zeus Lightning Rod Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries EMP defense system 50 / 150 File:Zeus Lightning Rod.png
  • Advanced electromagnetic pulse (EMP) defense system capable of disabling drone swarms and guided munitions.
  • In service from 1737 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 10× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
Artemis NetLayer Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Integrated air defense network 25 / 75 File:Artemis NetLayer.png
  • Enhances coordination and real-time response between air defense platforms.
  • In service from 1736 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 5× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
Cerberus Dome Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Close-in weapon system (CIWS) 150 / 600 File:Cerberus Dome.png
  • Comprehensive CIWS for protecting strategic points and mobile units from aerial threats.
  • In service from 1738 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 25× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).

Self-propelled Artillery

Name Origin Type № in Service Image Notes
Self-propelled Artillery
BK-IV 155 mm self-propelled howitzer Benacian Union Mishalan Arsenal 155 mm self-propelled howitzer / field gun 180 / 300 BK-IV Bastiat 155 mm SPH.png
  • Evaluation piece received 1690 AN.
  • Final delivery received 1703 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at ESB Susa facilities in Alduria at 10× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
Thunderstrike Advanced Howitzer Natopia Neridia Defense Industries 155 mm self-propelled howitzer 220 / 500 File:Thunderstrike Advanced Howitzer.png
  • Next-generation self-propelled artillery system with advanced autoloader.
  • In service from 1728 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 20× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
Tempest Multiple Rocket Launch System Natopia Neridia Defense Industries Multiple rocket launch system 140 / 400 TempestRocketSystem1729.jpg
  • Highly mobile rocket artillery system for rapid and widespread fire support.
  • In service from 1729 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 25× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
Centaur Heavy Mortar Carrier Nouvelle Alexandrie FBP 120 mm self-propelled mortar system 90 / 300 File:Centaur HMC.png
  • Rapidly deployable indirect fire support system for mechanized units.
  • In service from 1732 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 15× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
Cyclone Artillery System Nouvelle Alexandrie FBP 203 mm heavy self-propelled gun 75 / 250 File:Cyclone Artillery System.png
  • Long-range fire support system with superior mobility.
  • In service from 1730 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 15× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).
Avalanche Mobile Artillery Nouvelle Alexandrie ESB Susa Self-propelled artillery for mountainous terrain 60 / 180 File:Avalanche Mobile Artillery.png
  • Designed for high-altitude operations and extreme terrain.
  • In service from 1736 AN.
  • Orders confirmed in 1741 AN; production at 10× per year (1742 AN1752 AN).

Towed Artillery

Name Origin Type № in Service Image Notes
Towed Artillery
M1681 105 mm howitzer Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries 105 mm howitzer / field gun 12,200 M1681 105 mm howitzer.png Entered service 1685 AN onwards.

Infantry equipment and weaponry

Name Origin Type № in Service Photo Notes
Knives, Grenades, Miscellaneous Implements
Ayllos (hunting-bolas) Wechua National Qullqa System 774,123 Issued to the Federal Guards Service
Chambi (cudgel) Wechua National Qullqa System 4,010,097 Issued to the Federal Guards Service
Chaska Chiqui (star-headed mace) Wechua National Qullqa System 467,859 Issued to the Federal Guards Service
Clinger Bomb, Adhesive Anti-Tank Grenade Wechua National Qullqa System 4,515,000
Cuncha Chucuna (axe) Wechua National Qullqa System 121,695 Issued to the Federal Guards Service
Estólica (spear-thrower) Wechua National Qullqa System 429,933 Issued to the Federal Guards Service
Florian Cocktail (Tar, sulphur, petrol, sand, & wick) Wechua National Qullqa System 60,000,000+
Huaraca (sling) Wechua National Qullqa System 910,455 Issued to the Federal Guards Service
Suchuc Chiqui (halberd) Wechua National Qullqa System 139,482 Issued to the Federal Guards Service (ceremonial usage)
Pistols / Carbines / Rifles
M1525 9 mm Pistol Normark Sårensby Arsenal
Wechua National Qullqa System
Pistol 565,000 M1523 9mm Pistol.png Supplied by ESB Susa in 1673 & 1674. Widespread unlicensed production in Wechua regions.
M1581 7.62 mm Machine Carbine Normark Sårensby Arsenal
Wechua National Qullqa System
Carbine 1,803,000 M1581 7.62mm Machine Carbine.png
  • Supplied by ESB Susa in 1673 & 1674. Widespread unlicensed production in Wechua regions.
  • Issued to the Federal Guards Service.
M1591 7.62 mm Rifle Normark Sårensby Arsenal
Wechua National Qullqa System
Marksman Rifle 1,150,000 M1591 7.62 mm Rifle.png
  • Supplied by ESB Susa in 1673 & 1674. Widespread unlicensed production in Wechua regions.
  • 500,000x transferred to the Suren as military aid, 1694 AN
  • Issued to Lyrican and Skerrian levies of the Border Guard.
M1656 9 mm SMG Normark Sårensby Arsenal
Wechua National Qullqa System
Submachine Gun 3,468,356 M1656 SMG.png
  • Supplied by ESB Susa in 1673 & 1674. Widespread unlicensed production in Wechua regions.
  • Issued to the Federal Guards Service
M1686 assault rifle (7.62×67mmB) Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Assault Rifle 602,920 M1686 (7.62×67mmB).png
M1690 machine pistol (9x19mm) Machine Pistol 2,500,000 M1690 machine pistol (9x19mm).png Production licenced from Mishalan Arsenal. 2,500,000x machine-pistols ordered (1692 AN).
M1721 battle rifle (7.62×67mmB) Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Service rifle 1,680,000 M1721 battle rifle (7.62×67mmB).png
  • Ordered 1717 AN.
  • Deliveries in period 1722 AN1732 AN.
Machine Guns
M1693 medium machine gun (8x80mm RP) Natopia Luix-Satyria Scientific-Production Association LLC Machine Gun 26,670 M1693 medium machine gun (8x80mm RP).png Issued at troop level
Polybolos 12.7 mm HMG Normark Sårensby Arsenal Heavy Machine Gun 32,000 Polybolos .50 HMG.png


Name Origin Type № in Service Image Notes
Armoured Fighting Vehicles
AFV3 Vindicator Unified Governorates Mishalan Arsenal Main battle tank 248 BK-3 Verteidiger.png
AFV4 Bastiat Unified Governorates Mishalan Arsenal Armoured guided missile vehicle
  • Flankguard configuration: 1,064
  • Rangeguard configuration: 384
  • Skyguard configuration: 540
BK-IV Bastiat.png
  • 2,004x received from Mishalan Arsenal.
  • Half of vehicle strength assigned to Armoured Combat Units, with one third of vehicle strength held for spares, and the remaining third held for operational training. In service since 1688 AN.
  • 16x "flankguard" variants lost during Operation Purple Splendor.
AFV5 Victor Nouvelle Alexandrie Rimarima Armaments Main battle tank 227 MBT-1 Victor.png
HK-IV M1707 Stalker Benacian Union Mishalan Arsenal Tracked anti-tank vehicle 50 HK-IV M1707 Stalker.png
Support Vehicles
Ahvaz utility land cruiser Nouvelle Alexandrie Ahvaz Automotive Engineering Company All-terrain utility vehicle 670,547 Ahvaz Land Cruiser.jpeg
Rz.Kfz 1714 Razkampfwagen Nouvelle Alexandrie Ahvaz Automotive Engineering Company Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle 12,000 Rz.Kfz 1714 Razkampfwagen.png Ordered in 1714 AN.


Name Origin Type № in Service Photo Notes
Aircraft Carriers
Proclamacion-class light aircraft carrier Alduria Pontecorvo Firm, Pontecorvo Light aircraft carrier 1 Proclamacion-class-light-aircraft-carrier.jpg
  • In service from 1712 AN.
  • Ships of the class: Proclamacion
Susa-class aircraft carrier Nouvelle Alexandrie Pontecorvo Firm Aircraft Carrier 2 / 4 Susa-classCarrierPontecorvoFirmNAX.jpg
  • Power projection and air support for naval operations.
  • 4x ordered in 1728 AN.
  • 2x delivered in 1734 AN.

Ships in class:

  • HMS Imperio del Sol
  • HMS Alkhiva
Amphibious Warfare Ships
Behaurnais-class amphibious assault ship Alduria Pontecorvo Firm, Pontecorvo Helicopter landing dock 2 Beauharnais-class-amphibious-assault-ship.jpg
  • In service from 1687 AN.
  • Service life extension rebuild, 1727 AN.
  • Ships of the class: Behaurnais  · San Pablo
Ignatius-class amphibious transport dock Alduria Pontecorvo Firm, Pontecorvo Amphibious transport dock 1 Ignatius-class-amphibious-transport-dock.jpg
  • In service from 1687 AN.
  • 2x transferred to the Surenid Navy, 1722 AN.
  • Ships of the class: Ignatius
Augustine-class cruiser Alduria Pontecorvo Firm, Pontecorvo Guided missile cruiser 6 Augustine-class-cruiser-ship.jpg
  • In service from 1687 AN.
  • Ships of the class: Augustine  · Perla  · Santo Domingo  · Conquistador  · Nepomuceno  · Señora de las Mercedes
Caputia-class helicopter cruiser Alduria ESB Armada, Susa Helicopter-cruiser 3 Caputia-class helicopter cruiser.jpg
  • In service from 1679 AN.
  • Ships of the class: Caputia  · San Genaro  · San Francisco
Dominator-class missile cruiser Alduria ESB Armada, Susa Guided missile cruiser 12 Dominator-class missile cruiser.png
  • In service from 1688 AN.
  • Ships in class: Dominator  · Señora de la Paz  · Gran Señora de la Melusine  · Aquamarine  · Sapphire  · Azure  · Aldin  · Hanan Pacha  · Ukhu Pacha  · Hay Pacha  · Viracocha  · Illapa
Manco Cápac-class cruiser Nouvelle Alexandrie Emergency Shipbuilding Program Light Cruiser (Auxiliary) 60 1720 Manco Cápac-class auxiliary cruiser.png
  • Order placed 1719 AN.
  • See Emergency Shipbuilding Program & Emergency Shipbuilding Program procurement scandal.
  • Ships of the class: Manco Cápac  · Basileus Giakoumis  · Pontecorvo  · Santa Melusina  · Edgard II  · Nathan III  · Francis Joseph IV  · Edgard I  · Queen Abigail  · Queen Alexandra  · Sinchi Roca I  · Mamaquilla  · Pachamama  · Urcuchillay  · Mama Sara  · Supay  · Urcaguary  · Huacas  · St. Natsanet  · St. Luis the Protector  · Our Lady of the Storms and Sorrows  · Mitra  · Oriente  · Soberano  · Santísima Trinidad  · Nuestra Señora  · Señora de la Santísima  · La Real  · Nuestra Señora del Buen Fin  · El Poderoso  · Vigilante  · San Nicolás  · San Isidro  · Salvador del Mundo  · San Ildefonso  · Conde de Regla  · Matilde  · San Fermín  · Firme  · Diana  · San Antonio  · Glorioso  · Señora de Atocha  · Atlante  · San José  · Ceres  · Asunción  · Santa Justa  · Santa Balbina  · Santa Paula  · Neptuno  · Scipion  · Rayo  · Formidable  · Mount Itni  · San Agustin  · Héros  · Bucentaure  · Redoutable
Valeria-class destroyer Alduria Pontecorvo Firm, Pontecorvo Guided missile destroyer 6 Valeria-class-destroyer.jpg
  • In service from 1687 AN.
  • Ships in class: Valeria  · Monarca  · Pluton  · Aigle  · Argonaute  · Hermione
Custodia-class destroyer Alduria ESB Armada, Susa Guided missile destroyer 4 Custodio-class-destroyer.jpg
  • In service from 1705 AN.
  • Ships in class: Custodio  · Indomptable  · Fougueux  · Intrépide
Patrol Vessels
Alvarenga-class littoral combat ship Alduria Pontecorvo Firm, Pontecorvo Littoral combat ship 3 Alvarenga-class-littoral-combat-ship.jpg In service from 1687 AN.
Isabella-class mine countermeasure ship Alduria-Wechua Pontecorvo Firm Minesweeper 12 Isabella-class-mine-countermeasure-ships.jpg In service from 1685 AN.
Klimatariá-class Missile Corvette Constancia Akeraiótita Dockyards, Aqaba Corvette 6 Klimatariá-class Missile Corvette.png Supplied by ESB Susa in 1673.
Melusine-class Missile Boat Constancia Akeraiótita Dockyards, Aqaba Missile attack craft 20 Melusine-class fast attack missile boat.png
  • Supplied by ESB Susa in 1673 AN.
  • Transferred to the Federal Coast Guard Force in 1723 AN.
Napoleon-class cutter Alduria-Wechua Pontecorvo Firm Maritime security cutter 61 Napoleon-class.png
  • In service from 1684 AN.
  • Operated by naval crews for the Federal Coast Guard until the latter force assumed crewing duties in 1723 AN.
Berthier-class Cutter Alduria Pontecorvo Firm, Pontecorvo Medium maritime security cutter 25 Asset 2Berthier-class.png In service from 1687 AN.| Operated by naval crews for the Federal Coast Guard until the latter force assumed crewing duties in 1723 AN.
Piriya-class coastal patrol ship Alduria-Wechua Pontecorvo Firm Patrol vessel 30 Piriya-class-coastal-patrol-ship.jpg In service from 1686 AN.
Seafox-class corvette Sanama SSMI Corvette 20 Seafox-class corvette.png In service from 1685 AN.
Type XXV U-Boat Sanama Port Niyi Shipyards, Port Niyi Attack Submarine 14 Awake submarine.png In service from 1679 AN.
Type XXVII U-Boat Nouvelle Alexandrie Pontecorvo Firm Attack Submarine 15 Franciscania-class-attack-submarine.jpg
  • In service from 1690 AN.
Type XXVIII U-Boat Nouvelle Alexandrie Pontecorvo Firm Ballistic Missile Submarine 5 Tudela-class-ballistic-missile-submarine.png
  • In service from 1694 AN.
Logistic Support Vessel Sathrati Amity Shipyards, Erudition Logistic support ship 5 Gravcarrier.png
  • Released from Allied Production Matrix1685 AN.
  • Downgraded to logistical support by 1690s.
  • To be replaced by Sustainer-class fleet replenisher ship and Resolute-class fleet oiler during 1730s.
Auxiliary Cruisers, no-standard type Alduria ESB Susa, Susa Auxiliary cruiser 28
  • Local conversions made from 1676 AN onward.
  • Downgraded to logistical support by 1690s.
  • To be replaced by Sustainer-class fleet replenisher ship and Resolute-class fleet oiler during 1730s.
Cárdenas-class ocean surveillance ship Alduria Pontecorvo Firm, Pontecorvo Ocean surveillance ship 6 Cardenas-class.jpg In service from 1687 AN. Assigned to the Colonial Fleet.
Compassion-class hospital ship Alduria Pontecorvo Firm, Pontecorvo Hospital ship 10 Compassion-class-ship1.jpg In service from 1687 AN. Assigned to the Colonial Fleet.
Florimell-class Troop Landing Ship Unified Governorates Rothaven Boatyards, Lachmeren Troop landing ship 20
Landing Ship, Tank, no-standard type Alduria ESB Susa, Susa Landing ship 6 Local conversions made from 1676 AN onward.
Rustolium-class Submarine Shireroth Unknown naval yard, Brookshire Submarine 1 Rustolium-class Submarine.png In service from 1679 AN to 1694 AN. Retired from service following discovery of extreme metal fatigue owing to age. Fate: Retired for conversion into a museum ship, assigned a permanent drydock berth in the port of San Francisco.

Ranks and uniforms

Illustration of the varieties of uniform liable to be encountered in the Federal Forces
Table of Grades and Ranks of the Federal Forces of Nouvelle Alexandrie
Grade Insignia RP Rank Code Rank Pay
Chiefs of Staff
FFNA 0F-10.png OF-10
  • Captain-General
  • Combined Officer Pay x10
  • Pay doubled if appointed a Marshal General of the Federation.
General Officers
FFNA 0F-9.png OF-9
  • General
  • Admiral
  • Combined Officer Pay x9
  • Pay doubled if appointed a Marshal General of the Federation.
FFNA OF-8.png OF-8
  • Corps-General
  • Vice-Admiral
Combined Officer Pay x8
FFNA OF-7.png OF-7
  • Division-General
  • Rear-Admiral
Combined Officer Pay x7
FFNA OF-6.png OF-6
  • Brigadier-General
  • Commodore
Combined Officer Pay x6
Senior Officers
FFNA OF-5.png OF-5
  • Colonel
  • Colonel-at-Sea
Combined Officer Pay x5
FFNA OF-4.png OF-4
  • Lieutenant-Colonel
  • Ship-Commander
Combined Officer Pay x4
FFNA OF-3.png OF-3 Commandant Combined Officer Pay x3
Junior Officers
FFNA OF-3.png OF-2 Captain Combined Officer Pay x2
FFNA OF-1.png OF-1 Lieutenant
  • Standing Grant to Officers (16,500 écu) and basic rate of pay (7,500 écu) meaning Combined Officer Pay of 24,000 écu per annum.
FFNA OF(C).png OF(C) Cadet
  • Standing Grant to Officers set a 16,500 écu per annum.
  • Educational Bursary set at 3,000 per annum.
Non-Commissioned Officers
File:FFNA Grade 1.1.png OR-9 Adjutant Basic rate of pay x9
OR-8 Warrant Officer Basic rate of pay x8
OR-7 Petty Officer Basic rate of pay x7
OR-6 Banner Sergeant Basic rate of pay x6
OR-5 Sergeant Basic rate of pay x5
Enlisted Men
File:FFNA Grade 1.2.png OR-4 Cabo Basic rate of pay x4
  • Chosen Man
  • Leading Mariner
Basic rate of pay x3
  • Soldier 1st Class
  • Able Mariner
Basic rate of pay x2
  • Soldier
  • Mariner
  • Enlistment bounty 2,500 écu (less deductions);
  • Basic rate of pay 7,500 écu per annum

See also