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Constitution of Natopia

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Constitution of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation
(1717 AN - Present)
Press conference by Chancellor Arjuna Dhritarashtra, presenting the new Constitution. (1717 AN)
Original Title: Constitution of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation
Jurisdiction: Natopia
Ratified: 4.IV.1717 AN
Date Effective: 1.I.1718 AN

The Constitution of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation is the foundational legal charter of Natopia, a comprehensive document that establishes the nation's system of governance, delineates the rights and responsibilities of its citizens, and serves as the cornerstone for the empire's legal and governmental structures. Ratified following a public referendum in 1717, this Constitution came into effect on the first day of the year 1718 AN, marking a significant milestone in Natopian history and widely considered as the event that completed Natopian reintegration after its division into Eastern and Western Natopia in the early to mid 1700's.

This Constitution was a product of extensive deliberations and consultations, representing a consensus across various strata of Natopian society. It replaced previous constitutional documents of Western Natopia and Eastern Natopia, ushering in a new era of governance and legality within the empire. The ratification process, culminating in the Natopian constitutional referendum of 1717, was a landmark event, highlighting the participatory nature of the Natopian political system and the commitment of its people to democratic principles. In the years following the adoption of the Imperial Proclamation of Unity and of the Constitution, Natopia began to experience a period of relative stability and prosperity. The new unified government successfully transitioned into a well-functioning united administration by late 1719 AN to early 1720 AN.

The Constitution delineates a unique form of governance that blends elements of representative democracy with a ceremonial monarchy, underpinning the nation's commitment to stability, justice, and the rule of law. It explicitly defines the roles and powers of key institutions such as the Imperial Sovereign, the Frenzy (the legislative body), and the judicial system, thereby ensuring a balance of power and a robust system of checks and balances. Furthermore, it enshrines a comprehensive bill of rights, safeguarding the freedoms and rights of all Natopians and providing a framework for the protection and enhancement of their welfare and dignity.


Imperial Proclamation of Unity

Natopian constitutional referendum, 1717


1720 general elections

Contemporary Period


Eastern Natopia

Western Natopia



The Preamble of the Constitution establishes the purpose and guiding principles of the Natopian nation. It emphasizes unity, commitment to preservation and prosperity, and a shared history and culture among its citizens. The Preamble acknowledges the division of the empire in recent years and calls for reconciliation and cooperation to build a stronger and more just society in Natopia.

13 Articles

The Constitution consists of thirteen articles, each addressing key aspects of Natopian governance, law, and civil liberties:

  • Article 1 defines Natopia as a plurinational, representative democracy under the rule of the Emperor and the House of Waffel-Paine. It outlines the state's commitment to protecting the rights of freedom, justice, peace, and equality and establishes the capital, official languages, and the legal supremacy of the Constitution.
  • Article 2 enumerates the rights and freedoms of the Natopian people, emphasizing equality and nondiscrimination. It includes rights to privacy, freedom of religion, peaceful assembly, healthcare, and education. The article also outlines national service requirements and the principles for limiting constitutional rights.
  • Article 3 details the role of the Empress of the Natopians as the head of state and Imperial Sovereign. It specifies the [[Empress of the Natopians|Empress]'s responsibilities in foreign affairs, defense, and ceremonial roles. The article also addresses succession, the role of the Regent of Natopia, and the ceremonial aspects of the monarchy.
  • Article 4 vests executive power in the Chancellor of Natopia, who oversees domestic affairs and government administration. It describes the structure of the Imperial Court of Natopia and the roles of various Secretaries of State and Chamberlains.
  • Article 5 establishes the Frenzy of the Natopian Empire as the legislative body of the empire. It outlines its powers, the process for passing laws, and the roles and responsibilities of its members.
  • Article 6 establishes the judicial authority and structure of the Natopian Empire, including the Court of the Noble Fountain and other inferior courts, are outlined in this article.
  • Article 7 defines demesnes as political subdivisions and outlines their governance, establishment, alteration, and dissolution.
  • Article 8 discusses the autonomy and powers of demesnes and demesnial unions, including their rights and limitations under federal oversight.
  • Article 9 covers the federal government's powers in managing emergencies within demesnes and demesnial unions.
  • Article 10 establishes the Bulletin of Vista de Nada as the official government gazette for publishing legal documents and notices.
  • Article 11 elaborates on the legal instruments used by the federal and demesnial authorities, including their hierarchy and legal force.
  • Article 12 establishes the process and requirements for the Constitution's ratification.
  • Article 13 outlines the process for amending the Constitution and its applicability.



We, the people of Natopia, united in our shared history and culture, reaffirm our commitment to the preservation and perpetuation of our great nation. We recognize the division of Our Empire in recent years as a painful and unfortunate chapter in our history, one that has caused hardship and suffering for our citizens. But we also recognize that it has been a time of reflection and growth, during which we have come to understand the true meaning of unity and the essential role it plays in the strength and prosperity of our nation.

With this understanding, we now come together, as one people, to declare the unity of our Empire and to establish a framework for its governance. We pledge to work together, in a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect, to build a Natopia that is stronger, more prosperous, and more just for all its citizens. We call upon all citizens of Natopia to join us in this endeavor, and to work together to ensure that this unity is lasting and meaningful.

Following the Imperial Proclamation of Unity, We the undersigned, by the grace of the gods and the will of the people, do hereby proclaim the CONSTITUTION OF THE BOVIC EMPIRE OF THE NATOPIAN NATION and set forth the following provisions for the governance of the reunited Natopia: --

Article 1: Identity and Governance of the Natopian Nation

  1. The sovereign Natopian state is known as the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation; it is a plurinational country, consisting of many peoples and nations, seeking prosperity, stability, order, and justice, united together under the Emperor of the Natopians and the House of Waffel-Paine.
  2. The government of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation empowers the Natopian people above all and is a representative democracy, with only essential and emergency powers reserved for the Emperor of the Natopians as provided by this Constitution and the laws.
  3. The Natopian Nation refers to all peoples, nations, ethnicities, races, tribes, bands, and other groups that proclaim and possess citizenship and allegiance to the Natopian state and the Empress of the Natopians, as dictated by this Constitution and the laws.
  4. A person is born into the Natopian Nation if at least one of their parents is a Natopian citizen at the time of birth; or if the person is born within Natopian jurisdiction. Any other person may pursue Natopian citizenship through a formal immigration process.
  5. The Cross of Sovereignty is the oldest and most important symbol of Natopia and represents the Natopian people at the core, surrounding themselves with a protective government, and using the government to hold their four most cherished and essential rights: freedom, justice, peace, and equality.
  6. The motto of Natopia is "Peace Through Silent Oppression," a sober reminder of the early totalitarian governments that the Natopian Nation actively reformed over generations and a call to the Natopian Nation to remain vigilant against oppression.
  7. The capital of Natopia is Lindström, which shall not be part of, or governed by, any demesne. The Imperial Government and all agencies and bureaus will meet in Lindström if practical. The capital of Natopia may be moved only due to extraordinary circumstances or emergencies, as provided by the Empress of the Natopians, only on the consent and advice of the Chancellor.
  8. To assist in communication among the various peoples of the Natopian Nation, the official administration language of Natopia is Natspeak. No local, cultural, ancient, or minority language shall ever be suppressed by Natopian laws.
  9. Languages with secondary official status as important languages of the Natopian Nation are Treesian, Istvanistani language, Martino, Alexandrian, and any others as official recognized by Imperial Decree of the Empress or by Act of the Frenzy.
  10. The government of Natopia will protect the Natopian people and defend their inherent rights to freedom, justice, peace, and equality.
  11. This Constitution, along with the Imperial Proclamation of Unity and any and all Constitutional Amendments ratified in accordance with this Constitution, shall be the supreme law of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation. All laws, statutes, and regulations, whether federal, demesne, or local, shall be subordinate to and interpreted in light of this Constitution.
  12. Any laws, statutes, or regulations found to be in conflict with this Constitution shall be rendered null and void to the extent of their inconsistency. Such determination shall be within the purview of the Imperial Court of Natopia, the Court of the Noble Fountain, or any other competent judicial authority as provided by the Constitution and the laws.
  13. Treaties and international agreements ratified by the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation shall be considered binding and enforceable, provided they do not conflict with this Constitution, the Imperial Proclamation of Unity, or any Constitutional Amendments.
  14. All officers of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation, both elected and appointed, as well as members of the Frenzy, the Imperial Court of Natopia, the Imperial Chancellery, and the Court of the Noble Fountain shall swear an oath to uphold this Constitution as a pre-condition for assuming office. Failure to adhere to this oath may result in removal from office, subject to due process of law.
  15. The Court of the Noble Fountain shall have exclusive jurisdiction to interpret the provisions of this Constitution, and retain the power of jud Its interpretations shall be considered binding and final, subject only to Constitutional Amendments.
  16. The supremacy of this Constitution does not negate or supersede the basic rights and liberties of the citizens of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation, as enumerated in this Constitution and other legal instruments. Any attempt to do so shall be considered unconstitutional.
  17. In cases where demesne or local law diverges from federal law, efforts shall be made to harmonize the laws in accordance with the principles laid out in this Constitution. Such harmonization shall respect the autonomy of the demesnes while ensuring alignment with the overarching legal and constitutional framework.
  18. The Dozan Bovic Church and the Bovinist religion has a special and formal relationship with the Natopian Nation; however adherence to any religion shall never be used to discriminate against a person.

Article 2: Rights, Liberties, and Responsibilities of the Natopian People.

  1. The people of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation shall freely enjoy their inherent and duly recognized rights and freedoms enumerated in this Constitution, which shall not be interpreted in a manner that would infringe upon the dignity, liberty, or equality of any individual.
  2. The provisions of this Article shall apply equally to all Natopians, without regard to race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability status, or any other characteristic of personal identity defined by the law.
  3. Freedom of thought, opinion, and expression are guaranteed to all Natopians, including the right to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media.
  4. All Natopians have the right to privacy, including the right to be free from unlawful search and seizure, the right to control personal data, and the right to confidentiality in personal and family life.
  5. Freedom of religion and belief shall be guaranteed, including the freedom to change one's religion or belief and the freedom to practice or abstain from practicing any religion.
  6. All Natopians shall have the right to peaceful assembly and association, including the right to form and join labor unions, advocacy organizations, and political parties.
  7. Every Natopian citizen, upon reaching the age of majority, shall have the unalienable right to vote and to register to vote in both demesnial and federal elections.
    1. The federal and demesnial governments shall ensure the accessibility and fairness of the electoral process, allowing for equal participation without discrimination or undue restriction.
    2. Voter education and registration initiatives shall be conducted regularly to facilitate informed and active participation in the democratic process.
    3. Measures shall be in place to protect the integrity of elections shall be implemented by the federal government, including safeguards against manipulation, coercion, and corruption.
  8. All Natopians shall have the right to comprehensive healthcare, adequate housing, quality education, and food security as fundamental human rights.
  9. Workers' rights, including the right to fair compensation, collective bargaining, safe working conditions, and the right to strike, shall be protected.
  10. Discrimination in employment, education, housing, and access to services based on any characteristic of personal identity is prohibited.
  11. All Natopians have the right to define their own gender identity and sexual orientation, and to have their identity legally recognized.
  12. All forms of discrimination, including but not limited to those based on sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, or race, are strictly prohibited.
  13. All Natopians have the right to marry whomever they choose, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, and to have their family life protected by law.
  14. All Natopians between the ages of 18 and 21 are required to complete a minimum of one (1) year of national service.
    1. This service may be in the military, governmental work, or other community services that benefit the Natopian Empire.
    2. Accommodations shall be made for those with disabilities, and alternative forms of service will be made available, as provided by the laws.
    3. Conscientious objectors may apply for exemption on moral or religious grounds but will be required to serve in a non-combat or administrative role, as established by the laws.
  15. All Natopians are responsible for upholding the laws and principles outlined in the Constitution, including the respect for the rights of others and the promotion of social justice.
  16. Natopians are required to pay taxes and contribute to the welfare and defense of the Natopian Empire, including through the national service requirement, with provisions for progressive taxation and exemptions for those in financial hardship.
  17. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, and every person has the right to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal.
  18. Limitations on the restriction of rights and freedoms within this Constitution shall adhere to the following principles:
    1. Any law aiming to restrict or limit the rights and freedoms enumerated in this Constitution must be publicly justified by the government as serving a compelling and legitimate objective.
    2. Such justification must include transparent, factual evidence demonstrating that the restriction is necessary for the well-being, safety, or democratic governance of the Natopian Empire.
    3. The law must be the least restrictive means available for achieving the stated objective, ensuring that the rights and freedoms of Natopians are infringed upon as minimally as possible.
    4. Any such law must undergo regular review by the Frenzy to assess its ongoing necessity and to ensure it does not become a permanent or excessive curtailment of rights and freedoms.
    5. All processes involved in the creation, justification, and review of such laws must be fully transparent and open to public scrutiny, allowing for meaningful civic participation and comment.

Article 3: The Empress of the Natopians

  1. The Emperor will defend this Constitution, serve as the nation's head of state and Imperial Sovereign, protect the Natopian Nation from all threats foreign and domestic, display exemplary civic character, and serve as a living symbol of Natopian unity.
  2. The gender neutral term and title for Emperor or Empress of the Natopians is the Imperial Sovereign of the Natopians.
  3. Whenever the text refers to the Empress, it shall be construed to also apply to male and non-gender conforming holders of the title.
  4. Executive power over foreign affairs and responsibility for defense of the Nation is vested in the Empress of the Natopians and exercised through His Most Bovic Majesty's Imperial Court. The Consort is also as styled His/Her/Their Most Bovic Majesty.
  5. The children of the Empress are titled as Prince/Princess of Natopia and styled as His/Her/Their Imperial Highness.
  6. The Empress may bestow the title Prince/Princess of Natopia on any person listed in the Instrument of Succession.
  7. The Empress holds power to regulate and define the structure, officers, and symbols of the Imperial Court.
  8. The Empress is the Head of State, a symbol of Natopia and guardian of the unity, peace, order, and proper governance of the Natopian Nation.
  9. There will be no other self-styled emperors or kings in the Bovic Empire; except ancient and duly recognized royal titles and kings of formerly sovereign nations that have since entered into the Bovic Empire as provided by the Empress via Imperial Decree.
  10. The spouse of the reigning Empress is titled either Emperor-Consort of the Natopians, Empress-Consort of the Natopians, or Imperial Consort of the Natopians, according to the spouse's preference.
  11. The Empress appoints ambassadors, liaisons, and delegates to foreign states, entities, and organizations and receives foreign heads of state, ambassadors, ministers and other envoys.
  12. The Empress grants amnesty, commutes punishments, and issues pardons.
  13. The Empress is commander-in-chief of the Natopian Defense Force, with the traditional and customary military rank of Grand Commander.
  14. The Empress issues Imperial Decrees that have the authority of law to conduct matters as head of state; to administer foreign and military affairs; regulate and administer his Imperial Court; to protect and enforce their Instrument of Succession, issued by the Empress; to create and bestow titles, honors, and awards; and to temporarily govern the entire Imperial Government in such dire national emergencies as declared by the Frenzy.
  15. The Empress remains in his authority until the Empress' uncontested death or abdication.
  16. An uncontested death is irrefutable public evidence of the Empress' death.
  17. An abdication is written by the Empress' own hand and is submitted to the Frenzy.
  18. The Empress maintains an Instrument of Succession. In the event of the Empress' uncontested death or abdication, the first person in the order of succession becomes Emperor.
  19. The Instrument of Succession persists during the transition between emperors and remains in its most recently issued state until explicitly altered by the next Emperor.
  20. The Empress maintains the Instrument of Succession regularly, to ensure the list of successors is accurate, void of deceased persons, and only includes potential successors who will be beneficial for the Natopian Nation.
  21. If no successors exist, the Frenzy will select a new Empress by Resolution. The Frenzy will first invite members of the House of Waffel-Paine to become Emperor. Then, secondly, the Frenzy will invite worthy descendants of Nathan Waffel-Paine. If no such descendants exist then members of the following Imperial Houses will invited: Ayreon-Kalirion, Eadric, Carrillo. The Frenzy must select a new Empress who will ensure above all else the independence and sovereignty of the Natopian Nation.
  22. The Pentheros of the Dozan Bovic Church confers Bous' divine approval of the Empress by officiating the new Empress' ceremonial coronation. During the coronation, the Empress must swear or affirm an oath to maintain, expand, and protect the Natopian Nation and Dozan Bovic Church.
  23. The Empress must appoint a Regent and the Regent must be able fulfill all critical responsibilities of the Empress during any absence of the Empress that exceeds three (3) continuous Norton months (6 Gregorian days).
  24. In situations where the Imperial Sovereign is under the Bovic Age of Accountability (8 Natopian years) then the Regent will fulfill the Imperial Duties and Responsibilities of the minor Imperial Sovereign until the dawn of the day of the minor Imperial Sovereign's 8th birthday.
  25. The Regent of Natopia may not, under any circumstance, issue or amend the Instrument of Succession.
  26. The Regent is a member of the Imperial Court, and serves as the deputy for the Empress, assisting the Empress in their daily functions, and will assume the Empress' powers during absences declared by the Empress.
  27. The Regent may be directed by the Empress to perform Imperial duties in their name at anytime.
  28. The Regent is appointed solely by the Regent and serves at the pleasure of the Regent.
  29. If there is no Regent, or the Regent is unable to serve, the Frenzy shall appoint a Regent from among the Princes and Princesses of the Empire, or if not possible from amongst the citizenry.
  30. The crimes of regicide and treason shall carry the punishment of death and will be the only crimes that can carry that punishment in the Natopian nation.

Article 4: The Chancellor of Natopia and the Executive Government

  1. Executive power over domestic affairs of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation is vested in the Empress' Government, led by the Chancellor. This includes but is not limited to law enforcement, public policy formulation, and administration of government services. The Chancellor acts as the political and administrative leader of the government, representing the Empire both domestically and internationally in areas designated by the Empress, as provided by the laws.
  2. The Chancellor presides over the Frenzy, maintains the Library of Law, serves as Head of Government, and upholds and enforces this Constitution and the Imperial Proclamation of Unity and the laws of the Natopian Nation and the Caprine Code. Additional duties include overseeing immigration policies, guiding economic growth, and presenting Bills passed by the Frenzy to the Empress for Imperial Assent. The Chancellor also advises the Empress on domestic concerns and administers the day-to-day affairs of government.
  3. The Chancellor shall be the Presiding Officer of the Imperial Court of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation, which shall be composed of four primary administrative and executive Courts to assist in the executive functions of the government:
    1. Court of the Calm Waters - Headed by the Secretary for Foreign Affairs, responsible for managing foreign relations and diplomatic missions.
    2. Court of the Verdant Gardens - Headed by the Secretary for Defense, responsible for Defense and military affairs.
    3. Court of the Golden Isle - Headed by the Secretary for Imperial Affairs, responsible for managing imperial policies, administering the Satyric Guard, maintaining Natopian state icons including designing and granting coats of arms, creating flags, emblems and other symbols, maintaining the imperial honor and awards system, overseeing the Natopian Peerage, coordinating actions concerning the royal family, and acting as Chamberlain of the Court of the Golden Isle.
    4. Court of Commerce and Guilds - Headed by the Secretary for Finance and Economic Affairs, responsible for financial, fiscal, and economic policies, and also acting as Chamberlain of the Court of Commerce and Guilds.
  4. These Secretaries of State and Chamberlains shall be appointed by the Empress with the advice and consent of the Chancellor. They shall serve at the pleasure of the Chancellor and may be dismissed by the Empress with the consent and advice of the Chancellor at any time for reasons deemed sufficient by the Chancellor.
  5. The Chancellor shall have the title of His/Her/Their Excellency, and Chief Minister of Government.
  6. To fulfill the obligations of the office, the Chancellor issues Executive Orders. These are formal directives or regulations intended to guide or instruct government officials and agencies within the Imperial Chancellery's jurisdiction.
  7. The Chancellor is responsible for maintaining an up-to-date legal archive that aligns with the actions of the Frenzy. This includes numbering or renumbering sections and clauses within the Code to maintain logical consistency. The Chancellor also has the authority to correct typographic, grammatical, or clerical errors within the Code.
  8. The Chancellor shall also oversee national policies relating to energy, healthcare, education, science and technology, and environmental sustainability, and may establish additional Chancellerial Ministries or Government Agencies for the purpose of effective and proper governance.
  9. A Secretary of the Imperial Court and Minister of the Imperial Chancellery serves at the pleasure of the Chancellor and may be dismissed by the Empress with the consent and advice of the Chancellor at any time for reasons deemed sufficient by the Chancellor.
  10. In the event of a vacancy due to the resignation, death, or incapacity of a sitting Chancellor, the Empress shall nominate a citizen who will likely have the confidence of the Frenzy. Following a vote of confidence, the Empress swears in the new Chancellor.
  11. The Chancellor shall designate one of the appointed ministers as a Deputy Chancellor. This individual will assume the duties of the Chancellor during any temporary vacancy or incapacity of the Chancellor and shall have the title of Keeper of the Butter Seal of Government.
  12. The Chancellor may be removed from office only through a constructive vote of no confidence by the Frenzy. This vote must also name a replacement chancellorial nominee who has the confidence of the Frenzy.
  13. The Chancellor shall establish and oversee the Imperial Chancellery of Natopia, which serves as the executive apparatus responsible for enacting the domestic policies of the Chancellor and the Imperial Court. The Imperial Chancellery, along with the Imperial Court of Natopia, shall collectively form the Imperial Council of Natopia.
  14. The Imperial Chancellery shall comprise various ministries and departments, each headed by a Minister or a Director appointed by the Chancellor, to assist in the governance and administration of specific realms of public affairs.
  15. The Ministers and Directors of the Imperial Chancellery shall report directly to the Chancellor and serve at the pleasure of the Chancellor. They may be dismissed at any time for reasons deemed sufficient by the Chancellor, subject to the constitutional limitations and prerogatives of the Empress.
  16. The Imperial Chancellery shall have the authority to issue regulations, guidelines, and standards in accordance with the laws enacted by the Frenzy and within the parameters set forth by this Constitution and the Imperial Proclamation of Unity.
  17. The Imperial Chancellery shall collaborate with the Imperial Court of Natopia, other Ministries, and independent agencies for the purpose of policy formulation, program implementation, and the execution of laws. Such collaboration shall be conducted transparently and be aligned with the collective objectives of the Imperial Government.

Article 5: The Frenzy of the Natopian Empire

  1. The Frenzy of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation serves as the legislative body representing the Natopian people and consists of:
    1. the Empress of the Natopians;
    2. the Chancellor of Natopia;
    3. the elected Representatives from the demesnes of the Empire.
  2. In the legislative process of the Frenzy of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation, the Empress shall hold a distinct and ceremonial role, contributing to the legislative process as follows:
    1. The Empress shall possess the ceremonial right to initiate legislation, known as "Empress's Proposals", through a formal submission to the Frenzy. These proposals shall be considered for debate and voting by the Representatives in the same manner as bills proposed by Representatives.
    2. The Empress may participate in legislative debates in a non-voting, advisory capacity only, to be determined by the provisions of this Constitution and the laws. Her role in such debates shall be to provide guidance, perspective, and historical context, rather than to directly influence the outcome of the legislative decision-making process.
    3. In exceptional circumstances, where a bill pertains to matters of national importance or the integrity of the Empire, the Empress may participate in closed sessions of the Frenzy, providing counsel and insights. Such participation shall be at the invitation of the Frenzy or under procedures outlined in its Standing Orders.
    4. The Empress's veto power over legislation passed by the Frenzy shall be exercised judiciously, and only in cases where the legislation is deemed to significantly contradict the fundamental principles of this Constitution or the interests of the Natopian Nation.
  3. The Frenzy shall have the power to:
    1. Lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises to provide for the common defense and general welfare of the Natopian Empire;
    2. Borrow money on the credit of the Natopian Empire;
    3. Regulate commerce with foreign nations, between demesnes, and with indigenous entities;
    4. Establish uniform laws on the subjects of bankruptcy and naturalization;
    5. Establish a national educational curriculum, as well as other national standards as necessary as provided by law;
    6. Coin money and regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin;
    7. Provide punishment for counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the Natopian Empire;
    8. Establish post offices and post roads;
    9. Promote science and the arts by securing exclusive rights to inventors and authors;
    10. Declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water;
    11. Raise and support armies;
    12. Provide and maintain a navy;
    13. Provide and maintain space and air forces;
    14. Make rules for the government and regulation of the land, naval, space, and air forces;
    15. Suppress insurrections and repel invasions;
    16. Provide for the calling forth of the militia to enforce laws, suppress insurrections, or repel invasions;
    17. Make all laws necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers and all other powers vested by this Constitution in any part of the Government of the Natopian Empire.
  4. Acts of the Frenzy become law when:
    1. Passed by a majority of Representatives present;
    2. Given assent by the Empress.
  5. Any Representative of the Frenzy may propose a Bill for consideration.
  6. Bills that do not receive approval from the Empress within seven (7) Gregorian days shall be automatically passed into Law.
  7. A veto from the Empress can be overturned by a three-fifth's (3/5's) vote of the Frenzy.
  8. The Frenzy, by passing Resolutions, may:
    1. Direct Imperial officials to act in accordance with the Constitution, the Imperial Proclamation of Unity, and the Caprine Code;
    2. Enact the ratification process of treaties that have been signed by the Empress and ratified by the Frenzy;
    3. Overturn Chancellorial and Imperial Decrees;
    4. Enact similar actions for effective governance.
  9. The process by which Bills are considered in the Frenzy shall be established as follows, with further provisions and details to be provided by the laws and Standing Orders of the Frenzy.
    1. Introduction of Bills: Any Representative of the Frenzy, including the Empress through "Empress's Proposals", may introduce a Bill. The Bill shall be presented in writing and entered into the official record.
    2. Debate and Amendments: Following the introduction, the Bill shall be open for debate for at least 120 hours (5 Gregorian days) among the Representatives. During this stage, amendments may be proposed and debated. All amendments are subject to approval by a majority vote of the Representatives present.
    3. Voting on the Bill: After adequate debate and consideration of amendments, the Bill shall be put to a vote. A simple majority of the Representatives present is required for the Bill to pass. In the case of a tie, the Chancellor may cast the deciding vote.
    4. Dispatch to the Empress: Once passed by the Frenzy, the Bill shall be presented to the Empress for her assent. The Empress shall have seven (7) Gregorian days to grant assent, veto, or take no action.
    5. Imperial Assent: If the Empress grants assent, the Bill becomes law. If the Empress vetoes the Bill, it may be returned to the Frenzy for reconsideration.
    6. Publication and Enforcement: Upon becoming law, the Bill shall be published in the Bulletin of Vista de Nada and in the Caprine Code (1720) and enforced as part of the legal framework of the Natopian Empire.
  10. The Frenzy may independently punish its own members for disorderly behavior and, with a two-thirds (2/3s) majority, expel a member as determined by its Standing Orders.
  11. Questions shall be decided by the absolute majority of members present.
  12. Each Representative has one vote, regardless of the method by which they were elected.
  13. Representatives must be over the age of 25, of sound mind, and not convicted of regicide, treason, or other major crimes as determined by law.
  14. The number of Representatives per demesne shall be determined through the application of the D'Hondt method, adjusted for demographic changes as necessary through a regular census, as provided by this Constitution and the laws.
  15. The Frenzy is inviolable and shall:
    1. Lay down its own Standing Orders;
    2. Elect its own officials;
    3. Adopt budgets autonomously;
    4. Regulate laws for its personnel, employees, and contractors.

Article 6: The Judicial System of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation

  1. The judicial authority of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation, henceforth known as the Natopian Empire, is vested in the Court of the Noble Fountain.
  2. The Court of the Noble Fountain shall act as the ultimate judicial authority and serve as the final court of appeal within the Natopian Empire.
  3. Courts inferior to the Court of the Noble Fountain, including but not limited to tribunals and administrative judicial bodies, may be created by legislative acts of the Frenzy or the demesnial legislative bodies.
  4. The Court of the Noble Fountain shall be situated within the Imperial Court of Natopia complex, in the Palace of the Court of the Noble Fountain, a facility equipped to accommodate the specialized needs of the judiciary and its supporting services.
  5. The Court shall maintain an Office of Public Legal Aid, which shall provide access to legal services for Natopian citizens' basic needs, as provided by the law.
  6. The Empress shall serve as the presiding officer or Chairperson of the Court.
    1. The Court shall include:
      1. One (1) Secretary for Legal Advice and Chief Justice, responsible for administrative judicial functions, providing legal advice to the Imperial Council of Natopia, and ensuring the stable and continued operations of the Court of the Noble Fountain;
      2. Between two (2) to four (4) Associate Justices.
  7. Appointments shall follow these procedures:
    1. Nomination by the Empress, advised and consented to by the Chancellor;
    2. Confirmation by a simple majority vote of the members present and voting in the Frenzy.
  8. Appointees to the Court of the Noble Fountain shall serve fixed terms of twelve (12) Anno Nortone (AN) years.
    1. Upon term expiry, an incumbent may be nominated for reappointment by either the Empress or the Secretary. Confirmation for reappointment follows the same process as initial appointment.
  9. Appointees to the Court of the Noble Fountain must swear or affirm an Oath of Allegiance and Impartiality prior to assuming duties. This oath shall:
    1. Pledge allegiance to the Natopian Constitution;
    2. Commit to upholding the rule of law;
    3. Declare the intent to recuse oneself from proceedings as mandated by this Constitution;
    4. Vow to execute judicial duties impartially.
    5. The wording of the oath shall be determined by Imperial Decree or Act of the Frenzy.
  10. Membership can be terminated through:
    1. Submission of a written resignation addressed to the Empress;
    2. Death;
    3. Removal, which requires a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote in the Frenzy followed by the Empress's confirmation.
  11. The Court shall have jurisdiction over:
    1. All matters under federal and demesnial law;
    2. Constitutional questions;
    3. Cases where any party is a citizen, resident, or registered entity within the Natopian Empire.
  12. Decisions shall be rendered by a simple majority vote of the Court of the Noble Fountain among members present and voting. The Empress shall have a vote.
  13. Decisions of the Court are final and may only be amended or overturned through a formal review process established by the Court itself.
  14. Decisions shall be effective immediately upon pronouncement, unless otherwise specified by the Court.
  15. The Court shall enact its internal operating procedures, codes of conduct, and evidentiary rules.
  16. All decisions, procedures, codes, and rules shall be published in the Bulletin of Vista de Nada for public access.
  17. Any Court member with a direct or indirect interest in a case shall recuse themselves from deliberations and voting on that matter.

Article 7: Definitions, Establishment, and Dynamic Listing of Demesnes

  1. A demesne is defined as a political and administrative subdivision of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation, endowed with governmental authority over a specific geographic area.
  2. The creation, modification, or dissolution of demesnes, as well as the definition or alteration of their boundaries, shall be executed solely through specific Acts of the Frenzy, and must receive the formal assent of the Empress of the Natopians.
  3. The official list of demesnes within the Empire, categorized as per geographic region, shall be maintained in a dynamic registry, accessible through the Bulletin of Vista de Nada. This registry will be updated promptly following any changes enacted by the Frenzy, as outlined in this Article:
    1. Current demesnes in Eastern Natopia include: Ziegeland, Tas Neemia, Nova Alrodria, Hazelwood, Lindstrom, Sororiya, Universalis, Klaasiya, New Dracoheim, Ptia, Naya Island.
    2. Current demesnes in Western Natopia include: Arboria, Whales, Dos Gardenias, Tapfer, Baudrix, Arboria del Sur, Saint Andre, Transegale, Mar Sara, Neridia, Geneva.
  4. Each demesne is to be governed by a Viceroy, appointed as the Empress's representative. Additionally, a separate head of government for each demesne will be designated, unless a unified position is established and approved by both the Empress and the Frenzy.
  5. Laws pertaining to the governance structure of a demesne are subject to repeal, amendment, or overriding through an Act of the Frenzy.
  6. Special conditions or exceptions regarding demesnes must be explicitly listed and regularly updated in the Caprine Code, the primary reference for demesnial governance.
  7. Proposals for new or significantly altered demesnial governments require Imperial Assent from the Empress. A rejection by the Empress can be overturned by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote in the Frenzy.
  8. Demesnial governments are obligated to operate within the bounds of federal laws and this Constitution.
  9. The formation of a demesnial union, involving two or more demesnes for joint governance, requires:
    1. A Resolution or Agreement from each participating demesne;
    2. Ratification by the Frenzy through a specific Act;
    3. Formal assent from the Empress.

Article 8: Autonomy and Reserved Powers for Demesnes and Demesnial Unions

  1. Demesnes and demesnial unions are granted authority to organize their own governmental structure and internal subdivisions. All such plans must be submitted to the Frenzy for review and approval and subsequently, earn Imperial Assent.
  2. Demesnes and demesnial unions may formally request the Frenzy for expansion of their geographic jurisdiction into overseas territories or contiguous areas. These requests are subject to approval by the federal government and must comply with Natopian international obligations.
  3. Should the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation dissolve, demesnes and existing demesnial unions may assume status as independent sovereign entities with their existing boundaries preserved.
  4. No demesne, subsection thereof, or demesnial union is permitted to secede from the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation without a legally ratified Secession Agreement. Such agreements require approval by an Act of the Frenzy and consent of the Empress.
  5. Compacts, constitutions, charters, or agreements made between demesnes or demesnial unions for mutual advantage are permissible but must be ratified by the Frenzy for legal standing.
  6. The Empress and Her Government retain the ultimate authority over all demesnial or demesnial union governance. Autonomy granted to demesnes or demesnial unions can be revoked or amended by a Decree-in-Council.
  7. All demesnial or demesnial union governments operate as devolved entities and derive their governing authority from the federal government.

Article 9: Emergency Governance and Federal Oversight for Demesnes and Demesnial Unions

  1. In instances of complete collapse, inactivity, or severe dysfunctionality of a demesne or demesnial union government, the Imperial Chancellery shall take temporary administrative control, having notified the Imperial Council of Natopia of such measure. This federal stewardship will remain in place until a viable demesnial government or governments can be properly constituted.
  2. The Frenzy, on the advice of the Imperial Chancellery, may declare a demesne or demesnial union government illegitimate in situations of egregious violations of federal or constitutional laws. Upon such a declaration, an interim government shall be appointed by the Frenzy.
  3. In the event of a breakdown in governance within a demesnial union, the Imperial Chancellery, pending approval by the Frenzy, shall possess the authority to reconfigure the affected demesnes. This includes options such as the creation of new demesnial unions, disbandment into individual demesnes, or integration into other existing demesnial unions.
  4. The usage of any emergency powers under this Article can be subject to review by the Frenzy. A motion for review can be initiated by any Representative in the Frenzy, provided they gain the support of at least one other Representative. Such reviews can be conducted no more frequently than once (1) per Anno Nortone (AN) year.
  5. The period of emergency governance by the Imperial Chancellery shall be as brief as feasibly possible to restore demesnial functionality. This period shall end upon either the constitution of a new demesnial government or governments, or the conclusion of a restructuring process as approved by the Frenzy.
  6. Any actions taken under this Article may be subject to judicial review by the Court of the Noble Fountain to ensure compliance with constitutional and federal laws.

Article 10: Bulletin of Vista de Nada

  1. The Bulletin of Vista de Nada is hereby established as the official government gazette of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation.
  2. The Bulletin shall serve as the medium for the publication, dissemination, and archival of official governmental documents, laws, regulations, executive orders, and notices. It shall also include announcements deemed necessary by the Chancellor, the Imperial Council of Natopia, the Empress, as determined by the law.
  3. The management and operation of the Bulletin of Vista de Nada shall be overseen by the Chancellor of Natopia. The Chancellor is responsible for ensuring the timeliness, accuracy, and integrity of all content published within the Bulletin. To facilitate these responsibilities, the Chancellor is authorized to:
    1. Create specific offices or appoint dedicated staff within the existing governmental structure whose primary function will be to manage and update the Bulletin.
    2. Designate existing government offices or agencies to assist in the task of updating, managing, and maintaining the Bulletin, ensuring efficient and coordinated dissemination of information.
    3. Delegate specific responsibilities related to the Bulletin’s management to these offices, agencies, or appointed staff, while retaining overall oversight and accountability for the content published.
  4. The Bulletin must be made readily accessible to the general public. Every citizen shall have the right to obtain a copy of any document published within it, and all documents must be archived for public access in perpetuity.
  5. All laws, regulations, and official documents shall become effective only upon their publication in the Bulletin of Vista de Nada, unless otherwise specified in the document itself.
  6. Certain types of classified information, as determined by the Imperial Court or the Chancellor, may be exempted from publication in the Bulletin. Such exemptions must be justifiable under the laws and regulations governing state secrets and national security.

Article 11: Statutory Instruments

  1. Federal statutory instruments are legal directives or regulations issued by the appropriate federal authorities. These instruments have the force of law and are subordinate to this Constitution.
  2. Issued by the Empress, Imperial Decrees, Letters Patent, Imperial Proclamations, and Instruments of Succession have the force of law on matters that fall within the competencies of the Empress as outlined in this Constitution.
  3. Issued jointly by the Empress and the Imperial Council of Natopia, Decrees-in-Council are legal directives that pertain to matters requiring the consultation and agreement of both the Imperial and Executive branches.
  4. Issued by the Chancellor, Executive Orders serve to guide or instruct federal agencies and officials on matters within the jurisdiction of the Imperial Chancellery.
  5. Demesnial statutory instruments are legal directives or regulations issued by the Viceroy of a demesne or demesnial union and by their governments, as provided by the law. These instruments have the force of law within the boundaries of the respective demesnes and are subordinate to both this Constitution, and the demesnial constitutions or legal arrangements.
  6. Demesnial statutory instruments shall not conflict with federal statutory instruments or this Constitution. In cases of conflict, the federal statutory instrument shall take precedence, subject to judicial review.

Article 12: Ratification of the Constitution

  1. This Constitution shall be considered ratified and shall come into force upon meeting the following criteria:
    1. This Constitution must first receive approval from both the Empress and the Imperial Council of Natopia.
    2. Following approval by the Imperial Council, this Constitution must be approved by a majority vote in the Frenzy of Eastern Natopia and the Frenzy of Western Natopia.
    3. Finally, this Constitution must be approved by at least two-thirds (2/3) of the popular vote in a public referendum conducted among the citizens of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation.
  2. Upon fulfillment of these criteria, this Constitution shall come into immediate effect and shall supersede all previous constitutional documents for the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation.
  3. Upon fulfillment of these criteria, there shall be a new Caprine Code, which will be revised, drafted, and ratified by the Frenzy prior to 1720 AN.

Article 13: Amendment and Applicability of the Constitution

  1. Proposals for amending this Constitution can be initiated either by:
    1. a formal petition with the official and signed support or sponsorship of at least one-third (1/3) of the total number of Representatives in the Frenzy;
    2. by an Imperial Edict from the Empress.
  2. Following the period of debate in the Frenzy, the proposed amendment must receive a supermajority approval of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the total Representatives in the Frenzy.
  3. After approval by the Frenzy, the amendment shall be sent to the Empress for Imperial Assent.
  4. The amendment becomes effective immediately upon receiving Imperial Assent, unless a future effective date is specified.
  5. The Empress retains the right, in extraordinary circumstances or threatening inactivity, to propose amendments that bypass the Frenzy directly to the people of Natopia, subject to approval through a national referendum, as provided by the laws.
  6. The federal government retains the power to nullify any demesnial laws or actions that are in violation of the federal Constitution or the Caprine Code, subject to judicial review by the Court of the Noble Fountain.


Other constitutional documents

Instrument of Accession

Caprine Code

Main article: Caprine Code (1720-)

See also