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|[[System-2 Missile Complex]]||{{team flag|Benacian Union|name=Šlomxala Arsenal}} ||SAM system / rocket artillery||146 batteries||[[image:System 2 Missile Complex.png|250px]]||{{unbulleted list|Initial entry into service {{AN|1700}}.| Full operational capacity {{AN|1709}} onward.|Assigned to area defence regiments and luftvärnsregemente. }}
|[[System-2 Missile Complex]]||{{team flag|Benacian Union|name=Šlomxala Arsenal}} ||SAM system / rocket artillery||146 batteries||[[image:System 2 Missile Complex.png|250px]]||{{unbulleted list|Initial entry into service {{AN|1700}}.| Full operational capacity {{AN|1709}} onward.|Assigned to area defence regiments and luftvärnsregemente. }}
|[[Vulcan Advanced Air Defense System]]||{{team flag|Nouvelle Alexandrie|name=Javelin Industries}} ||Directed Energy Air Defence System||128 / 208 systems||[[File:Vulcan-Air-Defense-System-1720AN.png|250px]]||{{unbulleted list|Ordered {{AN|1720}}.|Deliveries from {{AN|1721}}.|Entry into service from {{AN|1722}}.| Full operational capacity {{AN|1733}}. |Assigned to Air Defence Observation Regiments. }}
|[[Vulcan Advanced Air Defense System]]||{{team flag|Nouvelle Alexandrie|name=Javelin Industries}} ||Directed Energy Air Defence System||208 systems||[[File:Vulcan-Air-Defense-System-1720AN.png|250px]]||{{unbulleted list|Ordered {{AN|1720}}.|Deliveries from {{AN|1721}}.|Entry into service from {{AN|1722}}.| Full operational capacity {{AN|1733}}. |Assigned to Air Defence Observation Regiments.|Accelerated delivery completed by {{AN|1731}}.}}

Revision as of 08:58, 13 April 2024

Benacian Union Defence Force
Benacian Union Defence Force flag.png
Country Benacian Union
Founded 1703 AN
Headquarters Bastion Ziggurat, Merensk
Szodan of Benacia Daniyal ibn Daniyal
Commissioner for War Zacharias Avon-El
President of the General Staff Counci Zacharias Avon-El
Military age 15–65 years old
Conscription Wartime only
Active personnel 1,665,001
Reserve personnel 3,924,670
Deployed personnel 31,200 (26 rgts)
Domestic suppliers
Foreign suppliers

The Benacian Union Defence Force is a combined-arms force charged with the territorial defence of the Benacian Union against foreign adversaries as well as the ongoing suppression of partisan rebellions and endemic banditry in the interior regions of Benacia. The BUDF consists of the Land Forces, the Maritime Forces, the Aviation Forces, and the Ransenari Grouping of Forces. The BUDF is also supported by a number of other uniformed services which act as a wartime reserve to the main force, these include the Benacian Labour Reserve, the Corps of the Gentlemen-at-Cudgels, the Women's Auxiliary Service, the Worshipful Guild of the Sacred Carnifices, the Public Forces of Ransenar, the Sovereign League for Defense and Deterrence, the State Guard of Elluenuueq, and the State Guard of the Unified Governorates.


Benacian Union Defence Forces Budget (Natopian natopos billion)
Allocated Defence Expenditure 1705 AN
Personnel 252
Operations & Maintenance 110
Procurement 72
Research & Development 63
Bases, Cantonments & Estates 61
BUDF Total 558

Personnel, recruitment & training

The peacetime BUDF relies on a combination of voluntary enlistment and purchased apprenticeships to fulfil its manpower requirements. In general terms, recruitment and training across all service branches is done at the brigade/division level, with recruitment being the responsibility of attached the formation's attached commissariat regiment whilst basic training is the responsibility of the formation's inspectorate regiment.

Any male subject of the Benacian continent may enlist with the BUDF for a five year tenure of contracted service from the ages of sixteen to thirty-five. Contracted servicemen may renew their service terms every five years for a further term until they reach the statutory discharge age of sixty-five.

The BUDF supplements voluntary enlistment with the purchase of apprentices at auctions held by the municipal corporations of bailiwicks when boys reach the age of thirteen in Elluenuueq and fifteen in the Unified Governorates. The BUDF maintains a number of retired or invalided captains on half-pay on the condition that they reside in the bailiwicks and organise the local militia and the annual mustering of men eligible for militia service. These serve as liaisons for commissariat recruitment officers when they are touring the governorates in search of their next draft of manpower.

The purchase of apprentices is discretionary but requires the use of legatine authority so as to prevent corrupt and irregular practices at the regimental level.

Once authorised, apprentices purchased for regimental requirements are enlisted on the basis that three years of further education is to be provided in exchange for five years of contracted service, which is then renewable every five years up to the age of sixty-five as with the voluntarily enlisted.

Apprentices are placed into brigade cantonment schools, operated by the inspectorate regiment attached to that formation. The curriculum provided at these schools includes grammar and arithmetic, and political-religious instruction. Those with a demonstrable aptitude are taught fieldcraft, fortification, music and singing, ledger keeping and accounting, the military sciences relevant to land, sea, or air service, or mechanics. Those lacking such talents are instead taught carpentry, blacksmithing, machine-operating, shoemaking and other trades useful to the military.

Whilst apprentices receive the same initial rank (nuïak) as voluntary enlistments, the enlistment bounty is instead deducted as a contribution towards the cost of the apprentice's purchase and the cost of his further education.

Upon induction, by whatever means, all nuïaks, must give the Oath of Service to the Benacian Union. Refusal to give the oath at this stage is an automatic discommendation, which will result in inductee being immediately placed into custody pending a hearing by the Cull Commission of the bailiwick in which the transgression has occurred. The period in which the inductee is this held in confinement awaiting the hearing is a last opportunity to recant. If the inductee does not subsequently regain his reason and take the oath, an investigation of the corruption in the subject that gave rise to the refusal would then ensue. Depending upon the outcome, the condemned subject would either be transferred to the Benacian Labour Reserve, pending posting to a penitent brigade, or else be obliged to face the judgement offered by the Wheel of Misfortune.

Non-commissioned officer training

Commissioned officer selection and training

Further training of the Corps of the Black Legions

Training for the Corps of the Black Legions, followed the pattern established under the Prince of Modan for the discipline of Imperial troops assigned to the Central Banner Group of Benacia Command. Berht Klarænst, known to those passing through it as the "Depot"[1] is situated within an eponymous bailiwick that has been depopulated by the expulsion of the Black Lach. One thing would become apparent from the beginning for new arrivals: officers, non-commissioned officers, and men alike, all went through the same training, leapt or clambered over the same obstacles, learned to handle the same weapons in the most efficient way, and lived the same hard life together.

Those who dedicated themselves to the black banners of the legions swore absolute obedience to their commanders, who in turn sore unquestioning obedience to their commanders and so forth all the way up the chain of command. Soldiers, irrespective of their origins, were forbidden to pillage, steal or molest civilians, accept gifts, have relations with women, eat meat or drink alcohol for the term and duration of their service, except during specified and authorised respite periods. Officers were forced to undergo examinations to assess their familiarity with Kalgachi battle drills, Sanaman Manoeuvreist principles and Shirerithian-Laqi infiltration tactics, largely with the intention of weeding out those lacking in flexibility of thought.

The main objects of legionary training were fourfold: firstly, to produce a spirit of discipline and comradeship, second to none of the armed forces of any power; secondly, to learn the lesson that darkness is a help and not a hindrance; thirdly, to endow the legionary with a degree of physical fitness approaching that of a trained athlete, and at the same time to give him skill in handling all infantry weapons liable to be encountered on the battlefield; and finally – the most consistently reinforced message throughout training to make the legionary eager always to attack as and when opportunity permitted, even – especially – when the odds were not in his favour.

The legionary was expected, and required, to cultivate a spirit of continual aggression that would hold up under any circumstances, fair or foul; moreover, to attain this versatility, the legionary was expected to acquire a mastery of the art of war in all conditions, not only on land, his natural element, even when that land was a precarious foothold on a steep mountain crag, or a tangle of woodland brush and bog sown with dread-nettles and shrapnel-lilies, but also on sea, and, if need be, in the air.

Basic training for all personnel enlisted with the forces under the direct control of Benacia Command is the responsibility of the Inspectorate of Training and Discipline whose primary establishment is located within the Zitadelle of Merensk. Volunteers for the legions, and all personnel assigned to the legions must be volunteers, are normally recruited from amongst the wider pool of personnel maintained by the General Inspectorate, as well as the Aerospace and Maritime Forces maintained by Benacia Command. N&H and ESB paramilitaries are also eligible to volunteer although they, being blessed with their own defined career paths and material comforts, typically tended not to avail themselves of this opportunity.

The physical part of the legionaries training had its impact upon their state of mind. As the days went by and the legionary became able to march faster and still faster for longer and longer distances with heavier and heavier loads until he could cover 15 kilometres in ninety minutes, and 55 kilometres in nine hours, the innate pride born of an awareness of one's own strength took a hold on him. The legionary, spurred on by healthy competitive rivalry with his comrades, became more and more a man apart, as indeed he was by reason of his own conscious decision to join; thus the constant series of physical efforts the legionary undertook were, in and of themselves, an excellent form of mental training.

After basic training was completed the inductees were cycled through three week courses of so-called "spiritual hardening", inspired apparently by the methods and insights of the Urchagin. Those who flunked the course would be cashiered and their records stamped, in green ink, with the initials LMF ("lacking moral fibre") effectively rendering them unemployable upon their return to civilian life anywhere in the territories of the Unified Governorates of Benacia. The motto of the training regime henceforth was that 'Faith and Endurance surpasses Might'. The hardening process began on the first day with trainees forced to line up in files of ten and, at a charge, bayonet a row of live pigs suspended from the rafters before them. Each file would train together, be rewarded together, and be punished together, they were solemnly warned, for the remainder of the three weeks. As an illustration of this the files where any member had baulked at bayoneting a live squealing animal would be denied food and sleep but would be instead assigned to punishment details for the entirety of the rest period while everyone else enjoyed pork stew and a good night's sleep. As first two weeks progressed the trainees were subjected to a barrage of assault courses, long forced marches along wilderness tracks, and competitions where the files were set against one-another to obtain dispensation vouchers for meat and alcohol or else merely to avoid bringing up the rear and being assigned to yet another punishment detail. The final week consisted of tutorials on living off the land, vehicle dismount drills, counter ambush drills, and close quarter combat practice against veteran legionaries dressed up as Laqi bandits. One of the perks for the old-timers was the opportunity to inflict upon the new recruits all the nasty tricks, traps, and humiliations, that had been heaped upon them during their own induction. The concluding action of the week was a bunker clearance drill focusing on oblique angles of approach with use of stealth and concealment, forced entry with demolition charges, room to room clearance with gas grenades and thermite sticks followed by the gunning down of those still standing and the bayoneting of those prostrate on the ground. To add an extra dimension of realism each of the practice bunkers was held and defended by a detachment of surplus protected persons, tethered in place but equipped with riot guns and cudgels, who had been promised their freedom if they successfully survived the drill. None ever did.

At the conclusion of the three weeks each participant was given a week's leave, a pint of grog from the Depot canteen and an enamelled lapel badge featuring a blood-red hand held palm upwards.

The old Imperial practice of targeting minority groups for the purposes of sharpening a unit's blood-lust and improving situational awareness has continued into the present practices of training cohorts, with regular deployments of Fiþn (Troop) sized contingents into Lach infested territory. These raids would be conducted usually via a nighttime "vertical insertion" utilising re-purposed "Walrus" gravimetric transporters escorted by Whirdlebirbs. Once delivered into hostile country, via the hair-raising practice of "grav-tank desant", the troop would be obliged to utilise the time honoured practice in dealing with the Lach and to bring a specified quantity of tongues (including some with the bodies of their owners still attached) to the prearranged extraction point within a set number of hours or days. It should be noted that gravimetric vehicles were gradually superceded by more conventional rotorcraft during the 1680's.

In addition to serving as an introduction to the basics of field craft, these "vaszvaþnur" also helped to thin out the numbers of Black Lach who might otherwise be tempted to filter southwards over the old frontier from Inner Benacia into Upper Lywall.

Since 1686 the Vaszvaþnur has been mostly conducted against recalcitrant and or primitive communities in the Upland Confederation and the Iridian Isles under the guise punitive expeditions to deter or punish banditry and piracy.

Survivors of their first vaszvaþnur received a silver-gilt lapel badge, tastefully depicting a dagger embedded in a Lach skull, a five year service bond of ₦50,000, and a fortnight's leave. As a test of the initiate legionaries initiative, the cohort upon being dismissed would be instructed to reassemble at the end of the fortnight period at a new location, entirely removed from the Depot, anywhere on the Benacian continent. The exact location and time was spelt out. How the recruits would make it to the destination was their own affair. Those who failed to be present and correct on parade at the time and place specified would be returned to the ranks of the General Inspectorate. For the most part the locations would prove to be somewhere absurdly remote and inhospitable within the Raspur Pact's sphere of operations - New Blackstone and Raikoth were popular choices for testing an initiate legionary's ability to organise his own travelling arrangements on the fly. One, somewhat rakish, instructor specified that his recruits were to assemble on the steps of a specific gin house in Shirekeep's entertainments district[2] - which they did, prompting a riot amongst the bar's patrons and obliging the Palatini Corps to send an armoured personnel carrier equipped with a high-pressure water hose in order to quell the disorder.

These excursions, and the subsequent return journey to the Depot, would provide one final opportunity for the instructors to evaluate their charges before the final sifting. By this stage those unable to make the grade ought to have either been flushed out of the system or else solemnly cremated with all due ceremony on a pyre at the edge of the Depot's hinterland of cleared forest. This then, barring mishaps, was the opportunity to pick out candidates for commissioned and non-commissioned officer training, as well as those who might be suited for specialist training in the armoured, aerospace, or maritime arms of the Black Legions.

For those remaining at the end of the sifts however, assignment to the legions awaited. Although the need to replace casualties would sometimes override other considerations, normal practice would be to assign the newly minted legionary to a cohort at some considerable remove from his place of origin.

One of the more unusual aspects of legionary training was the insistence upon each trainee, as a part of his assigned section, tending to an allotted plot of land in which it was their duty to plant, tend, and cultivate a variety of vegetables during their time at the Depot. The purpose for this becomes more clear when the trainees are expected to first clear a patch of the forest adjacent the depot, a forest teeming with deliberately planted urtica terribilis, primula ballistis and lilium discerptionis. For the ordinary legionary it provides an education on how to recognise, avoid, or neutralise the most noxious and fatal reminders of Benacia's legacy of reckless bio-engineering by the Transhumanist foe; for junior officers on the other hand it is an opportunity to contemplate the difficulties inherent in uprooting and containing persistent rhizomic structures.

The other positive was that it kept catering costs for the establishment at Berht Klarænst under control.

Command structure

Top-level organisational structure of the BUDF, as proposed in 1701 AN.

The Benacian Union Defence Force reports to the High Presidium of the Benacian Union via the Benacian Security Council for strategic and operational matters and the Commission for War for administrative and logistical matters.

It is subjected to ideological discipline, at all levels above the regiment, by units of the General Inspectorate which provides supporting political officers and Mobile Security Troops who served as blocking detachments.

General Staff Council

The General Staff of the Benacian Union Defence Force mirrors closely, for simplicity and interoperability, the pattern set by Benacia Command. Indeed, the Command Executive of Benacia Command, headquartered in Merensk, maintains an interface with the General Staff of the BUDF via a liaison office in Chryse in addition to its political representation on the High Presidium of the Benacian Union.

The Commissioner of Defence, on behalf of the High Presidium, appoints a President of the General Staff Council, who holds the post for four years, and who in turn nominates banner officers to head the three service branches of the BUDF as well as the seven specialist support directorates of the General Staff itself. These officers, all on four year terms similarly, therefore comprise the totality of the General Staff Council.

The seven directorates are as follows:

  • D1 - Information Technology
  • D2 - Logistics
  • D3 - Manpower
  • D4 - Planning
  • D5 - Operations
  • D6 - Military Intelligence
  • D7 - Political Relations

The General Staff Council and its supporting directorates, as constituted, therefore are responsibile for operational and strategic level planning, where operational planning covers units and formations above the legion ("Salb") level.

In practice, under most circumstances, operational deployments, including combined arms, joint, and allied operations, would be conducted via the substantially parallel structures of the Benacian Continental Theatre Command of the Raspur Pact, which organises a number of combined arms corps, field armies, and banner groups. Accordingly the foremost concern of the General Staff Council of the BUDF in wartime would be force generation and sustainment.

Personnel selected for assignment to the General Staff Council and its directorates are rebadged and assigned to the General Service Corps so as to detach them from their previous service branch and area of specialism. The General Service Corps, in addition to supporting the General Staff Council also provides the Command and Control Regiments encountered at the corps-level formation and higher.


Land Forces

Maritime Forces

Aviation Forces

Ransenari Grouping of Forces

The Ransenari Grouping of Forces was established as a branch of the BUDF in 1713 AN so as to receive the balance of manpower transferred from the Grand Army of Ransenar, Navy of Ransenar, and the Riverine Forces of Ransenar after the accession of Ransenar to the Benacian Union in 1711 AN.

Kalgachi Grouping of Forces


Current missions

Contributions to Raspur Pact theatre commands

Continental Theatre Command Material allocation (%) Lead Nation
Apollonia Command 1% Nouvelle Alexandrie Nouvelle Alexandrie
Benacia Command 98% Benacian Union Benacian Union
Cibola Command 0% Natopia Natopia
Keltia Command 1% Nouvelle Alexandrie Nouvelle Alexandrie
Tapfer Command 0% Natopia Natopia
Trans-Euran Command 0% Constancia Constancia

Ongoing operational deployments

Concluded operational deployments


Infantry weapons & equipment

Name Origin Type № in Service Image Notes
M1699 Mess Tin Unified Governorates Stahl Maschinenfabrik Koïsoßwerke Personal Kit - M1699 Mess Tin.png
M1700 9 Pieces Cooking Set with Burner Unified Governorates Stahl Maschinenfabrik Koïsoßwerke Personal Kit - M1700 9 Pieces Cooking Set with Burner.png
M1701 Stainless Steel Coffee Pot Unified Governorates Stahl Maschinenfabrik Koïsoßwerke Personal Kit - M1701 Stainless Steel Coffee Pot.png
Personal Weapons
M1686 assault rifle (7.62×67mmB) Unified Governorates Mishalan Arsenal Service rifle 4,232,627 M1686 (7.62×67mmB).png
M1690 machine pistol (9x19mm) Unified Governorates Mishalan Arsenal Officer or crew side-arm 442,604 M1690 machine pistol (9x19mm).png
M1721 battle rifle (7.62×67mmB) Benacian Union Mishalan Arsenal Service rifle 1,080,000 M1721 battle rifle (7.62×67mmB).png
  • Ordered 1717 AN.
  • Deliveries in period 1722 AN1732 AN.
Squad Weapons
M1703 Wren MK II general purpose machine gun (7.62x67mmB) Benacian Union Mishalan Arsenal General Purpose Machine Gun 101,205 M1703 Wren MK II general pupose machine gun (7.62x67mmB).png
  • Belt-fed replacement for the Wren Mk I.
  • Introduced to Palatine regiments in late 1703 AN, thereafter to be issued to motorised infantry regiments in 1704 AN.
  • Planned total production to be 25,200 per year for four years (1704 AN1708 AN).
Troop Weapons
M1591 7.62 mm Rifle Raspur Pact Allied Production Matrix Marksman rifle 28,000 M1591 7.62 mm Rifle.png
  • Modernised ex-Imperial Forces service rifle.
  • Issued to infantry troop sub-units for designated marksmen.
M1700 82 mm Recoilless Rifle Unified Governorates Mishalan Arsenal Anti-Tank System 17,660 Pattern M1700 82mm Recoilless Rifle.png
Squadron Weapons
M1701 14 mm sniper rifle Unified Governorates Mishalan Arsenal Sniper Rifle 8,333 M1701 14 mm sniper rifle.png
Malus PLU Kalgachia Kalgachi Weapons Tech Anti-Tank Weapon 294 MalusNE.png
  • Refurbished ex-KDF.
  • Issuable to area defence regiments.
Polybolos 12.7 mm HMG Shireroth Shireroth Heavy Machine Gun 7,090 Polybolos .50 HMG.png
Waspsting Shireroth Royal Ordnance Factory Lichkeep Man-portable air-defence system 157
  • In long-term storage after Second Elwynnese Civil War.
  • Many believed to be in deteriorated condition.
  • Issuable to area defence regiments.
Protective Equipment & Body Armour
M1639 Stahlhelm Shireroth Shireroth Steel Helmet 2,335,283 M1639 Stahlhelm.png
Pattern M1671 Combat System Natopia Neridia Defense Industries Body Armour
(inc. M1671 Stahlhelm)
144,000 sets Pattern M1671 Combat System.png Issued to legionary assault cohorts only.
Pattern M1730 field uniform Benacian Union Guilds of Benacia Field Uniform - Pattern M1730 field uniform.png
Pattern M1730 service uniform Benacian Union Guilds of Benacia Garrison Uniform - Pattern M1730 service uniform – enlisted.png


Name Origin Type № in Service Image Notes
Towed Artillery
M1701 158mm MLRS Unified Governorates Mishalan Arsenal 158mm Multiple Rocket Launcher 7,831 Pattern M1701 158mm MLRS.png
  • Introduced into service 1701 AN1702 AN.
  • Production of 1,034x pieces per Norton year (1703 AN1715 AN) (halted by 1711 AN).
  • Assigned to Artilleriregementen and Dragonregementen.
  • 1,475x transferred to Surenid Armed Forces, 1722 AN.
HK-VI Benacian Union Mishalan Arsenal 155 mm towed field gun 5,100 HK-VI M1723.png
  • Developed as an urgent operational requirement, 1723 AN.
  • Includes autoloader and remote firing station (carried aboard Snatch Land Rover or equivalent).
  • Orders placed XIII.1723 AN.Full delivery required by 1729 AN.
Self-Propelled Artillery
HK-III M1675 155 mm mobile gun (wheeled) Sanama Sanama Arms Industries Mobile Gun Wheeled 155 mm 2,627 HK-III M1675 155 mm mobile gun (wheeled).png
  • Assigned to Area Defence Regiments and Artilleriregementen.
HK-IV 155 mm self-propelled howitzer Unified Governorates Mishalan Arsenal 155 mm self-propelled howitzer / field gun
  • 359
BK-IV Bastiat 155 mm SPH.png
  • Production of 30x units per Norton year (1704 AN1716 AN) (halted by 1711 AN).
HK-V M1723 203 mm self-propelled howitzer Benacian Union All-Union Locomotive Motor & Carriage Company 203 mm self-propelled howitzer 1,824 HK-V M1723.png
Anti-Aircraft Artillery / Air Defence Systems
M1729 Athena Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Short range air defence system 211 launchers Athena AADS tranche 1.png
Burdock Kalgachia Kalgachi Weapons Tech Long range air defence system 384 launchers BurdockNE.png
  • Refurbished ex-KDF.
  • Assigned to Air Defence Observation Regiments.
SAI CUTLASS Sanama Sanama Arms Industries Medium-range air defence system 8 SAI CUTLASS.png
  • Ex-Black Legions.
  • Refurbished and returned to service in 1729 AN after extended period in long-term storage.
  • Concerns over availability/condition of spare components and serviceability.
  • Assigned to Air Defence Observation Regiments.
SAI LONGBOW Sanama Sanama Arms Industries Long-range air defence 4 SAI LONGBOW.png
  • Ex-Black Legions.
  • Refurbished and returned to service in 1729 AN after extended period in long-term storage.
  • Concerns over availability/condition of spare components and serviceability. Assigned to Air Defence Observation Regiments.
SAI RAPIER Sanama Sanama Arms Industries Short-range air defence 16 SAI RAPIER.png
  • Ex-Black Legions.
  • Refurbished and returned to service in 1729 AN after extended period in long-term storage.
  • Concerns over availability/condition of spare components and serviceability. Assigned to area defence regiments and luftvärnsregemente.
Silver Hammer Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries C-RAM 3 launchers Silver-hammer.jpg
  • Ex-Ransenari.
  • Recovered from storage and returned to service as of 1729 AN.
  • Assigned to the defence of Chryse.
System-2 Missile Complex Benacian Union Šlomxala Arsenal SAM system / rocket artillery 146 batteries System 2 Missile Complex.png
  • Initial entry into service 1700 AN.
  • Full operational capacity 1709 AN onward.
  • Assigned to area defence regiments and luftvärnsregemente.
Vulcan Advanced Air Defense System Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Directed Energy Air Defence System 208 systems Vulcan-Air-Defense-System-1720AN.png
  • Ordered 1720 AN.
  • Deliveries from 1721 AN.
  • Entry into service from 1722 AN.
  • Full operational capacity 1733 AN.
  • Assigned to Air Defence Observation Regiments.
  • Accelerated delivery completed by 1731 AN.
Decommissioned, retired, scrapped
M1681 105 mm howitzer Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries 105mm Howitzer 2,365 M1681 105 mm howitzer.png
  • Replaced the M1584 80 mm Field Gun in 1703 AN.
  • Import of 150x pieces per Norton year until 1715 AN (halted by 1711 AN).
  • Assigned to Artilleriregementen.
  • Replaced by HK-VI, 1730 AN.
  • Placed into storage (central Mishalacia), 1730 AN.
  • Offered for sale to international partners (RP+Hurmu).

Land Vehicles

Name Origin Type № in Service Image Notes
BK-IX Benacian Union All-Union Locomotive Motor & Carriage Company Heavy tank 2,000 BK-IX heavy tank.png
  • Order for 2,000x placed XIII.1723 AN.Full delivery required by 1729 AN.
  • 126x assigned to 7 Pansarfördelningen at 18x per Pansarregementet.
  • Available reserve – 961 (1729 AN).
BK-X Benacian Union All-Union Locomotive Motor & Carriage Company Medium tank 4,000 BK-X medium tank.png
  • Orders for 4,000x placed XIII.1723 AN.Full delivery required by 1729 AN.
  • 1,120x assigned to 20 legions at 18x per Motorised Infantry Regiment.
  • 252x assigned to 7 Pansarfördelningen at 36x per Pansarregementet.
  • 252x assigned to 14 Manoeuvre Brigades at 18x per Motorised Infantry Regiment.
  • Available reserve – 1,214 (1729 AN).
BK-XI Benacian Union All-Union Locomotive Motor & Carriage Company Light tank 8,000 BK-XI light tank.png
  • Orders for 8,000 placed XIII.1723 AN.Full delivery required by 1729 AN.
  • 378x assigned to 7 Pansarfördelningen at 54x per Pansarregementet.
  • 180x assigned to 10 Kavallerifördelningen at 18x per Dragonregementet.
  • 504x assigned to 14 Manoeuvre Brigades at 18x per Dragoon Cohort.
  • 728x assigned to the Ransenari Grouping of Forces at 56x per cavalry regiment.
  • Available reserve – 5,729 (1729 AN).
Armoured Combat Vehicles
BK-XII Benacian Union Mishalan Arsenal Tracked reconnaissance vehicle 8,000 BK-XII scout tank.png
  • Developed as replacement for BK-IV Bastiat.
  • Orders placed XIII.1723 AN.Full delivery required by 1729 AN.
  • Assigned to Dragoon regiments /cohorts in Kavallerifördelningen and Manoeuvre Brigades.
BK-XIII Benacian Union Mishalan Arsenal Infantry fighting vehicle 12,000 BK-XIII infantry fighting vehicle.png
  • Developed as replacement for Horjin Combat Vehicle 56.
  • Orders placed XIII.1723 AN.Full delivery required by 1729 AN.
  • Assigned to motorised infantry regiments at 75x per regiment.
  • Available reserve – 6,450 (1730 AN).
HK-IV M1707 Stalker Benacian Union Mishalan Arsenal Anti-Tank Missile Vehicle 50 HK-IV M1707 Stalker.png
Rz.Kfz 1714 Razkampfwagen Benacian Union Mishalan Arsenal Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle 4,000 Rz.Kfz 1714 Razkampfwagen.png
  • Ordered in 1714 AN.
  • To be assigned to inspectorate regiments.
Support Vehicles
BK-VIII Light Infantry Scout Vehicle Benacian Union Citadel Arsenal Scout carrier 67,800 BK-VIII Light Infantry Scout Vehicle.png
Pod Personnel Carrier Shireroth Shireroth Spt Vehicle 12,424 Pod APC.png
Snatch Land Rover Shireroth Shireroth Spt Vehicle 271,266 Snatch Land Rover.png
Truck, Light Shireroth Shireroth Spt Vehicle 125,400 Light Truck.png
  • 19,586x transferred from the Military of Ransenar (1712 AN). Assigned to command & control, commissariat, and Inspectorate regiments.
Truck, Medium Shireroth Shireroth Spt Vehicle 235
Type E 1721 Expedition Truck Benacian Union Fieldburg Motors Utility vehicle 3,780 Fieldburg Type E 1721 Expedition Truck.png Assigned to engineering regiments
Type F 1723 Field Sustainment Truck Benacian Union Fieldburg Motors Fuel tender 3,540 Fieldburg Type F 1723 Field Sustainment Truck.png Assigned to commissariat regiments
Specialist Vehicles
EWV-1 Taran Benacian Union Mishalan Arsenal Electronic warfare vehicle 3 EWV-1 Taran.jpeg
  • Development began 1724 AN.
  • 2x prototypes received 1727 AN.
  • Third modified prototype received 1731 AN.
GV6-52 Modular Mondosphere Mondoworks Gravimetric self-propelled artillery system 8 GV6-52.png
GV(MCB)-7 Leviathan Sovereign Confederation Ryker Airships Mobile Command Base 6 GV-7 Leviathan.png
Große Dampfzugmaschine Benacian Union Stonetree Engineering Group Traction Engine 4,000
  • Built under licence.
  • Reserved for vehicle recovery and heavy engineering work.
M1679 Detection & Tracking Radar Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Mobile air defence radar 400 Silver Hammer radar.png
  • Ex-Benacia Command.
  • Refurbished and returned to service, 1729 AN.
  • Assigned to Air Defence Observation Regiments, area defence regiments and luftvärnsregemente.
Decommissioned, retired, or scrapped
BK-III Verteidiger Unified Governorates Mishalan Arsenal Main Battle Tank 840 BK-3 Verteidiger.png
BK-IV Bastiat Unified Governorates Mishalan Arsenal Armoured Guided Missile Vehicle 1,136 BK-IV Bastiat.png
  • Production of 100x units per Norton year (1704 AN1716 AN) (halted by 1711 AN).
  • Assigned to Dragonregementen.
  • 339x lost during the Wars of the Dispossessed.
  • Withdrawn from service, 1730 AN.
  • Placed in storage (central Mishalacia), 1730 AN.
  • Offered for sale to international partners (RP+Hurmu).
CV-56 Horjin Normark ESB Group (Keltia) Multi-Role Armoured Fighting Vehicle 12,184 CV56.png
  • Assigned to Motorised Infantry Regiments & Infanteriregementen.
  • 1,638x received from the Grand Army of Ransenar (1712 AN)
  • 1,983x lost during the Wars of the Dispossessed.
  • Out of service by 1726 AN.
  • Vehicle fleet scrapped for recovery of components (1726 AN1730 AN).


Name Origin Type № in Service Image Notes
Surface combatants
Behaurnais-class Nouvelle Alexandrie Pontecorvo Firm Amphibious assault ship 4 Beauharnais-class-amphibious-assault-ship.jpg
  • Out of service by 1748 AN.
Carnifex-class Benacian Union Vijayanagara Fleet Construction Yards Cruiser 1 Carnifex-class cruiser.png
  • Order placed 1723 AN.
  • Out of service by 1750 AN.
Coastal Patrol Boat Sathrati Amity Shipyards Patrol 109 Coastal patrol boat.png
  • 9x received from the Navy of Ransenar (1712 AN)
  • Assigned to riverine duties.
  • Out of service by 1740 AN.
Dredger-class Benacian Union Vijayanagara Fleet Construction Yards Gunboat 9 Dredger-class monitor.png Order placed 1723 AN.
Manco Cápac-class Nouvelle Alexandrie ESB Armada Frigate 60 / 120 1720 Manco Cápac-class auxiliary cruiser.png
  • Order placed 1720 AN.
  • 120 built, of which 60 received by BUDF and 40 commissioned as of 1731 AN.
Melusine II-class Benacian Union Rothaven Boatyards Fast attack craft 60 Melusine-class fast attack missile boat.png
  • Out of service by 1740 AN.
Montran-class Sanama Sanama Destroyer 7 Montran-class destroyer.png
  • Out of service by 1746 AN.
Protector-class Sanama Sanama State Maritime Industries Missile frigate 16 Protector-class missile frigate.png
  • Out of service by 1749 AN.
Rhodondra-class Sanama Sanama State Maritime Industries Amphibious assault ship 7 Rhodondra-class.png
Rose-class Corvette 11 / 192 Rose-class corvette.png
  • 3x ordered, 1723 AN.
  • 16x ordered, 1730 AN.
  • Full rate production between 1731 AN and 1740 AN.
Seafox-class Sanama Sanama State Maritime Industries Corvette 36 Seafox-class corvette.png
Trwyth-class Benacian Union Captaincy of the Three Ports Aircraft carrier (riverine) 1 BNS Trwyth.png Attached to Riverine Fleet of the Maritime Forces of the Benacian Union (River Elwynn).
Support vessels
Carrillo-class Nouvelle Alexandrie Pontecorvo Firm Amphibious command ship 2 Carrillo-class-amphibious-command-ship.jpg
  • Out of service by 1748 AN.
Cartagena-class Nouvelle Alexandrie Pontecorvo Firm Expeditionary mobile base 0 / 1 Cartagena-class-expeditionary-mobile-base.jpg Order placed 1730 AN
Compassion-class Nouvelle Alexandrie Pontecorvo Firm Hospital ship 1 Compassion-class-ship1.jpg Ex-Ransenari.
Ignatius-class Nouvelle Alexandrie Pontecorvo Firm Amphibious transport dock 0 / 10 Ignatius-class-amphibious-transport-dock.jpg
Logistic Support Vessel Sathrati Amity Shipyards Fleet auxiliary 27 Gravcarrier.png
Thorn-class Benacian Union Rothaven Boatyards Training sloop 3 Thorn-class sloop.png
  • Order placed 1723 AN.
  • Designated as training vessels, 1730 AN.
Type XXV U-Boat Sanama Port Niyi Shipyards Attack Submarine 16 Awake submarine.png
Type XXVI U-Boat Sathrati Amity Shipyards Nuclear-powered Cruise Missile Submarine 1
  • Out of service by 1740 AN.
Type XXVII U-Boat Nouvelle Alexandrie Pontecorvo Firm Fleet submarine 6 Franciscania-class-attack-submarine.jpg
  • Out of service by 1745 AN.
Type XXVIII U-Boat Sathrati Amity Shipyards Nuclear-powered Attack Submarine 1 Type XXVIII.png
  • Out of service by 1748 AN.
Type XXIX Benacian Union Zolt Shipyards Diesel-electric U-boat 2 Type XXIX U-boat.png Ordered, 1730 AN
Type XXX Benacian Union Zolt Shipyards Diesel-electric U-boat 2 Type XXX U-boat.png Ordered, 1730 AN
Viviantia-class logistic support vessel Shireroth Amity Shipyards Fleet Auxiliary 6 Viviantia LSV.png
Florimell-class Troop Landing Ship Unified Governorates Rothaven Boatyards Fleet Auxiliary 393 Transferred to Benacian Merchant Marine, XIII.1720 AN.


Aircraft are formed into numbered aviation regiments of 240x aircraft each, and numbered squadrons named by type where the numbers are insufficient for a full aviation regiment.

Name Origin Type № in Service Image Notes
Capital Ship
Dominion-class Mondosphere Mondoworks Gravnought 1 BGS Dominion.png
Combat Air
A-7 Astil Ground attack aircraft 1 / 1,265 A-7 Astil.png
  • Development period 1728–1729.
  • Production commencement required by end 1730 AN.
  • Delivery in full required by end 1738 AN.
  • Order reduced from 1,528x to 1,265x, XIII.1730 AN.
F-9 Ashavan III Multi-role Strike Fighter 1,200 F-9 Ashavan III.png
  • Evaluation prototypes received 1708 AN.
  • 360x ordered, to be delivered in 3x tranches by 1715 AN.
  • Further 840x ordered in 1714 AN as rebuilds of the F-9 Ashavan II, to be completed by 1720 AN.
  • Ashavan Operational Training Unit (est. 1714 AN) – 24x airframes
F-17 Axarana Raspur Pact Axarana Consortium Stealth Air Superiority Fighter 115 F-17 Axarana.png
  • In service from 1704 AN.
  • Axarana Operational Conversion Unit – 22x airframes
  • 20x airframes received from Ransenar, 1712 AN.
F-18 Cyclone Raspur Pact Cyclone Consortium Strategic deep-strike fighter 114 Project Cyclone.png Prototypes received from Ransenar, 1712 AN
F-24 Lightning Mondosphere Corum Electric Multi-role fighter 36 / 108 Corum Electric F-24 Lightning.png
Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance
AEW-1 Floret
  • Kalgachia Kalavia Fixed-Wing Works (initial build & flight avionics)
  • Constancia Ergostásio Aeroskafón (conversion work)
  • Shireroth Gaelen Technologies Corporation (active phased array radar & panopticon suite)
Airborne Early Warning Aircraft 6 AEW-1 Floret.png
  • Airborne Early Warning Squadron – 6 airframes
AEW-1 Buscadora Nouvelle Alexandrie ESB Susa Airborne Early Warning 5 AEW-1 Buscadora.png
  • Airborne Early Warning Squadron – 9 airframes
Javelin M-2 Dragoon Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries UAV 60 M-2-Dragoon.png
P-2 Navegador Nouvelle Alexandrie ESB Susa Air Policing / Maritime Patrol 24 P-2 Navegador.png
P-3 Bailiff Sanama Brightworks Rural Policing / Patrol 16 FF-380 Buzzard.png
  • 12x inherited from Black Legions.
  • 4x purchased from Sanama.
VT-UAV 1 Tadpole Sanama/Talenore Brightworks Mistra Unmanned Aerial Reconnaissance Vehicle 669 Tadpole.png
Air Mobility
GAV-4(U) Jackalope Shireroth Red Bear LLC Transport Utility 603 GAV-4 Jackalope.png
  • 754x airframes in 1724 AN.
  • 603x airframes in 1730 AN
  • Out of service date set at 24.XV.1734 AN.
TR-279 Dront Sanama Brightworks VTOL Transport 96 TR-279 Dront.png
AH-75 Cobra Sanama Brightworks Attack Helicopter 42 AH-75 Cobra.png
CH-276 Camel Sanama Brightworks Utility Transport 88 CH-276 Camel.png
K-2 Whirdlebird Kalgachia Kalgachia Utility Helicopter 566 K-2 Whirdlebirb.png
  • Refurbished ex-KDF.
R-2 Krähenwürger Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Heavy Assault Rotorcraft 146 R-2 Krähenwürger.png
NH-76 Dromosker Sanama Brightworks ASW Patrol 272 UH-76 Dromosker.png
UH-76 Dromosker Sanama Brightworks Utility Transport 142 UH-76 Dromosker.png
T-4/A-4 Flecha Nouvelle Alexandrie ESB Susa Training/Light Attack 120 T-4 Flecha.png
T-5/A-5 Tejón de Miel Nouvelle Alexandrie Javelin Industries Training/Light Attack 40 Javelin T-5-A-5 Tejón de Miel.png
T-6 Preceptora Nouvelle Alexandrie ESB Susa Trainer 120 T-6 Preceptora.png
T-7/A-6 Víbora Nouvelle Alexandrie ESB Susa Turboprop trainer/light attack aircraft T-6-A-6 Víbora.png 0 / 600
  • 600x production airframes ordered, 1731 AN.
Decommissioned, retired, scrapped
B-67 Shahrukh Unified Governorates Mishalan Arsenal Strategic Bomber 66 B-67 Shahrukh.png
  • Shahrukh Operational Training Unit – 18x airframes
  • 1st & 2nd Shahrukh Squadrons – 48x airframes.
  • To be replaced by the F-18 Cyclone by 1725 AN.
  • Removed from active service, 1723 AN.
F-9 Ashavan II Sanama/Talenore Brightworks Mistra Multi-role Strike Fighter 525 F-9 Ashavan II.png
  • 1st to 5th Aviation Regiments – 1,200x airframes
  • 6 Ashavan Squadrons – 144x airframes
  • 26x airframes sold to Oportia, 1714 AN.
  • 840 modernised to F-9 Ashavan III standard.
  • Remainder transferred to Keltia Command for reallocation 1720 AN.
GAV(P)-6 Zephyr Mark 1a Natopia Auger Industries Patrol 51 GAV-6 Zephyr.png Retired for lack of components and placed into storage pending return to the Natopian Defense Force, 1714 AN.

Missiles / Guided Munitions / Loitering Munitions

Name Origin Type № in Service Image Notes
AAM-2 Sonderbotschaft Unified Governorates Šlomxala Arsenal 13,023
S-2/A Unified Governorates Šlomxala Arsenal 1,667 S-2 Missile.png
S-2/A(S) Unified Governorates Šlomxala Arsenal 416 S-2 Missile.png
SA-1 Red Mist Raspur Pact Allied Production Matrix Air defence missile 392
  • Refurbished ex-Ransenari stock.
  • Assigned to Air Defence Observation Regiments
S-2/S(A) Unified Governorates Šlomxala Arsenal 6,668 S-2 Missile.png
F-11GM Florentine Floria Floria Guided Munition (Piloted) 5,940 F-11GM Florentine.png
M1728 Jägare-sökargranat Benacian Union Elwynn High Tech Engineering Loitering munition (FPV drone) 4,990 M1728 Jägare-sökargranat.png
  • Distributed amongst area defence regiments.
S-2/S Unified Governorates Šlomxala Arsenal 2,083 S-2 Missile.png
S-2/N Unified Governorates Šlomxala Arsenal 2,604 S-2 Missile.png
Short & Medium Range Ballistic
S-3 Schlächter Unified Governorates Šlomxala Arsenal Intermediate-range Ballistic Missile 3,840 S-3 IRBM.png 16x Ballistic Missile Regiments assigned to fixed launch sites

Ranks, Insignia, Uniforms & Wages

Note: the suffix "bi-Mari" (at sea) and "bi-Łoidi" (in flight) are affixed to the conventional ranks of officers to indicate when the subjects are in the service of the Maritime Forces or Aviation Forces respectively. If translated into Istvanistani, the rank of salbnan might thus be rendered Legate, Legate-at-Sea, and Flight-Legate, in the land, sea, and air domains. This courtesy is typically not extended to lower ranks as it is understood that they must serve in whichever domain they are directed to at any given moment.
Table of Grades and Ranks of the Benacian Union Defence Force
Grade Insignia RP Rank Code Rank Pay
Chiefs of Staff
BUDF 0F-10.png OF-10
  • Frumst Frainan
  • Combined Officer Pay x10
General Officers
BUDF 0F-9.png OF-9
  • Frainan Streïakeï
  • Combined Officer Pay x9
BUDF OF-8.png OF-8
  • Frainan Hohmin
Combined Officer Pay x8
BUDF OF-7.png OF-7
  • Frainan Uihmanzis
Combined Officer Pay x7
BUDF OF-6.png OF-6
  • Salbnan
Combined Officer Pay x6
Senior Officers
BUDF OF-5.png OF-5
  • Ahmst Bræþstranin
Combined Officer Pay x5
BUDF OF-4.png OF-4
  • Ahmst Tazstraneï
Combined Officer Pay x4
BUDF OF-3.png OF-3 Ahmst Mairstranin Combined Officer Pay x3
Junior Officers
BUDF OF-2.png OF-2 Fiþnan Combined Officer Pay x2
BUDF OF-1.png OF-1 Golsapbir
  • Standing Grant to Officers 360 marks and basic rate of pay 180 marks providing Combined Officer Pay of 540 marks.
BUDF OF(C).png OF(C) Silbir
  • Standing Grant to Officers set 90 marksper annum.
  • Educational Bursary set at 135 marks per annum.
Non-Commissioned Officers
File:BUDF Grade 1.1.png OR-9 Ænst Opratzan Basic rate of pay x9
OR-8 Opratzan Basic rate of pay x8
OR-7 Ahtaldan Basic rate of pay x7
OR-6 Tzæknak Basic rate of pay x6
OR-5 Frum Basic rate of pay x5
Enlisted Men
File:BUDF Grade 1.2.png OR-4 Usczosoþ Streïak Basic rate of pay x4
  • Usfaroþ Streïak
Basic rate of pay x3
  • Streïak
Basic rate of pay x2
  • Nuïak
  • Enlistment bounty 12 marks[3] (less deductions);
  • Basic rate of pay 3,600 chits[4] per annum

Rations, welfare and other miscellanea

The basic ration provision for personnel in the BUDF derive from three entitlements extended to all servicemen by order of the High Presidium of the Benacian Union in 1706 AN. These are as follows:

  1. Basic Ration:– milk (4l), eggs (6x), meat (150g), butter (50g), margarine (50g), edible oil, tea, cheese (30g), sugar (100g), jam (50g). Available via weekly allocations to all subjects in amounts specified, subject to availability.
  2. Government & Guild Service Ration:– bread (800g), eggs (1x), meat (230g), butter (50g), margarine (50g), edible oil, coffee, cheese (50g), sugar (225g), jam (60g). Supplementary weekly ration available to employees of the High Presidium of the Benacian Union, the Benacian Union Defence Force, and the civil executives, or else to workers employed by companies affiliated to guilds recognised by the Chamber of Guilds and Corporations.
  3. Field & Industrial Service Ration:– bread (80g), water-biscuit (20g), processed meat (150g), coffee or tea, sugar, salt, rum (1 pint). Supplementary daily ration issued to personnel engaged in intensive or arduous labours. Distributed directly to recipients in situ via appropriate means. Deployed personnel receive the Field & Industrial Service Ration consisting of tinned meat and foil sealed packets carrying the Superabundance Foods brand mark. The exception of course is the rum ration, which is brought forward by runners seconded for the task from Benacian Labour Reserve.

In 1716 AN, following serious outbreaks of scurvy amongst personnel garrisoned in the Warring Islands, a daily citrus juice ration was introduced for all BUDF personnel.

See also

Notes and references

  1. ^ Named in the Minarborian era for one Clarence Etzeterra, mechanically-augmented lich and father of Mondo. The ironic implications of training for a vernichtungskrieg against Benacian transhumanity in a venue named for a noted specimen of the latter has doubtless popularised the "Depot" designation as an more ideologically-palatable alternative.
  2. ^ It was subsequently discovered that the establishment had reminded this particular instructor of his overdue bar tab once too often.
  3. ^ 1,783.10 Natopian natopos
  4. ^ 26,746.5 Natopian natopos