Foreign relations of Senya
Despite its official policy of neutrality in Micrasian affairs, Senya retains diplomatic relations and participates in Micras-wide projects.
Foreign Policy overview
Since its independence was achieved from the Green in 1589, Senya has largely adopted a policy of neutrality on international affairs, though has occasionally had to change this policy in relation to certain events throughout its history, most notably in response to the River Warrior War and the global War of Lost Brothers.
Despite this, Senya is largely seen as a neutral power, and has avoided joining trading blocs and military alliances such as the MTO and the Raspur Pact. Senya is well regarded by most nations on Micras, being one of the few that has positive relations with both the Raspur Pact and the CSA. As a result, Senya is the home of the headquarters of some international organisations, most notably the Organisation of Red Symbol Societies.
In 1690 AN, Senya became a founding member of the Xäiville Convention, along with Craitland, Mercury and Tellia. The Convention allows for a free trade area between the nations, including allowing the free movement of people between the states. The convention has since been expanded to include Hurmu (late 1690), the South Sea Islands (1695), Sankt Ludwigshafen (now Lanzerwald, 1703) and Cisamarra (1708).
Senya has largely pursued bilateral trade agreements with other nations, with a focus on nearby countries through the Senyan neighbourhood friendship policy, and through trans-national agreements and projects such as the Apollonian Express. Senya currently maintains borders with Craitland (through the protectorate of Victoria), Shireroth (through the Greater Kildari duchies of Kildare and Jinkeai) and Western Natopia (through the principality of Arboria), as well as maintaining maritime boundaries with Shireroth and Transnordata, and further direct economic and social trade links with Angsax, Ashinthael, Hurmu and Meckelnburgh, and works particularly closely with these nations on cross-border security and transportation links.
Summary by nation
Nation | Senyan name | Outlook | Visa | Notes |
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Akëdëa | Amicable | Visa free | Treaty signed in 1704 AN. Due to current events in Akhidia, in 1706 the Senyan government issued a travel warning for its citizens advising against travel to Akhidia as a result of the 1706 Akhidian Crisis and as such a number of economic contacts provided for under the treaty have been temporarily suspended. |
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Anahwarkëa | Neutral | Visa required | Angsax has been identified as a target nation for diplomacy by the Senyan government, however as of yet no formal contact has been made between the nations. |
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Anglëa-Sakson | Neutral | Visa required | Angsax has been identified as a target nation for diplomacy by the Senyan government, however as of yet no formal contact has been made between the nations. |
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Aƨinfælëa | Neutral | Visa required | Ashinthael has been identified as a target nation for diplomacy by the Senyan government, however as of yet no formal contact has been made between the nations. |
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Ōskɏera bɏer Basaridëa | Neutral | Visa required | The Bassarid Periphery, consisting of the states of Alperkin in Keltia and the Iron Cult of Leng, which lies in the northern polar region north of Benacia, are tied up with the relationship with the Imperial Trade Union as part of the Bassarid world. Individually, little diplomatic or cultural exchange exists between Senya and either of the two states. |
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Batarvëa | Neutral | Visa required | Batavia has been identified as a target nation for diplomacy by the Senyan government, however as of yet no formal contact has been made between the nations. |
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Sîyöza bɏer Benarsëa | Positive | Visa free | Treaty signed in between Senya and Elwynn 1598 AN. Long history of co-operation and friendship exemplified by Senya providing Elwynese residents of Shireroth preferable visas prior to Elwynn's independence, and following independence in 1674, diplomatic, tourism and business contact between Elwynn and Senya once again flourished, with Elwynn becoming a parterner state in the Senyan Space Programme. However, following the events of the Scouring in 1695, and revelations about the Tarr genocide, there has been some concern in Senya about the actions of the Elwynnese government. Visa free arrangements were extended to other citizens of the Benacian Union upon its foundation.
Since the establishment of the Benacian Union, however, there have been concerns about human rights abuses in the Benacian Union from some in Senya, though due to the Benacian Union's importance in the global and diplomatic world, the Senyan government has largely ignored these concerns. |
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Čakarëa | Neutral | Visa required | Çakaristan has been identified as a target nation for diplomacy by the Senyan government. Already unofficial co-operation on several issues, including the Apollonian Express, with the two countries due to be linked by a railway line connecting the cities of Hreĵnɏeg and Suryapur. |
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Kalbëon | Amicable | Visa free | Treaty, signed in 1692 AN grants visa free travel between the states and co-operation on a number of issues of mutual concern. Calbain airline Eryr Air began an expansive flight network between the two countries in 1699 AN, which has seen a boom in tourism between the two countries. Despite Calbion's status as a somewhat pariah state on the international diplomatic scene, Senya is one of the few countries that retains positive diplomatic relations with them. |
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Sizamarëa | Positive | Visa free | Both states are members of the Xäiville Convention, which Cisamarra acceded to in 1708. |
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Konstantsëa | Neutral | Visa required | Senya is one of the few countries that Contancia formally recognises without having signed a treaty of recognition with. However, shared concerns over the Ecclesiastical Mountain Republic and positive prior relations with the independent Raspur Khanate, along with positive Senyan relationships with other member states of the Raspur Pact has seen a mutual level of respect between the two nations. |
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Krætlundëa | Positive | Visa free | Treaty signed in 1619 AN. Long history of co-operation and friendship in a variety of areas combined with strong cultural ties and sizeable migrant communities in each country. Both states are members of the Xäiville Convention. Both countries have very similar cultural backgrounds and share a large cultural exchange through both media and sports. Many in Senya view Craitland as a close ally and friendly state, and tourism between the two countries remain high.
The new border that arose following Craitland's annexation of Victoria and the Senyan expansion into Feldberg has seen the two sign further agreements on border controls, with both nations agreeing to streamlined immigration and customs checks. |
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Izlas bɏer Navizɏa Barfrëen | Amicable | Visa free | A visa free travel arrangement between the two countries was signed in 1692 AN. Senya became a leading importer and distributor of Dark Berry wine in 1699. |
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Ost-Nætœpëa | Positive | Visa free | Long positive history of co-operation, especially under the unified Natopian state. Senyan leaders have toured Natopia excessively in the past in 1687 the Senyan President was inducted into the Order of the Yoshi as a Knight by Nathan II. |
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Florëa | Negative | Visa required | Whilst relations between the two countries are positive and there have been strong cultural and sporting links, criticism over the Red Bear corporation's actions led to the banning of the company in Senya and a slight souring of Floria-Senya relations. However, in recent years, relations between the two have once again picked up and there is co-operation on areas of mutual concern.
In 1706, relations soured again as a result of the Florian invasion of Port Balaine, with Senya, as part of the Xäiville Convention, imposing sanctions on the Florian government. Senya expelled all diplomats from the Florian embassy in Svorgas as a result of invasion and temporarily closed their embassy in Northcliff. |
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Zvargars | Neutral | Visa required | Highpass has been identified as a target nation for diplomacy by the Senyan government, however as of yet no formal contact has been made between the nations. |
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Hermö | Positive | Visa free | Both states are members of the Xäiville Convention. Senya and Hurmu co-operate in a number of fields together includinig transportation links through the Apollonian Express, as well as a number of political and social projects. |
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Federatsëa Imperska | Neutral | Visa required | The Imperial Federation has been identified as a target nation for diplomacy by the Senyan government, however as of yet no formal contact has been made between the nations. |
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Basaridëa | Neutral | Visa required | Senya and the Bassarid state have had limited diplomatic contact. Negative comments made by the Senyan government about the Stripping Path caused a diplomatic rift, however as of yet very little diplomatic or economic contact exists between the two. The Senyan government remains concerned by Bassarid piracy in international waters, and despite Bassarid waters being located far from Senyan shores, Senya has none-the-less sought to implement tight naval patrols on its waters and neighbouring seas. |
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Internartsionarlenen Pratekten | Neutral | Visa required | Little official diplomatic contact though co-operation exists on travel due to involvement in the Apollonian Express project. |
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Kalgačëa | Neutral | Visa required | There is minimal diplomatic contact between Kalgachia and Senya. |
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Kraznovlatsëa | Neutral | Visa required | Krasnovlac has been identified as a target nation for diplomacy by the Senyan government, however as of yet no formal contact has been made between the nations. |
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Kuröm Aƨ-Ƨarčëa | Neutral | Visa required | Kurum Ash-Sharqia has been identified as a target nation for diplomacy by the Senyan government, however as of yet no formal contact has been made between the nations. |
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Lak Glakî | Neutral | Visa required | Lac Glacei has been identified as a target nation for diplomacy by the Senyan government, however as of yet no formal contact has been made between the nations. Informal co-operation on the Apollonian Express project has fostered a level of organisational respect. |
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Lantservaldëa | Positive | Visa free | Both states are members of the Xäiville Convention. Both states took on a large number of Barbarian refugees in the 1680s, the co-ordination of which required the establishment of diplomatic relations, which have remained both cordial and positive ever since. Some minor strains at a ministerial level due to conflicting aims during the Lanzerwaldian-Whaler War. |
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Lostîlundëa | Positive | Visa free | Senya and Lostisland have been longstanding trade and diplomatic partners since Senya's independence. |
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Mekelnbergëa | Positive | Visa required | Meckelnburgh has been identified as a target nation for diplomacy by the Senyan government, however as of yet no formal contact has been made between the nations. |
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Merkɏörëa | Positive | Visa free | Both states are members of the Xäiville Convention. A long history of positive diplomatic co-operation on a wide variety of issues, though disagreements over pyrotechnics legislation has caused the Mercurian government to have somewhat of a negative reputation within Senya, though this has little real impact on Senyan-Mercurian relations. |
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Mondœ | Positive | Visa free | A treaty was signed in 1706 AN, establishing friendly relations and diplomatic contact. Visa free travel was also agreed separately, with citizens of each state being afforded 30 days of visa free travel. |
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Nɏes Batarvëa | Neutral | Visa required | New Batavia has been identified as a target nation for diplomacy by the Senyan government, however as of yet no formal contact has been made between the nations. |
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Normark | Positive | Visa free | Relations opened in 1705, with exchange of embassies. Executive agreements on tourism (such as opening direct flights between Normark and Senya, 90 days visa-free tourism every year) and eased restrictions on trade. |
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Nɏes Aleksarndrëa | Positive | Visa free | Treaty signed in 1672 AN (with Alduria). Co-operation between governments of a variety of multilateral issues. |
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Oportsëa | Neutral | Visa required | There is minimal diplomatic contact between Oportia and Senya. |
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Pakarëa | Neutral | Visa required | There is minimal diplomatic contact between Pacary and Senya. |
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Konfederatsëa Finëa | Neutral | Visa required | The Phineonesian Confederation has been identified as a target nation for diplomacy by the Senyan government, however as of yet no formal contact has been made between the nations. Prior informal contact existed between Senya and the two independent predecessor states of Phinbella and Forajasaki. |
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Ransenarëa | Neutral | Visa required | Ransenar has been identified as a target nation for diplomacy by the Senyan government, however as of yet no formal contact has been made between the nations. |
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Ræyönëa | Neutral | Visa required | There is minimal diplomatic contact between Réunion and Senya. |
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Sanama | Positive | Visa free | Reciprocal visa free travel was established in 1675 AN. Sanama has begun to participate in the Senyan Space Programme. A treaty of co-operation was signed in 1703 AN. |
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Ƨkëra | Amicable | Visa required | Senyan and Shirerithian diplomatic relations started with a negative confrontation pertaining to pit fighting (and other related bloodsports) in 1610. Senya stood alongside Elwynn in opposition to what it viewed as a "barbaric practise", with tensions coming to a head after the Senyan government arrested several fighters transiting through Svorgas. A diplomatic miscommunication about this matter almost saw a conflict emerge the following year, however the Senyan President travelled to Shirekeep to personally settle the relationship and avoid confrontation.
In the decades that followed, Senya maintained an amicable, yet arms-reach relationship with Shireroth. This has been in part due to the influence of Jingdao's locale just south of Senya, with many in Senya keen to avoid a spill-over from the Sxiro-Jingdaoese confrontation. Shireroth's decision to invade Inner Benacia in 1666 following Inner Benacia's giving points to Senya (and not Shireroth), allowing Senya to win that year's Microvision caused some friction between the two states, however, following the Kalirion Fracture in the early 1670s, Senya and Shireroth have maintained a cordial relationship (albeit directed mainly through the diplomatic channels of other Raspur Pact members, such as the Benacian Union). Following Shireroth's annexation of Kildare in 1707, Shireroth once again became responsible for the border. Senya currently assumes that all agreements surrounding the border with Jingdao will remain in place. |
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Izlas bɏer Södzë | Positive | Visa free | Both states are members of the Xäiville Convention. |
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Sörëa | Neutral | Visa required | Suren has been identified as a target nation for diplomacy by the Senyan government, however as of yet no formal contact has been made between the nations. |
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Telëa | Positive | Visa free | Treaty of friendship signed in 1685 AN. Both states are members of the Xäiville Convention. |
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T Heksen | Neutral | Visa required | The Hexarchy has been identified as a target nation for diplomacy by the Senyan government, however as of yet no formal contact has been made between the nations. |
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Konfederatsëa Frarkëa | Amicable | Visa free | Visa free travel arrangement signed in 1692 AN. |
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Transnordartëa | Positive | Visa free | Despite being a part of the Senyan Neighbourhood Friendship Policy, little contact existed between the two countries until a treaty of friendship and co-operation was signed in 1708, which amongst its provisions established embassies and a ferry service between the two nations. |
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Valorëa | Neutral | Visa required | Valora has been identified as a target nation for diplomacy by the Senyan government, however as of yet no formal contact has been made between the nations. |
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Vegnëa | Neutral | Visa required | Vegno has been identified as a target nation for diplomacy by the Senyan government, however as of yet no formal contact has been made between the nations. |
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Vest-Nætœpëa | Positive | Visa free | Long positive history of co-operation especially under the unified Natopian state. Senyan Rail operates international rail services over the border into Arboria, with Natopia ceeding the cities of St. Christopher's and Lükanburg to Senya in 1681 AN. |
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Zëdëa | Neutral | Visa required | There is minimal diplomatic contact between Zeed and Senya. |
Diplomatic missions
Senya maintains several diplomatic missions across Micras, whilst several other nations maintain diplomatic missions in Senya.