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All Corum Congress Party

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All Corum Congress Party
Leader Samira Vandale
Nation Kurum Ash-Sharqia, New Batavia
Founded 1720 AN
Headquarters Vrijplaats
Political ideology expansionism
Political position centre left
Colours Purple
Parliamentary seats
5 / 100

The All Corum Congress Party (A.C.C.P.) is an expansionist party in Kurum Ash-Sharqia and New Batavia. It was founded by Samira Vandale and Hassan Ndiaye in 1720 AN after the expansion of New Batavia into southern Corum.

The expansion of New Batavia was the motive for the foundation of the party, but it was generally felt that since secession Kurum Ash-Sharqia lagged behind economically compared to New Batavia. The party advocates reunification with New Batavia, more land to develop Kurum Ash-Sharqia's economy and economic integration in Corum.


  • Expansion of Kurum Ash-Sharqia into the Green
  • Re-unification with New Batavia
  • One free trade zone and customs union for all Corum
  • Protection of workers and trade unions throughout Corum
  • Nationalization of power supply and of the entire banking sector


The party has chapters in several countries. It aims to have chapters throughout Corum.

Important people