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Governorates of Kurum Ash-Sharqia

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The governorates of Kurum Ash-Sharqia (Arabic:محافظة / Muhafazah) are the first tier administrative division in Kurum Ash-Sharqia.

The governorates of Al-Ard Al-Moestasliha and Dar Al-Hoeriya were orginally established by New Batavia, but peacefully seceded in 1699 AN to form Kurum Ash-Sharqia.

Government and competences

The government and the competences of the governorates are ruled by the Local Government Act 1695, a New Batavian act which is till in force as an inherited piece of legislation.

The central government appoints the governors. They are responsible for executing national legislation within their respective governorates, as well as making policy on a number of competences:

  • Education
  • Culture
  • Civil engineering
  • Economy
  • Local government of cities and towns


Governorate Est. Population in 1731 Main economy Capital Other towns
Al-Ard Al-Moestasliha 1695 AN 625.000 Agriculture, market garden Oud Laar Blankveld, Ochterburg, Oosterdonk, Polderdorp, Faisaloord
Dar Al-Hoeriya 1695 AN 1.875.000 Livestock, agriculture, services, finance Vrijplaats 's-Hereneik, Nieuwhof-aan-Zee, Ouwhof, Eikenhorst, Regterplaats, Markenburg, Zuiderschot
Bani Batir 1732 AN 100.000 Livestock, mining Kabyk Bait Umar, Osh Al-Jadid, Al-Bidaya
Bani Laman 1732 AN 65.000 Transport, petrochemical Laman Qadim, Al-Hayat
Zirfoon 1732 AN 45.000 Heavy industry, agriculture, services Fanlaq Anlaq, Dar Al-Hikma
As-Shamal 1732 AN 25.000 Agriculture Bait Harun Qariat Yusuf
Al-Muhadan 1732 AN 15.000 Agriculture Saifiyyat Dar Mazian