Laws of Kurum Ash-Sharqia/Local Government Act 1695
Law of Kurum Ash-Sharqia | |
Wet lokaal bestuur 2021 Local Government Act 1695 | |
Islamic Diwan | inherited legislation |
Al-Majlis Al-Watani | inherited legislation |
Sultan | inherited legislation |
Executive Decrees |
The Local Government Act 1695 is a piece of inherited legislation from New Batavia. The act establishes the Governorates of Kurum Ash-Sharqia and regulates the nomination of governors as well as their competences.
The act was amended in 1697 AN by New Batavia before the independence of Kurum Ash-Sharqia. It was amended again in 1732 AN to extablish five new governorates and to provide for an official English translation.
Coordinated version
Article 1. The title of this act is: Local Government Act 1695.
Article 2. This act regulates a matter as provided for in article 76 of the Constitution.
Article 3. The territory of the Sultanate is divided into the following governorates:
- Al-Ard Al-Moestasliha, capital Oud Laar
- Dar Al-Hoeriya, capital Vrijplaats
- Bani Batir, capital Kabyk
- Bani Laman, capital Laman
- Zirfoon, capital Fanlaq
- As-Shamal, capital Bait Harun
- Al-Muhadan, capital Saifiyyat
Article 4. The boundaries of the governorates shall be determined by law (appendix 1).
Article 5. The Government shall appoint and dismiss the governors for each governorate.
Article 6. The governor shall be responsible for the implementation of national legislation within the borders of his governorate.
Article 7. The Governor may, within the limits determined by national law, take initiatives regarding these competences:
- education
- culture
- civil engineering
- economy
- local government of cities and municipalities
Article 8. Competences that have not been explicitly assigned to local authorities belong to the exclusive competence of the central government.
Appendix 1:
Original version
Artikel 1. Het opschrift van deze wet luidt: Wet lokaal bestuur 2021.
Artikel 2. Deze wet regelt een aangelegenheid zoals bepaald in artikel 111 van de grondwet.
Artikel 3. Het grondgebied van de Republiek wordt verdeeld in de volgende gouvernementen:
- Dar Al-Hoeriya, hoofstad Vrijplaats
- Dar Al-Janoeb, hoofdstad Nedersticht
- Al-Ard Al-Moestasliha, hoofdstad Oud-Laar
- Al-Khaliej, hoofdstad Patriottenbaai
- Al-Moestanqa’at, hoofdstad Wittensteen
- Broeksiel, hoofdstad Broekszaal
- Lucerne, hoofdstad Lucerne
Artikel 4. De wet bepaalt de grenzen van de gouvernementen (bijlage 1).
Artikel 5. De Regering benoemt en ontslaat de gouverneurs voor elk gouvernement.
Artikel 6. De gouverneur is belast met de uitvoering van nationale wetgeving binnen de grenzen van diens gouvernement.
Artikel 7. De gouverneur kan, binnen de grenzen bepaald door nationale wetgeving, initiatieven nemen met betrekking tot deze bevoegdheden:
- onderwijs
- cultuur
- openbare werken
- economie
- plaatselijk bestuur van steden en gemeenten
Artikel 8. Bevoegdheden die niet expliciet aan de lokale besturen zijn toegewezen, behoren tot de exclusieve bevoegdheid van de Rijksoverheid.
Bijlage 1:
Amendement I
Law of Kurum Ash-Sharqia | |
Amendering van de Wet lokaal bestuur 2021 | |
Islamic Diwan | inherited legislation |
Al-Majlis Al-Watani | inherited legislation |
Sultan | inherited legislation |
Executive Decrees |
Artikel 1. Het opschrift van deze wet luidt: Amendering van de Wet lokaal bestuur 2021.
Artikel 2. Deze wet regelt een aangelegenheid zoals bepaald in artikel 111 van de grondwet.
Artikel 3. Aan artikel 3 worden de volgende gouvernementen en hoofdsteden toegevoegd:
- Al-Akhdar, hoofdstad Feniks
- As-Saahil Al-Gharbie, hoofdstad Westhaven
- Haasil, hoofdstad Farhaan
- Kurum Al-Asghar, hoofdstad Saladinstad
Bijlage 1:
Amendement II
Law of Kurum Ash-Sharqia | |
Amendement to the Local Government Act 2021 (Wet Lokaal Bestuur 2021) | |
Islamic Diwan | positive |
Al-Majlis Al-Watani | 1732-02 |
Sultan | 1732-04 |
Executive Decrees |
Article 1. The title of this act is: Amendment to the Local Government Act 2021 (Wet Lokaal Bestuur 2021).
Article 2. This act regulates a matter as provided for in article 76 the Constitution.
Article 3. The governorates of Bani Batir, Bani Laman, Zirfoon, As-Shamal and Al-Muhadan shall be added to article 3, with their respective capitals: Kabyk, Laman, Fanlaq, Bait Harun and Saifiyyat.
Article 4. The entire text shall be translated and amended as follows:
Article 1. The title of this act is: Local Government Act 1695.
Article 2. This act regulates a matter as provided for in article 76 of the Constitution.
Article 3. The territory of the Sultanate is divided into the following governorates:
- Al-Ard Al-Moestasliha, capital Oud Laar
- Dar Al-Hoeriya, capital Vrijplaats
- Bani Batir, capital Kabyk
- Bani Laman, capital Laman
- Zirfoon, capital Fanlaq
- As-Shamal, capital Bait Harun
- Al-Muhadan, capital Saifiyyat
Article 4. The boundaries of the governorates shall be determined by law (appendix 1).
Article 5. The Government shall appoint and dismiss the governors for each governorate.
Article 6. The governor shall be responsible for the implementation of national legislation within the borders of his governorate.
Article 7. The Governor may, within the limits determined by national law, take initiatives regarding these competences:
- education
- culture
- civil engineering
- economy
- local government of cities and municipalities
Article 8. Competences that have not been explicitly assigned to local authorities belong to the exclusive competence of the central government.