Timeline of Modern Benacia (1685–1690)
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Part of Timeline of Modern Benacia
1685 AN
- 1: Celebrations erupt in Shirekeep as the year 1685 is proclaimed a Year of Jubilee in Shireroth, celebrating the 40th anniversary of Kaiseress Noor's entering of Shirekeep and ascension to the throne after the Oustfest Massacre and her subsequent election the Kaisership the previous year.
- Salome delivers a speech from the parapet of the Bâb-an-Nûr to an assembled crowd of Shirekeepers, Palatini Corpsmen, Ŝḥenĉeł'y, and visiting dignitaries, to mark the date of her great grandmother's ascension to the Golden Mango Throne.
- "40 years is the Year of the Ruby Jubilee. Ruby, the Gemstone of the Sun, the Light of the World, whom this nation called Noor. Blessings upon her memory, and fortune upon her progeny."
- Cedrist Temple, Mirioth (Sathrati): At a ceremony officiated over by Aurangzeb al-Osman and the Council of Sathrati, the magnates of Amity, Miriroth, and Yardistan attend as officiants performed the sacrifice of forty bullocks and forty Deep Singers made as burnt offerings before the Shadowed Halls of Mors. As the scents of roasted meats ascended towards the heavens, the attendant feudal lords and representatives of the Honourable Company joined together in an acclamation directed towards envoys of the Golden Mango Throne arrayed in splendour upon a raised dais, draped in cloth of gold, and overlooking the heaped smouldering pyre:
- Salome delivers a speech from the parapet of the Bâb-an-Nûr to an assembled crowd of Shirekeepers, Palatini Corpsmen, Ŝḥenĉeł'y, and visiting dignitaries, to mark the date of her great grandmother's ascension to the Golden Mango Throne.
Kaiseress of Kaisers, the greatest of Kaisers! (repeated 8 times)
The Gods gave you to us! May the Gods save You for us! (repeated 27 times)
As Kaiseress, pious and felicitous, may You rule for many years! (22 times)
For the good of the human race, for the good of the Landsraad, for the good of the Imperial Republic, for the good of all! (24 times)
Our hope is in You, You are our salvation! (26 times)
May it please our Kaiseress to live forever! (22 times)
May You pacify the world and triumph here in person! (24 times)
- 3: By Royal Decree a special visa is established for all participating teams, their staff and guests in the Benacia Cup, which is organized by the Kingdom of Batavia.
- 4: Minister of the Exterior, Aloys Serratus, is heard screaming "they would have absurdity and name it law!" during a meeting with his subordinates.
- 20: The Joint Tribunals for the Southwest and for the Southeast are opened, with the designated purpose of identifying and prosecuting any private companies, front organizations, and individuals in the Global South who aided the Guttuli Protectorate regime in its crimes.
- 21: Having met to discern the validity of Letters Patent found amongst the prisoner's effects, the Council of Sathrati determined that the appointment of Lord Daniel Mortis du Grifos to the Lord Lieutenancy of the island of Amity by the Kaiseress of Shireroth was found to be in good order. This decision, combined with the previous ceremony of acclamation held on the fortieth jubilee of the Kaiseress Noor's return to Shirekeep, effectively marked an acknowledgement of Imperial sovereignty for the first time since the Kalirion Fracture in 1671.
- The Lord Grifos was shortly thereafter recovered from the oubliettes lovingly preserved by the Jaysh al-Sathrati in Arg-e Ardashir and reunited with his retinue and permitted to continue on to the port of Erudition, there to find lodgings.
- 9: Following the funerary procession back to Raynor's Keep, after the burial of Ayreon IV, Johan Anderion is detained by the Chamber of the Crypteia and placed into confinement in The Kelb.
- 11: Following an investigation by the Internal Security Bureau (Benacia Command), a full Board of Enquiry, convened by the Manpower Directorate of Benacia Command, determined that the execution of the Salbnan, Godascalc Berahthram Vasilescu, was a miscarriage of justice orchestrated, by the Salbnan Salbnan, Ansovald Aldebrand Popescu, to cover for his role in the mishandling, poor deployment, and ultimate destruction of the XXXII Salb; a defeat which ensured the subsequent collapse of the Black Legions garrison on Florencia. Salbnan Popescu was summarily executed by strangulation upon the formal reading of the Board's verdict.
- 12: Wedding of Selardi Jen Daniyal to Ardashir Jahangir al-Osman held at Sakatopolis in the Valley of Mors. Members of the House of Osman previously gathered for the Funeral of Kaiser Ayreon IV were in attendance along with their retinues, representatives of the N&H and Honourable Company, as well as celebrants and revellers hired for the occasion. Wedding vows and blessings were conducted in the Zurvanite fashion albeit culminating in a Cedrist pyre-sacrifice of roasting oxen and subsequent feast. Many Alalehzamini notables crossed the border to attend the feast and to offer their congratulations, along with gifts of pomegranates, jewellery, luxury consumer goods, and envelopes of cash, to the newly wedded couple.
- 14: Johan Anderion is arraigned in his cell at the Kelb, listing off his crimes to conspire to support the genocidal regime in the Lower Elwynn. The Joint Tribunal on Crimes in and for the Lower Elwynn issues indictments for 107 other conspirators of the Guttuli regime based across the Benacian continent, half of whom are already in confinement in Shireroth or other Raspur Pact nations.
- 15: The Imperial Judex finds in a case between Batavian tradesman Roeland de Klijne and the Kaiseress (De Klijne v The Kaiseress), the unilateral ending of the application of the Shirerithian Customs Area to Batavia to be illegal. Imperial Government sends a letter to the Batavian government, informing it of the decision, and apologising for the error. The government brings up several violations of the treaty, and asks for Batavian cooperation in solving those violations.
- 23: The return to public life of Frederik Haabye Truls is marked by the announcement of the birth of his second daughter, Kari Noor Truls, born to the Third Consort, Mariyam Guadalim.
- 24:
- The Kurpla Conference ends the minor conflict by restoring the monarchy under the Line of Drak and establishing a power sharing arrangement between the rival chancellors.
- Isor Verion received the Loyal Address of the remaining Verionist officers in the garrison of the city of Chryste and acclamation of the crews of the ships of the Iron Fleet in its harbour, who thereafter loudly petitioned and clamoured for him to accept the titles of Captain-General of the United Benacian Defence Force (Bat: Verenigde Benacische Weermacht), and Admiral-General of the Free Batavian Navy (Bat: Vrije Bataafsche Marine). The tumult continued throughout the night until, at length, Isor Verion appeared on the balcony of the Hotel Astoria in downtown Chryste and - seemingly moved by genuine emotion - he proclaimed to the assembled soldiery milling about below that he would accept the burden placed upon him to become their Captain-General. Thereafter he donned the crimson sash that would denote his new rank and announced, to deafening cheers, an accession donative to be paid to all men of the forces who had remained loyal to the Verionist banner in Benacia during its darkest times. Celebrations continued in the bars, brothels, and casinos of the city for the next three days unabated.
- 4: The government of Gran Verionia collapses – for its territories in Benacia unknown reasons – with communications between United Benacian Republic of Chryste and Lower Batavia and the rest of Gran Verionia appearing permanently lost. Isor Verion declares the United Benacian Republic sovereign, free and independent, with himself as its Lord Protector.
- 22: Johan Anderion and 107 other defendants arrive in Teldrin to open the Joint Tribunal on Benacian Collaboration. The defendants' pleas are entered into the record, with some needing reminders to answer simply "guilty" or "not guilty" rather than to make statements in their defense.
- 12: Firdaus Abdollahi Mehr, eminent retired statesman and former Sardar of Alalehzamin attended the wedding celebrations of a nephew and his grand-daughter in the Bailiwick of Islus. Festivities continued long into the night and the aged centenarian was seen to be in some discomfort, where upon he was allowed to retire into the private chambers of the groom's family. Whilst recovering in the nighttime cool of the apartment's sheltered rooftop veranda, Mehr suffered an aneurysm whilst left alone in the company of a pair of tea dancers who had been instructed to attend to his health and give warning of any deterioration. In spite of being airlifted to an ESB-run private clinic in Ardashirshahr Firdaus Abdollahi Mehr was pronounced dead upon arrival. Ten days of official state mourning were thereafter declared in the AAR.
- Back in Eliria, Princess Helena Strand decrees a state of mourning, lowering the flags across Elwynn to half staff and decreeing a state funeral to honor Firdaus Abdollahi Mehr.
- 17: State funeral for Firdaus Abdollahi Mehr held with dignitaries from across Elwynn and the world attending.
- 18: Elwynnese politics: Livist Party announces its break-away from the Nationalist and Humanist Party.
- 19: After obtaining confirmation of the news that the worldwide Vanic Web had begun to collapse irreparably, Princess Helena Strand submitted to the Council of Eliria a bill funding the construction of several new monuments and statues celebrating the Elwynnese people, Liv Dravot, and the end of Vanic influence across Micras.
- 20: Princess Helena Strand's Liv Dravot statue bill passed the Council of Eliria with 9 votes to 2 (the DSWC members voted against).
- 1: The Amokolian Revolution begins.
- 2: Arkadius IV of Batavia goes into exile, leaves West Amokolia.
- 4: In a surprise move, Arkadius IV of Batavia abdicates the Amokolian throne to his wife's nephew, Prince Kir of Shireroth, brother of the Kaiseress.
- 6: Prince Kir, now King of Amokolia, swears himself loyal to the Amokolian Revolution in an address to the Parliament of West Amokolia.
- 12: Elwynnese Princess Helena Strand dies of a heart attack in her office. The Steward of the Republic, Sigrid Årud, declares a period of mourning, and that news of new elections will arrive once the funeral is over.
- 13: Sigrid Årud announced the formation of a Commission for the Integration of Amokolia. Aiming for a peaceful and orderly transfer of power, West Amokolia and Mishalacia were invited to send delegates to Malexander to begin preliminary work and monitor developments.
- 22: Operation Amok-Dag – UDF units from the VII Territorial Inspectorate, headquartered in Habrichtsburg, forming the 115th Army upon their "cold-start" mobilisation, spearheaded by the XXIII Combined Arms Corps advancing from prepared positions along the Vigilamus Line in the region of Spring Valley, crossed the frontier into Amokolia, whilst, having struck at dawn, Black Legions and UDF formations attached to the 15th Army under the Central Banner Group of Benacia Command had pushed into Frankish occupied portions of Mishalan from the Severnaya Gubernya, bypassing positions held by militia loyal to the Mishalacia autonomous region where these could be identified in a timely fashion.
- 1: Nila Valgarai, Conducător of the Congressional Government in Elwynn and Democratic princely candidate for the upcoming elections, is forced to resign after the Daily Mail & Telegraph of Eliria publishes an article on Valgarai's investment banking schemes. The article shows quite clearly that Valgarai had set up an illegal tax avoidance scheme. The Democratic Party subsequently withdraws from the princely election but refuses to endorse any other candidates, "The Democratic Party trusts its voters". In the congressional counties, the Elwynnese Workers' Party is considering not cooperating with the Democratic Party for the selection of the next Conducător, and invites the Ayreonist Alliance and the Nationalist and Humanist Party for discussions on whether a three-party non-democratic coalition can be found. "The mandate for the Democratic Party to govern is clearly gone", as one spokesperson said.
- 3: The Autokrator of Constancia issues a decree [1] forever suppressing the Church of the Froyalanish Ancient Ways, as well as practice of Froyalanish Ancient Ways within the Imperial State of Constancia. This same decree, among other provisions, declares all subjects and nationals of the High Realm of Stormark as Kul of the Imperial State under the patronage and protection of the Autokrator, with minors as wards of the Imperial State. Another decree grants formal diplomatic recognition of the Imperial State of Constancia to the Kingdom of Amokolia, and an ambassador is appointed.
- Immediately after promulgation of the aforementioned decree, the Council of Arboria is convened by the Princess of Arboria at the Imperial Natopian Embassy, and similar regulations take effect within the Principality of Arboria. The Board of Directors of ESB-Jörmungandr Group, Inc., having heard of these developments, convenes in emergency session and adopts a resolution enforcing and implementing the same regulations in the Emirate of Sathrati together with the Imperial Dominion of the Marquessate of Zy-Rodun and the Counties of Yardistan, Amity, and Mirioth, as well as within the jurisdiction of the ESB Group.
- 16: Constancian ambassador to West Amokolia, Aileen Zarou, meets King Kir for an audience. During the audience, she proposes a marriage between him and the 67-year old Princess Olympia of Constancia. The ambassador is politely rebuffed.
- 20: The Elwynnese Workers' Party and the Democratic Party of Elwynn conclude a deal whereby Pedyr Mekaarveq would be selected as conducator in the Congressional Counties, to head a minority government with the confidence and supply of the Democratic Party, until the next scheduled elections.
- 11: Establishing her command center at Isenbury, Kaiseress Salome appoints three standard bearers to serve as subsidiary commanders for the Imperial Expedition to the Guttuli, retaining direct command over a force of Ŝḥenĉeł'yhe and Palatini.
- 19: Guttuli Corps Home Guard issues mobilization orders to all units assigned to District II, on indication of imminent invasion along the Pandor Line.
- 1: Palatini Artillery begin bombardment of the rocky hills along and behind the Guttulinese Pandor defensive line, in Tippin.
- 2: Localised bouts of intense and narrowly focused electromagnetic interference degraded radio and telegraphic communication networks, civilian and military, in Ank, Barrowfield, Meszor, and Svalbarh between the hours of 6 AM and 12 PM. Concurrent with this phenomenon, legacy data nodes inherited from the Benacian Data Network began to fail in a cascade further degrading those supplementary electronic communication systems that relied upon fibre-optically networked computational servitors. Levels of interference lowered in increments across the afternoon before ending entirely by 4 PM.
- 17: After concentrated bombardments of Pandor Station XI and XII, elements of the Guard Kampioen Cuirassiers engage and cross into Protectorate territory. Following behind are Maltenstein Circle Militia.
- A numbers station, operating on a shortwave radio frequency, began broadcasting from an undisclosed location in Ransenari administered Upper Lunaris.
- 18: Operation Carrion – the longstanding plan for a campaign of sustained aerial bombardment against military, industrial, and political targets in the Guttuli Protectorate was initiated by the air forces of the Southern Banner Group of Benacia Command.
- The action commenced at 1:49 AM, local time, when Streïkrupp-bi-Łoidi "Ruanled" (six GAV-5(P) Nereid led by two GAV(P)-6 Zephyr ) engaged Guttuli radar sites along the Lowbrook Line, a network of prepared positions facing the frontier with Drak-Modan, with the intention of blinding the Guttuli Corps in a crucial sector.
- At 2:03 AM two UGB F-10 Carnifex with terrain following radar led 22 F-8 Shrikes in a strike package against command and control hubs located in Lowbrook.
- Concurrent with the preceding action, a brace of S-3 Schlächter ballistic missiles began to fall on Meszor, twice an hour, every hour, for the remainder of the day. Trajectories appeared to indicate a launch point somewhere within the interior of the isle of Amity in Sathrati.
- 19: Reports of arson, sabotage, and attempted assassinations directed against Guttuli Corps personnel in occupied Lunaris were reported to have spiked across a 24-hour period. Suspicion fell inevitably upon the Children of Salus, hitherto thought to have been suppressed following a doomed insurgency.
- 20: Maaqa Kalirion-Alnavion is invited to Ardashirshahr by the Sardar i-Azam, Aurangzeb Tokaraizadeh al-Osman, to explain the proposals of the National Movement for Human Ecology concerning the "reorganisation of society into communes for harmonious labour and natural beauty" to the government of the Alalehzamini Autonomous Republic.
- 22: Guttulinese forces, massed at Uvnmark, launch a counterattack into Tippin in an attempt to dislodge the occupying Imperial force. The main thrust falls upon militia and auxiliary, with the lack of armored units noted.
- 23: Guard Kampioen Cuirassiers, having detached from the main invasion force, cross into Fulmin and into rear of the eastern edge of Pandor Line, coordinated with artillery strikes from the north.
- 24: —
- Brookshirian Militia and Auxiliary forces are ordered to retreat back through the gaps made into the Pandor Line. Sappers continue their work to disable casemates along the defensive line up until the retreat is complete.
- Laqi bullroarers buzz in Þresz Hverne, behind the western end of the Pandor Line. Guttulinese infantry are deployed along the roads connecting Pandor fortifications together and build makeshift fortified positions in the main settlements in Þresz Hverne. It is determined that only a minimal number of Laqs can traverse the impassible rocky highlands located between the Pandor and Lowbrook Lines.
- 1: Guttuli Corps Headquarters issues a general mobilization order for all troops on home rotation, with governing agencies to release all unnecessary officers on secondment to the government so that they may command field units.
- Voters in Elwynn go to the second round of the princely elections.
- 2: Elwynnese princely elections: Kamilla Winther of the N&H is declared victor in the election. Results are appealed by Amin al-Beebullahabadi on the grounds of electoral fraud. Investigation begins.
- 15: The Elwynnese Electoral Commission publish their findings, declaring that the allegations of Mr al-Beebullahabadi are baseless. Kamilla Winther is immediately sworn in as Princess of the Elwynnese Republic, with a formal accession ceremony scheduled for the following month.
- 16: Benjamin Sluyjs, President of the Commission for the Integration of Amokolia arrived in Tsofnhafen and greeted Kir Azariah Vidar, titular king of West Amokolia as "Citizen Kalirion". Thunderstruck at this insult, Kir demanded to know by what authority the East Amokolian Premier had been empowered to present his credentials unto him thus. Sluyjs responded that, by the fresh mandate of Her Serenity the Princess Elect, the Commission was to henceforth assume responsibility for the governance of West Amokolia and the suppression of the Vanic remnant within its borders. Kir refused to continue the audience further. Sluyjs responded that it was not matter and that Citizen Kalirion would receive the time required to collect his effects and prepare for returning to life as a private citizen.
- 17: Kir Azariah Vidar spent the day in consultations with the Parliament of West Amokolia and the government in West Amokolia. While he had considerable support to remain monarch (mainly from the Mishalacian National Movement, the Conservative Party of Amokolia, and the Conservative Monarchist Party), the other parties in the Parliament felt that Amokolian reunification could only occur within Elwynn, and that an "annexation" of East Amokolia into an independent Kingdom of Amokolia would be a "pie in the sky" (as one member eloquently put it). The Parliament, with a slim majority, then advised the King to accept the credentials, and replace the West Amokolian executive with the Commission headed by Benjamin Sluyjs. The King then telephoned his sister the Kaiseress for advice.
- 18: In the early hours of the day, King Kir of Amokolia issued a decree in which the executive powers under the Constitution of the Kingdom of Amokolia would be vested in the council of ministers, that is the Commission for the Integration of Amokolia into the Elwynnese Republic. He then boarded a jet that took him to Shirekeep. A statement from the Royal Palace in Tsofnhaven said that the King had not abdicated but "merely acted on the advice of the Parliament whom he serves". If the Parliament votes to end the monarchy, "the King will be happy to give that bill his royal assent".
- 19: The Commission for the Integration of Amokolia declared the Parliament of West Amokolia to be an unlawful institution and ordered its immediate suspension pending the apportionment of new bailiwicks and the tabling of an Amokolian general election, provisionally scheduled for 01.III.1686.
- 12: Convention of Tsofnhaen marks the capitulation of West Amokolia to Benacia Command and Elwynn. The process for the reorganisation of West Amokolia and preparations for its reunification under Elwynnese sovereignty began from this point.
- Protests arose in Frankfurt-am-Oder against the so-called "Convention of Tsofnhafen". Sayings like "We will not be enslaved to Elwynn!", "King Arkadius, have mercy!" and "Only Arkadius can free us!". The Germanian protesters, condemned for their Vanic Taint, were subsequently dispersed by axe-wielding Amokolian lumberjacks bussed in by the UDF for the occasion. A bounty was paid for each protester felled. The protesters will use their firearms if they are attacked.
- In Elwynn, there were protests in Eliria, La Terre, and Caligae against the violence against the protesters.
- Communications breakdown in the northwest quadrant of the Guttuli Protectorate, as a series of explosions destroy landlines connecting the various Guttuli Corps installations in the region. Due to EM interference by the Raspur Pact, high priority is placed on restoring basic trunk services, and to use messengers to communicate between headquarters and combat units. Reserve troops that had been equipped and deployed for the front are recalled to provide security at each municipal headquarters.
- 13: Guttuli Protectorate#Guttuli Corps Headquarters uses broadband radio to issue encoded directives to each of its deployment zones cut off from regular communications. It is repeated several times throughout the day and on multiple frequencies so as to overcome communications interference.
- 14: Kir Azariah Vidar, King of Amokolia, penned his abdication, without selecting a successor, amidst having been shamed by the Elwynnese occupying powers. He asked the new constituent assembly (to be elected in the coming year) to decide upon the future direction of the country. He stated that he was "no Amokolian," and, addressing the Amokolian nation, had "no right to make decisions on your behalf; no, the decision on the future of your country is yours alone". He then set off for the Two Martyrs where he vowed to devote himself to physical and mental exercise, and to the establishment of order and good government there.
- 15: Protests erupted in Tsofnhafen against Kir's abdication, urging him to come back. Protesters were angered by the UDF treatment of Kir. "He was not Amokolian by birth or blood", one protester said, "but he fought for us – the only man who ever fought for our nation". Elwynnese flags were seen to be burned in certain quarters.
- 39,000 cudgellers deployed into West Amokolia to spearhead the restoration of public order, humanitarian relief efforts, and the commencement of reconstruction works. A detachment of cudgellers was tasked to address the humanitarian situation in Brandenburg with whatever "Malexander" pattern tents and ration packs are available.
- 16: West Amokolia - New ordinances issued. The Military Occupation Authority in West Amokolia divided the country into five Sector Sub-Commands, each with an appointed military governor and a brigade strength Sector Reconstruction Team formed from units of the UDF and the Corps of the Gentlemen-at-Cudgels. Personnel from the Amokolian Highlanders and the Royal Amokolian Army, upon the surrender of their arms, were transferred to the Fröjaländarläger Malexanderstad for demobilisation, debriefing, and screening to identify participants in war-crimes and those who remained under the sway of the Vanic Taint. With regards to the civilian population, assemblies of more than six citizens were prohibited except in circumstances specifically authorised by the Sector Sub Command Military Governor, the carrying of firearms in public spaces was prohibited, and gun-owners were obliged to register with the local judicial office of the Sector Sub Command for an assessment of their right to receive a firearms licence.
- 19: A messenger, Uscz. Liet Kuis, sent to issue deployment orders to reserve units based out of Pandor XXVIII through XXXIII, returns to Uvnmark without his escort, bearing a letter written from Kaiseress Salome to the Protectorate Military Council. After an examination and debriefing, it is determined that the Uscz. Kuis and his escort had been captured shortly after leaving Uvnmark, that Kuis had no indication of who had captured him, or where they had held him over the intervening days, except that it was always outside or in tents.
- 2: The bodies of a Guttulinese night patrol are discovered in a pile outside Lowbrook, stripped bare and mutilated, identity confirmed by their identification disks. Reserve troops deployed to the Lowbrook Line are assigned to Bandit-Hunting duties.
- 3: The Gaton region of the Guttuli Protectorate is placed on lockdown, with curfews extended from early evening to morning. Checkpoints are established along every major road throughout Districts I and II (western Guttuli).
- 7: Farmers in Alsin, Uidast, Uvnmark, and Farhuil report seeing men, dressed in mottled camouflage fatigues, steal from their stores and livestock.
- 10: Commission for the Integration of Amokolia publishes its findings for a united Amokolia within Elwynn: Elwynn to be derepublicanized, Mishalacia to be its own autonomous country in the form of a principality, and West and East Amokolia form one autonomous country, and the Congressional Counties to be renamed Upper Elwynnese Republic. The findings also showed that most of the Unified Governorates' Mishalan would be ceded to Elwynn in return for Isor Verion's handover of Lower Batavia to it (and subsequent marriage to Ayesha al-Osman). Elwynn's foreign commissioner, Rivka Sendyx, says that she has received the full support of the Lower Batavian government to go ahead with this deal.
- 11: The proposal for Lower Batavia to join the UGB is signed off by Isor Verion. Immediate protests and surprises in Lower Batavia - the government there had not been consulted, and threw a fit.
- 13: A section of soldiers in Guttuli Corps uniforms arrive at Alexandrit Hydroelectric Power Station with orders to arrest members of its leadership board. Instead, they plant and detonate explosives. Power to Alexandrit is limited to key sectors of the city, leaving the civilian quarters in rolling blackouts.
- 15: Isor Verion, faced with rebellion, vetoes the Lower Batavia handover deal. Raspur Pact angered.
- 16: West Amokolia is formally united with Elwynn. New constitution ratified by the Council of Eliria. Elwynn is officially renamed the Elwynnese State.
- 17: Lower Batavia declares its independence from the United Benacian Republic; UBR subsequently dissolved. Free Batavian Navy ordered to go under the command of the Unified Governorates as Isor Verion's last attempt at gaining Ayesha al-Osman's favour. Unternehmen Trotz, launched by the Black Legions without prior knowledge of Isor Verion's new orders to the fleet, resulted in the loss of an aircraft carrier, a cruiser, and two destroyers. The incident is the cause of acute embarrassment but after a command-level conference featuring suitable mutual apologies and the exchange of hostages, the attacking force then altered its mission objectives to cover the evacuation of the Second Fleet to the port of Klymdown.
- 19: Protests in Mishalan against the failed unity of the Mishalacian state.
- 20: The Alalehzamini Autonomous Republic and Unified Governorates governments propose a deal whereby Northern Tellia and the Transelwynnese bailiwicks would join the UGB in return for Mishalacia's unity under Elwynn.
- 22: Council of Eliria ratify the AAR-UGB deal with a unanimous vote. Elwynn's foreign commissioner, Rivka Sendyx, commits suicide, leaves a note with the words, "I lied. May the Icebear forgive me."
- 23: The former Prince of Elwynn, Frederik Truls, incapacitated by illness at the start of his second term, was recalled to public duty by his wife, the current Princess of Elwynn, Kamilla Winthers to serve as Commissioner of Foreign Affairs for the Court of the Prince.

Highly visual propaganda leaflet airdropped by the Southern Banner Air Force over the Guttuli stronghold of Gator
- 01: A 144 heavy bomber raid, escorted by 192 F-8 Shrikes engaged in the suppression of enemy air defences, targeted the former Kern Industries manufacturing plants and adjacent dockyards in Musica.
- 7: A bandit-hunting patrol comes upon a camouflaged encampment in the Kristfaln-Bervas woods. Taking caution, the patrol calls in reinforcements rather than engage it directly. The ensuing battle and disbursement of the camp results in thirteen confirmed Laq kills.
- 8: Operation Yellow. After several months of testing the Guttulinese Frontier, Imperial troops launch a series of pinning attacks against Guttuli Corps positions in Tippin. Guttulinese reserve troops are deployed forward, on the expectation that Imperial troops would attempt to exploit the gap in fortifications they had made during the previous year's incursion.
- 20: Operation Yellow. Palatini armored units spearhead an attack against Guttulinese fortifications on the western Pandor Line.
- 22: Operation Yellow. The Kampioen Guard Cuirassiers raise the Ayreon Banner in Þresz Hverne. The Third Apollonian Guard, with attached Woodshire and Maltenstein Militia, circles around Salb Envin Battle Command C, preventing its disorderly retreat eastwards to Uvnmark.
- 23: Protectorate Military Council holds an emergency meeting at Gaton to discuss the invasion crisis. Labor battalions and reserve infantry are deployed to the Uvnmark-Þresz Hverne boundary to begin establishing a defensive perimeter to contain Imperial Troops. Salb Hagraa Battle Commands B and C are ordered to redeploy away from the Lowbrook Line to exploit the northern curl of the Lowbrook Line's defenses to prevent Imperial troops from expanding southwards.
- 3: Salb Hagraa troops and Kampioen Guards engage one another in southern Þresz Hverne.
- 4: Salb Hagraa Battle Command B's Mobile Headquarters is ambushed by a Ŝḥenĉeł'yhe cell of the 3rd Pesyk'°ehe F'yc'ehe, while establishing itself at Western Station LXIII. The ensuing chaos at HQ coincides with a renewed offensive by Kampioen et al. troops.
- 9: Western Station LXIII is razed after several days of fighting in the tunnels. A detachment of militia are left to guard the rubble for any Guttulinese troops that attempt to unbury themselves.
- 18: Ŝḥenĉeł'yhe and Apollonian Guards meet near the village of Fuilbak, in southeastern Þresz Hverne, to resupply and drop off POWs captured over the intervening months of their forest operations.
- 2: Sections of the Isenbury-Alexandretta Railway Line are restored up to Fuilbak. The Tyġ°ryġ°yh and Ć'eleiedźak'°eh 'Azeh arrive in force, under the personal command of Mamyr Aslanpx°e, at Þresz Hverne. Engineers are brought forward under Ŝḥenĉeł'y escort to assess the usability of the next stretch, connecting Þresz Hverne to Uvnmark.
- 11: Elements of the Tyġ°ryġ°yh equip for deep penetration and disperse into the hills
- 22: Reforms announced by the Magistra of the People's Academy of Elwynn would see it enter into a relationship defined as spiritual communion with the Church of Elwynn, mandate the enrolment of all academic staff and students as members and apprentices of the Guild of Academicians respectively, and introduced "days of obligation" where apprentices would undertake fifteen days of labour per academic term on designated public projects in their locality. Protests, campus sit-ins, and resignations ensued.
- 19: Guttulinese reserve army based in Uvnmark launches an offensive against Imperial forces in Þresz Hverne to facilitate a general retreat of what remained of border forces stationed on the crumbling Pandor Line.
- 23: The remaining assets assigned under Salb Envin are consolidated under Salb Ifni. The Lord Protector, Ærek Murhin, issues instructions for Salb Ifni to establish a field headquarters in Kristfaln-Bervas.
- 2: Salb Ikol begins transferring from Far Guttuli to Near Guttuli, prioritizing its armored assets.
- 4: The Lord Protector is briefly seen in the town of Hulbruik to meet with Guttuli Corps troops and oversee the construction of temporary defenses along the rocky hills between Kristfaln-Bervas and Tippin. Thereafter, operations are overseen in-person by Ifni's 2/iC, Tribune Friþræk Daltuþ.
- 11: The Protectorate Military Council assembles a new reserve force in Uidast, to provide logistical support and manpower replacement for Salb Ifni.
- 12: -
- Heavy electromagnetic interference impacted upon radio and point to point communication networks, localised to the wards of Adras, Gaton, Meszor, and Svalbarh.
- Imperial artillery begin bombarding Uvnmark Center.
- 14: The 3rd and 6th Kampioen Guards spearhead an encircling action around Uvnmark Center, cutting rail, communications, and utilities to the urban center.
- 5: Operation Buikhin. Salb Sefroth, Salb Ifni, and Salb Ikol, launch a major offensive operation against the salient of Imperial troops forming in central Uvnmark, with additional long-range artillery support provided by Salb Ferenta in Ank and Salb Hagraa in Leïbruik.
- 11: Operation Buikhin. Salb Sefroth and Salb Ikol are forced back to their starting positions in Farhuil and Uidast. Salb Ifni deploys reserve force to re-man the eastern Pandor Line and begin Bandit Hunting operations in its newly secured territory.
- 13: Ŝḥenĉeł'yhe initiate a series of hit-and-run attacks along Salb Ikol's rear, coordinated with Palatini artillery.
- 15: -
- Guard Kampioen Cuirassiers and the 3rd and 6th Guard Kampioens break through Salb Ikol's depleted and disorganized lines, and begins a drive into Spanpur towards Gaton.
- Legate Iago Damkermar deploys Salb Meskan along the outskirts of Gaton and in the government quarter, unilaterally declaring a state of emergency. Salb Bresa's armored commands are deployed east from Lichport in an attempt to interrupt the Kampioens' advance.
- 16
- Tantil, Far-Guttuli: 1,565 sorties by the Eastern Banner Air Force of Benacia Command, conducted by 313 F-8 Shrikes and escorted by 275 F-9 Ashavan II, focused on the systematic destruction of Guttuli air defences and high-value military targets identified by satellite imagery, signals intelligence, and reports furnished by the remnants of the Lunatic partisan movement.
- 101 artillery pieces, 105 mm Light Guns serviced by Inspectorate troops, attached to Lyonforce, began a steady bombardment of frontier posts and fortified emplacements along the line of control dividing Guttuli occupied Lower Lunaris from Ransenari administered Upper Lunaris.
- 6 Melusine-class Missile Boats appeared out of the mists on the Red Elwynn in the morning of the 16th at dawn and engaged the shore-side positions of the Salb Lukedu with a salvo of S-2 Standard Missiles before moving in to engage with ship-borne Polybolos heavy machine-guns. The Melusines were obliged to hurriedly retire back up river after coming under accurate fire from the shore by a concealed BK-1A1 in mobile gun configuration firing from a hull-down position.
- The vicinity of the river where accurate fire from the shore had been encountered was subjected to a strafing and rocket attack by 16 T-2/A-2 Saeqeh over the course of two hours during the morning.
- At midday 26 Florimell-class Troop Landing Ships sailing line astern on a southwards course along the Red Elwynn passed into the waters of the Guttuli Protectorate on the Tantil (eastern) side of the river. 6 of the vessels, 2 in the van, 2 in the centre, and 2 at the rear, had been clad in improvised armour of steel plate on the site facing towards the shore. From these ships a steady barrage of mortar, recoilless-rifle, and heavy-machine gun fire were directed towards any and all signs of movement detected along the shore.
- Late afternoon: As fire slackened from the shore two Guttuli patrol vessels approached the Ransenari flotilla from the Ankh side of the river. The oncoming progress of the vessels of the Ałeþus Ari being quickly reported by a Tadpole UAV tasked with observing the shore bombardment. In spite of this forewarning, the fact of the majority of ordnance on board being pointed towards the eastern shore meant that crews were obliged to hastily manhandle their weaponry into new positions and then re-sight them to meet the new threat, negating the warning time. As such, the Ałeþus Ari had the advantage over of positioning, coming from behind and up river upon the Florimells of the Blue Squadron. The six up-armoured Florimells turned ponderously midstream to met the attackers, presenting their unarmoured sides to the attackers in so doing, whilst the remaining twenty Florimells pressed on down river for a further ten leagues before turning into the Lunaris shore so as to beach and permit hurried disembarkation of the landing parties on board. The up-armoured and armed Florimells were the Ransenari Riverine Vessels (RRV) Audacious, Sovereign, Protector, Vigorous, Tiger, and Vanguard, all under the overall command of the Ahmst Bræþstranin-bi-Mari Cedric Hallowell, whose flag was aboard the RRV Vigorous. The two patrol vessels of Ałeþus Ari began their attack upon the Audacious, Sovereign, the nearest two vessels, raking them from the stern with their forecastle mounted 25 mm stabilised naval guns. Audacious had barely got its first shots away before the timber construction of its hull was shredded from stern to prow by the impact of autocannon fire, the interior of the ship below decks quickly being reduced to a scene of carnage as bodies were torn to shreds by shell fragments and terrifying flying splinters. Soon survivors were seen to dive overboard, preferring to risk the horrors of the Red Elwynn than endure another moment aboard a death ship. Shots fired against the Sovereign however did not seem to have a similar devastating effect. The gun laying of the ballistics computer on the second Guttuli patrol boat seemingly leaving much to be desired and its commander found himself being on the receiving end of an air-bursting mortar round flinging shrapnel about the bridge area of the vessel, causing it to veer off hurriedly to the north, laying down a smoke screen as it progressed. Undaunted, the remaining patrol vessel pressed on, in spite of now being subjected to the concentrated fire of all five remaining Florimells. Once again the attacker found it's mark, and this time the RRV Protector was claimed as a 25 mm shell struck one of its magazines, claiming the lives of all aboard in the ensuing detonation. Moments later it was the turn of the RRV Vigorous to be stricken, its crew decimated and Cedric Hallowell mortally wounded. With two Ransenari vessels knocked out in swift succession, the RRV Tiger decided that discretion was the better part of valour and hurriedly disengaged, turning away towards the Ank side of the river in the hope of gaining enough distance for a southwards turn. In spite of being able to glancing blow of a recoilless rifle round against the hull of the Guttuli patrol boat, the Vanguard was the next Florimell to be taken out of commission by the pinpoint accurate cannon fire of the foe, being holed below the waterline and rapidly flooding in consequence. Within the space of an hour and a half, the Guttuli Protectorate had gained a momentous victory upon the river. Disheartened by the battle, the Sovereign - the last Florimell remaining - had lowered its colours and radioed its willingness to surrender. Nonetheless, in spite of this initial setback, the battle of the frontiers had only just begun.
- 17:
- Dawn: Lyonforce commenced its main attack under the cover of a renewed artillery barrage against the forward positions of Salb Lukedu facing the frontier with Ransenar. Under the cover of the barrage, obscured by the laying down of a smoke screen, and aided by what were reportedly some kind of unidentified chemical agent with a notable blistering effect on exposed skin, the Mechanised and Motorised columns of Lyonforce fanned out into their component regimental, squadron, and troop level subformations before pulling up 200 m short of the enemy positions, with Horjin infantry fighting vehicles giving covering fire as light infantry debused and began to make use of whatever available cover they could find in order to work their way forward. Small arms fire reported from concealed observation bunkers hindered the work of sappers and pioneers sent forward to break down the outer border fence and mark out a line of advance through mined areas along the tightly controlled border zone.
- 19: Imperial forces engage Salb Meskan and armored units from Salb Bresa. The advance stalls near the town of Allut in Gurur. Militia and auxiliaries are brought up as quickly has possible to consolidate the position.
- 4: A reorganized Salb Ikol advances into Spanpur, threatening the Imperial position in Gurur, forcing an orderly retreat into Alsin. Railway and utility lines are destroyed during
- 13: Final implementation of the emancipation decree derived from the Declaration of Merensk sees a marked revision in the number of UGB nationals with full citizenship rights. The news is met with rioting in certain primarily rural bailiwicks where newly minted citizens fear that the only noticeable change that the revision of their status will bring to their lives is their inclusion on the tax registers of the Governorates.
- 11: Bandit-hunting operations are initiated within Gaton after a string of bombings of government and military facilities by unknown assailants.
- 11: Explosives disable the Musica-Lichport Rail connection, cutting off the Western Line from resupply. The reserve force in Lichport is deployed to Authority Kelb to oversee repair.
- 14: Salb Sanrad's reserve force is routed by the Guard Apollonian Cuirassiers, 3rd Guard Apollonians, and the 5th and 6th Pesyk'°ehe F'yc'ehe. Salb Sanrad's HQ at Raikun is seized, along with its senior personnel.
- 15: Salb Sanrad's battle commands are reassigned to Salb Bresa.
- 23: Salb Hagraa, Battle Commands A and C, regain Raikun and liberate Friþræk Sutnoþ and his entourage.
- 1: Salome issues an imperial decree on the status of POWs captured during the conquest of the Guttuli Protectorate, from her field headquarters in Lachlan, formerly of Authority Marszþir.
- 9: —
- Eight locations in the Isenbury Circle and two locations in the Lachlan Circle are designated as construction sites for POW temporary settlement camps.
- PS Kulïulk and PS Hahhars reload and resupply at Riß.
- 14: Lunatic Partisans initiate a general uprising, centered at Lockenhasp, in the swamps of Lacus Conticinium. The relics of Mo'll and Quixy are retrieved from secret caches and used to rally the remaining Lunatic population to overthrow their captors.
- 17: An earthquake is felt across the eastern Guttuli Protectorate. All of the Deep Energy reactors in Kezan unexpectedly trip their emergency shutdown procedure simultaneously. The entire county is brought to darkness, with auxiliary power restored using gas-fired power stations.
- 18: Guttulinese troops report sighting a Megaloid flying southeast towards Æmsunig (Erianamor), pulling up men and cattle to consume as it travels.
- 19: After a system-wide inspection across Kezan, Silbeck Power Station begins restarting Generator I. The start-up sequence completes successfully.
- 5: All Kezanese Deep Energy power stations restored at low power, to rise to optimal electrical generation by the end of the month.
- 9: Megaloid reaches Æmsunig. Legate Hurst Mennin takes command of Salb Aïreon due to its commanding officer, Legate Hursus, being AWOL. He orders the legion to redirect its deployment in Authority Prata away from Lune containment to an anti-daemonic combat status.
1687 AN
- 4: 1687 Florencian crisis – A dispute between the Mulej and the Kunsill tal-Kosta resulted in a breakdown in relations between the merchant families of the coastal cities and the communes of the interior, paralysing economic life on the island of Florencia.
- 8: The Mulej unfurled the civic gonfalone from the Governor’s Palace in Capitolia, defying the merchant houses and summoning partisans to his cause.
- 9:
- A night of mob violence in Capitolia as the communes of the interior began to arm themselves and defy the merchant houses of the coastal settlements.
- Sanaman marines, deployed to Florencia as part of Operation Fortify Democracy, moved to secure the harbour district and international airport of Capitolia.
- 10:
- Decontamination procedures begin in the ruins of Æmsunig/Erianamor, spearheaded by elements of the Vigiles Arcani from Kezan.
- An attempt by protesters to turn back a Sanaman supply convoy from the harbour district resulted in an exchange of gunfire and minor loss of life.
- 11: A major intervention by the Black Legions began with a series of missile attacks on key targets, including a power station and government buildings.
- 12: The intervention by the Black Legions upon Florencia continued with airborne landings on the Saena Peninsular and the Dolce Plains.
- 14: The body of Ærek Murhin is positively identified among the dead recovered at the Kraln, Alexandrit. Heavy burns to the body forced the use of dental records.
- 17: Remaining fires put out in Musica. Brookshirian auxiliaries are ordered to construct additional displaced persons camps outside the city, to support the evacuated city population as well as migrants from nearby towns.
- 22: The territory of the former Guttuli Protectorate is reorganized into the Duchy of the Guttuli, a constituent territory of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth.

Just as in ages past, Elwynn remains secure under the watchful eye of the Panopticon.
- 05: A reorganisation in the Elwynnese security apparatus sees the Censorate with Special Responsibility for Cimmeria and Kiladôr, the Central Intelligence Department of Elwynn, and the Public Accountability Tribunal consolidated into the Panopticon Department (UDF), and the relationship between the Panopticon with the Corps of the Gentlemen-at-Cudgels and the UDF on the one hand and the Committee of Defence within the Court of the Prince further clarified by the appointment of Zurvanudin Miran al-Osman as Inspector of Cudgels, and Nizam al-Mulk as Inspector of the Panopticon.
- 08:
- Zurvanudin Miran al-Osman landed at Shirekeep-Foley Aerodrome, in a lay-over of his chartered flight from Raspur Airport to the Eliria Aerodrome. Availing of the services of a GAV(P)-5 Nereid to convey himself to Raynor's Keep Zurvanudin sought out the Chamberlain of the Imperial Household to assure the Imperial Government of the loyalty of Sathrati, the availability of the Jaysh al-Sathrati with regards to any special duties concerning subjects in the Duchy of the Guttuli presently under the regime of state protection, and to petition for representatives of the House of Osman and the Council of Sathrati to be granted seats on the Landsraad.
- Aurangzeb Tokaraizadeh al-Osman announced the relinquishment of the title of Sardar i-Azam over the Alalehzamini Autonomous Republic in favour of the former Nahust Vazir, Daniyal Aurangzeb Kalirion-Osman, who in his turn is succeeded in post by Adam al-Osman following his resignation from the Council of Sathrati.
- To replace Adam al-Osman, Jeremiah Avon-El, Director of Benacian Operations for the Honourable Company, assumed the vacant seat on the Council of Sathrati.
- 09: Final amnesty for the surrender of illegal and unlicensed firearms in West Amokolia announced. Severe and escalating penalties for persons found or suspected of possession of an unregistered firearm would come into full effect from 09.IV.1687.
- 14: Ivan Maksimilianov-Khopskiy (Hopsy), a notorious "popular musician", became subject to an arrest warrant issued by the Court of Star Chamber in Elwynn. The Court session began with an indictment, on four counts of possession of prohibited firearms by his private security detail during a recent stadium tour in Upper Elwynn, and nine counts of taking Elwynnese citizens into Shirerithian territory (specifically Shirekeep) for the purpose of depriving them of their liberty, that was unsealed. The nine individuals were believed to women between the ages of fifteen and nineteen previously introduced to the artist through his extensive female fan community. They were subsequently, according to allegations in the indictment, inducted into loyal subjecthood as dependants of Ivan Maksimilianov-Khopskiy. The Court concluded its session by authorising an extradition request for Ivan as well as a separate petition to the Imperial Judex for the discovery and liberation of the nine women taken into the service of the accused.
- 15: Thousands of preteen and teenage girls descend upon Eliria Castle to demand the rescinding of the arrest warrant of their idol Hopsy. Some carry signs saying "I too want to be a loyal subject!", "Take me Hopsy", though most say "Free Hopsy!".
- Meanwhile, the Shirerithian government announced that it would refuse cooperation on the matter, saying that whatever actions that Hopsy committed were legal, and loyal subjecthood is open for all persons so desiring. Further, the Shirerithian government accused its Elwynnese counterpart of politicising the free arts and of being misogynist. A spokesperson said, "I know of two regimes that politicised art in this way, and rejected women's choice over their own lives... The first one was destroyed in the Auspicious Occasion, the second one in the Sublime Yeet. Elwynn should know better."
- 16: MAAS (Mothers Against Abduction and Slavery) staged a candlelit vigil at Eliria Castle on behalf of the "Shirekeep Nine" whilst the Shirerithian ambassador was summoned by the Commission of Foreign Affairs to address the response of the Shirerithian government, which was characterised as "extreme and disproportionate" in opening remarks by Commissioner Truls. The Commissioner advised that the independence of the judicial process was paramount, whilst reiterating the importance of Elwynnese citizenship rights being respected in regards to the nine girls presently subjected to Ivan Maksimilianov-Khopskiy in Shirekeep.
- 8: Cry of Chryse and Miranda arrive at the Port of Musica. Captain embarks, telling the harbour master that the contents of the ships are a tribute to the person of the Kaiseress to signify Chryse's loyalty to the Golden Mango Throne, and any passengers are now protected persons of the Kaiseress. The harbour master, not cognizant of the Graecian–Chrysean diplomatic solution to the near genocide of the Tarr nation, ordered all containers to remain closed until the Kaiseress had seen fit to decide on where the containers should be taken. In fact, the message to Raynor's Keep had very little information on what the gifts were and where they were from, saying simply: "Captains of two foreign-flagged ships have been instructed to provide a tribute to the Kaiseress in the form of 48,104 containers of goods insured at 115,000 Elwynnese marks per container (Anzarolexion acting as the insurer). Ships included in the tribute. Crew have departed. Awaiting further instructions."
- Later the same afternoon, the Shirerithian ambassador to the Micras Treaty Organization in Chryse is informed by Isor Isor, Governor of Chryse, that Chryse has passed a constitution law, making Kaiseress Salome the "Queen and Exarch of Chryse", and that a "gift to Her Imperial Magnificence, signifying the undying devotion and loyalty of the people of Chryse, having finally cast off their Verionist chains, wishing once again, this time forever, to remain under the lumination of the Radiant Sun, should have arrived in Musica this morning".
- 10: Containers are unloaded from the Cry of Chryse and Miranda. Due to the lack of a proper shipping manifest, they are temporarily stored in a separate section of the container terminal. Permission is solicited from the Imperial government to open and inventory the'gifts'.
- 11: Kaiseress Salome summons Isor Isor to the Imperial Capital, so that she may bestow gifts upon him as well. Permission is granted to begin inventorying the cargo.
- 12: Inventory begins, and is interrupted to request additional resources to manage the cargo. Lord Lieutenant Avel Bakkan receives an administrative request to begin the construction of labor colonies in Upper Musica in order to provide the necessary food, shelter, and medical attention to the people being unloaded.
- 22: Salome signs a decree, granting settlement zones for Antican refugees from Krasnocoria, due to that state's collapse. Shortly thereafter, Aloys Serratus is added to the Antican Diaspora Society Central Organizing Committee.
Preceded by: 1680–1684 |
Timeline of Modern Benacia 1685–present |
Succeeded by Current article |