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Autokrator of Constancia

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The Autokrator of Constancia is an individual granted the plenipotentiary authority of the Basileus, by Letters Patent of the Basileus. This is usually granted in times of national emergency, or during the incapacitation or inability of the Basileus to exercise powers and prerogatives as sovereign. Since the appointment of Primo de Aguilar, it has effectively become a position of regent plenipotentiary, with absolute authority second only to the Basileus. This office has traditionally been vested in the immediate heir apparent to the Imperial State of Constancia, presently the Prince Iñigo.

A female Autokrator is known as the Autokráteira.


Office of the Autokrator of Constancia

By virtue of Letters Patent granted by Basileus Petros III, plenipotentiary authority nearly equal to that of the sovereign was bestowed upon, and vested in Jaime Augustin Joaquin Primo de Aguilar. This was later confirmed by his daughter, the Basilinna Olympia, and continued to be reaffirmed by her successors thereafter for the heirs to Jaime Augustin Joaquin Primo de Aguilar.

The Office of the Autokrator is ostensibly domiciled in Petropolis, but has significant offices in Asterapolis, Aqaba, Nivardom, and Molivadia.

As of 1733 AN, the Office is organized as follows:

  • Imperial Chancellery, headed by the Kanikleios, and dealt with State business.
    • Office of National Priorities, established in 1694 to monitor State priority projects.
    • Office of National Standards
    • Autokratorial Court, for criminal justice and appellate criminal justice proceedings
    • Office for Imperial Clemency, established in 1704 to advise on pardons, commutations, remission of fines and forfeitures, and petitions of right
    • Office for Ecumenical Harmony, established in 1733 to deal with religions and religious concerns
  • Court Chancellery, headed by the Ostiarios, and dealt with Court business
  • Military Chancellery, headed by the Adnoumiastēs and dealt with Military business.
  • Private Chancellery, headed by the Silentiarios or Private Secretary.
  • Protocol Administration, headed by the Chief Administrator of Protocol.
  • Chief of Autokratorial Staff, headed by the Protonotarios, or Principal Clerk.
  • Chief of the Baggage-Train, headed by the Prōtostratōr, or Imperial Stable-Master.
  • Correspondence Secretariat, headed by a Mandator, or Chief of Correspondence
  • State Protection Authority, also known as the Krypteia, headed by a Director-General