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Çakar Empire
شاهنشاهی چاکار
Apollonian Empire flag.png Great Apollonian Empire -- (1704 - present) -- no successor
Flag of Çakaristan
Coat of Arms of Çakaristan
Coat of Arms
Motto: صلح ثمره عدالت است
Peace is the fruit of justice

Azeem-o-shaan shahenshah
अज़ीम-ओ-शान शहंशाह
O majestic and noble emperor
Location of Çakaristan
Map versions 17.0.3 - 17.3.1 as Ultimate Çakar Sultanate
17.3.2 - 17.4.8 as Great Apollonian Empire
17.4.9 - present as Çakar Empire
Capital Agra
Al-Hamra summer capital
Largest city Manbai
Official language(s) Babkhi
Official religion(s) Craitism
Demonym Çakari
 - Adjective Çakar
Government Hereditary monarchy and parliamentary democracy
 - Shahanshah Jaaguzan.jpg
 - Grand Vizier Dervish Çelebi.jpeg
Dervish Çelebi
 - Legislature Çakari Congress
  • Majlis al-Shuwraa
  • Majlis al-Shuyukh
  • Majlis al-Nuwaab
Establishment 1687 AN as Ultimate Çakar Sultanate
1698 AN as Great Apollonian Empire
1704 AN as Çakar Empire
Area 18,195,480 km2 (7,025,314 mi2)
20,736 km2 (8,006 mi2) Sanpantul
Population 766,660,857 (estimation in 1711 AN)
44,709,774 in Sanpantul (census of 1710 AN)
Currency Muhar (₼)
Abbreviation CKR, CK
Mains electricity 230/400 V - 50 Hz
Driving side left
right: Barikalus
Track gauge Mountain railways: 610 mm (2 ft) and 762 mm (2 ft 6 in)
Apollonian Express routes: 1,435 mm (4 ft 8 1⁄2 in)
Other railways: 1,676 mm (5 ft 6 in)
Calendar Norton calendar
Time zone(s) CMT-1, CMT-0:30, CMT, CMT+0:30, CMT+1, CMT+1:30, CMT+4 and CMT+5
National website none
National forum none
National animal Hoopoe (Upupa epops)
National food Pilav
National drink Tea
National tree Monalan cedar

Çakaristan (/t͡ʃɑːˈkɑːɾi:stɑːn/), officially the Çakar Empire (Babhki: شاهنشاهی چاکار Shahanshahi-ye Çakar), is the continuation of the Great Apollonian Empire in the middle on the continent of Apollonia. It is the second most populous country on Micras. Çakaristan is situated in the triangle of the Northern Sea, Orange Sea and the Strait of Pearls. The nation also includes the overseas territories of Sri Pashana, located on the island of Duras, and Beneluccas, part of the Skerry Isles. It also includes one unincorporated territory, Sanpantul, located on East Sandwich island. Çakaristan covers an area of 18,216,216 km2 (7,033,320 mi2), with a population of 766 million within 10 princely states, 9 subahs (provinces), 3 governorates and 1 capital district. It shares land borders with Kildare and Floria to the west, Hurmu to the north, New Alexandrian colony of Ijubicastagrad and International Mandate located on the Jaris Strait. On Duras, the nation shares a land border with Passas. The capital is Agra, the summer capital is Al-Hamra and the largest city is Manbai.

As a state, Çakaristan started after the Sylvanian National Awakening (1687 - 1688). Since there was no agreement on a constitution, only a sultan was elected: Abu Çakar. He was given the crown name "Akbar". Under his inspiring leadership, the sultanate expanded, formed its own unique culture and introduced democracy. In 1698 AN, Çakaristan has been unionised with Jingdao into the Great Apollonian Empire. But in 1704 AN the Second Kildarian Revolution occurred, leaving only the eastern part of the empire. This continued under the new name of Çakar Empire. Because of the assassination of Akbar, the Tobu Emperor, the Çakari succession crisis arose. As with the foundation of Çakaristan, a new Shahanshah was elected at a Grand Assembly: Hakim bin Alsalam. Therefore is the official name of the nation styled in Babkhi.

The nation sees itself as a continuation of the Great Apollonian Empire. Because of this, many consider the parts of that Empire that are no longer under the Shahanshah to be apostate. The official policy is to maintain the status of "Pax Apollonia" (Peace on Apollonia). Nevertheless, the Shahanshah holds the title "Padishah-i sharq-u gharb" (Babkhi: پادیشاه شرق و غرب): Master King of the East and the West. Thus, the Çakar Empire is also referred to as "Eastern Empire", but also as "Far Eastern Empire" because of the historical indication that the Apollonian Republic, a predecessor of the Great Apollonian Empire, was referred to as "Eastern Empire", which at that time included only the western part of the Empire.

After the Arboric Civil War, which raged between 1701 AN and 1704 AN, Çakaristan was the chief peacemaker in that country. Therefore, the largest area was occupied by Çakaristan. After the completion of the Dasil Agreement and a referendum, Barikalus became part of the Empire. In 1711 AN, Qyzylqaystan joined the Empire. In 1697 AN, Çakaristan had already invaded this area to stabilise that part of Jingdao at the outbreak of the Post-Chidao Troubles. As well as the terrorist attacks in Fatehpur and Manbai, committed by Seishi rebels. Although the Çakari left during the period of Great Apollonia, the Qyzyl retained their hearts for the Çakari, choosing to join the empire.

Çakaristan is a member of the Micras Treaty Organisation (MTO) and the Collective Security Association (CSA).


The formal name is styled in Babkhi Shahanshahi-ye Çakar (a transliteration of شاهنشاهی چاکار). The name "Çakar" is derived from the family name of the first ruler, Abu (Akbar) Çakar. This Hasani name means "flashes", a possible reference to lightning.

The short name has the suffix ـستان (transliterated in the Common tongue as -stan), which means "a place abounding in" or "a place where anything abounds" in Babkhi.

The name of Çakaristan in several languages:

Language Status Short form Long form Transliteration
Babkhi Official چاکارستان شاهنشاهی چاکار Shahanshahi-ye Çakar
Adarani Regional चमकतास्टेन शाही चक्र shaahee chakr
Arboric Regional شاكارستان الامبراطوري شكار aliambiraturiu shakar
Samsrumukhat Regional चकरिस्तान चकार एम्पिरे chakaar saamraajy
Common tongue Foreign Çakaristan Çakar Empire none
Batavian Foreign Tjakaristan Tjakar Rijk none
Catologian Foreign Çakaristan Çakar Imperium none
Calbic Foreign Sacaristach none none
Jingdaoese Foreign Cakarjia Cakarjia Dìguó none
Senyan Foreign Čakarëa none none


It is difficult to classify the period after 1440 AN to the foundation of the sultanate under one denominator. But because of the major changes not to assign it to an important period and the corresponding denominator.

The first mention of habitation in the territory of the present sultanate is under the flag of the Free Republic. In 1468 AN, the Republic of Baracão was established, its territory being referred to as Red Island. Shortly this republic was replaced by Freenesia. After the fall of the latter nation, the territory was reduced to the green. At the end of the 15th century the area came under the flag of Emirate of Baatharz, shortly before this nation was taken over by the Kingdom of Babkha. The north of the sultanate was under the flag of Dinarchy of Antica with the name Phedodah.

In 1498 AN the Babkhan territory on Apollonia briefly came under the flag of Crusader State of Eblis. At the beginning of the 15th century Antica was incorporated into Imperial Republic of Shireroth, as a result of which Phedodah bordered on the Babkhaan province Terre d'Riches. Until the Republic of Antica regained its independence in the second decade of the 16th century. The areas of Phedodah and Terre d'Riches came under the Antican flag, except for the coastal islands which remained under Babkhaan flag. Between 1514 and 1519 the peninsula and the coastal islands were abandoned. In 1519 the earlier Terre d'Riches again came under the Antican flag and became part of Lower Phedodah.

In 1597 AN the territory of the sultanate was abandoned except for a few border areas, the Empire of Aryasht came into being. Not much later the coastal islands were reclaimed. In 1607 AN Aryasht became part of Shireroth. In the same year a large part of the territory of present-day Çakaristan became a nation: Jingdao. This nation left the area in 1613 AN.

In 1619 AN Aryasht became part of the Apollonian Republic of Shireroth's East, which became the Empire of the Great Jing. Jingdao also claimed the peninsula in 1630 AN and retained the area for two Norton years. On a few exclaves the area was left to the green. This remained until 1650 AN with the foundation of the Khanate of Krasnarus. The western boundary of the khanate still determines the subdivision of the sultanate. In 1691 AN, Krasnarus founded the Kingdom of Krasnocoria together with the neighbouring Kingdom of Coria.

Between 1680 and 1685 a civil war raged on the peninsula, the Hasani War. This civil war is seen by many as a prelude to the later Sylvanian National Awakening.

First Çakari Era

Sylvanian National Awakening
Chronicles of Akbar

On the eve of the collapse of Krasnocoria, unrest arose in Krasnarus between the different population groups. Representatives of the Coriaks, Hasanis and Nogans united to fight for independence. There was also support from the green and from the Emirate of Arbor. This uprising was called the Sylvanian National Awakening. On 4.XIII.1688 AN the uprising was officially ended and the sultanate proclaimed. Since there was no agreement on a constitution, only a sultan was elected: Abu Çakar. He was given the crown name "Akbar".

Less than an hour after his coronation as Sultan, an assassination attempt was made on Akbar. Fortunately, the sultan survived the attack, but a Grand Vizier was appointed to start the government of the nation.

At the second major meeting in Red Fortress, it was decided to establish the name of the nation. Until then, "Sylvania" was used, a name for the area from the Antican period. That name means "from the forest" in Catologian, referring to the streams and rivers that flow from the densely forested highlands. The name of the nation was chosen: Çakaristan. The first parliamentary elections were held in 1691 AN, with which a new Grand Vizier was also elected.

Great Apollonian Era

Map of the Great Apollonian Empire

In 1698 AN unionised Çakaristan with Jingdao to form the Great Apollonian Empire. The Sultan became Emperor of Apollonia with the titular name Tobu Emperor. Attempts to turn the Empire into a stable power with a democratic basis failed. After six Nortonyears, the Second Kildarian Revolution occurred and resulted in the division of the Empire. The Emperor was assassinated and the Çakari succession crisis occurred because the succession had not been arranged.

Second Çakari Era

Çakari succession crisis
Akbar Constitution

To stabilise the remaining empire, a triumvirate was set up. This made it possible to organise another Grand Assembly, at which a new ruler was appointed. The elected ruler became Hakim bin Alsalam. As a compromise, called the Pilav Compromise, the royal title was styled in Babkhi. This also changed the name of the empire. Then they worked on a constitution, based on the so-called Akbar Papers. Notes that Akbar had made to write the constitution for the Great Apollonian Empire.

The new constitution, the Akbar constitution, was adopted, on the basis of which the state was further structured. The constitution lists the fundamental rights, regulates the succession and establishes the other state institutions. Staged elections to the partly new Çakari Congress were held in 1705 AN, beginning the constitutional cycle of elections. At the elections for the Grand Vizier two years later, the appointed Grand Vizier, Jayanti Sinha, was elected for another four-year term.

Among the elite in particular, there is a great desire for a grand empire. The fall of the Great Apollonian Empire is seen by them as a great loss. There is less of this sentiment among the population, but there is great support for the recent empire expansions:

Story series

An important part of the history is told in different story series. The foundation of Çakaristan is recounted in the Sylvanian National Awakening. This was followed by the Chronicles of Akbar, simultaneously with the mission stories of the brothers of Akbar. The later annexed Barikalus also had its own story series, The Micras Chessboard. A complete overview:

Logo Name Short description Episodes Timeframe
Çakaristan symbol.png Sylvanian National Awakening When Krasnocoria threatened to fall, a struggle for independence arose. This is called the Sylvanian National Awakening. Sylvania was the working name for the nation, until later the name Çakaristan was chosen. The story series follows the conquests of the Sylvanian Peninsula, as well as parts of the green. 17 1687 - 1688 AN
Akbaronhorse.jpg Chronicles of Akbar The story series begins when Abu Çakar was crowned sultan as Akbar. This happened at the conclusion of the Sylvanian National Awakening. The stories give an insight into the personal lives of the sultan and the sultana, as well as the cultural developments of Çakaristan. 18 1687 - 1688 AN
HasanCakar.jpg Mission: Shuddh Butg Par This describes the mission of Hasan Çakar, brother of Akbar, to conquer the green in a westerly direction. Eventually to reach the border of the Empire of the Pure Path. 10 1689 - 1696 AN
AmirCakar.jpg Mission: Tariqat al-Wird' This describes the mission of Amir Çakar, brother of Akbar, to conquer the greenery in a northeasterly direction. 4 1689 - 1691 AN
Çakaristan symbol.png Pilgrimage of Amir After Amir Çakar was relieved of his mission, he went on a pilgrimage to find the great Craitgod. 12 1692 -1698 AN
MicrasChessboard2.png The Micras Chessboard This is the second series of stories, beginning five Norton years after the disaster year 1685 AN. Francia had fallen and Arbor was created on a small archipelago in the Eastern Ocean. Mystically, the emirate moved to the continent of Apollonia. The story series ends just before the outbreak of the Arboric Civil War. 11 1690 - 1703 AN
Nick Perry.jpg State visit to Çakaristan by the President of Mercury Nick Perry, the president of Mercury, was the first foreign head of state to visit Çakaristan. This story series recounts the visit. 4 1693 AN
Shahanshah emblem.png Jaaguzannama: the rise of the Ducula Aenea This is the first part in the story series Jaaguzannama. This Book of Jaaguzan is the official chronicle of the government of Jaaguzan. It contains various stories surrounding the Shahanshah, the second ruler of Çakaristan. 11 1704 - 1709 AN
The ultimate chessboard.jpg Jaaguzannama: the ultimate chessboard This is the second part in the story series Jaaguzannama, which begins shortly after the wedding day of Jaaguzan and Zahra al-Osman. Still in progress 1709 and onwards


Timeline of Çakaristan

All the main events are listed chronologically in a timeline. This gives a good overview of the developments of the nation from 1680 AN onwards.


Physical situation in Çakaristan
Climates in Çakaristan
Time zones in Çakaristan

The south-western border is dominated by the Monalan Parvat (Monlan Mountains). The outflowing rivers to the east form a widespread floodplain. The main rivers are the Adaraney and Leyl, which drain into the North Raynor Sea. The Leyl River is the only outflowing river of Lake Jodha, the fourth largest freshwater lake on the continent of Apollonia.

Surrounding the lake is a relatively flat land, which gradually rises to the south to the ridge where several small streams originate. From the west, the southern coast begins with a marshy area, protected by the coastal island of Rulak. The coast to the east is characterised by cliff rocks up to the Gulf of Andreas where the Dyre Isles are located. The coast around the gulf is referred to as the Çakari Riviera. The Silsilat Jibal Silfanyan (Sylvanian mountain range) lies between the Antican Sea and Herrin Bay. The northern spur of that ridge separates the Antican Sea and Lake Jodha. This ridge ends in front of the Saphed Pahade. This mountain formation forms together with the Bulqan Rij a natural wall against the desert west of it. This natural wall ends at the Barax River, which flows into the Antican Sea.

Kendall Isle is surrounded by the Antican Sea, Strait of Monemici, Pond Strait, Herrin Bay and Jaris Strait. The island is dominated by the Jabal al-Mada', the major provider of several streams that wet the island. The main island is surrounded by several coastal islands.

On and in North Raynor Sea are some areas: the peninsula with the city of Fatehpur, Kantisha Island and the Northak Islands as part of the Norfolk Isles.

Duras Island is the largest island in the Skerry Isles. The island is dominated by the Paryan mountain range, which is surrounded by three coastal plains. It is the place where Atos shines first over the Çakar Empire.


Because of Cakaristan's large area, the climate is diverse. In general, the climate is warm due to its location near the equator. In the north, the climate is cooler, despite the desert-like landscape. In the south, there is mainly a tropical monsoon climate. On the coast around the Antican Sea, it is more temperate, while the interior can get hot. The monsoon begins in mid-summer in the southeast and moves northwest. Winter arrives from the Strait of Pearls via a north-easterly wind current.

Overview of climates:

Prime Meridian‎ and Equator‎

The Prime Meridian passes through continental Çakaristan. The planned city of Akbarabad has been built right on the Prime Meridian, where a line of latitude passes through the Red Fortress in Agra. At the intersection of these lines, the Burj al-Saaeat al-Sultanii (Sultanic Clock Tower) was built. Since the addition of Kantisha and Northak islands, the intersection of the Prime Meridian and the Equator falls within the territorial waters in the North Raynor Sea. This is marked by an underwater monument called 'Middle Micras'. The Equator passes over one of the Northak islands and over the Dura Island, where Sri Pashana is located. A landmark has been built where the Equator comes ashore. The Equator also passes through the Gulf of Argyra, which means that the Equator comes ashore four times. Çakaristan is the only country on Micras through which both the Prime Meridian and Equator pass.

Time zones

Çakaristan has a vast territory, so it overlaps several time zones.The time zones were implemented based on the Coordinated Micras Time, maintained by the University of Akbarabad. Overview of the time zones in Çakaristan:

During the time of the sultanate, the division into time zones was regulated by the national government. Later, this led to many discussions and it was decided that the time zones should be determined by the princely states, governorates and subahs themselves. As a result, changes have been made to the distribution of time zones. Particularly in Poorajangal, where two time zones were introduced. The western province of Pashchimsthan uses the time zone CMT+0:30, while the eastern provinces of Aranyakhand and Grenjar use the time zone CMT+1.


Most of Çakaristan's population lives in rural areas, but there are also cities with more than a million inhabitants:

Largest cities of Çakaristan
  City Princely State or subah Population
  City Princely State or subah Population
1 Manbai Kolhalistan 15,472,573 6 Agra Agra 6,439,779
2 Maulikpur Jadjagah 12,970,876 7 Çakarabad Kolhalistan 5,157,524
3 Fatehpur Jadjagah 12,484,468 8 Padaudah Samudra 4,577,956
4 Keruliya Poorajangal 9,258,729 9 Praant Sahar Kolhalistan 4,297,937
5 Ambarganj Parvatalaya 7,725,301 10 Liburnia Poorajangal 3,968,027
Populations based on the census of 1710 AN.

Administrative divisions

Map of Administrative divisions
Flag Sort name Abbr. Official name Type of subdivision Ruler Capital
Symbol Agra.png Agra AG Sarkar Mustaba el-Hoque
Cakari Barikalus flag.png Barikalus BA Emirate of Barikalus Riyasat Jaaguzan
formal Emir

Yaequb Bunduq
Nayib al'Amir
Formal capital

Madinat al-Fath
Government seat
Beneluccas flag.png Beneluccas BE Subah Ruhatyn
Bulqan flag.png Bulqan BU Bulqan Rajya Riyasat Kazimir Ranković Bhavybai
Haritdesh flag.png Haritdesh HD Haritdesh Confederacy Riyasat Shivaji Bhonsale Maulikpur
KNI flag.png KN Kantisha and Northak Islands Governorate Jaaguzanbul
Kendall flag.png KK Kendall Khanate Riyasat Amir Çakar Çatalyokuş
Korhal flag.png Korhalistan KO Korhalistan Rajya Riyasat Manikarnika Tambe
rani reejent

Anand Çakar
formal raja
Leylstadt flag.png Leyl LE Leyl Sadarya Riyasat Filips des Vinandy-Windsor Leylpur
Micabad symbol.png Micabad MA Subah Faouzi el-Shaker Micabad
Pathaardesh flag.png Pathaardesh PD Subah Mukhtiar Tutt Suryapur
Poorajangal flag.png Poorajangal PJ Poorajangal Rajya Riyasat Rajesh Avchat Liburnia
Sanpantul flag.png Sanpantul Sanpanto Teikoku Unincorporated territory Hiroto Kipei
Sikatadesh flag.png Sikatadesh SD Sikatadesh Rajya Subah Amanbir Thahal Kalaghar
Sri Pashana flag.png Sri Pashana SP State of Sri Pashana Governorate Rajita Deshpanday Sri Luthore
Sunehra flag.png Sunehra SU Sunehra Rajya Subah Manjit Jhapali Niravata
Suqutra symbol.png Suqutra SQ Subah Khairi al-Baccus Suqutra
Sylfystan flag.png Sylfystan SY Subah Šer-Ku-Riž
Tartaristan symbol.png Tartaristan TA Subah Bakuya
Valesia symbol.png Valesia VA Valesia Rajya Riyasat Amritpal Wasli Marahee

Foreign relations

Foreign relations of Çakaristan