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Heraldry in Hurmu

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Heraldry in Hurmu has a long history.


Under Hurmu law and tradition, armigerous people and institutions are:


Hurmu heraldry traditions have been influenced by Storish and New Britannic rules. While the following are not rules per se, they are considered traditions, and often adhered to:

  • Escutcheons are inherited in the male line
    • People descended from the same ancestor in the male line may use the same escutcheon, but will usually differentiate in different ways (marks of cadence, defacement, different crests, etc)
  • Women often carry lozenges (but not at all always)
  • Married women often impale their arms with their husband's (this occurs also in same-sex marriages, also for men)
  • A Babkhi shield is round, and some people of Babkhi extraction make display their shield round.
  • For Elfinshi women, the shield is round, and for Elfinshi males, the shield is a lozenge.

With many members of the Order of the Holy Lakes stemming from other countries with other heraldic traditions, these traditions are also respected where applicable.

List of Registered Coat of Arms

Persons who do not have unique arms themselves often carry their ancestral arms.

Members of the Order

Coat of arms Armiger Comments
Abigail coa.png Abigail Ayreon-Kalirion Queen of Nouvelle Alexandrie
Coat of arms of Forajasaki.png Ahmad Abdullah Inzun Shah Ruler of Forajasaki, Sultan of Kuala Forajasaki
Alexander Ayreon-Kalirion coa.png Alexander Ayreon-Kalirion Prince of Shahzamin
Anastasia coa.svg Anastasia
Imperial Federation CoA 1.png Anarion Emperor of the Imperial Federation
COA Safiria.png Áþamé Issèla Mari Vāstra
Nidaros lesser coa.png Audon II King of Nidaros
Lacglaceishield.png Augustin Nix Grand Duke of Lac Glacei
Arms Lady Esther Isles2.png Aurangzeb Hakimi bin Alsalam Prince among the Lakes, Emir of Al-Khadra
Khan of vijayanagara.png Aurangzeb Tokaraizadeh al-Osman Khan of Vijayanagara
Catherine wythe coa (2).png Catherine Wythe
Vandersluijs standard.png Cod Fish Head of the Line of Fish
Coat of arms of Craitland.png Craitman VIII King among the Lakes, King of Craitland
Whales coa.png Daniyal ibn Daniyal Simrani-Kalirion
Constancia Crest.png Esmeralda al-Osman Basilinna of the Imperial State of Constancia
Free Elwynn Coat of Arms.png Eki Aholibamah Verion
Coa Leylstadt.png Filips des Vinandy-Windsor
Vinandygroot.png Frederik Alfons des Vinandy
Arms Gascogne (Gau)2.png Hendrik Leopold des Vinandy Duke of Gascony
Varmland coa.png Ichirō Viscount Audon of Varmland
Angsax-arms.png Ilse fonn Klosso
House of Merrick CoA.png Isabella III Günthersdohtor Merrick
Lewis Coat of Arms.png Jacob Utherion Lewis
Vinandygroot.png Karel Kyle des Vinandy
Karmen cherokee.png Karmen Jovanović-Smičić Kneginja of Northern Coria; Viscountess Cherokee
Coat of arms of Steerswick.svg Lystasia Steerswick
Goldshireseal.png Mahmood Ali Caprici Maleki Duke of Goldshire
Wythe al-Osman de la Gardie.png Malachi Wythe al-Osman de la Gardie
Sara eskenderion coa.png Marcus Avon-El Myksos Prince among the Lakes
Matilde kåveland coa.png Matilde Einhorn al-Osman Kåveland
Shwinn coa male.png Mikhail Maksimilianov-Shvinnskiy Count of Schwinn
Penguinwaffels CoA.svg Mina Penguinwaffels Queen of East Zimia and the Wallis Islands
Suren Crest.png Mitradokht of Suren Surenšāhbanu
Mondo Hurmu coa.svg Mondo Etzeterra Earl of Samhold and Karnamark
Highpass CoA.png Ozymandias Peet Humboolt Niit n Taag Count-Palatine of Highpass
Ktzunidjupvik.png Djupvik family
Coat of Arms Verion.png Regina Verion
Rosamund coa.png Rosamund Duchess of Mar Sara
Marchioness of Sentratera
Khan of vijayanagara.png Roya al-Osman Using her grandfather's shield
Akhidia coat.png Şahan I King of Akhidia
Coat of arms of House Al-Lusirni.png Salah Ad-Din Al-Lusirni Sultan of Kurum Ash-Sharqia
Arms Zy-Rodun2.png Salome FH, FamS, Kaiseress of Shireroth
Severna coa.png  Severna Enujohanenion
NewAlexandriaCOA.png Sinchi Roca II King of Nouvelle Alexandrie
Laegel coa.png Sirithil, Lady Laegel
FlowerOfOctavius.png Soraya II of Octavius-Parini Head of the line of Octavius as Count Palatine of Kezan
Tonugawa CoA.png Takashi Tonugawa Emperor of Sanpantul
NormarkCOAwiki.png Tarjei Thorgilsson Former King of Normark
Utas coa 1721.png Utas Enrique Naian Ayreon-Kalirion Marquess of Sentratera
Monika coa.png Valde Einhorn Prince among the Lakes
Northern coria coa.png Velibor Jovanović-Smičić Knjaz of Northern Coria
Woodrow arms.png Members of the Woodrow line
png Yukio (Kaiser Ayreon V Kaiser of Shireroth

Legal persons

Coat of arms Armiger Status Comments
Arms Lady Esther Isles2.png Al-Khadra (emirate) Realm
Amaland coa.png Amaland Realm
Coat of arms of Forajasaki.png Forajasaki Realm
Coat of arms of Karnamark.png Karnamark Realm
Coat of arms of Kota Hilir.png Kota Hilir Territory
Krava.jpg Krava Municipality
Hurmu old arms.svg Lake District Realm
Lontinien coa.png Lontinien Realm
Northern coria coa.png Northern Coria Realm
Hurmu coat of arms.png Order of the Holy Lakes in right of Hurmu Sovereign Sovereign coat of arms
Coat of arms of Oystra Stoorskerið.png Oystra Stoorskerið Territory
Coat of arms of Phinbella.png Phinbella Realm
Coat of arms of Plazas de Irian.png Plazas de Irian Realm
Ports of newhaven coa.png [[Ports of Newhaven Realm
Samhold coa.png Samhold Realm
Coat of arms of the Phinbellan Straits Settlements.png Straits Settlements Territory
Svetostrov coat of arms.png Svetostrov Realm
Coat of arms of Tanah Baharu.png Tanah Baharu Territory
Coat of arms of Tanah Tōnán'hyôrï.png Tanah Tōnán'hyôrï Territory
Coat of arms of Refugee Camp and Immigrant Settlements Area.png Territory of Extraterritorial Authority of the Refugee Camp and Immigrant Settlements Area Territory
Coat of arms of Tri-State Area.png Tri-State Area Territory

Other persons