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Anarion is the current Emperor of the Imperial Federation. Born in 1701 AN as Anarion Masamune Sasuke Benimaru von Adrestia and initially crowned as Prince Masamune IV, he is a direct descendant of Nobunag'an IV of Ralgon via the House of Ral and its cadet branch, the House of Adrestia, founded in 1675 by Prince Masamune I. Having taken the throne in 1705 AN just before his fourth birthday, his entire reign until his 21st birthday was under the regency of the Hawkins Family, the Dukes of Gondolin, acting on the advice and consent of the Imperial Senate.

While the Emperor was able to exercise soft power over time during the Regency due to his status, this was blunted by his eccentric personality combined with his chaos-inducing antics at court. While this posed constant headache to the Court, the reality was that the vast majority of the child Emperor's stunts were meant only as a minor nuisance. In efforts to curb a few of his more unorthodox hobbies, the Regency Council redoubled efforts to acquire a suitable bride, ideally before he could finish university studies abroad and subsequently take the throne in his own right. Thus it was that, On 12.II.1720, he married Qasima Çakar. As such, he automatically became a Knight of the Holy Lakes. The Emperor continued to study abroad until 1726 AN, earning a master's degree in international relations at Metzler University in Shireroth. Shortly upon graduation, he returned home to assume power as the Emperor on the last month of that year, granting the country its first reigning monarch since the death of Shiro I of Ralgon a quarter-century earlier.

The eccentric personality of the Emperor was already a known quantity during the Regency, and it was hoped that a combination of age and the duties of matrimony would considerably abate these tendencies. While he was indeed kept busy with his imperial duties and truly extraordinary number of children (which at once caused awe and panic in the Court), this not only failed to blunt the Emperor's love of unusual antics and creative spirit, but the reverse instead happened. Despite having most of his children watched very closely by a constantly increasing assortment of nurses and governesses, the Emperor's children took on their father's eccentric streak and, eventually, triggered a feedback loop that resulted in well-known incidents at the Imperial Court.

While the Emperor was no slouch in his duties, and instead contributed to unprecedented prosperity in the Empire, it still came at the cost of many courtiers' sanity. Many were made to deal with the increasingly creative nuisances that the imperial family were constantly engineering, ranging from (convincingly realistic) fake vermin running about chaotically at court to the Emperor's occasional tendencies to deliberately host mad scientists with bizarre experiments at Court sessions. Although the Emperor did possess a sadistic streak in punishing the harshest criminals to appear before his person, it was deemed something of a divine gift that this proclivity did not extend to tormenting the commonfolk outside of the Palace. (In fact, it was widely remarked that his many children were perfectly behaved nearly everywhere but the palace grounds.)

As of 1742 AN, Emperor Anarion is 41 years old. He has a truly extraordinary number of children, with twenty-five known progeny by his wife, Qasima Çakar by 1738 AN. All of these children are ostensibly eligible to contest the throne under Imperial Federation law upon the vacancy of the throne, but elections are due to be held during that time -- the first such contest set to happen in centuries. The eldest is a boy, being a fraternal twin with a sister, born in 1728 AN. A third child, a boy, was born on 1730 AN, and a fourth child, a girl, was born in 1731 AN, followed by another boy at the end of that same year. In 1734 AN, the Emperor and his wife welcomed a rare set of sextuplets into the family. The birth of the eleventh child in any family was a sacred moment to any Ralgonese due to religious principles, and so the occasion was declared a national holiday. The next year saw a set of septuplets born to the family, much to the concern (if not dismay) of the Imperial Court, given the already-eccentric personalities of the existing children. By 1738 AN, he and his wife marked the birth of their 25th child, part of a set of triplets. Due to the physical toll that delivering so many progeny had on the Empress, they decided to have no more children directly through their union. It was further agreed that, should Anarion be permitted to sire any further progeny, they would only be legitimized solely through both the Empress's written consent, and only then on Imperial decree on the consent of the Imperial Senate.

Known as "The Great" since 1734 AN within the Imperial Federation, he has presided over a near-uninterrupted period of explosive population growth, empire-wide infrastructure development, and booming economy, even during such hard times as the Recession of 1737. Known as a (mostly) just and fair ruler, Emperor Anarion exercises strong executive control within the Empire, while preferring to leave legislative affairs with the Imperial Senate and the newly (re)formed House of Commons, WIP


While this is an incomplete list, this is the one official genealogists use in determining rights to succession, specific forms of nobility, and connection to the Imperial Household, both in Adrestia and within the greater empire. Reigning monarchs in bold.

  • Emperor Nobunag'an IV of Ralgon (♂ 1564 AN-; r. 1595 AN-1673 AN) -- married 8 times, had issue with 5. (All spouses died from age and other natural causes, without having divorced).
    Nobunag'an was originally known as Prince Takeshi Ral XV until his coronation in 1595 AN, and as King until his retroactive declaration as Emperor by Shiro I of Ralgon in 1673 AN. He married and took consorts several times due to his extremely long life and high status, the last being Yukino Chuujiwara (1623 AN-1699 AN; m. 1686 AN).
    • WIP
    • WIP
      • Several descendants of little note.
    • WIP
      • Draeg'ar Ral XXIV, Crown Prince of Ralgon; Emperor of Valora; (♂ 1634 AN-; r. 1706 AN-1718 AN), m. Kitamura Valorum
        Draeg'ar ultimately lost the Ralgon War of Succession to his rival, the latter now known as Emperor Anarion. He reigned over the rump state of Valora in concert with local rulers, until the country was conquered and partitioned between the Imeperial Federation and the Mondosphere. He spent the rest of his life in obscurity.
        • Draeg'ar XXV, Prince of South Valora (♂ 1710 AN-; r. 1718 AN-)
          Prince Draeg'ar II took the throne from his 84-year-old father as his only son from this marriage late in life to a much younger woman. He is seen as a puppet of Mondo, who rules South Valora following its partition after the Imperial Federation's Conquest of Valora.
    • Benimaru Ral IV, Prince of Ralgon (♂ 1590 AN-1655 AN;
      Benimaru's mother was Princess Rani of Nixtorm (♀ 1562 AN-1649 AN), King Nobunag'an's first wife. Although a successful career soldier, he lived in relative obscurity. He never took the throne, and died of natural causes.)
      • (three other children)
      • Masamune XIV & I, Crown Prince of Ralgon & Royal Prince of Adrestia of (♂ 1624 AN-; r. in Adrestia 1675 AN-1680 AN)
        • Masamune II, Prince of Adrestia (♂ 1664 AN-1705 AN; r. 1680 AN-1705 AN)
          Crowned King in 1680, he oversaw a massive expansion of his realm. Prince Masamune died of complications from wounds following a prior attempt on his life in 1701 by his son Masamune III, outliving Shiro by only a few days.

Family and Descendants

Emperor Anarion had an impressive 25 children in 1734 AN by his wife Qasima Çakar, who he married in 1720 AN. They stopped delivering more progeny after 1738 AN due to the physical toll of delivering so many children. His legitimate progeny and current house is listed below.

  • Emperor Anarion of the Imperial Federation (♂ 1701 AN-; r. 1704 AN-)
    Married Qasima Çakar of Çakaristan (♀ 1701 AN - ) in 1720 AN. Known initially as Prince Masamune IV of Adrestia, he was later crowned Emperor during the Ralgon War of Succession. Acquired knighthood in the Order of the Holy Lakes by marriage. Has 18 children from this marriage as of 1734 AN.
    • Prince Masamune Takeshi Celeborn (♂ 1728 AN -)
      Known officially as Prince Masamune V of Adrestia, he was born minutes before his twin sister, taking his name from diverse cultures in the empire, and after his still-living ancestor, Nobunag'an. To the dismay of the court, he and his twin sister share their father's fondness for oddities, although his interests are more macabre. He's taken to love fire more than the court would otherwise like. Far more than the court would otherwise like.
    • Princess Mariko Luthien (♀ 1728 AN -)
      Born minutes after her twin brother, taking her name from diverse cultures in the empire. To the dismay of the court, both she and her older brother share their father's fondness for oddities. While little else is known, what is clear from insider sources is that she has taken a rather excessive interest in the carnivorous plants.
    • Prince Dalgar'on Hikaru Elent'ar (♂ 1730 AN
      He is one of the few to share a name with past reigning monarchs, yet not be assigned the traditional numeral with his princely name. Has not yet made any public appearance.
    • Princess Lianna Toshiko (♀ 1731 AN - )
      One of the few to ever take a non-Ralgonese name in the Imperial Household. Sent with her brother, Chidao, to Nouvelle Alexandrie in 1740 AN during her childhood to receive a world-class education in that country, under the guardianship of Nobunag'an IV.
    • Prince Ieyasu Chidao Turg'on (♂ 1731 AN - )
      Born in Glacier City, named partly after the Chidao Emperor. Sent with his sister, Lianna, to Nouvelle Alexandrie in 1740 AN during his childhood to receive a world-class education in that country, under the guardianship of Nobunag'an IV.
    • Princess Takara Yavan'na (♀ 1733 AN - )
      First of a set of sextuplets.
    • Princess Mako Nien'na (♀ 1733 AN - )
      Second of a set of sextuplets.
    • Princess Kaguya Meli'as (♀ 1733 AN - )
      Third of a set of sextuplets.
    • Prince Takaharu Fing'on (♂ 1733 AN - )
      Fourth of a set of sextuplets.
    • Prince Satoshi Ayreon Mand'os --- (♂ 1733 AN - )
      Fifth of a set of sextuplets. One of the few to be given a non-Ralgonese name. Named partly after Kaiser Ayreon IV.
    • Princess Noriko Ra'ni (♀ 1733 AN - )
      Sixth of a set of sextuplets. Was given an older Ralgonese name, after a legendary woman warrior.
    • Prince Tadakatsu Maeg'or (♂ 1734 AN - )
      First of a set of septuplets. Named after ancient Ralgonese and Menelmacari heroes.
    • Princess Masako Nien'na (♀ 1734 AN - )
      Second of a set of septuplets. Named after a previous queen of Ralgon
    • Prince Shinzo Fean'or (♂ 1734 AN - )
      Third of a set of septuplets. Named after a mythical king of Menelmacar.
    • Princess Yasuko Tsubaki (♀ 1734 AN - )
      Fourth of a set of septuplets. Named after a quasi-legendary female warrior who supposedly lived in the Ralgonese Dark Ages.
    • Princess Yoko Miri'na (♀ 1734 AN - )
      Fifth of a set of septuplets.
    • Prince Kenshiro Sind'ar (♂ 1734 AN - )
      Sixth of a set of septuplets. Named after a semi-legendary sailor.
    • Prince Balaeri'on Musashi (♂ 1734 AN - )
      Seventh of a set of septuplets. Named after a previous king of Ralgon.
    • Prince Azul'on Toshiie (♂ 1735 AN - )
      The elder of two twins (M/M). Named after a previous king of Ralgon.
    • Prince Valac'ar Shiro (♂ 1735 AN - )
      The younger of two twins (M/M). Named after Emperor Shiro I of Ralgon, but is always answers to Valac'ar.
    • Princess Matsu Ancalin'ai (♀ 1737 AN - )
      The elder of two twins (F/M).
    • Prince Hiruzen Ancalag'on (♂ 1737 AN - )
      The younger of two twins (F/M). Named after a semi-mythical warrior from ancient Zamma.
    • Princess Shuna Mir'ai (♀ 1738 AN - )
      First of a set of triplets. Her name is rumored to come from an altered form of an ancient word meaning "reflecting light."
    • Princess Toshi Ilien (♀ 1738 AN - )
      Second of a set of triplets. Her name comes from one of several ancient Ralgonese words meaning "moon."
    • Prince Katsumoto Elend'ar (♂ 1738 AN - )
      Third of a set of triplets. Named after an ancient hero.