Category:Coats of arms
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National coats of arms and emblems.
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Pages in category "Coats of arms"
The following 67 pages are in this category, out of 67 total.
- Coat of arms of Adam Anushiruwân
- Coat of arms of Akhidia
- Coat of arms of Alrig
- Coat of arms of Anahuaco
- Coat of arms of Antakia
- Coat of arms of Batavia
- Coat of arms of Batır
- Coat of arms of Blepia
- Coat of arms of Calbion
- Coat of arms of Chryse
- Coat of arms of Craitland
- Coat of arms of Drak-Modan
- Coat of arms of East Zimia and the Wallis Islands
- Coat of arms of Etzeland
- Coat of arms of Free Elwynn
- Coat of arms of Gerenia
- Coat of arms of Goëtia
- Coat of arms of Gran Islilla
- Coat of arms of Gran Verionia
- Coat of arms of Highpass
- Coat of arms of Jingdao
- Coat of arms of Jääland
- Coat of arms of Kunapura
- Coat of arms of Kurum Ash-Sharqia
- Coat of arms of Lontinien
- Coat of arms of Lywall Protectorate
- Coat of arms of Nanjing
- Coat of arms of Nathaniel
- Coat of arms of Natopia
- Coat of arms of New Batavia
- Coat of arms of Nidaros
- Coat of arms of Nordia
- Coat of arms of Phinbella
- Coat of arms of Samhold
- Coat of arms of Sanama
- Coat of arms of Sankt Ludwigshafen
- Coat of arms of Shireroth
- Coat of arms of South Sea Islands
- Coat of arms of Steerswick
- Coat of arms of Storej
- Coat of arms of Tas Neemia
- Coat of arms of the Great Apollonian Empire
- Coat of arms of the Order of the Holy Lakes
- Coat of arms of the Three Kingdoms
- Coat of arms of Tiginsky
- Coat of arms of Varmland
- Coat of arms of Whales
- Coat of arms of Yenihazar
- Coat of arms of Çakaristan
- Coat of arms of Çeridgul
Media in category "Coats of arms"
The following 120 files are in this category, out of 120 total.
- 200px-Helderbourgh Arms.png 200 × 220; 30 KB
- Akhidia coat.png 556 × 679; 93 KB
- Al-Khadra coa.png 667 × 661; 28 KB
- Alexander Ayreon-Kalirion coa.png 1,000 × 1,154; 241 KB
- Amaland coa.png 450 × 600; 15 KB
- Anastasia coa.svg 600 × 600; 58 KB
- Angsax-arms.png 386 × 480; 114 KB
- Arms Arbor.png 811 × 1,120; 496 KB
- Arms Barikalus.png 774 × 673; 379 KB
- Arms Gascogne (Gau)2.png 500 × 583; 206 KB
- Arms Lady Esther Isles2.png 600 × 541; 296 KB
- Banh Nam COA.png 1,280 × 1,297; 528 KB
- Banner of Nathaniel.png 350 × 337; 32 KB
- Catherine wythe coa (2).png 1,237 × 1,237; 83 KB
- Coa Apollonian Empire small.png 1,000 × 755; 591 KB
- Coa Apollonian Empire.png 1,000 × 1,290; 971 KB
- Coa Cakaristan.png 2,139 × 2,048; 1.29 MB
- COA Chryse.png 745 × 899; 100 KB
- Coa Indy Amokolia kingdom.png 490 × 599; 294 KB
- Coa Leylstadt.png 743 × 898; 62 KB
- COA of Viktorovo.png 800 × 985; 253 KB
- COA Safiria.png 704 × 1,420; 331 KB
- COA Shireroth 2.png 2,000 × 2,100; 1.91 MB
- COA Shireroth.png 632 × 576; 238 KB
- Coa union.png 653 × 767; 184 KB
- CoaSkyla Isles.png 580 × 892; 422 KB
- Coat of arms of Anahuaco.png 764 × 810; 662 KB
- Coat of arms of Craitland.png 200 × 285; 60 KB
- Coat of arms of de la Gardie of Ochterburg.png 600 × 962; 176 KB
- Coat of arms of Etzeland.svg 878 × 812; 1.46 MB
- Coat of arms of Forajasaki.png 2,000 × 1,971; 336 KB
- Coat of arms of House Al-Lusirni.png 1,289 × 1,400; 676 KB
- Coat of arms of Karnamark.png 1,280 × 1,492; 46 KB
- Coat of arms of Kota Hilir.png 1,750 × 2,104; 594 KB
- Coat of arms of Kurum Ash-Sharqia.png 744 × 1,052; 178 KB
- Coat of arms of New Batavia.png 744 × 1,052; 177 KB
- Coat of arms of Oystra Stoorskerið.png 689 × 972; 19 KB
- Coat of arms of Phinbella.png 1,388 × 1,745; 454 KB
- Coat of arms of Plazas de Irian.png 800 × 800; 275 KB
- Coat of arms of Refugee Camp and Immigrant Settlements Area.png 1,387 × 1,742; 551 KB
- Coat of arms of Steerswick.svg 878 × 820; 1.14 MB
- Coat of arms of Tanah Baharu.png 1,500 × 2,075; 435 KB
- Coat of arms of Tanah Tōnán'hyôrï.png 1,387 × 1,742; 548 KB
- Coat of arms of the city of Lucerne.png 600 × 947; 184 KB
- Coat of arms of the city of Ochterburg.png 600 × 942; 191 KB
- Coat of arms of the house of Anlaq.png 600 × 958; 182 KB
- Coat of arms of the house of Eikenhorst.png 600 × 852; 123 KB
- Coat of arms of the house of Van Looveren.png 600 × 883; 119 KB
- Coat of arms of the Phinbellan Straits Settlements.png 1,387 × 1,742; 523 KB
- Coat of arms of Tri-State Area.png 1,200 × 1,141; 125 KB
- Coat of Arms Verion.png 242 × 349; 77 KB
- Coat of Polonias.png 141 × 249; 12 KB
- CoatAntverpia.gif 453 × 545; 105 KB
- Coatofarmsfrancia.png 930 × 1,200; 768 KB
- Constancia Crest.png 212 × 250; 65 KB
- East Zimia and Wallis Islands CoA 1721.svg 878 × 844; 855 KB
- EmblemofÇakaristan.png 833 × 1,024; 239 KB
- Enujohanenion coa.png 822 × 1,010; 25 KB
- Escutcheon New Batavia.png 800 × 915; 26 KB
- Escutcheon of Kurum Ash-Sharqia.png 300 × 330; 18 KB
- Free Elwynn Coat of Arms.png 192 × 234; 18 KB
- Highpass coa 1607-1608.png 335 × 316; 86 KB
- Highpass coa 1608.png 335 × 321; 82 KB
- Highpass coa 1663.png 335 × 321; 79 KB
- Highpass CoA.png 334 × 283; 88 KB
- Hope coa.png 855 × 1,048; 30 KB
- House of Merrick CoA.png 817 × 999; 33 KB
- House of Osman flag.png 250 × 250; 48 KB
- Hurmu coat of arms.png 1,000 × 1,166; 51 KB
- Hurmu old arms.svg 502 × 602; 7 KB
- Hurmushield.png 115 × 115; 4 KB
- Karmen cherokee.png 1,080 × 1,080; 14 KB
- Khan of vijayanagara.png 990 × 991; 118 KB
- Kigazeki coa.png 750 × 792; 153 KB
- KoninklijkwapenschildvanBatavie.png 474 × 600; 355 KB
- Krava.jpg 304 × 323; 20 KB
- Ktzunidjupvik.png 126 × 133; 2 KB
- Lacglaceishield.png 184 × 198; 4 KB
- Laegel coa.png 241 × 239; 13 KB
- Li naomiai coa.png 1,237 × 1,237; 159 KB
- Lontinien coa.png 1,466 × 2,047; 394 KB
- Lyudmila coa.png 1,237 × 1,237; 112 KB
- Malarboria COA.png 262 × 216; 8 KB
- Matilde kåveland coa.png 1,080 × 1,080; 115 KB
- Modan and Malarboria.png 874 × 1,027; 84 KB
- Modani CoA.png 2,000 × 2,000; 868 KB
- Mondo Hurmu coa.svg 319 × 382; 428 KB
- Monika coa.png 173 × 213; 44 KB
- Moorland coa.png 1,278 × 1,530; 202 KB
- NewAlexandriaCOA.png 3,617 × 4,765; 1.09 MB
- Nidaros lesser coa.png 138 × 158; 3 KB
- Nidarosvolsdame3.png 378 × 287; 157 KB
- NormarkCOAwiki.png 171 × 208; 52 KB
- Northern coria coa.png 678 × 762; 21 KB
- Oportia coat of arms.png 2,600 × 2,345; 1.1 MB
- Pax coa.png 913 × 950; 179 KB
- Penguinwaffels CoA.svg 139 × 163; 94 KB
- Port Felix coa.png 180 × 180; 4 KB
- Ports of newhaven coa.png 1,286 × 1,532; 208 KB
- Samhold coa.png 1,691 × 2,048; 235 KB
- Sanama Coat of Arms.png 517 × 504; 281 KB
- Sanpantul imperial seal.png 484 × 484; 64 KB
- Sara eskenderion coa.png 415 × 304; 98 KB
- Schwinn coa female.png 1,054 × 1,049; 13 KB
- Seal of Sanpantul.png 800 × 800; 102 KB
- Severna coa.png 1,003 × 1,003; 40 KB
- Shahanshah emblem.png 944 × 1,076; 523 KB
- Shwinn coa male.png 855 × 1,048; 16 KB
- Smallcoatofarmsamokolia.png 568 × 600; 203 KB
- Southern District coa.png 711 × 997; 9 KB
- Suren Crest.png 900 × 888; 350 KB
- Svetostrov coat of arms.png 646 × 792; 6 KB
- Vandersluijs standard.png 189 × 237; 56 KB
- Varmland coa.png 410 × 304; 98 KB
- Vinandygroot.png 791 × 696; 463 KB
- Vinandygroot2.png 1,200 × 1,326; 990 KB
- Whales coa.png 1,024 × 1,028; 500 KB
- Woodrow arms.png 873 × 1,069; 48 KB
- Wythe al-Osman de la Gardie.png 599 × 658; 77 KB
- WythePersonal.png 600 × 700; 46 KB