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Senate of the Lakes/List of Senators

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Living former senators

Portrait Coat of Arms Name Date of birth Place of birth Age Tenure begins Tenure ends Length of tenure Faction Date of death Age at death Comment
IngridDjupvik.png Ktzunidjupvik.png Ingrid Djupvik 1692 1734 1736 2 Ayreonist–Traditionalist
1734 Enkhjargal al-Osman.png Lontinien coa.png Ghawetkiin Enkhjargal 1672 Stormark: Ghawlama, Lontinien 1695 1734 39 Humanist
KarelKyle04.png Vinandygroot.png Karel Kyle des Vinandy 1676 Batavia: 's Koningenwaarde 1695 1726 31 Conservative
Ardashir Bābakān-e Osman.jpeg Ardashir Bābakān-e Osman 1661 Raspur . 1690 1712 22 Humanist . .
Khoga Checheyigen.jpeg Khoga Checheyigen 1669 1713 1734 21 Humanist
Royaalosman.jpeg Khan of vijayanagara.png Roya al-Osman 1686 1713 1718 19 Humanist
1720 1734
Lyudmilaeduardovna.jpeg Lyudmila coa.png Lyudmila Eduardovna Ayreon-Kalirion ibn al-Majeed al-Osman bin Sathrati of Waffel-Paine 1669 Shireroth: Shirekeep 1702 1718 16 Traditionalist (1702–1707)
Ayreonist–Traditionalist (1707–1718)
Isabella III Günthersdohtor Merrick.jpeg House of Merrick CoA.png Isabella III Günthersdohtor Merrick 1686 1713 1729 16 Humanist
Fahime Jafarnejad.jpeg Fahime Jafarnejad 1686 1713 1729 16 Humanist
Asmilaavonel.jpeg Asmila avon-el coa.png Asmila Andelarion Avon-El Ayreon-Kalirion 1690 1713 1729 16 Ayreonist–Traditionalist
Sackhcham Kapudia.png Sackhcham Kapudia 1681 1719 1734 15 Conservative
Catherine wythe.png Catherine wythe coa (2).png Catherine Wythe 1689 1719 1734 15 Ayreonist–Traditionalist
Sirithil, Lady Laegel.png Laegel coa.png Sirithil, Lady Laegel 1698 Hurmu: Huyenkula 1719 1730 11 Verionist
Đorđe Babić 1658 Krasnocoria: Mitrovska 1708 1718 10 Ayreonist–Traditionalist
Sooraj Wasli 1691 1726 1734 8 Conservative
Catarina Felicia Akker de Todos los Santos u-Kart 1650 Alexandria: Geneva . 1690 1696 6 Ayreonist . .
Severnaenujohanenion.jpeg Severna coa.png Severna Enujohanenion 1686 . 1713 1718 5 Humanist . .
Priya Sinja 1650 Çakaristan: Maulikpur . 1702 1707 5 Conservative . .
1714-Linus Truls Thorgilsson.png NormarkCOAwiki.png Linus Truls Thorgilsson Einhorn 1644 . 1708 1712 4 Humanist . .
Janek Tryggve coa.png Janek Tryggve 1668 . 1702 1706 4 Traditionalist . .
Kristoferumalik.jpeg Kristofer u-Malik 1654 1714 1718 4 Verionist
Monika u-Smilla u-Gelp Saajar 1673 Stormark: Haraldsborg . 1706 1707 1 Traditionalist . .
AIMV.png COA Safiria.png Áþamé Issèla Mari Vâstra 1529 Safiria Firnerámnen: Miše, Evari . 1598 1599 1 . .
Mari Torismonion Verion de Montfort 1696 Free Elwynn: Minas Aullarion, Icefire, Cimmeria 1733 1734 1 Verionist Tenure of 100 days
Smilla Eenpalu 1656 Craitland: Lakkvia . 1701 1701 0 Ayreonist . . Tenure of 92 days

Dead Senators so far


Portrait Coat of arms Name Date of birth Place of Birth Age (if alive) Tenure begins Tenure ends Length of Tenure Faction Date of death Place of death Age at death Comment
1685 Harald of Stormark.jpg LesserArmsofStormark.png Harald Freyjugjöf of the House of the Descendants of Freyja 1446 Mysterious Isles: Flóðhǫll 1522 1574 65 Vanic 1686 Stormark Stormark: Haraldsborg 240
1582 1595
Aoife.jpeg Hurmu coat of arms.png Aoife the Celt 1437 1522 1574 52 Vanic 1686 Stormark Stormark: Haraldsborg 249
ARB coA.png Iain de Vembria, Lord Erion of Waffel-Paine 1410 Green: Apollonia NW 1553 1599 46 Bovic 1655 245
Aurangzeb Portrait.png House of Osman flag.png Ardashir Piroz Aurangzeb al-Osmani-Steffki 1542 Shireroth Shireroth: Eliria, Elwynn Elwynn 1557 1599 42 Humanist 1609 Natopia Natopia: Tas Neemia Tas Neemia 67
Davis.png Chloe Bloodhelm 1476 1522 1558 36 Vanic 1685 Stormark Stormark 209
Polten coa.png Polten of Yperpen 1525 1558 33 Non-Vanic Storish 1662 Stormark Stormark
Linaomiai1721.jpeg Li naomiai coa.png Li Raion Naomiai Avon-El Ayreon-Kalirion ibn al-Majeed al-Osman bin Sathrati of Waffel-Paine 1627 Shireroth Shireroth: Michaelion, Elwynn Elwynn 1690 1722 32 Traditionalist (1690–1707) 1722 Hurmu Hurmu: Huyenkula 95
Ayreonist–Traditionalist (1708–1722)
Bjarngeir coa.png Bjarngeir Thorkelsson Nidaros-Volsdame 1518 Stormark Stormark: Nidaros Nidaros 1542 1574 32 Non-Vanic Storish 1589 Stormark Stormark: Frostarike 71
Talsin Baarrnan 1518 Hurmu Hurmu: Lontinien Lontinien 1548 1574 26 Tokish 1602 Hurmu Hurmu 84
Patrikdjupvik.jpeg Ktzunidjupvik.png Patrik Djupvik 1643 Shireroth Shireroth: Shirekeep 1690 1716 26 Traditionalist (1690–1707) 1729 Sanama Sanama: Acquecalde, Cisamarra Cisamarra 86
Ayreonist–Traditionalist (1708–1716)
Loki III.jpg Mala-FN-arms.png Jacobus Kahunamea Loki 1515 Shireroth: Lac Glacei 1574 1599 25 Imperialist 1635 120
ApollantisCrest.gif Orion 1487 1522 1546 24 Orionic 1589 102
Davis.png Asa Bloodhelm 1446 1522 1546 24 Vanic 1546 Stormark Stormark 100
Ktzunidjupvik.png Arviður Andelarjunarbroðir ur Vintra-Ansinum 1535 Hurmu Hurmu: Cashma 1551 1574 23 Traditionalist 1652 Shireroth: Shirekeep 117
Daniyal al-Osman.png Khan of vijayanagara.png Daniyal al-Osman 1645 1690 1712 22 Humanist 1717 Constancia Constancia: Aqaba 72
Carol.png Luminaslight coa.png Carol, Mother of Hypatia 1443 1519 1536 17 Shirerithian 1559 116
Jessheymer.jpeg Jess Heymer 1487 1582 1599 17 Amokolian 1611 124
Coa Indy Amokolia kingdom.png Peter Kelly 1505 1582 1599 17 Amokolian 1606 101
Steka of Anun 1582 1599 17 Amokolian 0
Christopher Guilfoyle 1582 1599 17 Amokolian 0
Varmland coa.png Portrait Ichiro.jpg Ichirō Ayreon-Kalirion ibn al-Majeed al-Osman bin Sathrati of Waffel-Paine 1693 Natopia Natopia: Kigazeki, Whales Whales 1713 1730 17 Ayreonist–Traditionalist 1730 Benacian Union Benacian Union: Upper Lywall 37
Woodrow arms.png Scott Woodrow 1470 1542 1558 16 Non-Vanic Storish 1560 90 Never assumed his seat
Vilhelm Estridson Knytling 1502 Stormark Stormark 1542 1558 16 Non-Vanic Storish 1567 Antica Antica 65
Princedaniel.jpg Arms Ayreon-Kalirion10.png Daniel Qioon-Audonoi Lla'i Ayreon-Kalirion 1542 Stormark Stormark: Nidaros Nidaros 1570 1586 16 Ayreonist 1586 Elwynn Elwynn: Andelarion, Cape Farewell 44
Jamshid-e Osman.jpeg House of Osman flag.png Jamshid-e Osman 1661 Raspur Raspur 1690 1695 16 Humanist 1720 Hurmu Hurmu: Palace of the Elenaran, Huyenkula
1702 1712
1719 1720
Kaiser aiomide.png FlowerOfOctavius.png Aiomide Octavius 1553 Shireroth Shireroth: Eliria, Elwynn 1583 1599 16 Traditionalist 1608 Shireroth Shireroth: Raynor's Keep, Shirekeep 55
NathanWPavatar.png Waffel-Paine CoA.png Nathan Dariolin-Kalirion of Waffel-Paine 1455 Natopia Natopia: Lindström 1574 1589 15 Bovic 1607 Natopia Natopia: Lindström 152
Aliande.jpeg Laegel coa.png Aliande, Lady Laegel 1656 Shireroth Shireroth: Erudition 1704 1719 15 Verionist 1719 Hurmu Hurmu: Palace of the Elenaran, Huyenkula 63
Schlangen-erior.png Conglacio Geiteskrank 1457 Angsax Northworthy 1522 1536 14 Shirerithian 1536 Shireroth Shireroth 79
Tahmaseb Tahmasebzadeh Abakhtari 1450 Babkha Babkha: Vey 1522 1536 14 Babkhan 1560 110
Luix Drakira (Kaiser Sehml) 1560 Natopia: Lindström 1585 1599 14 Bovic 1617 Shireroth: Shirekeep 57
Karl Gustav Nidaros-Volsdame 1505 1523 1536 13 Non-Vanic Storish 1538 Stormark Stormark: Nidaros 33
Johanns fonn Klosso 1442 1522 1535 13 Non-Vanic Storish 1535 93
Vali Ri av Silmahamnum 1426 1523 1536 13 Traditionalist 1538 112
Eliza Aabooð 1632 Lakkvia 1697 1701 13 Ayreonist (1697–1707) 1728 Craitland: Xäiville 96
1703 1712 Ayreonist–Traditionalist (1708–1716)
Malliki Tosha 1517 Shireroth: Mortis Mercatoria 1587 1599 12 Elwynnese Reformist 1602 85
Gregor Brasky-Cutting of Dentarg 1566 1589 1599 10 Elwynnese Reformist unknown
Patrick Montiaceae Prometheus 1589 1599 10 Elwynnese Reformist 0
Elijah Danielion Ayreon-Dariolin of Waffel-Paine 1571 Hurmu: Huyenkula 1589 1598 9 Ayreonist 1598 Walstadt: Mandible Hill 27
Cashmaiel Andelarion 1472 Babkha: Shahzamin 1542 1550 8 Traditionalist 1550 Lake District: Wilderness 78
Milo Enujohanenion 1650 Shireroth: enu Eltezion, Elwynn 1716 1720 8 Ayreonist–Traditionalist 1720 Hurmu Hurmu: Palace of the Elenaran, Huyenkula 70
1708 1712
Osman Shahanshah 1522 1529 7 Babkhan 1529
Emir of Raspur 1529 1536 7 Babkhan 0
Aaden Allot 1560 Shireroth: Araxion, Elwynn 1589 1596 7 Elwynnese Reformist 1596 36
Llîriel Aureqoir 1592 1599 7 Elfinshi 0
Ionel Constantinescu 1520 Green 1548 1554 6 Tokish 1602 Hurmu Hurmu 82
Malachi Ra-Alban 1540 1593 1599 6 Imperialist 1603 63
Jorgen Jonas Windsor 1555 1593 1599 6 Einhornist 1602 47
Andelarion (Rashid Aradas Audon Arsalani-Kalirion; Kaiser Ayreon) 1450 Babkha: Shahzamin 1522 1527 5 Traditionalist 1544 Shireroth: Raynor's Keep, Shirekeep 94
Zand az-Zartosht Gozar 1535 Babkha: Kumarstan 1590 1595 5 Humanist 1598 Babkha 63
Giles Cedris Melang 1594 1599 5 Imperialist 0
Ellen Aarevalla 1650 Lakkvia: Vesüha 1690 1695 5 Traditionalist 1714 Hurmu Hurmu: Liderai 64
Jean Beaumont 1498 1595 1599 4 Amokolian 1602 104
Jacob Kalir 1560 Shireroth: Eliria, Elwynn 1595 1599 4 Imperialist 1610 Shireroth: Hyperborea 50
Falkner van der Sluijs 1544 Shireroth: Absentia 1595 1599 4 Tokish 1620 Shireroth: Asantelian 76
Vilhjalm Kormak 1569 Hurmu Hurmu: Liderai 1599 1603 4 Ayreonist 1562 Shireroth: Hyperborea -7
Katja Aareshem 1520 1599 1603 4 Ayreonist 1603 Hurmu Hurmu 83
Netba u-Germask 1574 1599 1603 4 Traditionalist 1680 Stormark Stormark: Haraldsborg 106
Liv Mildedottar 1534 1599 1603 4 Traditionalist 1603 Hurmu Hurmu 69
Oolav Haraldsnai 1574 1599 1603 4 Traditionalist 1603 Hurmu Hurmu 29
Royston Merrick 1547 Green 1599 1603 4 Humanist 1604 Shireroth: Eliria, Elwynn 57
Silja Kambandaar 1520 1599 1603 4 Ayreonist 1603 Hurmu Hurmu 83
Yngvar av Helgahusinom 1489 1599 1603 4 Ayreonist 1603 Hurmu Hurmu 114
Monica Oline Einhorn Likness 1630 Normark 1708 1712 4 Verionist 1712 Normark: Elijah's Rest 82
Kaspar Soleimân Ermo-ra-Araezelion 1561 Shireroth: Ioodana, Illumination 1586 1589 3 Humanist 1589 Elwynn: Eliria 28
Tarjei Einhornsson 1530 1595 1598 3 Einhornist 1598 Normark: Konungsheim 68
Sindre Nemnai 1560 Hurmu Hurmu: Skare, Lake Nemb 1599 1602 3 Traditionalist 1602 Hurmu Hurmu: Palace of the Elenaran, Huyenkula 42
Eðvarð Danjalsson 1562 1599 1602 3 Traditionalist 1602 Hurmu Hurmu 40
Haakon Bjarnarson 1540 1599 1602 3 Traditionalist 1602 Hurmu Hurmu 62
Kaare Stenbooð 1499 1599 1602 3 Ayreonist 1602 Hurmu Hurmu 103
Ivan Maksimilianov-Shvinnskiy 1667 Shireroth: Mudyy, Mishalan 1704 1707 3 Traditionalist 1716 Shireroth: Musica 49
Daniel Torismonion Verion de Montfort 1698 Free Elwynn: Minas Aullarion, Icefire, Cimmeria 1730 1733 3 Verionist 1733 Calbion: Pentyre 35
Orion Ilios 1540 1597 1599 2 Orionic 1615 75
Isor Nebuchadnezzarion Verion 1660 Shireroth: Cromswind, Cimmeria, Elwynn 1702 1704 2 Verionist 1704 Hurmu Hurmu: Liderai 44
Alexander Wilhelm Louis Asher-Jones 1497 1522 1523 1 Non-Vanic Storish 1547 50
Jeremy Hart 1522 1523 1 1523
Alfhildson Erling 1598 1599 1 Einhornist 0
Jack Lewis 1554 Normark: Slevik 1598 1599 1 Verionist 1610 Shireroth: Shirekeep 56
Vilhelm Benkern 1598 1599 1 Imperialist 0
Kir Azariah Vidar Ayreon-Kalirion of Waffel-Paine 1667 Shireroth: Raynor's Keep, Shirekeep 1702 1703 1 Ayreonist 1703 Natopia: Walstadt Gate, Walstadt, Whales 36
Yahyanah Jahanbani 1677 Shireroth: Katanta, Raikoth 1719 1720 1 Ayreonist–Traditionalist 1720 Hurmu Hurmu: Palace of the Elenaran, Huyenkula 43