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Mari Verion de Montfort

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Mari Verion de Montfort
Mari Torismonion Verion de Montford
Former Senator of the Lakes
Tenure began 20.XIII.1733 AN
Tenure ended 24.II.1734 AN (4 months and 4 days)
Senate(s) XII
Faction Verionist
Physical description
Gender Female
Species Human
Biographical information
Father Torismundo Verion de Montfort
Mother Yuka McLoughlin-Filwick Briand
Spouse(s) Kolman Sarj (m. 1728, died 1735)
Children Alexander
Date of birth 20.III.1696 AN
Place of birth Minas Aullarion, Icefire, Cimmeria

Mari Verion de Montfort is a Hurmu–Verionist noblewoman, diplomat and politician. Sister of Prince Deiniol of Calbion. Ambassador of the Order of the Holy Lakes to Tellia since 1737.

Her husband and children died during the Sinking of the Biternion. Mari was not present on the trip due to an acute gastrointestinal infection.
