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Chloe Davis

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Chloe Davis
Chloe Bloodhelm-Haldarsvik
Former Senator of the Lakes
Tenure began 1522
Tenure ended 1558
Senate(s) I, II
Comment Represented by Advocate Polten of Yperpen until 1525
Physical description
Gender Female
Biographical information
Father Robert Davis, Duke of Altamore
Mother Asa Bloodhelm
Date of birth 1474
Date of death 1685
Place of death Stormark

Lady Chloe Davis, also known as Chloe Bloodhelm or Chloe Haldarsvik (1474–1685), was a Gotzborgish and Storish noblewoman, daughter of High Queen Asa (Angel Davis) and her first husband Robert Davis. She remained Sufi Umraist throughout her life. Lady of the Holy Lakes from 1519 until her death during the collapse of Stormark in 1685.

Namesake of the Duchy of Port Chloe and the Providence Plantations..


Plumbley's Who's Who of Gotzborg
Chloe Davis
Personal arms
Title Lady
Full name Chloe Davis
Immigrated August 18, 2004
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Chloe Davis is the daughter of the late-Robert Davis, one of Gotzborg's most decorated citizens. Her mother is Angel Davis.

Meaning of Personal Arms

The Family Arms of the House of Davis, originally issued as the Personal Arms of Robert Davis, displayed above, were commissioned by the King's Herald at Reginsburg House in 2004. The Crown above the Arms are symbolic of Davis' title as Duke, while the small armorial in the centre is that of the Duchy of Altamore. Other components of the Arms carry the following meaning:

  • The Celtic Cross symbolizes the unity of Heaven and Earth and is coloured green (vert) for hope, joy and loyalty in love;
  • The white (argent) background symbolizes peace;
  • The Oak Tree symbolizes great age and strength;
  • The blue (azure) background represents truth and loyalty;
  • The Sceptres are the symbols of justice and are coloured silver (argent) to represent sincerity;
  • The purple (purpure) background symbolizes sovereignty and justice;
  • The Bear (rampant) symbolizes strength and ferocity in the protection of family; and,
  • The red (gules) background is for military strength and magnanimity.

Titles, Awards & Decorations

No records available.

Government Service

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Military Service


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Police Service


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Other Service

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Notable Contributions

No records available.