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Islamic Internet Republic

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Islamic Internet Republic
Islamitische Internetrepubliek
Islamicinternetrepublic.gif Netherlands -- (2010-2020) -- New Batavia New Batavia flag.png
Flag of Islamic Internet Republic
Coat of Arms of Islamic Internet Republic
Coat of Arms
Motto: Vrede, Vrijheid, Verdraagzaamheid
(Peace, Freedom, Tolerance)
Anthem: Gebed voor het Vaderland
(Prayer for the Fatherland)
Location of Islamic Internet Republic
Map versions 14.0.0-14.6.4
Capital Brussels
Largest city Antwerp, Ghent
Official language(s) Dutch
Official religion(s) Islam
 - Adjective
Government parliamentary democracy
 - Sadr Saladin
 - Grand Vizier Redouan van Lucerne
 - Legislature Majlis-al-Shoera
Establishment January 14, 2007
Population 4 mil.
Currency dinar
Abbreviation IIR
Mains electricity
Driving side
Track gauge
Time zone(s) CMT + 6
National website defunct
National forum Bastion Union
National animal lion
National food dates and carbonade flamande
National drink
National tree

The Islamic Internet Republic (Islamitische Internetrepubliek, IIR) is the successor state of the Republic of the Netherlands (Republiek der Nederlanden). It was restored in 2020 and later renamed to New Batavia.

The nation was on Micras from September 21, 2009 to November 20, 2011, and again from October 31, 2020 onward (see for more information on the Islamic Internet Republic's claims on Micras).


The Second Republic had a tendency towards inactivity. This has often been attributed to the country's lack of distinct identity viz-à-viz Flanders and Batavia. There also grew other tensions, especially between Frans and Nihill Romez.

In May 2010, the country witnessed a 'revolution': President Romez was apparently removed by a coup, with the coupists abusing forum powers, temporarily prohibiting him from accession to the country's forum. The allegations of this being a coup were denied by Saladin, a newcomer whom Romez believed to be the same person as Frans and whom he believed to have been behind the recent events. Romez, in turn, was being accused of being a Batavian mole, always striving to undermine the Republic.

In any case, Romez' (forced) absence allowed for Prime Minister Vermussen to assume presidential powers, and call for new presidential and pariamentary elections, whereby Saladin became President and the new parliament was composed of Frans and Vermussen. This new parliament quickly discussed and approved a new constitution, which was subsequently approved by referendum, installing the Islamic Internet Republic.

There were two important political parties: the Islamic Revolutionary Party and Fresxa Komenci. Next to a lot of foreign intrest by the media, there was one national newspaper: Jumhuriya.

Personal antagonism between Frans and Nihill Romez reached a climax in the months after that. Tzipi, vizier of finances, robbed the entire treasury. The money was transferred to a Batavian account. The government fell, but new elections resulted in a stalemate. Government formation was extremely difficult. Sadr Saladin announced to go into exile on July 4th, 2011. He was followed by the resigning Grand Vizier, Xander, on July 6th.

The claim on MICRAS was cancelled on November 20th, 2011. Membership to the MTO was withdrawn on December 20th of that year.


IRP Logo

On September 20th, 2013, the Government-in-Exile was offered sanctuary by the Republic of Mercury. The meetings are held in the City of Lucerne, which was originally founded by the New Batavian province during the era of the First Republic. Somewhere along the line Frans joined the exiles. On September 21st 2013 Frans was appointed Grand Vizier of the Government-in-exile.

In the fall of 2020, the Government-in-Exile saw a rapid succession of Grand Viziers due to the Restoration Crisis within the IRP. The party was split into two wings on the question whether and how to restore the Third Republic and resettle the lands on Micras.

Third Republic Restoration

Grand Vizier Redouan van Lucerne

On October 31, 2020 the MCS accepted a claim to resettle the ancient island of New Batavia. On that same day, Redouan van Lucerne was re-appointed to the office of Grand Vizier. He called all exiles back to the homeland.

After the elections of a new Majlis-al-Shoera and a Sadr, a new constitution was adopted. It was approved by a referendum in November 2020, establishing the Fourth Republic.


Escutcheon New Batavia.png

Third Republic Era

Nation name Islamic Internet Republic
System of government parliamentary democracy
 - head-of-state Sadr
 - head-of-government Grand Vizier
Legislative unicameral system
 - house name Majlis-al-Shoera
 - highest court Supreme Court
 - advisory council Islamic Diwan

The head-of-state is called Sadr, and is elected for a six months term. The first and only Sadr was Saladin.

The Sadr appoints the Grand Vizier (Grootvizier), in whom executive power is vested, with the approval of the Majlis-al-Shoera. The Grand Vizier, then, appoints the other members of the executive, called viziers.

Legislative power is vested in the Majlis-al-Shoera, an elected body, comprised of 100 members (or, more correctly: 100 votes, distributed among its members). Its sessions are presided over by the Sadr.

Before a law is passed, it needs the advice of the Islamic Diwan, although this advice is non-binding. The Islamic Diwan is composed of ordinary members (apppointed by the Majlis-al-Shoera at the Sadr's proposal), extraordinary members (the former heads-of-state) and co-opted members (chosen by the ordinary and extraordinary members). At least half of the ordinary members need to be Muslim.

Judiciary power resides with the independent Supreme Court (Hooggerechtshof). Lower courts are to be established by law. Judges are appointed for life to ensure their independence.


The Islamic Internet Republic's official religion is Islam. Article 1 of its constitution states that sovereignty belongs to Allah, and that the Republic's 'stewardship' (stadhouderschap) is to be executed as stipulated by the constitution. Article 46 stipulates that the Quran is the highest law of the land, above any other, including the constitution.

However, all are regarded as equal before the law, regardless of creed. Freedom of religion is both constitutionally and quranically guaranteed.


A micronational economy was orginally set up in the era of the First Republic. The country's currency was orginally named "florijn". After the Islamic revolution the currency was renamed to "dinar". The economy suffered heavily due to the turmoil in the Third and Fourth Republic eras.

There was only one company:

On January 21, 2011 the Islamic Internet Republic joined the Small Commonwealth Unified Economy Treaty.

On May 31, 2011 the newspaper Jumhuriya issued a press release: Tzipi, Vizier of Economy and Finance, transferred the entire treasury to a Batavian bank account. The economy came to a total standstill. The following events finally led to the exile of the IRP-led government.


Attempts were made to promote soccer in the IIR, though not very successful. The Islamic Internet Republic national football team participated in the 2011 FMF World Cup qualifications, but finished at the bottom of their group.