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1712 Hurmu general elections

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Hurmu's fourth Parlerment elections are scheduled to be held during the twelfth month of 1712. The previous elections occurred in 1707. The next elections are scheduled for 1718

See also 1712 Hurmu general elections/IRL for the OOC procedure of the election.


On 15.III.1712, Daniyal al-Osman, the incumbent Prime Minister of Hurmu for 22 years, aged 67 years, surprised the Senate by informing it of his desire of "soon stepping down". Instead of resigning the Prime Ministership and leaving it to a crown prince or so, within his own party, he asked the Senate to dissolve the Assembly of Representatives and call for new elections instead. The Senate, while surprised at the situation, readily agreed, and elections were called one year ahead of schedule. Daniyal al-Osman thus remain in place as Prime Minister until after a new Senate and Assembly had been elected.

In the elections of this year, the Humanist List did not include famous Humanists such as Prime Minister Daniyal al-Osman, Ardashir Babakan-e Osman, Jamshid-e Osman, and Linus Truls Thorgilsson. Media speculated on the reason of the Humanist surprise move in calling for new elections where most of their "prime candidates" would not stand for election. Some theories that floated was that the Nationalist & Humanist Party central offices have called these people to "more important" tasks in the recently expanded Benacian Union. Hurmu had already been seen in Humanist media as a "teaching ground" for Osmani and other Humanists seeking to learn the arts of governing and politics.


Eighteen seats in the Senate, elected by the members of the Order of the Holy Lakes, and 99 seats in the Assembly, elected by persons with legal and permanent residence in Hurmu are up for election. All electors must be at least 18 years of age on the last day of the election. Thus not only citizens of Hurmu are allowed to vote, but legally resident foreigners too. Citizenship is a prerequisite, however, for being a candidate.

Residents in the Lake District will elect 20 members of the Assembly, while residents in Lontinien will elect 19 members, and Rekozemlje 21 members. Residents of Amaland will be represented by 7 members, and residents of Karnamark by 4. Al-Khadra District will elect 21 representatves, Transprinitica will be represented by 6 members, and residents of the Samhold Island will be represented by 1 member. Legal residency is not recognised in the Southern District, and as such, that district will remain outside the remit of the election. Hurmu citizens resident the Southern District or in Eesdeheito, as well as Hurmu citizens living abroad, may vote through their constituency of origin. Citizens who are members of the Order of the Holy Lakes do not vote in Assembly elections but in the Senate election.

The constitution of Hurmu allows for referendums to be held at the same time. Such referendums are binding and require the majority of electors to the Senate to be in favour in order to be binding upon the state institutions of Hurmu, for example amending the constitution or adopting legislation. Another option is for the Electorate through voting in the affirmative or negative to a question bind the Senate to introduce or not to introduce legislation on a specific matter. No provision in the constitution allows for country-wide referendums for Assembly voters.

Senate elections

In this Senate election, the adult members of the Order of the Holy Lakes, who during the year 1712 will reach an age of 18 or more, are electors. The electors will elect 18 members.

Participating lists

Conservative List (C)

  1. Karel des Vinandy
  2. Jaya Prabhu
  3. Saurabh Farrah
  4. Sackhcham Kapudia
  5. Ajatasatru Patil
  6. Padmini Munshif
  7. Priya Kusari

Einhornist List (E)

  1. Julian Einhorn
  2. Karen Rygh
  3. Henrik Koldebolt
  4. Klara Einhorn
  5. Oscar Sørgemann

Humanist List (H)

  1. Ghawetkiin Enkhjargal
  2. Khoga Checheyigen
  3. Fahime Jafarnejad
  4. Isabella III Güntherdohtor Merrick
  5. Roya al-Osman
  6. Severna Enujohanenion
  7. Altfrid Günthersson Merrick
  8. Elahe Rayegan
  9. Hilyna Qullyr-ra-Milion-la-Osmoni
  10. Konur Enujohanenion
  11. Melika al-Osman
  12. Warin Hartwigsson Merrick
  13. Hasala Günthersdohtor Merrick
  14. Khoga Maral

United Ayreonist–Traditionalist List (U)

  1. Li Naomiai Avon-El
  2. Lyudmila Eduardovna
  3. Mondo Etzeterra
  4. Ichirō of Varmland
  5. Patrik Djupvik
  6. Asmila Avon-El
  7. Đorđe Babić
  8. Milo Enujohanenion
  9. Miriam Marenai-Eqlarion al-Osman
  10. Kala Avon-El
  11. Charlène Jolicoeur
  12. Kristian Uusman
  13. Olivia Mariusdottar

Verionist List (V)

  1. Aliande of Laegel
  2. Kristofer u-Malik
  3. Johannes Knuutsgaarð


Total electors 983
Votes cast 949
Turnout 96.54%
Accepted ballots 947
Blank ballots 2
Invalid ballots 0
List Votes Diff (n) % Diff (% pt) Seats Diff (seats)
Conservative 181 +20 19.11% -0.32 3 0
Einhornist 24 -46 2.53% -5.75 0 -1
Humanist 311 +21 32.84% -1.00 6 0
United 354 +43 37.38% +1.09 7 0
Verionist 77 +53 8.13% +5.33 2 +1

Elected Senators

Faction Senator Status
Conservative Karel des Vinandy re-elected
Jaya Prabhu re-elected
Saurabh Farrah re-elected
Sackhcham Kapudia first alternate
Humanist Ghawetkiin Enkhjargal re-elected
Khoga Checheyigen new election
Fahime Jafarnejad new election
Isabella III Güntherdohtor Merrick new election
Roya al-Osman new election
Severna Enujohanenion new election
Altfrid Günthersson Merrick first alternate
United Li Naomiai Avon-El re-elected
Lyudmila Eduardovna re-elected
Mondo Etzeterra re-elected
Ichirō of Varmland new election
Patrik Djupvik re-elected
Asmila Avon-El new election
Đorđe Babić re-elected
Milo Enujohanenion first alternate
Verionist Aliande of Laegel re-elected
Kristofer u-Malik new election
Johannes Knuutsgaarð first alternate

Senators not re-elected

Faction Senator Reason, Comment
Humanist Linus Truls Thorgilsson did not stand for election
Daniyal al-Osman did not stand for election
Ardashir Babakan-e Osman did not stand for election
Chaghagan Khoga did not stand for election
Jamshid-e Osman did not stand for election
United Milo Enujohanenion failed to be re-elected; became first alternate
Eliza Aabooð did not stand for election
Einhornist Monica Oline Einhorn Likness
Princess among the Lakes
did not stand for election

Referendums for Electors of the Order of the Holy Lakes

Three referendum questions will be asked the electors of the Order of the Holy Lakes:

  1. Question 1: Leave WANC? Hurmu is a member of the World Association of Non-aligned Countries. It is an association of non-aligned countries, currently Cisamarra, Hurmu, Meckelnburgh, and Sanama. Should Hurmu leave the World Association of Non-aligned Countries?
  2. Question 2: End Raspur Pact and other foreign military presence in Hurmu? Hurmu has extensive military cooperation with Raspur Pact forces in Hurmu territories, particularly in Apollonian Hurmu and the Southern District. This has helped pacify these areas, bring order and peace to the people there, and expand Hurmu's sovereignty. At the same time, Hurmu is a neutral country in terms of military alliances. Should military forces belonging to a foreign power leave Hurmu, and this military cooperation with the Raspur Pact end?
  3. Question 3: Should Hurmu join the Raspur Pact? The Raspur Pact was the only alliance to offer meaningful assistance in countering first Barikalus and then the Great Vanic Revolt. The Allied Mission in Eastern Apollonia, Hurmu & Lyrica was essential to the establishment and pacification of the territory now controlled by Hurmu following the collapse of Stormark. Free Trade with the Raspur Pact is also a significant contribution to the prosperity of Hurmu's developing economy. Should Hurmu recognise the accumulated debts of honour and put aside neutrality in favour of the mutually beneficial alliance?
  4. Question 4: Expel Harald posthumously from the Order, but Mahmud and Hendrik be members? Harald, High King of Stormark, and, for a short while, Prince-Baron of Hurmu, is a person who, since his reign in Hurmu, brought the Order of Holy Lakes into disrepute by his mere presence and precedence in the Order with his own line. His living descendants in Batavia, Çakaristan and Kurum ash-Sharqia, Knights and Ladies of the Order, have proved themselves loyal to the Order, and should not be affected by his posthumous expulsion. Should therefore Harald, High King of Stormark, be expelled from the Order, with the stipulation that the brothers Mahmud bin Alsalam (posthumously) and Hendrik Leopold des Vinandy be admitted as Knights of the Holy Lakes, with their own lines, from the same point in time as the expulsion of Harald?

Referendum results are binding on the new Senate in as much as they can be. In this instance, however, question 1 and question 3 are in conflict to on one another, as are questions 2 and 3 on each other. If such conflict (e.g., if no to Q1, and yes to Q3; and yes to Q2 and Q3), then the Senate cannot be bound by the result, but should nonetheless evaluate the best cause of action. Alternatively the Senate can adhere to the referendum decisions and leave any apparent contradictions to the foreign treaty partners to either resolve or internalise.


Question 1: Leave WANC

Question 1: Leave WANC? Hurmu is a member of the World Association of Non-aligned Countries. It is an association of non-aligned countries, currently Cisamarra, Hurmu, Meckelnburgh, and Sanama. Should Hurmu leave the World Association of Non-aligned Countries?

Question 1 Yes No Blank
Ballots 552 394 3
Of votes cast 58.35% 41.65%
Of electors 56.15% 40.08% 0.31%

With 949 votes cast, of which 552 votes were "yes", both a majority of voters and a majority of electors were in favour of Hurmu leaving the World Association of Non-aligned Countries. This is binding upon the new Senate to effect.

Question 2: End Raspur Pact presence

Question 2: End Raspur Pact and other foreign military presence in Hurmu? Hurmu has extensive military cooperation with Raspur Pact forces in Hurmu territories, particularly in Apollonian Hurmu and the Southern District. This has helped pacify these areas, bring order and peace to the people there, and expand Hurmu's sovereignty. At the same time, Hurmu is a neutral country in terms of military alliances. Should military forces belonging to a foreign power leave Hurmu, and this military cooperation with the Raspur Pact end?

Question 2 Yes No Blank
Ballots 555 392 2
Of votes cast 58.61% 41.39%
Of electors 56.46% 39.88% 0.20%

With a majority of electors answering the question "yes", the decision is binding upon the Senate.

Question 3: Join the Raspur Pact

Question 3: Should Hurmu join the Raspur Pact? The Raspur Pact was the only alliance to offer meaningful assistance in countering first Barikalus and then the Great Vanic Revolt. The Allied Mission in Eastern Apollonia, Hurmu & Lyrica was essential to the establishment and pacification of the territory now controlled by Hurmu following the collapse of Stormark. Free Trade with the Raspur Pact is also a significant contribution to the prosperity of Hurmu's developing economy. Should Hurmu recognise the accumulated debts of honour and put aside neutrality in favour of the mutually beneficial alliance?

Question 3 Yes No Blank
Ballots 361 436 152
Of votes cast 45.29% 54.71%
Of electors 36.72% 44.35% 15.46%

While a majority of votes were against Hurmu joining the Raspur Pact, this did not constitute a majority of electors, and thus this decision is not binding upon the Senate.

Question 4: Expel Harald; and admit brothers Mahmud and Hendrik

Question 4: Expel Harald posthumously from the Order, but Mahmud and Hendrik be members? Harald, High King of Stormark, and, for a short while, Prince-Baron of Hurmu, is a person who, since his reign in Hurmu, brought the Order of Holy Lakes into disrepute by his mere presence and precedence in the Order with his own line. His living descendants in Batavia, Çakaristan and Kurum ash-Sharqia, Knights and Ladies of the Order, have proved themselves loyal to the Order, and should not be affected by his posthumous expulsion. Should therefore Harald, High King of Stormark, be expelled from the Order, with the stipulation that the brothers Mahmud bin Alsalam (posthumously) and Hendrik Leopold des Vinandy be admitted as Knights of the Holy Lakes, with their own lines, from the same point in time as the expulsion of Harald?

Yes No Blank
Ballots 727 22 200
Of votes cast 97.06% 2.94%
Of electors 73.96% 2.24% 20.35%

A majority of both voters and electors answered the question in the affirmative, and thus the decision of the electors is binding upon the Senate.

Assembly Election

Hurmu residents in the States and districts of Hurmu, as well as Hurmu citizens living abroad, may vote in the election to the Assembly of Representatives, provided they are above the age of 18 (or will turn 18 during the year of the election), and are not members of the Order of the Holy Lakes (in which case they will vote in the Senate election).

Residents in the Lake District will elect 20 members of the Assembly, while residents in Lontinien will elect 19 members, and Rekozemlje 21 members. Residents of Amaland will be represented by 7 members, and residents of Karnamark by 4. Al-Khadra District will elect 21 representatves, Transprinitica will be represented by 6 members, and residents of the Samhold Island will be represented by 1 member. Legal residency is not recognised in the Southern District, and as such, that district will remain outside the remit of the election. Hurmu citizens resident the Southern District or in Eesdeheito, as well as Hurmu citizens living abroad, may vote through their constituency of origin. Citizens who are members of the Order of the Holy Lakes do not vote in Assembly elections but in the Senate election.





Party Abbr Votes Percent Seats
Conservative Party of Hurmu CPH 1 766 729 46.98% 10
Edasi Hurmu EDASI 643 438 17.11% 4
Coalition for Democratic Humanism CDH 426 452 11.34% 2
Excluded Middle and Mondo Party of Hurmu EMMP 312 882 8.32% 2
Social and Democratic Party of Hurmu SDP 221 499 5.89% 1
Hizb ul-ʿUmrāti ul-Hurmu HUHU 147 415 3.92% 1
Communist Workers' Party CWP 107 929 2.87% 1
Post-Verionist Movement in Hurmu PVMH 38 358 1.02% 0
Others 95 895 2.55% 0
Total 3 760 599 100.00% 21


Party Abbr Votes Percent Seats
Edasi Hurmu EDASI 291 516 25.03% 2
Coalition for Democratic Humanism CDH 199 391 17.12% 1
Social and Democratic Party of Hurmu SDP 154 086 13.23% 1
Communist Workers' Party CWP 151 057 12.97% 1
Excluded Middle and Mondo Party of Hurmu EMMP 131 840 11.32% 1
Conservative Party of Hurmu CPH 109 828 9.43% 1
Post-Verionist Movement in Hurmu PVMH 78 033 6.70% 0
Others 52 876 4.54% 0
Total 1 168 627 100.34% 7


Party Abbr Votes Percent Seats
Edasi Hurmu EDASI 247 764 24.94% 2
Hizb ul-ʿUmrāti ul-Hurmu HUHU 212 895 21.43% 1
Coalition for Democratic Humanism CDH 170 971 17.21% 1
Communist Workers' Party CWP 89 112 8.97% 1
Conservative Party of Hurmu CPH 87 721 8.83% 1
Social and Democratic Party of Hurmu SDP 58 315 5.87% 0
Excluded Middle and Mondo Party of Hurmu EMMP 55 136 5.55% 0
Others 38 446 3.87% 0
Post-Verionist Movement in Hurmu PVMH 33 082 3.33% 0
Total 993 442 100.00% 6

Lake District


