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Sackhcham Kapudia

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Sackhcham Kapudia
Sackhcham Kapudia.png
Former Senator of the Lakes
Tenure began 1.I.1719 AN
Tenure ended 24.II.1734 AN (15 AN years)
Senate(s) XI, XII
Elected 1718
Faction Conservative
Order of the Holy Lakes Woodrow
Physical description
Gender Male
Species Human
Race Aryashti
Hair colour and style black
Eye colour brown
Skin colour middlebrown
Other moustache
Biographical information
Father Prakash Kapudia
Mother Priya Sinha
Spouse(s) Padmini Munshif
Children Santosh Kapudia
Date of birth 1681 AN (aged 61 AN years)

Sackhcham Kapudia (born 1681, aged 61) is a Çakari and Hurmu nobleman of Adarani ethnicity. A member of the Order of the Holy Lakes by virtue of descent from Scott Woodrow through his mother Priya Sinha. His father is Prakash Kapudia. He is married to Padmini Munshif, together they have one son, Santosh. Elected to the Senate of the Lakes in 1701 for the Conservative List.