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Çakari Armed Forces

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Çakari Armed Forces
CAF seal.png
Seal of the Çakari Armed Forces
Country Çakaristan Çakaristan
Current form 1688 AN
Founded 1687 AN
Branches Çakari Army
Çakari Air Force
Çakari Navy
Headquarters Khadar, Çakaristan
Shahanshah of Çakaristan Xunpadshahan
Vizier al-Harb Faisal el-Jabbar
Mahaan Mansabdar Prakash Katari
Military age 18+
Conscription no
Active personnel 2,070,414 (1728 AN)
Reserve personnel 1,642,904 (1728 AN)
Domestic suppliers Arkish Motor Works
Çakaristan Aeronautics Limited
Fayad Shipbuilders
Jindi Missile Factory
Lyzij Shipyard
Manbai Naval Dockyard
Micabad Aircraft Factory
Rifle Factory Raoti
Qaghta Motors
Salafuabad Arms Factory
Troops Equipment Factory
Yurish Group
Foreign suppliers Batavia Batavia (through incorporation of the Imperial Frankish Army)
Francia Francia (through incorporation of the Muharibu Alhuriya)
Sanama Sanama
Sanpantul Sanpantul
Stormark Stormark (donated by Emir of Arbor)

The Çakari Armed Forces are the military forces of the Çakar Empire. It consists of three professional uniformed services: the Çakari Army, Çakari Navy, and Çakari Air Force. The Shahanshah of Çakaristan is the Supreme Commander of the Çakari Armed Forces. The Çakari Armed Forces are under the administrative management of the Vazarat al-Harb (Ministry of Defence).

The armed forces was formed after the independence of Çakaristan. It is a continuation of the assembled troops that fought during the Sylvanian National Awakening and was called Sylvanian Liberation Army at the time.

Operational history

Sylvanian National Awakening

During the Sylvanian National Awakening, the Armed Forces were a composite of combat units with mostly illegal, donated and captured weapons. The forces called themselves the Sylvanian Liberation Army. Al-Hasaniya's guerrilla army was better organised and trained. But under the leadership of the Çakar brothers - Abu Çakar, Amir Çakar and Hasan Çakar - the battle was still won. Immediately after Çakaristan's independence, a formal structure of the Armed Forces was established.

Operation: Nae jeevan kee raksha

In 1697, the Armed Forces conducted a military operation in the territory of Jingdao. In Operation: Nae jeevan kee raksha, the Seishi rebels were defeated. Until the formation of the Great Apollonian Empire, the Armed Forces occupied Qyzylqaystan and Mengtian. There was cooperation with the Qyzylqaystani guerrillas. The relatively clean operation with few civilian casualties was much appreciated by the local population. Besides their joy at the liberation of the Seishi rebels, it laid the foundation for the later annexation of Qyzylqaystan into the Çakar Empire.

A popular song was sung during this operation:

Operation: Tianshang de heping

The Çakari Navy played a minor role during the Operation: Tianshang de heping, while the Imperial Armed Forces played a minor role during the Operation: Tianshang de heping, while the Imperial Armed Forces Dalmacija brought under the banner of the Empire of the Rising Sun and Crescent Moon.

Revolution of 1704

During the Second Kildarian Revolution or Revolution of 1704, the Armed Forces concentrated to defend the eastern part of the empire. The Tobu Emperor, previously Sultan Akbar, was assassinated and this marked the end of the Great Apollonian Empire. The Armed Forces were one of the forces behind the enthronement of Hakim bin Alsalam as Jaaguzan to continue Çakaristan as Çakar Empire.

Sanpo-Çakar War

Main article: Sanpo-Çakar War

Humanitarian Mission in former Lostisland

Together with Nouvelle Alexandrie, a humanitarian mission in the wake of the collapse of the Lostisland. This provided a much-needed boost to the Çakari Armed Forces, particularly in that region. The reconstituted navy, the Naarangee Fleet, was deployed operationally for the first time. The fleet received support from an aircraft carrier of the Pearl Fleet. And a Sanpo naval vessel participated. A song was also created for the occasion:


The Vazarat al-Harb of the Çakar Empire serves as the administrative body of the Armed Forces. The Armed Forces is divided into three services: the Çakari Ground Forces, Çakari Navy and Çakari Air Force. In addition there are three independent arms of service: the Defensive Missile Troops, the Logistical Support Troops and Çakari Border Guard. The Kyazilkai Guard is considered separate unit, which is not part of the Armed Forces.

Headquarters of the Armed Forces is located in Khadar, District of Apollonia.


Military districts

Military districts are largely divided according to State boundaries. Only the Antican Military District includes parts of Barikalus, Kendall Khanate and Sylfystan. The Tennyn Subah is part of two military districts, the Eastern Military District and the Silfanya Military District. Taka'atui is assigned to the Eastern Military District through a firman (imperial decree).

Shield District HQ Fleet/Flotilla Map
Shield AMD.png Antican Military District Suryapur Antican Fleet MapofCakaristan MilitaryDistrics.png
Shield CMD.png Chattaan Military District Portpur Naarangee Fleet
Shield EMD.png Eastern Military District Madinat al-Fath Pearl Fleet
Shield KMD.png Khelaq Military District Nyo Agra Northern Fleet
Shield MMD.png Monalan Military District Akbarabad Neela Flotilla
Shield SMD.png Silfanya Military District Manbai Dayar Fleet
Shield TMD.png Thul Military District Jeevitchinar

Former military district

Shield District HQ Fleet/Flotilla Notes
Shield JMD.png Jaihabar Military District Mathura Austral Fleet This district was founded in 1722 AN until the withdrawal from Corum.


Çakari Armed Forces
Active Reserve Governing Body Area
CA seal.png Çakari Ground Forces 1,718,444 1,363,610 Vizarat al-Harb
CN seal.png Çakari Navy 93,376 82,145 Vizarat al-Harb
CAiF seal.png Çakari Air Force 194,205 197,148 Vizarat al-Harb
CBG seal.png Çakari Border Guard 22,536 Vizarat al-Harb Çakar-Floria border
CDMT seal.png Defensive Missile Troops 16,097 Vizarat al-Harb
CLS seal.png Logistical Support Troops 25,756 Vizarat al-Harb
2,070,414 1,642,904
Paramilitary Forces
Active Reserve Governing Body Area
Kyazilkai Guard classified Shahanshah of Çakaristan
Sanpantul army flag.png Royal Army of Sanpantul 446,894 889,268 Emperor Hiroto Sanpantul
State Guards 313,678 Various Riyasats

Ranks and Insignia

The rank insignia of commissioned officers:

Rank group General / flag officers Senior officers Junior officers
Rank code OF-9 OF-8 OF-7 OF-6 OF-5 OF-4 OF-3 OF-2 OF-1 OF-B OF-C
CA seal.png Çakari Ground Forces CAF CGF OF-9.png CAF CGF OF-8.png CAF CGF OF-7.png CAF CGF OF-6.png CAF CGF OF-5.png CAF CGF OF-4.png CAF CGF OF-3.png CAF CGF OF-2.png CAF CGF OF-1c.png CAF CGF OF-1b.png CAF CGF OF-1a.png
Lieutenant general
Major general
Brigadier general
سرهنگ دوم
Sarhang dovom
Lieutenant colonel
ستوان یکم
Sotvān yekom
First lieutenant
ستوان دوم
Sotvān dovom
Second lieutenant
ستوان سوم
Sotvān sevom
Third lieutenant
CAF CGF OF-9 flag.png CAF CGF OF-8 flag.png CAF CGF OF-7 flag.png CAF CGF OF-6 flag.png
CN seal.png Çakari Navy CAF CN OF-9.png CAF CN OF-8.png CAF CN OF-7.png CAF CN OF-6.png CAF CN OF-5.png CAF CN OF-4.png CAF CN OF-3.png CAF CN OF-2.png CAF CN OF-1c.png CAF CN OF-1b.png CAF CN OF-1a.png
Vice admiral
Rear admiral
ناخدا یکم
Nakhoda yekom
ناخدا دوم
Nakhoda dovom
ناخدا سوم
Nakhoda sevom
Lieutenant commander
ناوبان یکم
Navban yekom
Lieutenant (junior grade)
ناوبان دوم
Navban dovom
ناوبان سوم
Navban sevom
Ensign junior grade
CAF CN OF-9 flag.png CAF CN OF-8 flag.png CAF CN OF-7 flag.png CAF CN OF-6 flag.png
CAiF seal.png Çakari Air Force CAF CAiF OF-9.png CAF CAiF OF-8.png CAF CAiF OF-7.png CAF CAiF OF-6.png CAF CAiF OF-5.png CAF CAiF OF-4.png CAF CAiF OF-3.png CAF CAiF OF-2.png CAF CAiF OF-1c.png CAF CAiF OF-1b.png CAF CAiF OF-1a.png
Lieutenant general
Major general
Brigadier general
سرهنگ دوم
Sarhang dovom
Lieutenant colonel
ستوان یکم
Sotvān yekom
First lieutenant
ستوان دوم
Sotvān dovom
Second lieutenant
ستوان سوم
Sotvān sevom
Third lieutenant
CAF CAiF OF-9 flag.png CAF CAiF OF-8 flag.png CAF CAiF OF-7 flag.png CAF CAiF OF-6 flag.png - - - - - - -


The Çakari Armed Forces are equipped with a diversity of equipment. During the Sylvanian National Awakening the unofficial armed forces had access to small equipment, mainly firearms and light vehicles. A large arsenal of weapons was given by the Emir of Arbor, weapons that came from Stormark. As the independence struggle progressed, they obtained more and more equipment from the Krasnocorian Armed Forces.

Immediately after independence, the state began building a military industry. For this purpose, already existing companies were placed under state control and new companies were established. Examples include Yurish Group and Rifle Factory Raoti.

After the annexation of Barikalus, much of the former Frankish equipment was incorporated into the arsenal. Through the second treaty with Batavia, other Frankish equipment was transferred to Çakaristan. With the annexation of Taka'atui, former equipment of the Thraci Confederation was transferred.

In 1731 AN, equipment was acquired from Sanpantul, including Ciric equipment. In the same year, two type aircraft were bought from the Sanaman Brightworks Mistra.