Republic of Vegno | |||
| |||
Motto: | |||
Anthem: | |||
![]() | |||
Map versions | 17.5.5 | ||
Capital | Cossa
(624.024 ab. /1705 AN) | ||
Official language(s) | Vegnian (related to Gaian language) | ||
Official religion(s) | |||
Demonym | Vegnese | ||
- Adjective | Vegnese | ||
Government | Semi-Presidential Republic | ||
- President | Mickey Lange Levati | ||
- Prime Minister | Marco Unno | ||
- Legislature | Assemblea Nazionale | ||
Establishment | 1705 AN | ||
Area | |||
Population | 3,983,664 (1718 AN) | ||
Active population | 12 | ||
Currency | Rino | ||
Calendar | |||
Time zone(s) | CMT +2 / +3 | ||
Mains electricity | |||
Driving side | Right | ||
Track gauge | |||
National website | |||
National forum | |||
National animal | Cormorant | ||
National food | Pizza | ||
National drink | |||
National tree | |||
Abbreviation | VEG |
Vegno (/ˈveɲɲo/), officially the Republic of Vegno, is an independent nation in the northeast of Apollonia. Vegno declared its independence in 1705 AN as a semi-presidential republic with the simultaneous composition of a constituent assembly to draft the first Constitution of Vegno. It is bordered to the north by the Northern Sea, to the west by Angsax and Lac Glacei, to the south by the isles of Norsmandy and to the east by the Strait of Pearls. The territory of Vegno consists of the mainland, the large island of Falange and the small islands of Falangina and Falangetta. The capital is located in the city of Cossa, overlooking the gulf of Cantor.
The Vegnian language is the autochthonous and the official language of Vegno; it is the first language of the majority of its people and it derives directly from Gaian language. Other languages spoken in the nation are Istvanistani, Interlandian (in Sancrus) and Tokish (in Port of Sails).
Vegno is a young but developed country, ranking very high in the Micras Democracy Index thanks to a well-defined institutional structure. After the 1707 Vegno Annexation Referendum, Vegno's population increased to almost 2.9 milion people, mainly of Caucasian ethnicity.
It is a member of the Micras Treaty Organization from 1706 AN and a founding member of the Organizzazione Internazionale della Lingua Gaianiana from 1707 AN.
Main article: History of Vegno
Birth of the Vegnese Republic
The Republic of Vegno was founded in 1705 AN with the drafting of the "Costituzione del Vegno" (Constitution of Vegno), signed by the seven members of the Constituent Assembly. Cossa was chosen as capital, since it was the largest city in Vegno, while the other big cities of Mhazar, Agropl, Murgione and Sancrus were named chief towns of their provinces.
The Constitution of the Republic of Vegno is the fundamental law of the State, which occupies the top of the hierarchy of sources in the legal system of the Republic: it is composed of 12 articles written and published in 12/1705 AN by the Seven Founding Fathers of the Constituent Assembly of Vegno.
The seven members of the constituent assembly were, at the time, the most important offices of the Republic of Vegno, pending the appointment of an official President and a Prime Minister; these members were: Salvatore Mancuso, Michelangelo Levati, Antonio Visciglia, Luca "Lo Zar" Zarrella, Marco Munno, Haldi Rinaldi and Peppe Freeda Cantore.
The National Unity Government
The first general elections were held in 1706 AN.
After the second round, Antonio Visciglia was elected as president with the support of Forza Vegno and Vegnese People's Party, in addition to his party.
Given the post-election situation and the need to lay the foundations of the nation, Visciglia urged the formation of a national unity government and appointed Luca "Lo Zar" Zarrella as the prime minister. The latter opened to an agreement with the first party of the parliament, the Vegnese Nationalist Party, also involving the other party remained, the ecologists of The Greens - Peppe Freeda. Each party got a seat in the cabinet and therefore the totality of parliament made up the majority.
On 1706.13 AN, following the favorable opinion of the Assemblea Nazionale, Visciglia ratified the General Membership Treaty and therefore Vegno officially joined Micras Treaty Organization.

1707 Internal Lands Referendum
Main article: 1707 Vegno's Internal Lands Annexation Referendum
During 1706 AN, the first year of independence and the formation of the Repubblica del Vegno, numerous requests were received by the population of the hinterland in wanting to become part of the Republic.
The initial territory of Vegno, declared independent in 1705 and recognized internationally in 1706, did not in fact include those areas between the current territory of Vegno and the neighboring Lac Glacei and Angsax, because they are too close to the latter and do not risk a diplomatic crisis.
After the international recognition of Vegno and after the Treaties between Vegno, Lac Glacei and Angsax, the populations of these territories have once again expressed their desire to become part of Vegno. The Government of Vegno then approved with a parliamentary motion in the early months of 1707, the institution by the government bodies of a referendum in the internal territories between Vegno, Lac Glacei and Angsax, to formalize the requests received from these cities.
At the end of the counting, despite considerable protests by a slice of the local population, the turnout was very large, even reaching 83% of those entitled to vote. The victory of the YES was overwhelming with 78% of the preferences, with the result that these territories officially become part of the Republic of Vegno, as part of previous regions or as totally new regions.
The Moderates Era
After the first government of National Unity and the annexation referendum, the subsequent political elections took the path of the solid Mancuso-Zarrella alliance.
The latter was elected for two consecutive times in the elections of 1709 and 1714 as President of the Republic and Forza Vegno first party of the country in both. The first Mancuso Cabinet, designated as Prime Minister by the President, had broad parliamentary support thanks to the PDC of ex-President Visciglia and comfortably managed to reach the end of his mandate by carrying out all the set objectives.
In the following elections the result was again in favor of the Zarrella-Mancuso alliance, who returned to the government again as President and Prime Minister, having however this time lost a lot in terms of consensus with as many as 10 fewer seats in parliament. The formation of the government was a little more complicated this time and once again had to rely on the support of Visciglia and his party, who had however lost even more consensus to the advantage of a revived Communist Party (+8%) and a newly formed Vegno Vivo by Haldi Rinaldi, capable of obtaining as much as 8% in the first election.
However, at the end the Zarrella-Mancuso-Visciglia government had sufficient parliamentary support to guarantee the government confidence with 81 votes in favor out of 150 but decidedly less solid than the previous one.
The 1716 Political Scandal
Main article: 1716 Vegno Political Scandal
The political scandal arose in the first months of 1716 when rumors of possible electoral fraud began to follow one another, promptly denied by both the ]President of the Republic Zarrella and the Prime Minister Mancuso, but ridden instead by the leaders of the opposition. About mid-1716 AN the leader of the PNV in parliament Marco M. Unno, at the urging of the party secretary Lèvati, resigned from parliament, together with all 24 other deputies of the PNV, with the intention of creating a real own instability within parliament and politics.
The media resonance given by this gesture initiated by the PNV and then closely followed by the other opposition parties (I Verdi and the PC) in the following weeks, was sensational: the most well-known Vegnese newspapers and television in fact immediately began to exaggerate the news of an electoral fraud during the 1714 elections, although not officially confirmed by any source.
However, the investigations by the Court of Cossa began a few weeks after the news leaked and saw all the majority parties investigated in the first instance: FV, PPV and PDC.

The rise of the Right-wing
Following the electoral scandal of 1716, as already widely predicted by the media, the historical moderate parties lost a lot of support in the elections of late 1716 and for the first time in history we saw a landslide victory of the far-right party PNV which took power of the government jointly with the PF.
The right-wing government that has taken power promotes a series of policies aimed at restoring order and stability in the country after the electoral scandal that has shaken public opinion. The PNV leader Mickey Lange Levati introduced reforms to ensure the integrity of the electoral system and the transparency of the elections. There will be stricter rules for the funding of political parties, the protection of voter privacy, and the use of advanced technologies to monitor electoral operations. Secondly, the government has adopted policies aimed at strengthening the country's economy and this includes reducing corporate taxes, attracting foreign investment, simplifying bureaucracy and implementing policies to encourage SME growth; it is also focused on national security, strengthening law enforcement, increasing border controls and adopting a restrictive policy on illegal immigration and increasing investment in advanced technologies for surveillance and crime prevention. Also the more military-intention of the new right-government has worried a lot the opposition parties, whose importance in the political framework has decreased a lot.
According to the Vegnese Ministry of Culture, the term "Vegno" derives from gaian "Regno", whose meaning is kingdom.
This theory is supported by historical documents according to which the first settlers suffered from rhotacism. A well-known legend within the nation tells that the first settler who set foot off the coast of Cossa exclaimed: "Questo savà il nostvo Vegno!" ("This will be our kingdom!"), mispronouncing the term "Regno". Although the nation was configured over time as a republic, the name did not change.
The term was also associated with money, friendship and the welfare of the nation for unknown reasons.
Vegno lies on the north-eastern shores of Apollonia, immediately across the Strait of Pearls, which separates the Apollonian continent from Keltia, between 30° and 40° E and 60° and 70° N. Average elevation reaches only 50 metres in the internal regions and the country's highest point are the Campoasciutto and Largoprato hills. There are 6,794 kilometres of coastline marked by numerous bays, straits, and inlets. There are three islands in the Northern Sea that belong to Vegno: the islands of Falange, Falangina and Falangetta, which represent three autonomous regions of Vegno. The island of Falange is the biggest one and contains the big city of Sancrus, inhabitated by almost 400,000 people; this region was officialy connected to the mainland of Vegno and Apollonnia by the Strait of Vegno bridge ("Ponte sullo Stretto di Vegno").
There are many rivers in the country. The longest of them are the Marmo (162 km), Pepe (144 km), and Cumpor (135 km). Forest land covers 35% of Vegno and the most common tree species are pine, spruce and birch.
Vegno is considered as a peninsula, surrounded on North, East and South by the Northern Sea and the Strait of Pearls, and it's bordered by only one country to its west side, which is Lac Glacei.
Vegno is situated in the northern part of the globe and in the transition zone between maritime and continental climate. The climate is more continental in the western part of the country and more maritime in the south-eastern part, especially in the region of South Coast and its cities Murgione and Porto di Vele. Vegno has four seasons of near-equal length and the average temperatures range from 17.8 °C on the islands to 18.4 °C on the southern coasts in July, the warmest month, and from −1.4 °C on the islands to 1,2 °C inland in February, the coldest month. The average annual temperature in Vegno is almost 6.4 °C while annual average precipitation is 662 mm. The duration of sunshine is highest in coastal areas and lowest inland in northern Vegno.
Main article: Politics of Vegno
Vegno is a Semi-Presidential Democratic Republic, in which the Parliament, the Assemblea Nazionale, and the President of the Republic are the two istitution to hold the representation of the popular will. Vegnese parliament is elected by citizens over 18 years of age for a five-year term by a mixed proportional and majority representation. Assemblea Nazionale's responsibilities include approval and preservation of the national government, passing legal acts, passing the state budget, and conducting parliamentary supervision.
The Government of Vegno is formed by the Prime Minister of Vegno at recommendation of the President, and approved by the Parliament. The government, headed by the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic, represent the political leadership of the country and carry out domestic and foreign policy. Ministers head ministries and represent its interests in the government. Vegno has always been ruled by coalition governments because no party has been able to obtain an absolute majority in the parliament.
The head of the state is the President of the Republic who is elected by the population in the general elections. The President proclaims the laws passed in the parliament, and has right to refuse proclamation and return law in question for a new debate and decision. The President also represents the country in international relations.
State Ordering
The Constitution of the Republic of Vegno, approved and promulgated by the Constituent Assembly (provisional highest office of the state) in 12/1705, is the fundamental law of the state.
The major institutions are:
- Parliament: consists of Assemblea Nazionale ("National Assembly"), exercises legislative power and votes for confidence in the Government.
- President of the Republic: he is the head of state and represents national unity; he is elected by the citizens according to the norms of the constitution and appoints the Prime Minister and, upon his proposal, the ministers. He can dissolve Parliament.
- The Government: exercises executive power, is composed of the Prime Minister and the ministers, who form the Council of Ministers.
- The Judiciary: exercises judicial power (both investigating and judging) and is independent from any other power, autonomous and governed by the Superior Council of the judiciary.
The political general elections in Vegno generally take place every five years, when a legislature is over, and are actually regulated by the Vegno electoral law, the Rinaldellum, that provides a mixed majority-proportional system for Parliament and a run-off between the two most voted candidates for the election of the President of the Republic.
The first-ever general elections took place in 1706 AN and saw the election as of Antonio Visciglia as the first President of the Republic, who appointed Luca Zarrella as Prime Minister to form the first Government, which was a national-unity government, involving all the vegnese parties. In the other elections the situation changed and Luca Zarrella was elected as President, forming for two consecutive times two moderate governments with Shalva Mancuso's Partito Popolare Vegnese and Partito Democratico Costituzionale.
Foreign relations
Main article: Foreign relations of Vegno
Vegno is a member of the Micras Treaty Organization and a founding member, together with Cisamarra and Tellia, of the Organizzazione Internazionale della Lingua Gaianiana.
Between 1706 AN and 1707 AN, Vegno signed treaties with other countries of Micras, such as Sanama, Lac Glacei, the Confederation of the Phineonesian Nations, Cisamarra, Angsax, Hurmu, Meckelnburgh and Krasnovlac. Cossa is home to the embassies district, a neighborhood where foreign diplomatic offices have been built.
Human and civil rights
Every person is equal before the law and is entitled to the equal protection of the law without discrimination. Torture is a crime and law punishes anyone who, using serious violence or threats, or acting with cruelty, causes acute physical suffering or a verifiable psychological trauma to a person who is deprived of his freedom or is entrusted to the person’s custody, parental authority, supervision, control, care, or assistance, or who is in a situation of diminished defense. No crime is punishable by death.
In 1707 AN, the Assemblea Nazionale approved the Abortion Law, which allows women to end their pregnancy within the twenty-fourth week in public facilities without paying any cost. Women are not asked to give any reason to have an abortion.
Same-sex marriages are not recognized, but there is an internal debate on the issue.
Administrative divisions
With Legge 2 1706 "Territorial powers and establishment of the Regions", the Government established the creation of eleven Regioni (Regions), which became fourteen with the 1707 Vegno Annexation Referendum, with their respective capitals.
This territorial distribution also represents greater autonomy on the part of the individual territories, slightly decentralizing the power of the central government. These powers assigned concern in particular health care, local public order and a part of the territorial economy. Each region has a Regional Council, composed of 30 members, elected proportionally in the Regional elections, that take place every 5 years
N° | Name | Capital |
1 | Cossa | Cossa |
2 | South Coast | Murgione |
3 | Largoprato | Scanzata |
4 | Bassovento | Panoli |
5 | Compare | Pescevilla |
6 | Mhazar-Campoasciutto | Mhazar |
7 | Buonriposo | Crati |
8 | Caponord | Agropl |
9 | Falange | Sancrus |
10 | Falangina | Monsaltus |
11 | Falangetta | Extremum |
12 | Ponente | Villamagna |
13 | Badia | Lamino |
14 | Pelago | Taurasi |
Year | Pop. | ±% |
1705 AN | 2,876,120 | — |
1709 AN | 3,172,223 | +10.3% |
1718 AN | 3,983,664 | +25.6% |
The population of Vegno is around 3,000,000, giving the country a quite hig density of population. The majority of the people live in urban areas and cities, with 60% of the population living in the most populous cities, while 35% live in rural areas.
Vegno has a high life expectancy, with the male life expectancy almost 77 years and female 79, however, with the sharp rise in medical technology, it is growing up. Unlike other states in Apollonia, the population has clearly grown in recent years since the independence of Vegno and from the data it is thought that in the coming years the population could quickly reach 5 million.
Since the last surveys carried out in 1718 AN, the population has had a clear growth, above all in the capital and in the large cities, both thanks to an increase in the birth rate certified by the University of Cossa, and thanks to an increase in the immigration of citizens from other countries, especially from the continent of Apollonia.
Largest cities
The first big cities in Vegno were the capital Cossa, the mainlad centre of Mhazar and the Falange island capital of Sancrus. After the 1707 Vegno Annexation Referendum, the cities of Lamino, Taurasi, Villamagna and Crati become part of the nation, expanding a lot the population and the area of Vegno.
Cossa is the capital city of Vegno. It is the most populous city in the nation and the seat of the main institutional bodies, such as the presidential palace, the seat of the government and the seat of the Assemblea Nazionale. The city has a large port and is served by the only intercontinental airport, the Aeroporto Internazionale di Cossa (VECO). Cossa is also the main financial, industrial, and cultural centre of Vegno, mainly due to its geographical position within the state. The other two main cities in Vegno are Mhazar and Sancrus: Mhazar is the second largest city of Vegno and also the second largest city in the central region. The city is especially known for its football tradition represented by the two official teams playing in the Campionato Vegnese di Calcio. As regards travelling, the main way to go in the other zone of Vegno is by train; the “Stazione Centrale di Mhazar” is where the so-called "FrecciaArancio" high-speed trains depart to all Vegno’s continental cities.
Sancrus is the largest city in the north. It is located on the island of Falange, the largest island in the northern archipelago. The city has the most important fishing port of Vegno. Secondary to fishing, the University of Sancrus is a center for Arctic research. Many cultural activities take place in Teatro Casalnuovo, including concerts by the Vegnese National Orchestra and operas. Moreover, Sancrus is the seat of the Festival di Sancrus, officially the Vegnese Song Festival (vegnian: Festival della canzone vegnese), the most popular Vegnese song contest and awards ceremony. Aeroporto Sancrus-Falange "Stella del Nord" (VESF) is located in the city.
Largest settlements of Vegno | ||||||||
City | Region | Population | ![]() Cossa ![]() Mhazar |
City | Region | Population | ||
1 | Cossa | Region of Cossa | 624,024 | 11 | Pescevilla | Compare | 41,023 | |
2 | Mhazar | Mhazar-Campoasciutto | 420,845 | 12 | Capolanza | Ponente | 37,012 | |
3 | Sancrus | Falange | 389,456 | 13 | Agropl | Caponord | 28,982 | |
4 | Taurasi | Pelago | 373,315 | 14 | Voma | Ponente | 21,392 | |
5 | Villamagna | Ponente | 369,823 | 15 | Reccetta | Mhazar-Campoasciutto | 20,092 | |
6 | Crati | Buonriposo | 340,574 | 16 | Quattromiglia | Region of Cossa | 19,739 | |
7 | Lamino | Badia | 78,323 | 17 | Belvedere | South Coast | 18,101 | |
8 | Scanzata | Largoprato | 62,032 | 18 | Castel Padaro | Mhazar Campoasciutto | 17,299 | |
9 | Panoli | Bassovento | 59,324 | 19 | Gimbrone | Pelago | 17,693 | |
10 | Murgione | South Coast | 53,298 | 20 | Stombi | Buonriposo | 17,598 |
Main article: Science and technology in Vegno
The Vegnese Space Agency (VSA; Vegnian: Agenzia Spaziale Vegnese) is a government agency established in 1706 AN to fund, regulate and coordinate space exploration activities in Vegno. The agency doesn't have any active missions yet.
The Sistema Sanitario Vegnese (SSV) ("Vegnese National Health Service") is a universalistic public system which, as established by the Constitution of Vegno, guarantees the right to health and health care for all citizens, financed through general taxation and direct revenues, received by local health companies, deriving from health tickets (i.e. the shares with which the assisted contributes to the costs) and paid services.
After the approval of the Legge 3/1706 AN, Vegno embraced nuclear energy policy and has planned the construction of a nuclear power plant in Buonriposo.
The first Nuclear power plant in Vegno was completed at the end of 1712 AN, after almost 7 years from the beginning of the works. The inauguration took place at the beginning of 1713, with an important ceremony, which was not lacking in protests from environmentalists and exponents of the I Verdi party. However, putting the reactor into operation brings immediate benefits to the nation, consolidating the country's energy self-sufficiency.
Vegno's official language is Vegnian, as stated by the Constitution. In addition to Vegnian, the most widely spoken languages within the nation are Istvanistani, which is studied in schools as a second language, and Interlandian, spoken on the island of Falange. Other languages, such as Swnndyrroshul, Toketospul, and Storish, are spoken by the Swnndyrrr minority residing in the city of Port of Sails.
The most popular sport in Vegno is football and is regulated by the Federazione Calcistica del Vegno (FCV) ("Vegnese Football Federation"), which oversees the 3 professional football leagues in Vegno (Lega A, Lega B and Lega C) and the first non-professional league (Lega D).
Vegno's national football team represents the micronation in the Micras football competition; it's ranked 22th in the FMF Elo Micras Rankings and it's a member of the AEFA. It will participate for the first time in international competition for the 2023 FMF World cup qualification through the 2023 season, after a series of friendlies arranged in 2022 to prepare the team for the World cup qualifications.
Vegno's top-flight club football league is named Lega A and is followed by millions of fans around the world. The first national championship was won by AS Virtus Glovetese, from the city of Mhazar, rating them the first "Champion of Vegno", while the national cup (The Bonfire Cup) was won by Sancrus FC, who won also the first edition of the Supercoppa Vegnese, making them the most successful club in the country with 2 trophies lifted.
Vegnese clubs partecipated for the first time in AEFA Official competitions in the 2022-23 season, with AS Virtus Glovetese and Sancrus FC playing in the 2022–23 AEFA Champion's League: Sancrus managed to qualify 1st in its group, reaching for the first time in history the knock-out stage, while Glovetese's been eliminated in the group stage because of the goal difference.
The Vegnese Basketball Association is the only professional basketball league in the country.
Motorsports are also extremely popular in Vegno. Vegnese Scuderia Sburo Deliziosa FM Team is the one of the first Formula Micras teams, having started the first Formula Micras World Championship, a world championship run by Micras Federation of Motorsport, born from the oldest Vegnese Federation of Motorsport. The Vegnese Grand Prix of Formula Micras is one of the most important events of the championship, having been held since the first season and being the opening race fo the year. Every "Vegnese" Formula Micras Grand Prix has been held at the Cossa Street Circuit, but Vegno is also going to host another GP (the "Campoasciutto Grand Prix"), which is held at the Autodromo Nazionale di Mhazar.
Main article: Vegnese Armed Forces
The Vegnese Armed Forces consist of land forces, navy, and air force. A fourth branch of the armed forces, known as the Gendarmi, take on the role as the nation's military police. There is no compulsory draft, although some parties of the current government push for its introduction. The nation does not currently cooperate with any other foreign state from a military point of view.
The only military operation carried out by the armed forces was the Securing of Nation in 1705 AN, when the army guaranteed the defense of the territory while the constituent assembly met for the foundation of the Republic. There were no protests during this event and the military's task was limited to patrolling the main streets of the capital and thwart any terrorist attacks.
The armed forces swear allegiance to the head of state and the constitution.
The Vegnese Rino is the official currency of Vegno; it's divided into "CantoRino" and its multiple banknotes "Rinaldone".
The Minimum Wage Act of 1707 AN established that the minimum wage of an employee is 5.33 Rino per hour.
The services sector in Vegno is the largest industry in terms of its contribution to the country's GDP. It mainly consists of transportation, telecommunications, and banking sub-sectors. The industry sector deals in the production of chemical products, textiles, machinery, equipment, electronics, oil shale energy, and timber. Heavy industry is highly developed in the north west of the country, while the east coast is renowned for the production of dyes.
Despite the cool climate, a variety of food crops are grown, such as potatoes, turnips, carrots, cabbage, kale, and cauliflower. However, agriculture accounts for only a small part of GDP.
The government is lately aiming to develop the tourism industry, establishing international relationships to grant visa-free travel to foreign citizens. The most popular destinations seem to be Cossa, the capital city, Murgione, as a summer destination, and Sancrus, due to its peculiarities.
Main article: Transport in Vegno
The most used means of transport in Vegno is certainly the car, exploited within the highway network, which has been highly developed in recent years; it consists of three main highways: A1, A2 and A3, while other routes are already planned to be built in the next years, especially after the enlargment of Vegno after the 1707 Vegno Annexation Referendum. On road signs, autostrade destinations are shown in blue.
The A1 connects the cities Murgione and Agropl, it's called Grande Autostrada and it's already planned an enlargment to Sancrus through the Strait of Vegno bridge. The A2 on the other hand is called Piccola Autostrada and goes from Murgione to Mhazar, while the last actual opened highway is the A3 and connects Cossa to Agropl, nicknamed Autostrada del Mare.
As regard train lines, the Ferrovie Statali Vegnesi is the main statal company that manages the train transports. The major trains stations are the Stazione Centrale di Mhazar, the Santa Maria Novella of Crati and recently the Vecchia Stazione of Sancrus, that became a lor more important thanks to the Vegno bridge, hosting a train line too.
Mereover there are only two airports in Vegno: the Aeroporto Internazionale di Cossa (VECO), which is the only intercontinental airport at the moment and the most used in the country, while the Aeroporto Sancrus-Falange "Stella del Nord" (VESF) is located in the city of Sancrus, but hosts only national flights. Before the construction of the Strait of Vegno bridge the Sancrus airport was the only way to connect the island-region of Falange, except for ships, and was a lot more used than in the recent years, when the main way to arrive in the island is by car or train.