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Eleventh Senate

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The eleventh Senate of the Lakes was elected in 1718 and entered office on 1.I.1719. On 17.XIII.1720, it became a permanent Senate.


Seat No Portrait Coat of Arms Name Birth Death Took seat Faction Comment
1 Linaomiai.png Li naomiai coa.png Li Naomiai Avon-El 1627 Michaelion 1719 (1.I.1719) United Chancellor (Presiding officer)
2 1715 Enkhjargal al-Osman.jpeg Ghawetkiin Enkhjargal 1672 Ghawlama 1719 (1.I.1719) Humanist
3 KarelKyle03.jpg Vinandygroot.png Karel des Vinandy 1676 's Koningenwaarde 1719 (1.I.1719) Conservative
4 JayaPrabhu.jpg Jaya Prabhu 1676 1719 (1.I.1719) Conservative
5 SaurabhFarrah.jpg Saurabh Farrah 1680 1719 (1.I.1719) Conservative
6 Mondoseal.svg Coat of arms of Etzeland.svg Mondo Etzeterra Unknown 1719 (1.I.1719) United
7 Jamshid-e Osman.jpeg Jamshid-e Osman 1665 Raspur 1720 1719–1720 Humanist Killed on 24.II.1720.
Royaalosman.jpeg Roya al-Osman 1686 1720 (24.II.1720) Humanist Inherited the seat from Jamshid-e Osman
8 Khoga Checheyigen.jpeg Khoga Checheyigen 1669 1719 (1.I.1719) Humanist
9 Senatrix Isabella III Güntherdohtor Merrick.jpeg House of Merrick CoA.png Isabella III Güntherdohtor Merrick 1686 1719 (1.I.1719) Humanist
10 Fahime Jafarnejad.jpeg Fahime Jafarnejad 1686 1719 (1.I.1719) Humanist
11 Asmilaavonel.jpeg Asmila Avon-El 1690 1719 (1.I.1719) United
12 Ichiro.jpeg Varmland coa.png Ichirō of Varmland 1693 1719 (1.I.1719) United Commander
13 Rosamund.png Rosamund al-Osman Primo de Aguilar 1673 1719 (1.I.1719) Humanist
14 Sackhcham Kapudia 1681 1719 (1.I.1719) Conservative
15 Catherine wythe.png Catherine wythe coa (2).png Catherine Wythe 1689 1719 (1.I.1719) United
16 Aliande.jpeg Laegel coa.png Aliande, Lady Laegel 1654 Erudition 1719 Huyenkula 1704–1719 Verionist Assassinated 22.XIV.1719
Sirithillaegel.jpeg Laegel coa.png Sirithil, Lady Laegel 1698 Erudition 1719 (22.XIV.1719) Verionist Inherited the seat from Aliande
17 Milo enujohanenion.jpeg Milo Enujohanenion 1650 1720 1716–1720 United Killed during the Battle of the Palace of the Elenaran on 1.I.1720.
Anastasia.jpg Anastasia 1674 68 AN years 1720 (2.I.1720) United Inherited the seat from Milo Enujohanenion
18 Yahyanahjahanbani.png Yahyanah Jahanbani 1677 1720 1719–1720 United Killed on 1.I.1720 during the Battle of the Palace of the Elenaran.
Utas.png File:Utas coa.png Utas Ayreon-Kalirion 1683 59 AN years) 1720 (2.I.1720) United Inherited the seat from Yahyanah Jahanbani

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