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Sixth Senate

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Senate 1690–1695

Senator List/Fraction Comment
Ardashir Babakan-e Osman Humanist
Catarina de Todos los Santos u-Kart Ayreonist
Daniyal al-Osman Humanist Prime Minister of Hurmu
Ellen Aarevalla Traditionalist Wife of Jan Spiik
Jamshid-e Osman Humanist
Jan Spiik Traditionalist Plenipotentiary of the Senate
former Prime Minister
Husband of Ellen Aarevalla
Li Naomiai Traditionalist
Pador u-Germask Ayreonist
Patrik Djupvik Traditionalist

Acts of the Senate

An act of the senate is any notable deed or decision it has performed, this includes significant policy decisions, the reception of foreign dignitaries, and the endorsement of bills and petitions received from the lower house of Parlerment.


Date Received Type Subject Outcome of Deliberations Date Concluded
9.IV.1691 AN Treaty Ratification of the Treaty between Hurmu and Alduria-Wechua Concluded 10.IV.1691 AN
17.III.1691 AN Reception Accreditation Ceremony for the Ambassador of Çakaristan Concluded 17.III.1691 AN
22.II.1691 AN Treaty Ratification of the Treaty between Hurmu and New Batavia Concluded 22.II.1691 AN
22.XII.1690 AN Treaty Ratification of the Treaty between Hurmu and Çakaristan Concluded 8.XIII.1690 AN
20.VIII.1690 AN Requisition
  • A Requisition from the Minister for Police and Security:
    • Quantity 1,200 beaver-fur caps;
    • Quantity 1,200 waxed-denim single-breasted tunics (navy blue);
    • Quantity 2,400 leather riding boots (brown);
    • Quantity 2,400 woollen trousers (black);
    • Quantity 4,800 shirts (white);
    • Quantity 4,800 pairs of socks (black);
    • The services of ten tailors and their seamstress assistants for a period of two Norton years (renewable);
    • The services of one inspector of horses, one chief veterinarian, and twenty stable-hands for a period of two Norton years (renewable);
    • One sea-worthy trading barque and crew under a reliable captain;
    • Quantity 4,800 Amokolian horses;
    • Quantity 1,200 truncheons of the Elw type;
    • Quantity 1,200 police pattern cutlasses;
    • Quantity 1,200 M1689 service pistol (9×19mm);
    • Quantity 1,050 M1686 police rifle (7.62×67mmB);
    • Quantity 150 M1591(R) marksman rifle (7.62×67mmB);
    • A drawable line of credit for 74,520,000 Craitish Cräite to cover wages and expenses for one Norton year (renewable).
Approved 01.I.1691 AN
4.VI.1690 AN Reception Accreditation Ceremony for the Ambassador of Sanama Concluded 4.VI.1691 AN


The Senate has several committees of which constellations of two or more senators meet more regularly on specific matters.

Committee for Foreign Affairs

Committee for National Security

Committee for the Order of the Holy Lakes