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Malliki Castanucci Nur Pinito

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Malliki Castanucci Nur Pinito
Senator of the Lakes
Tenure began 1.III.1734 AN (6 AN years)
Senatorial positions Minister of Justice and Attorney General (1734– )
Senate(s) Thirteenth Senate
Elected 1733
Physical description
Biographical information
Father Letifer Maliho Nur Pinito
Mother Maria Castanucci
Spouse(s) Kiss Alexandra Isabella Niit n Taag Prutt

Sanne Ellen Alexandra Niit n Taag Nur Pinito
Isabella Leena Niit n Taag Nur Pinito (1732– )

Malliki Ozymandias Niit n Taag Nur Pinito (1735– )
Date of birth 1699 AN (aged 41 AN years)