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Senate Seat 16

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Senate Seat 16 is a seat in the Eleventh and Twelfth Senates of the Lakes, created on 1.I.1718.


Seat No Portrait Coat of Arms Name Birth Death Tenure Faction Comment
16 Aliande.jpeg Laegel coa.png Aliande, Lady Laegel 1654 Erudition 1719 Huyenkula 1704–1719 (15 years) Verionist Assassinated 22.XIV.1719
Sirithillaegel.jpeg Sirithil, Lady Laegel 1698 Erudition 1719–1730 (22.XIV.1719–12.XIII.1730; 11 years) Verionist Inherited the seat from Aliande
Deiniol.png Calbion coat of arms.png Daniel Torismonion Verion de Montfort 1698 Minas Aullarion, Icefire, Cimmeria 1730– (12.XIII.1730) Verionist