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Republic of the Netherlands
Republiek der Nederlanden
Prinsenvlag.gif United Provinces -- (2008-2010) -- Islamic Internet Republic Islamicinternetrepublic.gif
Flag of Netherlands
Coat of Arms of Netherlands
Coat of Arms
Motto: Vrede, Vrijheid, Verdraagzaamheid
(Peace, Freedom, Tolerance)
Anthem: Gebed voor het Vaderland
(Prayer for the Fatherland)
Location of Netherlands
Map versions 14.0.0-14.6.4
Capital Brussels
Largest city Antwerp, Ghent
Official language(s) Dutch
Official religion(s)
Demonym Dutch
 - Adjective Dutch
Government parliamentary democracy
 - President Saladin
 - Prime Minister Frans
 - Legislature National Assembly
Establishment January 14, 2007
Currency florijn
Abbreviation NED
Mains electricity
Driving side
Track gauge
Time zone(s) CMT + 6
National website defunct
National forum defunct
National animal lion
National food carbonade flamande
National drink
National tree

The Republic of the Nederlands (Republiek der Nederlanden) is the successor state of the Virtual United Provinces.

The nation was on Micras from September 21st, 2009 to November 20th, 2011. One of its successor states, New Batavia, was on Micras from October 31st, 2020 onwards.


Floris V, first Prime Minister of the Republic of the Netherlands
See also: Timeline of New Batavia

The federal system of the Virtual United Provinces proved to be unworkable, largely due to the low levels of population of the provinces and territories, forcing the central authorities to assume more and more power. On June 11th, 2008, the provinces ratified a new constitution, thereby establishing a unitary state under the name of the Republic of the Netherlands (Republiek der Nederlanden).

The Republic was threatened by several existential crises. Not only did Flemish president Hieronymus Erasmus issue a declaration of annexation, apparently without the backing of his government and with little seriousness (see Breda Crisis). More fundamentally, there was the issue of the country's tendency towards inactivity. This has often been attributed to the country's lack of distinct identity viz-à-viz Flanders and Batavia.

There also grew other tensions, especially between Frans and Nihill Romez and their respective parties the Patriotic Alliance and Fresxa Komenci. Not only did Frans accuse Romez of neglecting the use of the country's national wiki, thereby abandoning, in Frans' view, the second founding principle of the country (besides federalism, which had already been abandoned previously), he considered the nation to be lacking seriousness and referred to it as a 'banana republic'.

After a turbulent period, the nation was renamed to Islamic Internet Republic in an attempt by Saladin to oust Nihill Romez and create a more distinct identity in the Dutch sector.


The Republic of the Netherlands was a parliamentary democracy, with a unitary legislature: the National Assembly (Nationale Vergadering). The title of the head-of-state was Voorzitter van de Republiek (President, or, more literally, Chairman of the Republic), who would appoint a Prime Minister as head-of-government. The Supreme Court was maintained. There were several court cases, often on the constitutionality of laws or certain actions. This amounted to the antagonism between Frans and Nihill Romez, which would eventually lead to the nation's demise.


NEVO logo

A micronational economy was orginally set up in the era of the First Republic. The country's currency was orginally named "florijn". The establishment of the Dutch Treaty Organization made international trade possible within the Dutch sector.

There were several thriving companies:

  • Wikidizaain VAR
  • Bataafse Gazet


Attempts were made to promote soccer in the Netherlands, though not very successful. The Netherlands national football team participated in the 2010 FMF World Cup qualifications, but finished at the bottom of their group.