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Kir Azariah Vidar

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Kir Azariah Vidar
Kir Azariah Vidar.1688.png
Full name Kir Azariah Vidar Ayreon-Kalirion of Waffel-Paine
AKA Prince Kir
Physical information
Species Human
Gender Male
Hair color and style Dark Brown
Eye color Blue
Skin color White
Biographical information
Father Kaiser Ayreon IV
Mother Isidora IV of Octavius-Teleni
Spouse Kataoka Yukiji (b. 1667; m. 1692)

Ichirō (b. 1693)
Jirō (b. 1695)

Enhei (b. 1697)
Date of birth 24.I.1667 (aged 75)
Place of birth Raynor's Keep
Residence(s) Palace of Whales
Nationality Shireroth, Natopian, Hurmu
Allegiance(s) Whales, Natopia, Hurmu
Occupation Prince of Whales, Prince of Shireroth

Kir Azariah Vidar (né Ayreon-Kalirion ibn al-Majeed al-Osman bin Sathrati of Waffel-Paine) is a Shirerithian prince and Natopian nobleman. Since 1688, he is the Prince of Whales. In Hurmu, he is a knight of the Holy Lakes, and elected to the Senate in 1701 for the Ayreonist List.

In 1685, Arkadius IV of Batavia, during the Amokolian Revolution, abdicated the title and power of the King of Amokolia to Kir, and Kir was thus confirmed by the rump Parliament of West Amokolia. After the Elwynnese-appointed Commission for the Integration of Amokolia, having assumed the daily affairs of the government of West Amokolia, publicly shamed the young man, Kir abdicated the Amokolian throne without leaving a successor. He asked the new constituent assembly (to be elected in the coming year) to decide upon the future direction of the country. He stated that he was "no Amokolian," and, addressing the Amokolian nation, had "no right to make decisions on your behalf; no, the decision on the future of your country is yours alone". He then set off for the Two Martyrs where he vowed to devote himself to physical and mental exercise, and to the establishment of order and good government there.

A member of the Shirerithian Imperial Family, he is the oldest sibling of Kaiseress Salome, the heir-presumptive of Shireroth, and member of the Imperial Family of Shireroth. He is the son of Kaiser Ayreon IV and the Imperial Mother (then titled Imperial Concubine) Lady Isidora IV of Octavius-Teleni. His twin is Kian Aiomide Shahnaz. He also has a younger brother, Prince Rubin Leonid Orientalis.

On his 25th birthday, 24.I.1692, he assumed the government of the Principality of Whales and dismissed the Regent with thanks for her services. A few weeks later, in a secret ceremony, he married Kataoka Yukiji. This only became known in 1693.


  • Wife: Yukiji née Kataoka (born 1667, married 1692).
  • Children:

Wedding scandal / Conflict with Salome

{{{1}}} This article or section is a work in progress. The information below may be incomplete, outdated, or subject to change.

With the world ablaze, yet once again (Elwynn in a civil war, Eura in another war), the Kaiseress, Kir's elder sister, saw fit to cement Shireroth's relations with the new complex monarchy in Drak-Modan. One of the co-monarchs of Drak-Modan, John Hilding Waffel-Paine, is the step brother of both Kir and Salome through John's father Emperor Nathan II's marriage with Kir and Salome's father Kaiser Ayreon IV. Despite this relationship on a near sibling level, the governments of Drak-Modan and Shireroth had had a complicated relationship on a governmental level. Salome, in the midst of the crises in the world, was determined to fix this.

At the same time, Salome saw that her brother Kir remained unmarried. This was something she wished to change. As she herself had no ambition of getting married or having offspring, her brother Kir would therefore be the heir-presumptive. As such, it was imperative that Kir had a suitable marriage that would bring offspring to secure the line to the kaisership.

Killing two birds in a stone, so to speak, Salome invited the Co-Monarchs of Drak-ModanJohn Hilding Waffel-Paine and Loki Drakspunk – as well as the exiled Natopian princess, Lisa Drak & Waffel-Paine, recently adopted to the Drak-Modani royal family, to Montran, on a private and low-key visit. After two days of familiar unity and games and fun, as well as some discussions on Benacian security issues, the Kaiseress broke the peace with proposing a marriage between her brother, Prince Kir, and Princess Lisa. Although Lisa was taken aback by this proposal, the Co-Kings were happily surprised, and saw it as furthering the relationship between the Benacian branches of Ayreon-Kalirion, Drak, and Waffel-Paine. Natopia's rejection of Drak-Modani theology would face a blow here, as Shireroth would become closer aligned with Drak-Modan. At the same time, the Co-Monarchs surmised, Drak-Modan was becoming increasingly isolated on the international arena, even by other Raspur Pact partners. This marriage would surely be one to bring some further respect to the Drak-Modani sovereignty and royal family.

The Co-Kings and Princess Lisa returned to Drak-Modan without giving an answer to Salome's proposal. A few weeks later, the Drak-Modani ambassador at Raynor's Keep confirmed to the Kaiseress Princess Lisa's acceptance to the proposal. Salome was much pleased, and arranged for the two to meet a while later at Raynor's Keep.

Princess Lisa having arrived before Kir, Kir was surprised to see Princess Lisa at the Keep.

"Cousin Lisa!" he exclaimed and embraced her. It was at this point that Lisa understood that Salome had not discussed this matter with Prince Kir. She remained quiet, however, it might after all have been that she was mistaken. She embraced her cousin back, "Cousin Kir, how lovely to see you again. I look forward to being much closer to you in the future."

"As do I" replied Kir.

The Kaiseress took Kir aside and told him plainly what she expected of him. Kir's face turned pale as a lich's.

"I can't," he told her. "I really can't. I was planning to tell you this earlier, but I am already married, and my wife is expecting a child. It's about to come in a few weeks. That's what I wanted to talk to you about."

Salome, showing no emotion, told Kir that he had to divorce his wife and disown the child. She then returned to Lisa with Kir, and told them both that the marriage was to go ahead as soon as possible. Salome suggested two weeks from that day's date, to allow dignitaries to arrive and attend the marriage.

Kir apologised profusely to Lisa, and told her the truth. He had not known anything of these plans, he was already married, and he was expecting a child. It would be impossible for him to marry her. His love for her, moreover, he told her very clearly, was not the love a husband feels for a wife.

Kir and Salome tried speaking this through the following hours, but it was clear that the Lisa–Kir marriage was not going to fall through. More seriously, Salome felt that Kir had shamed her and the kaisership. Firstly, Kir had married without permission. Secondly, he had married without notification (which in a way, in Salome's view, was a positive thing, as that marriage could easily be nullified and forgotten). Thirdly, he had defied a direct order from his Kaiseress. Fourthly, he shamed and embarrassed her infront of a foreign monarchy. Fifthly, he refused to rectify his mistake by disowning his wife and coming child.

Kir refused to discuss the matter and flew furiously back to Whales to be with his wife, Kataoka Yukiji.

Around the same time, Kaiseress Salome excluded him from the order of succession to the Golden Mango Throne and removed him from his peerage and seat in the Landsraad.

In late 1698, Kir travelled to Shirekeep with his wife and three children on the invitation of his brother Prince Rubin. His wife and children were formally introduced to the Kaiseress, and Kir petitioned the Kaiseress to reinstate him and his children in the Order of Succession and to take up his wife and children in the Imperial Family. In response, Salome admitted his children (but not his wife) into the Imperial Family, bestowed upon them titles of Prince(ss) of Shireroth, and inscribed their names in the Order of Succession (after Rubin and his children, however). In the same decree, Salome called Kir's children "illegitimate". Kir was infuriated by this backhanded compliment of sorts, and immediately told Salome that she had to recognise his children as legitimate, his marriage as legitimate, and restore him as the heir-presumptive to the Kaisership. "You are disrespecting our father's legacy!" he shouted in affect to his sister. She did not respond. The next day, it became clear that Kir had outstayed his welcome. He and his family returned to Whales, and he removed Salome from the position of lady in Zauberförde, instead passing it on to his twin, Kian. It had also become clear to Kir that Kian was doomed, by the will of the sister-matriarch, to a life of reclusiveness and lovelessness just because she was biologically unable to reproduce. Salome was a biggot, and needed to be punished for it.

"She's so much like our mother..." he complained to his wife. "Full of spite and hatred, always things she knows best, and refuses to show any emotion but undying obedience to her role. It has brought nothing but misery to our mother, and it will bring nothing but misery to her."

"That sounds like your father, too," replied Yukiji.

"I warn you, wifey. Do not disrespect my father. He was a good man." Kir's face was stern.


In the decree announcing his birth, Kaiser Ayreon IV wrote: "The elder of the twins, We have named Kir Azariah Vidar, from the Babkhi Kir for he is a stronghold and regal as a throne, Azariah after his maternal progenitor, and Vidar, so that someone of that name shall know maternal and paternal love."

At birth, he was given the dynastic surname of Ayreon-Kalirion ibn al-Majeed al-Osman bin Sathrati of Waffel-Paine. Angered by his sister's – the Kaiseress's – reaction to his marriage with Yukiji and the birth of their son Ichirō, he dropped ibn al-Majeed al-Osman bin Sathrati from his surname in a way of distancing himself from the "Babkhi-derived hierarchy and concepts of dynastic purity in Sathrati".

In I.1699, Kir adopted a Sangunese surname: 愛令音火鈴麗恩和賦留變 (aireionkareireion-wafurupen: in Jingdaoese pronounced Àilìngyīn-Huǒlínglì'ēn Héfùliú-Biàn), as a transliteration of his family name Waffel-Paine Ayreon-Kalirion, with the following meaning:

  • 愛, ai (ài); love, affection, tenderness
  • 令, rei (lìng); excellent, order, law
  • 音, on (yīn); sound
  • 火, ka (huǒ); fire
  • 鈴, rei (líng); bell, chime
  • 麗, rei (); beautiful, lovely, pretty, fair, elegant
  • 恩, on (ēn); kindness; mercy; charity
  • 和, wa (); peaceful, harmonious
  • 賦, fu (); ode, song
  • 留, ru (liú); holding, possession
  • 變, pen (biàn); change, transition

Thus, Ayreon was translated with the meaning "sound of tenderness, affection, excellence and law" (invoking Ayreon as the Cedrist god of music and the values of Ayreonism), Kalirion as "the fire chimes for beautiful kindness and charity", Waffel as "Harmonious Song of Possession", and Paine as "change and transition".


As the son of a Kaiser, he is entitled to the style Imperial Highness and the title Prince of Shireroth.

In West Amokolia, for 5 months during 1685, he was officially, but rarely, titled "His Majesty the King of Amokolia".


Coat of arms Description Usage Comment
Yardistan coa.png Coat of arms in right of the County of Yardistan 1673–1693 Withdrawn upon his demotion by Kaiseress Salome in 1693
Kigazeki coa.png Coat of arms in right of the Lordship of Kigazeki 1684–present
Smallcoatofarmsamokolia.png Coat of arms in right of the Kingdom of Amokolia 1685 (briefly) Following Arkadius IV's abdication of the royal throne of Amokolia to Kir until Kir's abdication five months later
Whales flag.png Banner of arms in right of the Principality of Whales 1688– With no coat of arms adopted in Whales, the banner was used in place of coat of arms until 1696
Whales coa.png Coat of arms in right of the Principality of Whales 1696–present
