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Islamic Revolutionary Party

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Islamic Revolutionary Party
Islamitische Revolutionaire Partij
IRP Logo
Leader Saladin
Nation Islamic Internet Republic, New Batavia
Founded April 2010
Headquarters Lucerne
Political ideology Islamic democracy
Political position centre right
Colours green
Parliamentary seats
32 / 100

The Islamic Revolutionary Party (Islamitische Revolutionaire Partij or IRP) was one of the main parties in the Islamic Internet Republic and New Batavia. It was founded in April 2010 by Saladin, with the support of Frans. In May 2010 the party won the elections, although these were not free and fair elections according to some. Nihill Romez, leader of the main opposition party Fresxa Komenci was removed by a coup, with the coupists abusing forum powers, temporarilly prohibiting him from accession to the country's forum.

After securing the office of President and the majority in the National Assembly, the party was the driving force behind the "Islamic Revolution", establishing the Islamic Internet Republic.

Personal antagonism between Frans and Nihill Romez was the root cause for the demise of the Third Republic. The elections of June 18, 2011 resulted in a stalemate. Government formation was extremely difficult. Sadr Saladin announced to go into exile on July 4th, 2011, followed by the Grand Vizier and later also by Frans. The IRP dominated the Government-in-Exile and was also instrumental in the restoration of the Third Republic with Grand Vizier Redouan van Lucerne.

The party issues a newpaper: Al-Jumhuriya.

Restoration Crisis

In the fall of 2020, the Government-in-Exile saw a rapid succesion of Grand Viziers due to the Restoration Crisis within the IRP. The party was split into two wings on the question whether and how to restore the Third Republic and resettle the lands on Micras. One wing, led by Frans, was reluctant to resettle. In case resettlement was decided upon, it wanted to keep true to the original party idea of the "realism": not to invent a fictional history, fictional population, trade in vitual goods or to partake in fictional sporting events. The other wing, led by Zakaria Bennani, wanted to resettle and fully reorganize the Republic with a fictional population, an invented history, etc. In Zakaria Bennani's wing there was also a tendency to move to the English sector, but this was never a breaking point.

Important people

Party leader Saladin