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Foreign relations of Highpass

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The foreign policy of Highpass was gleaned from the various statements the Count made regarding other countries. It could also be formed by asking the Count specific questions and then interpreting the response. Since the submission to Shireroth in 1715, Highpass does no longer have a separate foreign policy.

Bilateral relations

See also: Visa policy of Highpass

Green countries had formal relations with Highpass. All nations on the MCS map can open an embassy in Rhodondra, provided they can find a suitable property.

Country Year Missions Comment
Aerla Aerla
Akhidia Akhidia
Anahuaco Anahuaco
Ashinthael Ashinthael
Benacian Union Benacian Union 1703
Embassies established after Highpass joined the Raspur Pact.
Cakaristan Cakaristan
Calbion Calbion
Cisamarra Cisamarra 1703 Relations established following the Port Esther Summit and Cisamarran independence, still informal but close between the Count and President Vinfetto.
Constancia Constancia 1703 Relationship through the Raspur Pact.
Craitland Craitland
Daau Daau
Dark Berry Islands Dark Berry Islands
Floria Floria 1703 Relationship through the Raspur Pact.
Haifo-Pallisica Haifo-Pallisica
Hexarchy Hexarchy
Hurmu Hurmu
Imperial Federation Imperial Federation
Insulia Insulia
International Mandate International Mandate
Kalgachia Kalgachia
Krasnovlac Krasnovlac
Kurum Ash-Sharqia Kurum Ash-Sharqia
Lac Glacei Lac Glacei
Lanzerwald Lanzerwald
Lostisland Lostisland
Meckelnburgh Meckelnburgh
Mercury Mercury 1703
Relationship based on informal agreement and reciprocal visa-free travel.
Mondosphere Mondosphere
Natopia Natopia 1703 Relationship through the Raspur Pact.
New Batavia New Batavia
Normark Normark
Nouvelle Alexandrie Nouvelle Alexandrie 1703
Relationship through the Raspur Pact.
Oportia Oportia
Ostland Ostland
Phineonesian Confederation Phineonesian Confederation
Reunion Reunion
Sanama Sanama 1703 Cordial relationship following the Port Esther Summit and singing of the Treaty between Highpass and Sanama in 1703.
Senya Senya
Shireroth Shireroth 1703 Relationship through the Raspur Pact. The Count feels a special connection with Kaiseress Salome due to the first Counts owing fealty to the Kaiser.
South Sea Islands South Sea Islands
Suren Suren 1703 Relationship through the Raspur Pact.
Tellia Tellia 1703
Bilateral relations due to being neighbors, no formal treaty.
Valora Valora
Vegno Vegno
Zeed Zeed 1703
Relationship through the Raspur Pact.
Zyrkistan Zyrkistan