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{{Alduria-Wechua Article}}
{{Nouvelle Alexandrie Article}}

The following is a timeline of the history of the [[Alduria-Wechua|Federation of Alduria and the Wechua Nation]].
The following is a timeline of the history of the political entity first called the [[Alduria-Wechua|Federation of Alduria and the Wechua Nation]] from 1685 to 1692, when it changed its name to the [[Nouvelle Alexandrie|Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie]].

==Aldurian history==
==Aldurian history==
{{See also|Timeline of Alduria}}
{{See also|Timeline of Alduria}}
===Pre-Aldurian History===
* {{AN|1580}}: The Kingdom of [[Babkha]] [[Babkhan Self-Immolation|self-immolates]] with nuclear weapons, ending its presence in [[Micras]].<ref></ref>
* {{AN|1614}}: [[Alkhiva]] is re-founded as a port city by [[Natopia]]; the city of [[Kamaltoon]] is founded by [[Natopia]]. <ref></ref> <ref></ref> <ref></ref>
** [[Alkhiva]] and [[Kamaltoon]] become important hub cities for [[SATCo]] and major exporter of oil to the rest of [[Natopia]]. A nascent Natopian extractive regime is established while civil society develops.
** [[Alkhiva]] and [[Kamaltoon]] become a refuge for the South Mehlville diaspora, who have connections to [[Athlon]]. <ref></ref>
** [[Kamaltoon]] later on becomes the city of [[Xechaspolis]] in recognition of the growing presence of the South Mehlville diaspora. <ref></ref>
===Altusian Era===
*{{AN|1651}}: Collapse of the [[Alexandria|Empire of the Alexandrians]] due to the [[Alexandrian Flu|Alexandrian flu]].<ref></ref> <ref></ref>
*{{AN|1651}}: [[Natopia]] abandons its claims in [[Eura]], including the cities of [[Alkhiva]] and [[Xechaspolis]], in favor of claiming former [[Alexandria|Alexandrian]] land on [[Tapfer]] that later becomes part of the [[Natopia|Natopian]] demesnes of [[Dos Gardenias]], [[Tapfer]], [[Arboria del Sur]], and [[Transegale]].
*24.II.{{AN|1655}}: The [[Natopian Abduction Crisis]] is resolved when Emperor [[Nathan II]] and his Regent [[Christo Eucalyptos]] are discovered being held by terrorists in [[Xechaspolis]], now a failed and crumbling city in the [[Eura|Euran]] [[The Green|Green]]. The abduction crisis paralyzed [[Natopia]] and its key governance functions for months as the nation debated what to do next.
** A daring and complicated military operation is conducted by the [[Natopian Defense Force]] to rescue Emperor [[Nathan II]] and Regent [[Christo Eucalyptos]] from terrorists in [[Xechaspolis]]. The military operation is successful in rescuing them, resulting in 3 [[Natopia|Natopian]] servicemembers killed, but neutralized the terrorists.
** Following the daring military extraction of the Emperor [[Nathan II]] and his Regent [[Christo Eucalyptos]], the entire city of [[Xechaspolis]] was obliterated from orbit by the [[NSS Damocles]] of the [[Natopian_Defense_Force#Natopian_Spacefleet|Natopian Spacefleet]]. This was the first orbital strike conducted by the [[Damocles-class orbital bombardment platform]] in its operational history.<ref></ref>
*13.XIV.{{AN|1655}}: The [[Armée Altusienne Unie]] is formed, foundation of [[Altus]].<ref></ref>
*{{AN|1655}}-{{AN|1670}}: Quick rise and fall of [[Altus]]
===Aldurian Era===
[[File:FirstAlduriaMap.png|thumb|250px|The Republic of Alduria, {{AN|1670}}<ref></ref>]]
* {{AN|1669}}-{{AN|1670}}: Foundation of [[Alduria]], very early formation period for [[Alduria]].
* 25.XV.{{AN|1670}}: [[Alduria]] is founded in the city of [[Punta Santiago]]. <ref></ref>
* 8.I.{{AN|1670}}:
** With [[Alejandro Campos]] having been selected as [[Alduria]]'s first President and [[Natalia Cotilla]] as first Prime Minister, the Transitional Government of the Republic of Alduria is established. The Transitional Government was composed of several early Aldurian parties and served as a national unity government for the nascent nation. Some of thew parties in the government were the [[National-Liberal Alliance]] and the [[New Center]]. <ref></ref>
** [[Development Fund for Alduria]] established by the Transitional Government, directing of the proceeds of all export sales of petroleum, petroleum products, and natural gas from [[Alduria]] into a development fund until a new, representative government of Alduria is properly constituted and duly elected as provided by the Constitution and its Transitory Provisions. The remaining five percent of the proceeds shall be deposited into a Compensation Fund for the government to hire civil servants and build itself.<ref></ref>
* 9.I.{{AN|1670}}:
** President [[Alejandro Campos]] appoints the rest of the Transitional Government of the Republic of Alduria to its posts:<ref></ref>
*** The Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of the Government shall be Marie-Madeleine Moitessier of the New Center.
*** The Secretary of State: Isidoro Villalba of the National-Liberal Alliance.
*** The Secretary of Defense: Thomas de Verrau of the National-Liberal Alliance.
*** The Secretary of Finance and Commerce: Zakaria Atlasi of the National-Liberal Alliance.
*** The Secretary of Justice: Rémy Carpentier of the National-Liberal Alliance.
*** The Secretary of the Interior: Jean-Baptiste Courbet of the New Center.
** The Transitional Government of the Republic of Alduria organizes the nascent Aldurian economy; setting the [[Aldurian écu]] as the national currency, creating the [[Bank of Alduria]]; and many other basic financial institutions and regulations. The government also assumes control over vast swaths of the economy and creates state-owned enterprises, among them the [[Aldurian Oil Company]]. Businesses and individuals are given compensation by the new government.<ref></ref>
* 11.I.{{AN|1670}}:
** The Transitional Government of the Republic of Alduria provides for regulations and rules on export and border controls, aiming to establish a "uniform and normal transit and movement of people and goods in and out of Alduria".<ref></ref>
** The Transitional Government of the Republic of Alduria establishes the Office of Border Enforcement to ensure the integrity of the Aldurian border with the chaotic and dangerous [[Eura|Euran]] [[The Green|Green]].<ref></ref>
* 13.I.{{AN|1670}}:
** The Transitional Government of the Republic of Alduria establishes the [[Aldurian Civil Defense Corps]].<ref></ref>
** The Transitional Government of the Republic of Alduria appoints its first ambassadors to the nations of [[Shireroth]], [[Craitland]], [[Krasnocoria]], [[Constancia]], [[Natopia]], [[Hoenn]], [[Jingdao]], and [[Senya]]. <ref></ref>
** The Transitional Government of the Republic of Alduria establishes the [[Aldurian Strategic Petroleum Reserve]], establishes a tax on all petroleum and petroleum products, further clarifyies past orders around hydrocarbon revenues. Establishes Strategic Petroleum Reserve Fund. <ref></ref>
* 15.I.{{AN|1670}}: The Transitional Government of the Republic of Alduria provides regulations and laws surrounding the territorial waters and control of maritime borders, establishing the [[Aldurian Coast Guard]] and the [[Aldurian Border Guard]].<ref></ref>
* 16.I.{{AN|1670}}: The Transitional Government of the Republic of Alduria provides regulations and laws surrounding abortion, making it illegal except in cases of rape, incest, and several other medical-related provisions. This measure proved to be controversial in [[Alduria]] triggering debate nationwide. The government explained its purpose was to "boost the population of [[Alduria]] and build a respect for the culture of life," in the words of President [[Alejandro Campos]]. <ref></ref>
* 17.I.{{AN|1670}}: The Transitional Government of the Republic of Alduria officially nationalizes oil and gas in [[Alduria]]. <ref></ref>
*1.XIII.{{AN|1671}}: [[Constitution of Alduria]] ratified, first elections, etc.
*12.XII.{{AN|1685}}: [[Committee for Alduro-Wechu Integration]] founded after several rounds of talks between both nations over {{AN|1680}} to {{AN|1685}}. The project was initially the brainchild of [[Marco Zimmer]], the 3rd [[Prime Minister of Alduria|Prime Minister of the Republic of Alduria]], with the support of many different segments of [[Alduria|Aldurian  The purpose of the committee is to facilitate further integration of both [[Alduria]] and the [[Wechua Nation]] with each other, with the end goal being a proposed [[Alduria-Wechua|Aldu-Wechu Federation]].
*13.XII.{{AN|1684}}: [[Assassination of Marco Zimmer]]: [[Marco Zimmer]], the 3rd [[Prime Minister of Alduria|Prime Minister of the Republic of Alduria]], was [[Assassination of Marco Zimmer|assassinated in Valenciana, Alduria]] by [[Frederique Bonchamps]] while visiting a newly built hospital maintained by the [[Church of Alexandria]], the [[Hospital of Our Lady of Santa Catalina]]. He is succeeded by [[Kylian Mbappé]], 4th [[Prime Minister of Alduria|Prime Minister of the Republic of Alduria]].
*12.VII.{{AN|1685}}: [[1685 Aldurian coup d'état]]: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff [[César Puig]] led a broad political coalition that included members of all political parties to remove [[President of Alduria|President]] [[Gerhardt Eugen Seydlitz]] and [[Prime Minister of Alduria|Prime Minister]] [[Kylian Mbappé]] from power and suspended the Constitution of Alduria.
** The move came after the political upheaval brought by the [[Assassination of Marco Zimmer|assassination of Prime Minister Marco Zimmer]] and the continued inability of all levels of government to react to reassure the country and maintain order. The assassination led to weeks to widespread national protests and memorial vigils, with millions of protesters across the country calling for the military to remove the government and guide the country to a new democratic national settlement.
** The military arrested Seydlitz, Mbappé, and several other political leaders and declared former President [[Alejandro Campos]] as the interim president of Alduria. The announcement was followed by demonstrations and clashes between supporters and opponents of the coup throughout the country.
*1.VIII.{{AN|1685}}: Momentous state visit made by [[Sapa Wechua|King]] [[Manco Cápac]] of the [[Wechua Nation]] to [[Alduria]] begins in [[Punta Santiago]]. During his meeting, he acts as a diplomatic, neutral broker between the different political parties of [[Alduria]] that results in the [[Pact of Olives]] among political leaders and figures in [[Alduria]] to reunify the country after the coup and give legitimacy to [[Alejandro Campos]] as the interim president of Alduria.
** [[Pact of Olives]]: an agreement brokered by [[Sapa Wechua|King]] [[Manco Cápac]] and [[Jaime Augusto Joaquin Primo de Aguilar]] between the warring political forces in [[Alduria]] to support the continuation of the Aldurian state after the coup, legitimizing the new interim President while releasing political prisoners, instituting a general amnesty, and indemnization to the prisoners.
*4.VIII.{{AN|1685}}: Coup prisoners are released and granted a general amnesty, along with an apology from interim President [[Alejandro Campos]]. Released political prisoners affirm their support of the [[Pact of Olives]].
*12.XV.{{AN|1685}}: The [[Alduria|Republic of Alduria]] becomes part of the [[Alduria-Wechua|Federation of Alduria-Wechua]] with the first [[Proclamation of Punta Santiago]].

==Wechua history==
==Wechua history==
{{See also|Timeline of the Wechua Nation}}
{{See also|Timeline of the Wechua Nation}}
* Ancient: details about Wechua being "one of the original native Keltian nations", subjugated and oppressed by Atterans, Atterans moved them around, exiled them, killed them,a bunch of them went on to Ayllu, which is an ancestor nation of the [[Wechua Nation]] in Micras.
===First Wechua Kingdom===
* 3.V.{{AN|1657}}: Foundation of the [[Wechua Nation]]: [[Sapa Wechua]] [[Manco Cápac]] manages to obtain official recognition from the [[Micras Cartography Society|MCS]] for the first Wechua state since [[Ayllu]], around the holy mountain of [[Mount Lacara]], supported by neighboring [[Caputia]] (formerly known as [[Hamland]]).<ref></ref>
* 25.XV.{{AN|1668}}: [[Caputia]] and the first Wechua Kingdom collapse, each due to internal unrest and to the horrors of the [[White Plague]]. The [[Wechua Sorrow]] begins.<ref></ref>
===Wechua Sorrow===
{{Main|Wechua Sorrow}}
{{See also|Wechu Exodus}}
* {{AN|1668}}-{{AN|1672}}: Collapse of Wechu state and society, civil war, [[Wechua Sorrow]];
* {{AN|1668}}-{{AN|1672}}: Government-in-exile based out of [[Nivardom]], [[Constancia]];
* {{AN|1668}}-{{AN|1672}}: [[Wechu Exodus]];
* Reestablishment of Wechua state in the form of the second Wechua Kingdom in {{AN|1673}}.
===Second Wechua Kingdom===
{{See also|The Great Restoration (Wechua Nation)}}
* 16.III.{{AN|1673}}: The Second Wechua Kingdom is founded with the return of [[Sapa Wechua]] [[Manco Cápac]], beginning of the [[The Great Restoration (Wechua Nation)|Great Restoration]] and the end of the [[Wechua Sorrow]].<ref></ref>
* 12.XIII.{{AN|1685}}: [[Committee for Alduro-Wechu Integration]] founded after several rounds of talks between both nations over {{AN|1680}} to {{AN|1685}}. The purpose of the committee is to facilitate further integration of both [[Alduria]] and the [[Wechua Nation]] with each other, with the end goal being a proposed [[Alduria-Wechua|Aldu-Wechu Federation]].
*1.VIII.{{AN|1685}}: Momentous state visit made by [[Sapa Wechua|King]] [[Manco Cápac]] of the [[Wechua Nation]] to [[Alduria]] begins in [[Punta Santiago]]. During his meeting, he acts as a diplomatic, neutral broker between the different political parties of [[Alduria]] that results in the [[Pact of Olives]], which ends the tumultuous and violent period in [[Alduria]] following the [[1685 Aldurian coup d'état]].
* 12.XV.{{AN|1685}} The Second Wechua Kingdom becomes part of the [[Alduria-Wechua|Federation of Alduria-Wechua]] with the first [[Proclamation of Punta Santiago]].

==Alduro-Wechua Federation==
==Alduro-Wechua Federation==
[[File:Alduria-WechuaOriginal1685AN.png|350px|thumb|right|A map of Alduria and the Wechua Nation at the time of their Federation.]]
* 7: [[Campos-Alvarez Summit]]: [[Vicaquirao Alvarez]] and [[Alejandro Campos]] meet in [[Punta Santiago]] to discuss a new united nation of [[Alduria-Wechua]].
* 24: The [[Committee for Aldu-Wechu Integration]] begins drafting a new Constitutional document for the unified nation of [[Alduria-Wechua]], which later becomes the first [[Proclamation of Punta Santiago]].
*12: The '''[[Proclamation of Punta Santiago]]''' is officially issued, after it was ratified by the governments and legislatures of [[Alduria]] and the [[Wechua Nation]]. The [[Alduria-Wechua|Federation of Alduria and the Wechua Nation]] (FAWN) is founded.
*16: The Regions of [[Santander]] and [[Valencia]] are officially established as part of [[Alduria-Wechua]], recognized by [ the MCS].
==Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie==
{{Main|Nouvelle Alexandrie}}
*12.XIV.{{AN|1692}}: [[President of the Government of Nouvelle Alexandrie|Premier]] [[Jean-Michel Lavaud]] announces a delay in the general elections due to  “continued organizational and bureaucratic disarray” to {{AN|1693}}.<ref></ref>
*4.XV.{{AN|1692}}: The [[Palace of Carranza]] announces that the [[Alexandria|Titular Emperor of Alexandria]], [[Francis Joseph IV]], and his wife, [[Queen Elizabeth I]] of [[Caputia]] and [[Hamland]], will be visiting [[Alduria-Wechua]], soon to be called [[Nouvelle Alexandrie]].<ref></ref>
{{See also|NBC_Newsfeed/1693}}
* 1.I.{{AN|1693}}: [[Alduria-Wechua]] becomes [[Nouvelle Alexandrie]].
* 13.XIV.{{AN|1693}} - 15.XIV.{{AN|1693}}: [[New Alexandrian general election, 1693]]
* 17.XIV.{{AN|1693}}: [[King of Nouvelle Alexandrie|King]] [[Manco Capac]] appoints [[Federal Humanist Party]] (FHP) leader [[Augustus Strong]] as "formador" after the FHP wins a plurality of seats in the [[1st Cortes Federales]], with 47.5% of the vote.
* 19.XIV.{{AN|1693}}: [[Federal Humanist Party]] enters into coalition negotiations with the [[Progressive Federalist Party]] to establish a coalition government.
{{See also|NBC_Newsfeed/1694}}
* 3.I.{{AN|1694}}: On the way home from negotiations that saw significant breakthroughs favoring the formation of the coalition between the FHP and PFP, the PFP's leader, [[Marcel de la Croix]] died in a car accident in [[Cardenas]].<ref></ref>
* 4.I.{{AN|1694}}: With coalition negotiations incomplete, the [[King of Nouvelle Alexandrie|King]] intervened, requesting that a National Unity Government be formed with [[Augustus Strong]] as [[President of the Government of Nouvelle Alexandrie]].
** [[Cambio Democrático (Nouvelle Alexandrie)|Cambio Democrático]] (CD) leader [[Santiago Etienne]], expected to assume the mantle of a strong Leader of Opposition, saw his opportunity and attempted to form a coalition with the interim [[Progressive Federalist Party|Progressive Federalist]] leader [[Robert Beaujolais]]. The [[Progressive Federalist Party|PFP]] Party Constitution forbade the interim leader from making such a commitment for the party, only a duly elected party leader could.
** Choosing honor the original intentions of [[Marcel de la Croix]], interim [[Progressive Federalist Party|Progressive Federalist]] leader [[Robert Beaujolais]] declined and endorsed the establishment of a National Unity Government while the [[Progressive Federalist Party|PFP]] sorted its party leadership crisis.
* 9.I.{{AN|1694}}: National Unity Government announced, with [[Augustus Strong]] as [[President of the Government of Nouvelle Alexandrie|Premier]], [[Cambio Democrático (Nouvelle Alexandrie)|Cambio Democrático]] leader [[Santiago Etienne]] as [[Vice-President of the Government of Nouvelle Alexandrie|Vice-Premier]], with additional support from the [[Diggers' Society]] and several independent Deputies.
* 11.II.{{AN|1694}}: [[Progressive Federalist Party|Progressive Federalist]] leader [[Robert Beaujolais]] wins the leadership of the [[Progressive Federalist Party]].<ref></ref>
* 18.IV.{{AN|1694}}: A massive oil spill off the coast of [[Alkhiva]], [[Alduria]]. Becomes the worst ecological disaster in the history of [[Nouvelle Alexandrie]].<ref></ref>
* VIII.{{AN|1694}}: Over the 8th month of {{AN|1694}}, the federal government of [[Nouvelle Alexandrie]], split between [[Parap]] and [[Punta Santiago]] as capitals, begin full-time operations in [[Cardenas]], the newly rebuilt and modified capital of [[Nouvelle Alexandrie]] and originally an [[Alexandria|Alexandrian]] city.<ref></ref>
* 10.IX.{{AN|1694}}: [[King of Nouvelle Alexandrie|King]] [[Manco Capac]] signs the [[Hurmu Ruins Treaty]].<ref></ref>
{{See also|NBC_Newsfeed/1695}}
* 20.XIII.{{AN|1695}}: Nouvelle Alexandrie’s [[Council of State of Nouvelle Alexandrie|Department of Energy and Environment]] advises the [[Administrative divisions of Nouvelle Alexandrie|regional government]] of [[Alduria]] to lift the temporary state of emergency imposed in {{AN|1693}} due to a massive oil spill of the Alkhivan coast, the worst environmental disaster in [[Nouvelle Alexandrie]]'s history.<ref></ref>
{{See also|NBC_Newsfeed/1696}}
{{See also|NBC_Newsfeed/1697}}
* III.{{AN|1697}}: Death of the first New Alexandrian party system, rise of the second New Alexandrian party system<ref></ref>:
** [[Cambio Democrático (Nouvelle Alexandrie)|Cambio Democrático]], the [[Union for a Democratic Movement]], the [[Worker’s Labor Party]], and the [[Rally for the Empire]] lose their electoral registrations with the [[Federal Elections Commission (Nouvelle Alexandrie)|Federal Elections Commission]]; deregistered as official political parties.
** The rise of two new political parties from the ashes and dissolutions, plus 3 defections from the [[Federal Humanist Party]] in opposition to the National Unity Government:
*** the [[Progressive Party of Nouvelle Alexandrie|Progressive Party]]: a centrist party formed out of 61 Deputies that were formerly part of [[Cambio Democrático (Nouvelle Alexandrie)|Cambio Democrático]];
*** the [[Freedom Party of Nouvelle Alexandrie|Freedom Party]]: a far-right party formed out of 3 Deputies that left the [[Federal Humanist Party]], two of them previously belonging to [[Rally for the Empire]].
** [[Progressive Federalist Party]] re-brands into [[Solidarity Party of Nouvelle Alexandrie|Solidarity Party]], absorbing 65 Deputies that were formerly part of [[Cambio Democrático (Nouvelle Alexandrie)|Cambio Democrático]].
** Four Deputies from [[Cambio Democrático (Nouvelle Alexandrie)|Cambio Democrático]] defected to the [[Federal Humanist Party]].
** Sixteen Deputies formerly from [[Cambio Democrático (Nouvelle Alexandrie)|Cambio Democrático]] remain unaligned, some of them declaring themselves as political independents.
{{See also|NBC_Newsfeed/1698}}
* 25.I.{{AN|1698}}: [[King of Nouvelle Alexandrie|King]] [[Manco Cápac]] establishes a four month Regency, placing his son [[Sinchi Roca|Crown Prince Titu]] as Regent during his absence.<ref></ref>
** Regency established as the King underwent a series of urgent surgeries, treatments, and physical therapies stemming from complications of war injuries from the fighting leading the closing chapters of the [[Wechua Sorrow]] in {{AN|1673}}.
*** The surgeries addressed damage to the King' joints, particularly his left knee and left side of his hip, injured while leading troops in battle during the seizure of [[Parap]] and the [[The Great Restoration (Wechua Nation)|return of H.M.]] in {{AN|1673}}. Joints will be replaced with artificial titanium joints to help relieve the pain and discomfort permanently. Surgeries succeed.
* 11.III.{{AN|1698}}: The [[Nouradin Hydroproject]], also known as the Nouradin River Hydroelectric National District, is completed near the city of [[Corrada del Rio]] in the [[Administrative divisions of Nouvelle Alexandrie|Region]] of [[Alduria]].<ref></ref>
* 28.IV.{{AN|1693}}: [[King of Nouvelle Alexandrie|King]] [[Manco Cápac]] is certified as "in good health and ready to return to work" by a team of doctors and specialists from [[Natopia]] and [[Nouvelle Alexandrie]]. [[Sinchi Roca|Crown Prince Titu]]'s four month Regency ends. <ref></ref>
* 29.IV.{{AN|1698}}: [[King of Nouvelle Alexandrie|King]] [[Manco Cápac]] dissolves the [[1st Cortes Federales]], issuing a writ of election and summoning the [[2nd Cortes Federales]]. Elections are set for later in the year. <ref></ref>
* 4.V.{{AN|1698}}: ''[[The Aldurian]]'' runs a popular piece titled, "[[NBC_Newsfeed/1698#WANTED:_AN_OPPOSITION|Wanted: An Opposition]]", deploring the state of the New Alexandrian opposition parties at the time and the lack of unity among the opposition parties against the [[Federal Humanist Party]].<ref></ref>
* 1.VI.{{AN|1698}}: Abadan Military Base, a [[Federal Forces of Nouvelle Alexandrie|New Alexandrian military]] base at the mouth of the Nouradin River in [[Alduria]], was attacked by rockets from militant groups in the [[Eura|Euran]] [[The Green|Green]]. It is the first major direct attack to a [[Federal Forces of Nouvelle Alexandrie|Federal Forces]] base, triggering more warnings from settlers and frontier towns along the Alduria-[[The Green|Green]] border report increased raids and violence from [[Azad Eura|marauding militant groups]].
* 8.VI{{AN|1698}}: The [[Council of State of Nouvelle Alexandrie|Department of Labor]] announces reports of increased inflation, quoting housing and food prices across [[Nouvelle Alexandrie]] as the main drivers of inflation.<ref></ref>
* VI.{{AN|1698}} - XII {{AN|1698}}: High societal tensions between Zurvanites and Nazarenes noted as rising as violent incidents go down, but police authorities continue to need to patrol areas where members of both religions coexist to prevent beatings or attacks by zealot groups stirring up hate. <ref></ref>
* 19.VI.{{AN|1698}}: [[Federal Forces of Nouvelle Alexandrie]] conduct a campaign of air strikes against key locations and facilities used by non-state militia groups in the border region facing the Euran Green, namely by [[Azad Eura]] and other groups.<ref></ref>
* 2.XII.{{AN|1698}}: National Unity Government announces plans for naval procurement for {{AN|1699}} to {{AN|1711}}, adding 528 ships of different classes and capacities to be built for the [[Federal Navy of Nouvelle Alexandrie]].<ref></ref>
* 4.IX.{{AN|1698}}: [[Operation Northern Shield]] begins as a precursor to [[Operation Paramount]].
* 5.IX.{{AN|1698}}: Fueled by high inflation and low earnings, the stocks fell and bond yields rose in the [[Cárdenas Stock Exchange]], wiping out most of the gains made in {{AN|1698}} in one day. Consumer-price index rose 4.4%.<ref></ref>
* 21.X.{{AN|1698}}: [[Operation Paramount]] begins: [[Nouvelle Alexandrie]] and [[Constancia]] launch a joint military invasion and seizure of vast swaths of the [[Eura|Euran]] [[The Green|Green]] that bordered them and the [[Thraci Confederation]], marking the entry of [[Nouvelle Alexandrie]] into the [[Third Euran War]].<ref></ref>
* 12.XII.{{AN|1698}}: The main combat phase of [[Operation Paramount]] ends, with [[Nouvelle Alexandrie]] and [[Constancia]] seizing vast swathes of the [[Eura|Euran]] [[The Green|Green]] and dealing [[Azad Eura]] a significant defeat.
* 13.XV.{{AN|1698}} - 15.XV.{{AN|1698}}: [[New Alexandrian general election, 1698]].
{{See also|NBC_Newsfeed/1699}}
{{See also|NBC_Newsfeed/1700}}
{{See also|NBC_Newsfeed/1701}}
{{See also|NBC_Newsfeed/1702}}
{{See also|NBC_Newsfeed/1703}}
{{See also|NBC_Newsfeed/1704}}
{{See also|NBC_Newsfeed/1705}}
{{See also|NBC_Newsfeed/1706}}
{{See also|NBC_Newsfeed/1707}}
{{See also|NBC_Newsfeed/1708}}
{{See also|NBC_Newsfeed/1709}}
{{See also|NBC_Newsfeed/1710}}
{{See also|NBC_Newsfeed/1711}}
{{See also|NBC_Newsfeed/1712}}
{{See also|NBC_Newsfeed/1713}}
{{See also|NBC_Newsfeed/1714}}
==Historical Maps==
{{Main|Geography of Nouvelle Alexandrie}}
{{Main|Cartography of Nouvelle Alexandrie}}
<gallery>File:Map8-12-20.png|[[Pan-Keltian Highway]].
File:ProposedTransEuranHighway.png|[[Pan-Euran Highway]] proposal ({{AN|1691}}-{{AN|1693}}).
File:Route2EuranHighway1694.png|[[Pan-Euran Highway]] proposal ({{AN|1694}}).
File:CURRENT-ALDURIAN-HIGHWAYS.png|Aldurian highways, old map from {{AN|1673}}.
File:CURRENT-ALDURIAN-RAILWAYS.png|Aldurian railways, old map from {{AN|1673}}.
File:PROPOSED-HIGHWAY-NETWORK.png|Aldurian highways built between {{AN|1673}}-{{AN|1678}} in yellow.
File:Proposed-railway-network.png|Aldurian railways built or improved between {{AN|1673}}-{{AN|1678}} in black.
File:20190408 035123000 iOS.jpg|A defunct resources map, focused on the original [[Alduria|Aldurian]] claim, {{AN|1669}}.
===Nouvelle Alexandrie, 1688 AN===
File:Santander1688AN.png|The Region of [[Santander]].
File:South Lyrica.png|The Region of [[South Lyrica]].
File:NorthLyrica2.PNG|The Region of [[North Lyrica]].
File:NewLuthoria1688AN.png|The Region of [[New Luthoria]].
File:IslesofCaputia1688AN.png|The Region of the [[Isles of Caputia]].
File:Valencia1688AN.png|The Region of [[Valencia]].
File:WechuaNation1688AN.png|The Region of the [[Wechua Nation]].
File:Cardenas1688AN.png|The [[Cardenas|Federal Capital District]].
File:Alduria1688AN.png|The Region of [[Alduria]].
File:Alduria-Wechua1688AN.png|The Federation of Alduria and the Wechua Nation in its entirety.
==See also==
==See also==
* [[Committee for Aldu-Wechu Integration]]
* [[Committee for Aldu-Wechu Integration]]
Line 17: Line 263:
* [[Proclamation of Punta Santiago]]
* [[Proclamation of Punta Santiago]]

[[Category:History]][[Category:History of Nouvelle Alexandrie]][[Category:Culture of Nouvelle Alexandrie]][[Category:Politics of Nouvelle Alexandrie]]

Latest revision as of 02:30, 5 December 2023

{{{1}}} This article or section is a work in progress. The information below may be incomplete, outdated, or subject to change.

The following is a timeline of the history of the political entity first called the Federation of Alduria and the Wechua Nation from 1685 to 1692, when it changed its name to the Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie.

Aldurian history

Pre-Aldurian History

Altusian Era

Main article: Altus

Aldurian Era

The Republic of Alduria, 1670 AN[11]
Main article: Alduria
  • 1669 AN-1670 AN: Foundation of Alduria, very early formation period for Alduria.
  • 25.XV.1670 AN: Alduria is founded in the city of Punta Santiago. [12]
  • 8.I.1670 AN:
    • With Alejandro Campos having been selected as Alduria's first President and Natalia Cotilla as first Prime Minister, the Transitional Government of the Republic of Alduria is established. The Transitional Government was composed of several early Aldurian parties and served as a national unity government for the nascent nation. Some of thew parties in the government were the National-Liberal Alliance and the New Center. [13]
    • Development Fund for Alduria established by the Transitional Government, directing of the proceeds of all export sales of petroleum, petroleum products, and natural gas from Alduria into a development fund until a new, representative government of Alduria is properly constituted and duly elected as provided by the Constitution and its Transitory Provisions. The remaining five percent of the proceeds shall be deposited into a Compensation Fund for the government to hire civil servants and build itself.[14]
  • 9.I.1670 AN:
    • President Alejandro Campos appoints the rest of the Transitional Government of the Republic of Alduria to its posts:[15]
      • The Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of the Government shall be Marie-Madeleine Moitessier of the New Center.
      • The Secretary of State: Isidoro Villalba of the National-Liberal Alliance.
      • The Secretary of Defense: Thomas de Verrau of the National-Liberal Alliance.
      • The Secretary of Finance and Commerce: Zakaria Atlasi of the National-Liberal Alliance.
      • The Secretary of Justice: Rémy Carpentier of the National-Liberal Alliance.
      • The Secretary of the Interior: Jean-Baptiste Courbet of the New Center.
    • The Transitional Government of the Republic of Alduria organizes the nascent Aldurian economy; setting the Aldurian écu as the national currency, creating the Bank of Alduria; and many other basic financial institutions and regulations. The government also assumes control over vast swaths of the economy and creates state-owned enterprises, among them the Aldurian Oil Company. Businesses and individuals are given compensation by the new government.[16]
  • 11.I.1670 AN:
    • The Transitional Government of the Republic of Alduria provides for regulations and rules on export and border controls, aiming to establish a "uniform and normal transit and movement of people and goods in and out of Alduria".[17]
    • The Transitional Government of the Republic of Alduria establishes the Office of Border Enforcement to ensure the integrity of the Aldurian border with the chaotic and dangerous Euran Green.[18]
  • 13.I.1670 AN:
  • 15.I.1670 AN: The Transitional Government of the Republic of Alduria provides regulations and laws surrounding the territorial waters and control of maritime borders, establishing the Aldurian Coast Guard and the Aldurian Border Guard.[22]
  • 16.I.1670 AN: The Transitional Government of the Republic of Alduria provides regulations and laws surrounding abortion, making it illegal except in cases of rape, incest, and several other medical-related provisions. This measure proved to be controversial in Alduria triggering debate nationwide. The government explained its purpose was to "boost the population of Alduria and build a respect for the culture of life," in the words of President Alejandro Campos. [23]
  • 17.I.1670 AN: The Transitional Government of the Republic of Alduria officially nationalizes oil and gas in Alduria. [24]
  • 1.XIII.1671 AN: Constitution of Alduria ratified, first elections, etc.
  • 12.XII.1685 AN: Committee for Alduro-Wechu Integration founded after several rounds of talks between both nations over 1680 AN to 1685 AN. The project was initially the brainchild of Marco Zimmer, the 3rd Prime Minister of the Republic of Alduria, with the support of many different segments of [[Alduria|Aldurian The purpose of the committee is to facilitate further integration of both Alduria and the Wechua Nation with each other, with the end goal being a proposed Aldu-Wechu Federation.
  • 13.XII.1684 AN: Assassination of Marco Zimmer: Marco Zimmer, the 3rd Prime Minister of the Republic of Alduria, was assassinated in Valenciana, Alduria by Frederique Bonchamps while visiting a newly built hospital maintained by the Church of Alexandria, the Hospital of Our Lady of Santa Catalina. He is succeeded by Kylian Mbappé, 4th Prime Minister of the Republic of Alduria.
  • 18.XIII.1684 AN:
  • 12.VII.1685 AN: 1685 Aldurian coup d'état: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff César Puig led a broad political coalition that included members of all political parties to remove President Gerhardt Eugen Seydlitz and Prime Minister Kylian Mbappé from power and suspended the Constitution of Alduria.
    • The move came after the political upheaval brought by the assassination of Prime Minister Marco Zimmer and the continued inability of all levels of government to react to reassure the country and maintain order. The assassination led to weeks to widespread national protests and memorial vigils, with millions of protesters across the country calling for the military to remove the government and guide the country to a new democratic national settlement.
    • The military arrested Seydlitz, Mbappé, and several other political leaders and declared former President Alejandro Campos as the interim president of Alduria. The announcement was followed by demonstrations and clashes between supporters and opponents of the coup throughout the country.
  • 1.VIII.1685 AN: Momentous state visit made by King Manco Cápac of the Wechua Nation to Alduria begins in Punta Santiago. During his meeting, he acts as a diplomatic, neutral broker between the different political parties of Alduria that results in the Pact of Olives among political leaders and figures in Alduria to reunify the country after the coup and give legitimacy to Alejandro Campos as the interim president of Alduria.
  • 4.VIII.1685 AN: Coup prisoners are released and granted a general amnesty, along with an apology from interim President Alejandro Campos. Released political prisoners affirm their support of the Pact of Olives.
  • 12.XV.1685 AN: The Republic of Alduria becomes part of the Federation of Alduria-Wechua with the first Proclamation of Punta Santiago.

Wechua history

  • Ancient: details about Wechua being "one of the original native Keltian nations", subjugated and oppressed by Atterans, Atterans moved them around, exiled them, killed them,a bunch of them went on to Ayllu, which is an ancestor nation of the Wechua Nation in Micras.

First Wechua Kingdom

Wechua Sorrow

Main article: Wechua Sorrow
See also: Wechu Exodus

Second Wechua Kingdom

Alduro-Wechua Federation

A map of Alduria and the Wechua Nation at the time of their Federation.
Main article: Alduria-Wechua











Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie

Main article: Nouvelle Alexandrie








































Historical Maps

Nouvelle Alexandrie, 1688 AN

See also


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