State visit to Hurmu by the Shahanshah of Çakaristan
State visit to Hurmu by the Shahanshah of Çakaristan | |
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Original title | State visit to Hurmu by the Shahanshah of Çakaristan |
Language | Common Tongue |
Author(s) | Gustaaf Vermeylen |
Genre | Historical narratives |
Location(s) | Hurmu |
(main) characters | Jaaguzan, Atiya bint Alsalam, Daniyal al-Osman and Zahra al-Osman |
Timeframe | 24.IX.1708 and 1.X.1708 AN |
The State visit to Hurmu by the Shahanshah of Çakaristan is the first State Visit of Jaaguzan. This story is described as follows:
The plane, Air Çakar One, made a diversion from Agra to Vesüha to avoid flying over Nouvelle Alexandrie. When the plane had landed, was parked in the right place and the boarding stairs were set up, the Shahanshah and his twin sister appeared in the doorway of the plane. Immediately the Çakari anthem began to play:
Jaaguzan and Atiya descended the stairs and were received by Daniyal al-Osman, Prime Minister. "Your majesty, on behalf of the Cabinet and Senate, I welcome you to Hurmu," the prime minister said. Jaaguzan replied, "Thank you, Your Excellency. It is my pleasure". Then the Shahanshah inspected the ceremonial guard of honour of the Hurmu Peace Corps. Jaaguzan nodded approvingly to the Prime Minister, after which a column of vehicles was ready to drive the dignitaries to the Senate.
Speech to the Parliament
Arriving at the Palace of the Elenaran, the Shahanshah was escorted to the main hall. The Presiding officer, Li Naomiai Avon-El, announced the entrance of the Shahanshah. The representatives of both the Assembly and the Senate gave a standing ovation. The Shahanshah was honoured by the reception and shook hands with the nearby representatives. Some representatives were less enthusiastic, but applauded politely. Arriving at the pulpit, Jaaguzan shook hands with the Speaker of the Assembly and the Presiding Officer. Then Jaaguzan waited for the applause to end so that he could deliver his speech.
"Distinguished Presidents, honoured representatives,
It is a great honour for me to stand before you and address you. Thank you for this opportunity.
With the end of the Arboric Civil War, peace reigns on our continent. Pax Apollonia. We proclaim that this peace will continue and not be disturbed by violence, clash of arms and bloodshed. In this light, we wish to observe the Dasil Agreement, but also to do justice to the wish of the people of Barikalus as expressed in a referendum.
In the Majlis al-Shuwraa, that is the Council of Consultation, I was asked if I saw the annexation of Kildare by Shireroth coming. There were already public reports that could only be placed in the context of the annexation. We did not publicly or non-publicly oppose this annexation. Despite the fact that there is a faction in Çakaristan that is convinced of the legitimate right that Kildare is apostate and belongs to the legitimate successor of the Tobu Emperor. Only that right is not sufficiently founded on legal documents. The fallen Great Apollonian Empire had no constitution to which I could refer. What we have done is precisely a gesture of peace. We ratified the Small Treaty of Non-Aggression, which binds us to Shireroth to keep the peace. As a result, there is an unofficial coalition of peace on our continent, for in addition to Shireroth and Çakaristan, Floria, Natopia and Nouvelle Alexandrie are also signatories to this treaty. May we humbly ask you to consider ratifying this treaty as well and thereby strengthen the chain of peace on this continent.
We express our concern over the Great Vanic Revolt. Çakaristan considers the guerrilla groups as terrorist groups. We reject the Vanic practices, the bloodshed and the violence. Nevertheless, we notice suspicions in the direction of Çakaristan and my person. From the very beginning Çakaristan has kept away from Vanic practices. And as for me, I can't change what my ancestors did. Nor do I take responsibility for it. I reject Vanic practices, the country I am now allowed to rule will not have a policy that would restore anything of Stormark. Rightly Stormark has fallen, rightly that is history.
Let us look to the future. A future of peace and friendship. We are very grateful for the pleasant cooperation in the Apollonian Express. With it we provide good connections for our people. The border between Hurmudan Rekozemlje and Çakari Bulqan is therefore not a major obstacle for the inhabitants on both sides of the border. All the more so because these people previously lived in one country, Krasnocoria. Çakaristan emerged as a product of the struggle against this country. The introduction of the Akbar Constitution confirmed that the Krasnocorians enjoy the same fundamental rights as Çakari.
Thank you for your attention. Thank you for this welcome."
A thunderous applause followed, all present stood up. Also the guests in the gallery, including the Prime Minister's second cousin Zahra. She was very impressed by the peaceful words. After the speech, the Shahanshah had a reception with the representatives and senators.
Visit to the Woodrow Institute
Then the Shahanshah left for the Woodrow Institute. This institute keeps the genealogical records of all descendants of Scott Woodrow. By far most of these descendants live in Çakaristan. The leader of the Conservative List in the Senate, Karel Kyle, received his half-brother. The institute's board, ambassador and Conservative List senators sat together in a circle with Jaaguzan. Tea with delicacies from both Çakaristan and Hurmu were distributed. Jaaguzan expressed his appreciation for the work of the Woodrow Institute. He recalled that Akbar made a request to find out his ancestry, after which it turned out that there was a decent family tree. That this also led to membership of the Order of the Holy Lakes.
Karel Kyle indicated that there are rumours that Çakaristan has ambitions towards Qyzylqaystan. Jaaguzan revealed that there are talks, but that the chances of success are minimal. Karel Kyle continued by stating that there are suspicions in Hurmu that Çakaristan would set its sights on Hurmu in the event of a takeover of Qyzylqaystan. The Shahanshah responded by saying, "That is completely out of the question. We respect our northern neighbour, we do not have any ideas for northern expansion. We are looking at the interpretation of the referendum in Barikalus. As Emir, we want to respect the will of the people."
The conversation continued and consisted mainly of pleasantries. After finishing, the Shahanshah left to go back to the Palace of the Elenaran.
State banquet
On arrival at the Palace of the Elenaran, Shahanshah and his twin sister were received by the Prime Minister. He first introduced his guests to the family members present. "May you introduce my wife, Ghawetkiin Enkhjargal, my son, Temüjin Tokaray Erdenechuluun al-Osman and my daughter, Azardokht Boragchin Erdenechuluuniin al-Osman. My brother, Aurangzeb Tokaraizadeh al-Osman, and his wife, Sarah Dravot. Their son, Daniyal Aurangzeb Kalirion-Osman and his wife, Miranda Isabella Anders, with their children Roya, Zahra, Ismail, Vahid and Elham." Jaaguzan and Atiya went around everyone for a short personal word and handshake. When Jaaguzan arrived at Zahra's house, she expressed her admiration for the speech in parliament. Jaaguzan thanked her for the compliment and added that she was complimented on the beautiful green dress she was wearing. Atiya noticed that something was happening between the two, but also saw that her mother was getting nervous about what was happening.
Later, the guests were escorted to the dining room. There the Senators were present and Jaaguzan was given the place of honour. Daniyal had slightly adjusted the table arrangement in between, so that Zahra sat diagonally opposite Jaaguzan. Prior to the first course, the Prime Minister and the Shahanshah gave short speeches. Those speeches were full of pleasantries and words of praise. The different courses were served. The Shahanshah was interested in what was being served. But Jaaguzan was distracted by the pretty Zahra. Atiya whispered to her brother to beware, that his focus on Zahra was starting to get noticed. Jaaguzan felt caught out and did not know what to reply to his sister. She then whispered that she would arrange something.
After the banquet, the guests were escorted to the garden. There, a small orchestra played, there was an opportunity to dance and the guests could speak to each other in a slightly less formal way. Jaaguzan had no shortage of interlocutors, so he couldn't just slip away to talk to Zahra. It was expected that the honoured guests would open the dance. So Jaaguzan invited Ghawetkiin Enkhjargal to dance, and Daniyel Atiya. After a few moments, the Shahanshah gestured that others could start dancing too. The conversation between Jaaguzan and Ghawetkiin Enkhjargal was mostly small talk. Polite things, like Jaaguzan complimenting her for her singing. But the conversation between Daniyal and Atiya had Jaaguzan and Zahra as its subject. After the dance, Daniyal had sent Miranda Isabella Anders, the mother of Zahra, to Atiya, who had sat down on a bench in a tuned part of the garden, as she had arranged with Daniyal. The women discussed the possible coupling of Jaaguzan and Zahra. "It is still premature, but if you allow it, then we can give them a chance," Atiya told Miranda. Miranda indicated to speak to Zahra. "Then give me a sign that if we go ahead with what we just discussed, then I can inform my brother," Atiya concluded the conversation. Half an hour later, Miranda made a hand gesture to Atiya, who understood the hint. She took her brother aside and gently told him what she had organised. Jaaguzan looked at her and said: "Thank you, I hadn't thought of acting so quickly." "My brother, in this there is no time to lose", winked Atiya. "By the great Craitgod, may she be a worthy bride for me", prayed Jaaguzan. The evening ended with a fireworks show.
Gateway into the future
The next day, Jaaguzan, Atiya and the entourage would leave for Ghawlama by Hurmu Gate Network. This made Jaaguzan a little nervous. He did not know the technique, how the journey would go and how safe it was. But when the time came, he acted as if it was quite normal and he was used to it. He stepped into the gate and stepped out of the gate in Ghawlama. It felt to him like passing through a door. He checked his fingers, as if that would change. The Shahanshah was driven through the city in a blinded car after his arrival. Because there were several cars in the column with blinders on, it was soon impossible to tell which car Shahanshah was in. In a tunnel, the car with Jaaguzan turned off and was replaced by another blinded car. As a result, the same number of cars came out of the tunnel again, but the car with the Shahanshah was missing. That car drove out another exit, and arrived at a manor a moment later. There the Shahanshah got out and was led to the garden by the river.
Overlooking the river was a bench with a table, bordered by an evergreen hedge. Jaaguzan saw from a distance that on the table were all kinds of delicacies, tea and flowers. When Jaaguzan came closer, he saw the dress of a lady sitting on the bench. He stopped, took a deep breath and then walked towards the bench. He started beaming when he saw that Zahra was sitting there. She quickly stood up and bowed, saying, "Your majesty." Jaaguzan replied, "May I offer you these flowers?" Zahra nodded nervously, accepting the bunch of flowers. The bunch contained several flowers, including anthuriums (symbolising exotic beauty), hyacinths (symbolising peace and beauty) and orchids (symbolising beauty and love). She thanked the Shahanshah and invited him to take a seat on the bench.
They sat next to each other uncomfortably, but because of the curved bench, they could still see each other. Like love-struck teenagers, they were both on edge. Finally, Jaaguzan said, "What have you prepared?", pointing to the table. Zahra was pleased that Jaaguzan made an opening and replied, "Gaz, also known as Babkhan nougat. Koloocheh, which I would normally make myself, but I didn't have time for that now. Masghati with pistachio. Sohan with almond. Nan-e nokhodchi in the shape of a four-leaf clover. Yes, it is... for good luck, you know." Jaaguzan had to smile and said, "I'm sorry, but I forgot to compliment you on your beautiful appearance. You have a beautiful dress on. How silly of me to ask about food first". They both laughed. "Thank you, your majesty. May I pour tea for you?", said Zahra. "Yes, please," Jaaguzan replied. He admired Zahra while she poured the tea. Then the conversation started and Zahra forgot the formality of addressing Jaaguzan as 'majesty'. That did not bother him, only that time was too short. Before Jaaguzan said goodbye and had to leave, he asked Zahra, "Do you agree with me that we should take this as the beginning of the Khastegāri (courtship)?" "Yes," Zahra replied without hesitation.
Monument in the harbour
On arrival at the port, Jaaguzan was beaming and in very good spirits. Of course, there was a serious ceremony on the programme, but Jaaguzan was unremittingly happy. Yaequb Bunduq, Chairman of the Preparatory Government of Barikalus, Rupert Hinton, Chamberlain of Lac Glacei and Amir Çakar, Khan of Kendall Khanate, had also arrived. Yaequb Bunduq stood behind the lectern and began to speak: "On this day, 1.X.1708 AN, according to the Dasil Agreement, the new situation will come into force. Hereby I would like to put into words what has been agreed upon in that agreement: on behalf of the State of Barikalus, I would like to convey to you, your majesty, Shahanshah of Çakaristan and Emir of Arbor, apologies for the murder of the Emir and Emira, your father and mother. To you, Karel Kyle des Vinandy, Senator, for the murder of your father and your stepmother. This tragedy was not prevented, we are sorry.
On behalf of the State of Barikalus, I would like to apologise to you, Senate of Hurmu, for the murder by sinking of the Maerifan ship in this port, in which Hurmu dockers were also killed. Apologies for causing war, apologies for unnecessary violence and bloodshed.
We express our eternal gratitude to the countries that have freed our country, Barikalus, from this evil. Freed from the tyrant and freed from the radical fanatics. We express our appreciation to the countries that condemned and sanctioned the murder of the Emir and Emira. We express our hope that liberated Barikalus will return to the favourable sentiments of Micras. Our country is like paradise in terms of landscape, nature and culture. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts."
The Dasil Agreement signatories came forward. Bowed their heads before the Shahanshah, before the other senators and saluted the Prime Minister. Then they put their hands together and pressed a big red button together. That caused the curtain over the monument to slip off. Those present started applauding and Jaaguzan also applauded and nodded in agreement.
Time for home
After the ceremony, a reception was held in the city's luxury hotel. There Jaaguzan said goodbye to the senators and the prime minister. In a separate room, he met Daniyal Aurangzeb Kalirion-Osman and Miranda Isabella Anders. Zahra was also present and made a curtsy. Her mother followed suit and her father bowed his head. Jaaguzan looked into Zahra's eyes and both felt love burning. Atiya followed her brother and greeted Zahra's parents. Jaaguzan offered his hand and Zahra took it. Together they turned to the others. Jaaguzan spoke, "May we hereby inform you that we have decided to enter Khastegāri". The parents and his twin sister congratulated the couple.
Jaaguzan offered her mother another flower bouquet and then she invited him to sit down. The whole company sat down. After some small talk, the conversation moved on to the first formalities surrounding the Khastegāri, how to give it shape, and a prospect of the possible future. Some conditions were agreed upon. Jaaguzan had his twin sister explain some palace protocols. Then the couple was allowed to talk to each other alone for a while. Her mother or his twin sister unexpectedly took turns to enter the room to pour the tea or refill the pastry. But of course that was theatre to supposedly prevent the lovers from being inappropriate.
And of course far too soon, it was time for Jaaguzan to leave. Atiya said, "It's time, the train is waiting". Jaaguzan shrugged his shoulders and said that train was not leaving without him anyway. Everyone laughed, but still Jaaguzan said goodbye. As Jaaguzan and Atiya walked along the corridor, they could still hear Zahra and her mother uttering cries of joy. Despite the fact that the doors of the room were closed and they had already gone a distance. Jaaguzan and Atiya looked at each other laughing. At the station, the train was waiting for the distinguished passengers. The Prime Minister was standing on the platform and had shaken hands with Jaaguzan. He said, "Congratulations on your Khastegāri". Jaaguzan thanked, but held back on asking how the Prime Minister could already know this. From the window, he waved goodbye to the Prime Minister as the train departed in a southerly direction. Hours later the train crossed the border and the Shahanshah was back in his country.