Micrasian Ultras scene
The Micrasian Ultras scene refers to the football subculture of Ultras that is prevalent across many countries throughout Micras. Originating in Tellia, which has a history of hooliganism, it exploded around Micras following the development of the Ultras scene in Senya, and is now seen in many countries across Micras.
The scene rose to prominence initially in Tellia, which had a problem with hooliganism, especially pertaining to sectarianism between Tellians and Ashkenatzis. Several incidences involving hooliganism were recorded over the years in Tellia, and on the international stage clashes between the national sides of Tellia and Ashkenatza became infamous for their clashes. Several noticeable incidents occurred in the 2012 and 2013 Benacia Cups, where security issues forced several ethnic Ashkenatzi players on the Tellian team to withdraw from the squad ahead of the fixture between the two countries.
Another country which saw a small Ultras movement emerge was Interland. Less prone to violence than the Tellian firms, Interland's supporters never really grabbed much attention from the rest of Micras. Flares, tifos and flags were used by Interlandian and Tellian groups, as well as on a smaller scale in several other nations, but the organised fan groups in these countries never really inspired other groups to form outside of their homelands.
Senyan scene
Following Senya's admittance to the FMF in 2012, many Ultras groups formed around the various new clubs teams that emerged in the areas. Senya was a country divided between the Senyan-speaking and English-speaking regions, as well as a problem of a small scale insurgency in the River Warriors. Due to these factors, people turned to the new football clubs, which at the time were the new nation's only real social institutions, as a place to vent their frustrations. Partly inspired by Tellian fans at the 2012 FMF World Cup, the use of pyrotechnics and tifos began to gain momentum within Senyan stadiums.
Following the commencement of the 2012–13 Senyan League season and the national team's move to the Revolution Road stadium in Jogasim, the Ultras movement really began to gain traction. During this season, pressure on government caused a bill passed requiring all professional clubs in Senya to have an independently run Ultras group, as well as the legalisation of pyro in stadiums. This further propelled the scene. Two deaths following riots in a game between Dyas Rangers and Spartak Jogasim threaten to halt the movement, however many Senyan fans rejected the violence and despite some political moves to get the scene banned, the movement survived. Within Senya, the ultras scene largely rejects violence, although some small scale fights occasionally happen.
Since 2014, the Naldas, the organised Ultras group of the national team, have emerged as the main group in Senya, unifying many club groups, and positioning themselves in opposition against the Gerenian Ultras group Marauders. The Naldas were instrumental in the design of the Senyan national stadium the Snakepit, alongside bringing the scene to the international attention during the 2014 FMF World Cup due to their passionate support.
Recent developments

Since 2014, the Ultras movement has expanded across Micras, with the scene becoming more prominent amongst more and more nations. From Senya, the scene spread initially to other up-and-coming footballing powers, most notably Gerenia and Vyktory. The pivotal moment for the scene came during the 2017 FMF World Cup, which was hosted by Senya. Given the sometimes violent reputation of some affiliated hooligan groups, Senyan fans used the tournament to promote a more positive image of the ultras movement, with the tournament organisers using the atmosphere generated as a unique selling point for the tournament. Senya's performance in getting to the final, as well as a string of impressive performances and coupled with the atmosphere brought by the ultras of other participating teams such as Gerenia, Vyktory and Calbion, saw an even larger spread of the scene. The scene found success in Apollonia, where organised support surrounding football teams in Floria and Krasnocoria in the wake of the War of Lost Brothers saw the creation of market ripe for the proliferation of the scene.
During the 2018 Copa Apollonia, organised support groups of Krasnocoria and Senya aligned themselves with one another in opposition to Florian and Gerenian hooligans, with the tournament overshadowed by several high profile hooligan incidents.
The scene has also spread outside of traditional footballing countries to states in Benacia and Eura, where authoritarian regimes have begun to use the ultras scene to engage in proxy fights with hostile nations. In these nations, the ultras groups are much more affiliated and influenced by the authorities, and usually co-ordinate pre-planned riots. This can be contrasted with the Apollonian scene, in which the ultras groups are largely independent of government influence and occasionally target the police when their paths cross.
Whilst the fall of Gerenia, Krasnocoria and Freeland saw a slight decline on the greater Apollonian scene, the increased presence of the ultras in Benacia and Eura has become increasingly visible at international competitions. In particular, ultras from the Unified Governorates have used their national team's success as a platform to showcase Benacian strength, which has manifested itself in larger hooligan actions. Unlike the Apollonian scene (With the exception of Floria), there is a greater emphasis in both the Benacian and Euran scenes on hooliganism.

Ultras groups generally consist of independent supporters that are unified under an organisation that, depending on the country, may liaise with the club. Often, Ultras groups will be allocated a specific sector in the stadium to be used, and may or may not be given special access so that they can set up tifos or choreographies.
Many Ultras groups use a variety of different tactics to support their team. One of the most common is through the use of pyrotechnics such as flares. The use of flares has been popular since the start of the Tellian scene, and has expanded since through its usage in the Senyan scene. Although there are varying laws on the legality of the use of flares from country to country, some nations, such as Senya and Vyktory, have legalised them, with the 2017 FMF World Cup in Senya the first where fans will be explicitly permitted to use pyrotechnics in the stadium.
Ultras groups may also use banners or massive fan-created pieces of art, alongside pyrotechnics, to creates tifos or choreographies in the stadium that portray certain messages.
In countries where the Ultras scene has less influence, such as Craitland and Mercury, fans often are limited to waving club-coloured flags, the use of chants and occasionally jumping, such as the poznan. These tactics are also used by many Ultras groups, but are seen as less essential parts of the supporter experience, with a greater emphasis being places on tifos and the use of pyrotechnics.
In Shireroth, a sprawling authoritarian neo-feudal empire, organised groups of fans enjoy a large measure of regime support. In return for cash incentives and a certain level of indulgence by the authorities, members of Shirerithian Ultras groupings such as the Dark Orchid Society and the Mango Hundreds are also expected to attend political rallies, act as auxiliary cudgellers (the Shirerithian conception of policing rests heavily upon baton-work), and - when necessary - to ensure that individuals and groups deemed as undesirable by the Imperial Republic meet a timely demise. The Imperial Republic is also alleged to unofficially condone the practice of scalp-hunting. Although strongly denied by the Imperial Government there are persistent allegations that, during the administration of Steward Zinkgraven, Shirerithian Ultras who successfully kill or maim the fans of USSO aligned clubs receive rewards that include pensions, holidays and the services of prostitutes. In their spare time they apparently also enjoy watching football.
A growing trend is for supporters of certain teams to form "alliances" with each other, promising to support one-another's teams. Naldas have an agreement with Coria's Zeleni, with Zeleni also promising to support Fort Kolgrad as well. Alliances between clubs often exist in the Senyan lower leagues between teams from different cities who may share colours or linguistic heritage. Fans of FK Tiga and FC Tiga Toroni have an alliance due from formerly sharing the same ground, despite representing different linguistic communities and the teams being from the same city.
Notable groups
The Naldas are the largest group of organised supporters of the Senya national football team. They are one of two major football fan groups supporting the team, and are the largest Ultras group on Micras with around 75,000 members. They were formed in 2013 and are noted as the most famous, influential and notorious groups on Micras. They are renowned for their large tifos and pyrotechnic displays. They have an intense rivalry with the Marauders of Gerenia.

The Marauders, the main Ultras group in Gerenia supporting the national team, were founded in 2016 after the merger of three smaller Ultras groups which had been around since 2014. They are noted for being noisy and colourful with their displays, and maintain an intense rivalry with the Naldas.
List of notable Ultras groups
Although not limited to national teams, many of the more notable Ultras groups on Micras are of national teams, perhaps partially due to the influence of the Naldas and Marauders.

Although for the most part Ultras groups are peaceful, there have been occasions in which hooliganism and violence have broken out amongst supporters at football matches across Micras. Tellia and Novatainia had a reputation for violence in the early years of the FMF in particular, whilst fans of Senya's Dyas Rangers are considered some of the worst club football hooligans.
Majority of hooligan groups in modern day Micrasian football exist in Floria as well as Senya with groups such as the Black Wall (Dragonmoor FC), Wolfpine Railway Crew (Wolfpine United) and Dyas Rangers' Hooligans One being the most unique compared to other Ultras groups in both countries, however, most incidents of hooliganism in both Floria and Senya are un-coordinated and are frowned upon by the mainstream Ultras scene.
List of notable hooligan incidents
2007 FMF World Cup intimidation
In an incident which saw the FMF issue its first ever sanctions against a national association, fans of the Novatainian national side caused damage to the bus transporting Taesongean players to their group game versus Tokidoki, whom the fans wanted to win due to the two nations' shared hosting of the tournament. No personal injuries were reported, though Taesong subsequently lost the match 7–5.
2012 Benacia Cup riots
During the 2012 Benacia Cup, fans of Tellia and Ashkenatza clashed ahead of the group stage meeting between the two sides in Mortis Mercatoria. In the initial riots, 30 people were arrested following clashes outside bars, with 15 people needing hospital treatment as a result. Whilst the match itself was peaceful, due to the presence of a large security force, two players, Haskel Bernstein and Isaac Mahler withdrew from the Tellian squad ahead of the game, and following the match, further riots saw one fan stabbed and a further five arrested. Ahead of the following match between Shireroth and Ashkenatza, three members of the Shireroth squad withdrew, citing safety fears.
2012 Brabant Rovers-Dynamo Deacon riots
Following Dynamo Deacon's suprise 8–1 deafeat to Brabant Rovers in the 2012 Four Nations, fans rioted, invading the pitch after the game and fighting opposing fans.
2013 Benacia Cup riots
20 fans were arrested and 150 were hosptialised following riots in Zeeburg between Ashkenatza and Tellia supporters ahead of their 2013 Benacia Cup clash. Once again, Haskel Bernstein and Isaac Mahler withdrew from the Tellian squad ahead of the game citing safety fears
2013 Dyas Rangers-Spartak Jogasim riots
On the opening day of the 2013–14 Senyan Second League, following the full time whistle, Dyas Rangers fans broke into the sector housing Spartak Jogasim supporters. Violence in the stadium continued for two hours, but violence continued outside the ground too, with police being forced to fire rubber bullets on fans. Some Rangers fans set a bus on fire containing away fans, which two people were killed in. Hundreds of arrests were made on the night, and afterwards, Rangers fans were banned 30 matches, provided they were male and over the age of 16. The club was also deducted 13 points for the riots.
2015 Dyas Derby riots
The 2014–15 Kopa Sanya fourth round tie between local rivals Dyas Rangers and Park Prinsipa was abandoned following crowd trouble. Fighting began when Michael Vrorker, retrieving the ball to take a throw in, threw a punch a visiting supporter who was holding the ball from him. The incident, which was next to the police line between home and away fans, saw players from both teams becoming involved in a violent punch up, with bites body slams, and assaults being visible. Home fans starting to fight the police, and broke through the line, getting into the visiting supporters sections, involving a riot. The referee tried to get people off of the pitch, however the playing field was soon over-run by supporters of Rangers, trying to get at Park Prinsipa players and fans. Prinsipa players were chased down the tunnel by supporters, who over-ran police, whilst flares and molotov cocktails were thrown at visiting supporters. Visiting supporters tried to respond with flares and after police back up was able to get back, were escorted down the stands, despite constant violence from home fans. Outside the stadium, Park Prinsipa supporters, who had heard about the violence inside the stadium, gathered in large numbers, and more fighting ensued outside. Police tried to break up the violence, but police cars were smashed, and in one case a police horse was stabbed. In another case, a flare was let off in the face of an officer. Fans had their cars smashed parts of the stadium was burnt. Police could not control the situation, and people with knives had started to arrive. 17 people were arrested in all, whilst 36 spent the night in hospital.
Park Prinsipa were awarded the tie 3–0.
2015 Svorgas Scitenhima-Eldeburgh riots
Svorgas Scitenhima fans rioted outside the game after their AEFA Champions' League semi-final defeat to Eldeburgh. 10 people were arrested after fans attacked a bus carrying Eldeburgh fans and set a nearby coffee shop on fire. Fans were also herd chanting racist slogans against Gotzborg supporters.
2015 World Cup riots
Following Safiria's elimination from the 2015 FMF World Cup, their supporters rioted, with fans smashing windows, overturning cars, looting shops, throwing themselves before moving trains and busses, and assaulting at least five North Antarctican fans in Kealb. Six suicides were report amongst the violence.
2015 Senya-Gerenia riots
During Senya's 4–0 defeat to arch-rivals Gerenia, some Senyan fans tried to attack several Gerenian players and fans, before skirmishes broke out in the Naldas sectors of the stadium between fans and police. However, the violence was very minimised to one area of the stadium, far away from the away sector.
2016 River Warriors-Senya riots
Naldas clashed with River Warriors supporters during Senya's visit to the River Warriors during the Copa Apollonia qualifiers. During the match, River Warrior supporters threw a flare that hit Senyan defender Jake Colchester, whilst rioting after the game between the two sets of supporters saw seats ripped up and thrown and several injuries. The game took place in the first meeting of the two sides on Rivorian soil since the 2014 River Warrior War.
2016 Dyas Rangers-FK Tiga riots
Following the end of the Senyan Second League fixture between Dyas Rangers and FK Tiga, fans of the home side invaded the pitch, tearing down the goalposts before trying to attack the visiting manager. Fighting continued outside the ground on nearby streets, where 17 people were arrested.
2017 Coast Derby riots
Following 4–3 defeat to Mornari Averna, Plava Zvezda Grendbej's fans called Plava Banda have started burning the seats on the north stand. After the order to empty the stand, fans were throwing chairs onto riot police chanting homophobic slogans to opponent fans, players and referee. 49 people were arrested, and 17 injured. Some of the fans were attacking firefighters, preventing them to put down the fire. Home fans called Ulicari from the south stand were trying to invade the pitch and eventually attack the rivals, but they were prevented by the stewards.
2018 Kingdom of Coria-Shireroth riots
2020 Noka Cup
Barbary played against Phinbella in the 2020 Noka Cup. Barbarian supporters who travelled to Phinbella with the team smuggled rum into the stadium and reacted aggressively towards Phinbellan stewards trying to maintain the peace. After the match ended with a loss for Barbary, bottles of rum were turned into Molotov cocktails with the help of team shawls. Attempts to set the stadium alight failed, but several Phinbellans stewards and Barbarian fans suffered light burn wounds. The Barbarian Football Association announced that it would counter this behaviour by an awareness campaign.
2020 Copa Apollonia
Srbozemska Bus attack
On the 14th July 2020, the Srbozemska national team was travelling to the Olympiastadion against the Florian Republic in their Copa Apollonia debut but the bus was attacked by members of the The Red Army. The main ultras group from the Florian Republic. The motive behind the attack was believed to be the Srbozemskans independence and eventual integration into Krasnocoria a year before the tournament. No players were injured in the incident but the attack would prove to distract the Srbozemksans as they would eventually fall to the Florians by a scoreline of 3–0. An uncoordinated altercation from other Florian ultras against Srbozemskans also happened near a local bar outside the Olympiastadion with an unconfirmed number of up to 50 Srbozemskans injured in the process.
2020 Benacia Cup
On the 1st of August 2020, the UGB national team, consigned in the play-offs to what was, for the team, the so-called Group of Death, played its first game against the Craitland national team in the Fortuna Stadium, Davignon. Having conceded 4 goals in 34 minutes of football, going on the lose their opening match 4–2 the registered UGB supporters were in a vengeful mood and required little encouragement from the attached political officers provided by the Black Legions to play freely with their pyro upon the stands as the final whistle was blown. Plastic seating were soon being torn from their fastenings and heaped into mounds to receive libations of lighter-fluid and thence spark fresh conflagrations accompanied by the cheers and raucous chanting of hundreds of Benacian supporters.
2022 Vanie-Kateki Blavisen riots
Following the 2022–23 AEFA Champions' League group stage match between Oportian club Mineurs and Senyan side Kateki Blavisen, which Mineurs has surprisingly won 5–4, Kateki Blavisen fans rioted. During the game, especially after going 3–0 down early on, KB fans had started throwing several items, including flares and club paraphernalia onto the pitch, with some fans fighting stewards in the away area. Following the completion of the match, the KB fans booed their team off, before trying to attack members of the Oportian Security Forces. Fans and police battled in the streets for a few hours, with chairs from nearby restaurants being thrown, along with flares, with Oportian police holding back their Senyan guests with tear gas. A group of KB ultras tried to attack a bakery, however the staff on hand chased them out, with images of an angry baker chasing a hooligan down the street whilst wielding a baguette going viral. In further embarrassment, Mineurs hooligans stole the main banner of KB during the match along with several smaller flags, which were displayed upside down the following morning. These images were described by club officials as "embarrassing" with the Kateki Blavisen chairman saying "we had our pants pulled down both on the pitch and in the stands".