ESB Construction
Empty Space Builders Construction, also referred to as "ESB Construction", is a construction, engineering, and development firm registered in Constancia and Nouvelle Alexandrie. It has remained one of the ESB Group's primary global profit centers since 1687 AN. The company posted annual revenue in 1693 AN of more than €12 billion, as it has scored large projects from Nouvelle Alexandrie's New Prosperity Plan infrastructure spending spree as well as being a key driver in the construction of housing, roads, and bridges throughout the Federation and Constancia.
On petition of ESB Construction, the Board of Directors of the Honourable Company resolved on 3.I.1741 to approve the incorporation of an ESB Construction subsidiary, one for every continent, provided that the relevant director of continental operations shall always serve as Chair of that subsidiary, and that the head of ESB Construction shall always serve as Vice Chair of that subsidiary.
It has subsidiaries:
- Constancian Cement Corporation
- Euran Secure Buildings
- ESB Construction (Apollonia)
- ESB Construction (Benacia)
- ESB Construction (Cibola)
- ESB Construction (Eura)
- ESB Construction (Shahzamin), domiciled in Port Aguilar, and with offices in Edgardia, Duhok, and Hyblios.
- ESB Construction (Vipia), domiciled in Constancian Vipia, and with offices in Primograd and Liondari.
- ESB Construction (Keltia)
- ESB Construction (Tapfer)
- Esmeralda al-Osman, 18.II.1718 -
Court of Directors
- Jost Grobba, 1689 -
- Iñigo, 18.II.1718 -
- Cifras Kuroumboulis, 1.I.1706 -
- Horsten Merrick, XIV.1669 -
- Alexandrukas Laskaris, XIV.1669 -
Notable projects
- Port of Jirishanca, Nouvelle Alexandrie (Phase I: 1688, Phase II: 1690)
- ESB Steel plant, smelter, and furnace, Susa, Nouvelle Alexandrie
- Ciudad de los Deportes sports complex, Nouvelle Alexandrie
- Constancian Cement Corporation cement plants in Petropolis, Petronium, and Arak, Constancia
- Jirishanca to Cardenas railway, Nouvelle Alexandrie
- Port of Lumenetra, Imperial Republic of Shireroth
- Petropolis, Constancia
- "Beacons 1 and 2" Oil-powered Power Plants
- Separate railway station for personnel and materiel delivery, astride the Aqaba - Nivardom rail line
- Residences for officials, barracks for construction personnel and warehouses for materials
- Excavation for integrated water and sewer system
- Excavation for mandatory household bomb shelters
- Excavation for integrated underground shelter city
- Petropolis integrated water delivery system
- Mandatory rainwater harvesting facilities
- Petropolis outskirts sewerage treatment plants
- Constancian Cement Corporation Cement plants 1 and 2
- Palace of Imperial Unity
- New Imperial Palace
- Northern Arrow Highway, Nouvelle Alexandrie
- Northwestern Rail passenger and freight railway system from Ancash to Judah via Arequipa and Midyan, Nouvelle Alexandrie
- Port Aguilar, Constancia: commercial pier, residential district, water distillation plant
- Port Aguilar Government Center
- ESB Soap factories in Arak and Nisyros, Constancia; and in Susa and Beauharnais, Nouvelle Alexandrie
- Port of the Mehrshahr Special Economic Zone, Suren Confederacy
- Upgrading of the Port of Lune Villa, Ransenar
- San Felipe, Molivadia, Constancia
- Nouradin City Airport, Constancia
- Nouradin City passenger ferry and container pier, Constancia
- Nimezamin Railway between Constancia and Oportia
- Constancia-Oportia Chamber of Commerce building, Vanie, Oportia
- Basilinna Olympia International Airport, Nivardom
- National Assembly complex, Rusjar, Commonwealth of Zeed
- Imperial Constancian Embassy, Rusjar
- Euran Financial Center, Tapfer Plaza
- Basileus Giakoumis Library, San Felipe, Molivadia
- ESB Contact Center, Susa
- ESB Contact Center, Gramercy
- ESB Contact Center, Fontainebleau
- ESB Contact Center, Beauharnais
- ESB Contact Center, Aqaba
- ESB Contact Center, Petropolis
- Sachua Arequibo Offshore Wind Farm
- Commercial pier, Constancian Vipia
- ESB Armada shipyard, Avey, Nouvelle Alexandrie
- National Service Administration building, Petropolis
- National Service Administration building, Hyblios, Shahzamin
- National Service Administration building, Nivardom.
- ESB Armada shipyard, near Fort Concord
Notable projects include the Port of Jirishanca, the Ciudad de los Deportes sports complex, the Punta Santiago MetroRail expansion project, and the tallest building in Cardenas, the Federal Tower. It also has significant projects in Petropolis.
On 27.IX.1701, it was awarded the contract to construct Rusjar International Airport, in accordance with Article 7 of Zeed Directive 4.
In 1711, it was awarded the contract to construct the Nouradin City Airport.