Santander Railway Corporation
Santander Railway Corporation is a corporation registered and operating under the laws of the Federation of Alduria and the Wechua Nation, now the Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie, since 22.V.1688. It has authorized capital of 200 billion Natopos, working capital of around 51 billion Natopos, and has 45%, or approximately 450 million shares, priced at the Alduro-Wechua écu equivalent of 100 natopos per share, listed on the Cardenas Stock Exchange starting 15.VI.1688.
On XII.1722, submitted an unsolicited proposal to construct, operate and maintain a passenger and freight railway system connecting Isabella, Santiago, Lordelo and Castellon, with an option to extend it to Hato Rey and Rio Hondo.
Line of Business
The Santander Railway Corporation is a public-private partnership and joint venture established to construct, operate, and maintain a passenger and freight railway system from the Port of Jirishanca to the capital, Cardenas, with options to extend railway lines to nearby settlements as well.
A 12-member Board of Directors, elected annually by the shareholders, controls the company, while daily management is run by an executive team elected annually by majority of the Board of Directors.
- Esmeralda al-Osman
- Rosamund
- Katja Magda Thorgilsdottir
- Ghawetkiin Enkhjargal
- Guglimundo Kupras, 11.I.1674 - 36.XV.1705
- Cifras Kuroumboulis, 1.I.1706 -
- Iñigo
- Aristedes Panios, 1.II.1694 - 36.XV.1700
- Zurvanudin Miran al-Osman
- Viljo Kaljurand 1688-1690
- Matthäus Koeppen 1690-1694
- Toghemur Ghazan 1694 - 1696
- Bjørn Koeppen 1696 - 1700
- Daniyal Anders 1700 -
- Carl Taylor-Citron 1688 - 1718
- Gunther Bauer 1718 - 12.V.1724
- Javier Primo de Aguilar
- Guglimundo Kupras, 22.V.1688 - 6.XI.1699
- Matthäus Koeppen, 7.XI.1699 - 36.XV.1700
- Cifras Kuroumboulis, 1.I.1701 - 36.XV.1705
- Alexander Santeri, 1.I.1706 - 36.XV.1715
- Thomas Alighieri, 1.I.1716 - 36.XV.1727
- ESB-Jörmungandr Group
- ESB Group (Apollonia)
- ESB Keltia
- ESB Parap
- Imperial Bank for Keltian Development
- ESB Susa
- ESB Holdings
- ESB Securities
- ESB Bank
- ESB Construction
- ESB Fidelity
- ESB Acquisitions
- ESB Export-Import
- ESB Foundation
- ESB Green
- ESB Provident
- ESB Logistics
- ESB Maritime
- ESB-Jagdverbände
- Androphagos Corporation
- Aqaba-Nivardom Railway Construction and Development Corporation
- Atacama Corporation
- Banca Credito Commercio Immobiliare
- Cario Entertainment Corporation
- EuraPrudential
- Kerularios & Company
- Oranjesion Private Equity Capital
- Osman-Aguilar Holdings Corporation
- Prattaya Engineering Solutions
- Transegale Trading Company of Alduria-Wechua, Inc.
- Duke of Santiago Foundation