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Cario Entertainment Corporation

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The Cario Entertainment Corporation is a company registered and operating under the laws of the Imperial State of Constancia.

Established via Autokratorial Decree bearing date 20.XIV.1663, it is domiciled in Cario, and has offices in Aqaba and Nivardom. It essentially governs the city of Cario. It was originally capitalized at Five Hundred Million Teldrin Thalers. At the time (1663), the Teldrin Thaler was trading equivalent to 281 Shireroth Imperial Erb or 843 Constancian Imperial Staters.


Cario Entertainment Corporation is governed by a Chief Executive, who reports to the Court of Directors.

Chief Executives

Court of Directors, 1663 -

Court of Directors, 1731 -

Letters Patent

Jaime Augusto Joaquin Primo de Aguilar by the Grace of the Basileus Grand Knight Commander of The Order of the Great Kingdom of Constancia, Sýmvoulos of the High Court, Minister of Finance, International Trade and Industry, Kyvernítis of the Basileusian Bank, Strategos of Oranje, Kanikleios of Basileusa Megaliotate and Autokrator of Constancia, Co-Ruler of the Kingdom

To all whom these commands shall come, the Autokrator sends


WHEREAS the continued welfare of the people of the Free and Associative Kingdom and the growth of its commerce is paramount in the national interest

In the name and with the authority of

Πετερ Τηε Τηιρδ by the Grace of God and the Fountains of the Kingdom of Constancia Basileus Head of the Constancian Church Defender of the Faith

LET IT THEREFORE BE KNOWN there is hereby established a private body corporate with perpetual existence to be known as the Cario Entertainment Corporation, domiciled in Cario, and with other offices in Aqaba, Nivardom, Vey and elsewhere within the Free and Associative Kingdom of Constancia.

AND WE DO FURTHER DECLARE that the corporation shall have separate legal personality and perpetual succession, and other rights generally accruing to a corporation under common law, both local and international.

AND WE DO FURTHER DECLARE that the corporation shall be governed by a Chief Executive, who reports to the Court of Directors, and such other corporate officers as the Court of Directors may provide, per the By-Laws. The Court of Directors are elected by the shareholders for a one-year term.

AND WE DO FURTHER DECLARE that the Court of Directors may by resolution promulgate By-Laws to govern its operations, that do not contravene this Decree

AND WE DO FURTHER DECLARE that until otherwise declared by the Court of Directors, the capitalization of the corporation shall be Five Hundred Million Teldrin Thalers, payable by shareholders in Teldrin Thalers or other equivalent currency acceptable by the Corporation, at an acceptable currency exchange rate

AND WE DO FURTHER DECLARE that until otherwise amended by sale or transfer of shares, or issuance of new shares for consideration of capital, the following shall constitute the shareholders of the Cario Entertainment Corporation, after payment by value received, at one Teldrin Thaler, or its foreign currency equivalent, per share:

(1 Teldrin Thaler ~ 281 Shireroth Imperial Erb ~ 843 Constancian Staters as working rates)

  • Private subscribers: 146,396,000

AND WE DO FURTHER DECLARE that the Cario Entertainment Corporation shall be exempt from any and all taxes within the Free and Associative Kingdom and has authority to engage in any and all manner of commercial and financial transactions, provided that ten per centum of its annual net revenue shall accrue to the Basileusan Bank in favor of the Government of the Free and Associative Kingdom

AND WE DO FURTHER DECLARE that the Cario Entertainment Corporation shall be authorized to engage in construction and development activities and in the exploration of new technologies, and manage research in support of its aims to construct and maintain a profitable urban hub and entertainment complex

AND WE DO FURTHER DECLARE that officers and employees of the Cario Entertainment Corporation are granted permanent residency in within the Free and Associative Kingdom for the duration of their service

AND WE DO FURTHER DECLARE that Cario Entertainment Corporation officers and employees are exempt from any Constancian taxation, in lieu of which a 5% fee of annual gross corporate individual earnings shall accrue to the Basileusan Bank in favor of the Government of the Free and Associative Kingdom

AND FINALLY WE DECLARE that such Euran lands within the Thema Nisian necessary for the construction, maintenance and operation of aforesaid entertainment complex, not to exceed 1,440 square kilometers are, subject to approval of the Autokrator, conveyed in fee simple to the Cario Entertainment Corporation by the Free and Associative Kingdom

IN WITNESS WHEREOF We have caused our Sign-Manual and Seal to be Affixed.

WITNESS Ourself at Nirytos House in the 20th day of Apellaios in the 46th year of the Basileus' Reign,

By The Autokrator Himself Signed with His Own Hand,

Jaime Augustin Joaquin Primo de Aguilar