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One Company to Rule Them All

ESB Isle

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ESB Isle
Flag of ESB Isle
Coat of Arms of ESB Isle
Coat of Arms
Motto: Profit is an argument that outweighs all others
Anthem: Imperial Majesty
File:Constancia anthem.ogg
Location of ESB Isle
Map versions - Present
Capital xxxx
Largest city xxxx
Official language(s) Constancian
Official religion(s)
Demonym Gentleman/Lady of the Isle
 - Adjective Honorable One
Government Constitutional Monarchy
 - Basilinna Esmeralda al-Osman
 - The Resident-General Anders Koeppen
 - Legislature
Establishment 13.V.1738
Currency Imperial Stater
Time zone(s)
Mains electricity
Driving side
Track gauge
National website
National forum
National animal Falco pelegrinoides
National food
National drink
National tree
Abbreviation CON

ESB Isle, the island formerly known as Grand Wulfram of the South Sea Islands, is located southeast of Corum. It is, officially and legally, a protectorate of the Imperial State of Constancia. Unofficially, it is an insidious den of avarice, fraud, iniquity, and various other unspeakables in polite company. It is a place of ill-repute, but of good corporate reputation.


The island, then known as Grand Wulfram, was incorporated into the territory of the South Sea Islands in 1553, and the city of Zuid-Richel was founded as a provisional capital. While Trinity Island was predominantly settled by Britannic Empire descendants from Madison Isles, Grand Wulfram's milder climate attracted settlers from more temperate areas of the former empire. As a result, Zuid-Richel rapidly became significantly more diverse, and expanded rapidly to become the South Sea Islands' largest settlement.

The Zuid-Richel Seaport was formally opened in 1560, South Seas International Aiport following in 1665. The presence of these key transport hubs have contributed to the city becoming the economic powerhouse of the South Sea Islands.

In 1737, the island's population was decimated by an outbreak of Southern Scurvy. The survivors, who totaled less than a thousand, were evacuated to Trinity Island and settled in to shelters at Joseph Town. At that point Zuid-Richel was officially abandoned by Moorland and the SSI.

Sensing a hostile takeover opportunity, on 13.V.1738, under the guise of a Razzia, elements of ESB-Jagdverbände, volunteers from the ESB Security Directorate based in Constancia, as well as other volunteers from Constancia, disembarked from the Admiral Deimos Jasonides, Ignatius-class amphibious transport dock vessel, to deploy and secure the otherwise-empty location, accompanied by KP Koudouras, a Logistic Support Vessel and Andronikos-class Auxiliary Cruisers Astyánax and KP Neoptolemos . Those embarked formed the Admiral Deimos Jasonides demi-regiment (for lack of a better name), of 5 moíra, with each moíra forming 3 kentarchia (troops) of 40 each. Each moíra had a specific mission:

  • Moíra 1 and 2: Secure the former capital of Zuid-Richel
  • Moíra 3 and 4: Secure the former South Seas International civilian airport
  • Moíra 5:  : Secure the seaport where the Admiral Deimos Jasonides would be docked when not reconnoitering the coastline

An extra kentarchia of Imperial Constancian Marines remained aboard the Admiral Deimos Jasonides as extra security.

The operation was executed without much incident, save for a volunteer that sprained their ankle while negotiating the ruins of Zuid-Richel, and another who was bitten by a rabid dog at the former South Seas International civilian airport, mere moments before the canine became a casualty of war by pistol fire.

Morning of the second day, 14.V.1738


The former city of Zuid-Richel, was located in south east of the island. Located on uplands several miles inland from the coast, the city enjoys a moderate climate with summer temperatures reaching a high off 22 degrees Celsius. The rural areas to the north and west are intensively cultivated for agriculture, while the south and east are typically dominated by volcanic rock. The highest point, formerly known as Mount Martinus, stands at 290 metres above sea level and can be seen from the city's western side.

The relatively mild climate of the island makes it an important agricultural region, which aids in self-sufficiency.


ESB Isle is, officially and legally, a dependency of the Imperial State of Constancia, which holds sovereignty over the island.

A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Honourable Company on 12.VI.1738 at Astérapolis noted with pleasure the Razzia and peaceful transfer of ownership conducted on the island formerly known as Grand Wulfram of the South Sea Islands, gratefully and gracefully surrendered the same to, and petitioned the Chairwoman and Basilinna of the Imperial State of Constancia to grant the Honourable Company the same in fee simple, with reversion to the Imperial State in the unlikely demise of the Company. The Board of Directors was graciously pleased to witness signature of the Imperial Decree. The Board of Directors of the Honourable Company resolved to name the location, ESB Isle.

At a subsequent meeting nearly a year later, 2.X.1739 at Petropolis, the Board of Directors of the Honourable Company resolved to create a Resident-General is for ESB Isle, with the rank of OF-7 and Deputy Director, possessing the usual powers of a resident and plenipotentiary powers subordinate to the Chair and Board of Directors, to be appointed only on majority vote of the Board of Directors and serving at pleasure. Residency on ESB Isle beyond 48 hours is subject to the permission of the Resident-General, unless superior Imperial Constancian or Group officials declare otherwise.

At that same meeting, Anders Koeppen was appointed first Resident-General for ESB Isle, and mandated to submit monthly progress reports to the Board through the Secretariat.


The Board of Directors of the Honourable Company on 2.X.1739 at Petropolis resolved that the agricultural lands of ESB Isle were to be utilized for island self-sufficiency and sustainability. Solar panels and rainwater harvesting infrastructure, as well as wave-power infrastructure and underwater data storage were to be utilized.

The Board of Directors of the Honourable Company on 14.VII.1740 at Astérapolis resolved to establish branches of Entrepreneurship Services Bank, ESB Bank, as well as ESB Export-Import and ESB Clearinghouse in ESB Isle. At that same meeting, The Board resolved that ESB Construction shall establish a subsidiary for ESB Isle. The Board resolved further that the subsidiary shall examine and maintain the existing seaport for full commercial capacity. The Board likewise resolved to establish ESB Insurance, domiciled at ESB Isle but with offices in Petropolis, Aqaba, Nivardom, Rusjar, and elsewhere there is an ESB residency. The Board resolved further that ESB Insurance shall henceforth insure all ESB employees, with premiums to both be deducted from employee salaries and contributed by the Company.

International Airport

Dravot International Airport


The Board of Directors of the Honourable Company on 2.X.1739 at Petropolis resolved that ESB Construction shall establish a subsidiary for ESB Isle. The Board resolved further that the subsidiary shall examine and maintain the existing seaport for full commercial capacity.

Railway Line

The former Bosworth Line is the only railway line, linking the city to the seaport via the interational airport.

Tourism Sector