Anders Koeppen

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Anders Koeppen, born 1711, is the youngest son of Erik Koeppen and Astrid Osbjorn Hendriksson. Because of his parentage, he has dual-nationality in Shireroth and Constancia. Paternal grandfather was Imperial Senator Matthäus Koeppen. Maternal grandfather was Bjørn Hendriksson. Maternal great-grandfather was the esteemed Garvin Hendriksson.

Educated in the Sarayzenana then Saraymardana then Dabirestân-e Andarûn. Enlisted (by operation of law) in the Home Guard on his 18th birthday (1729) as an ordinary Sarbaz (Soldier). assigned to his aunt's military household. Took undergraduate degree in the Euran University, graduating with a degree in development studies. Hired to work at ESB Logistics as Logistics Planning Specialist. Promoted to Anthypaspistis (Warrant Officer) assigned to divisional logistics (G-4) in the 1634th ESB-Jörmungandr Division, 505th (Aqabah) Army, accordingly.

Appointed as Resident-General of ESB Isle, with the rank of OF-7 and Deputy Director, possessing the usual powers of a resident and plenipotentiary powers subordinate to the Chair and Board of Directors, by resolution of the Board of Directors of the Honorable Company bearing date 2.XIII.1739 at Petropolis. Dispatched thereto by Imperial Constancian Air Force flight to Naya Island, followed by transshipment to ESB Isle via the Marcellus Paixhans Ignatius-class amphibious transport dock vessel of the Corporate Seafaring Transportation Service.

Surprised society and government observers on VII.1740 when it was announced that he was officially courting Alexandra Metaxas, daughter of the famed and esteemed Periklês Metaxas and Ekaterini Metaxas.