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Erik Koeppen

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Erik Koeppen
Physical information
Species Human
Race Euran
Gender Male
Hair color and style xxxx
Eye color xxx
Skin color xxx
Biographical information
Elwynn Elwynn
Constancia Constancia

Trans-Euran Command

  • Constancia Imperial Constancian Army
Years of service

  • Constancia

Erik Koeppen, born 1664, worked for as a staffer for his father, Imperial Senator Matthäus Koeppen, then as a manager of the Atacama Corporation under his father, the Chief Executive. Continued to work for the corporation under Chief Executive Toghemur Ghazan, then for his older brother, Bjørn Koeppen once elected Chief Executive in 1696. Resigned from Atacama Corporation in 1699 coinciding with his brother's expulsion from power in Ijubicastagrad and became Chief of Staff of his father the Imperial Senator beginning 1700.

He was appointed Chief Secretary of the Allied Control Commission of the Military Government of Zeed on 26.IX.1701, a position he held until the promulgation of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Zeed on 14.XIV.1727. Appointed Imperial Constancian Ambassador to the Commonwealth of Zeed effective 1.VI.1732, vice Jost Grobba.

Engaged to Astrid Osbjorn Hendriksson whom he married in 1700. Has a son, Fredrikke Koeppen, twin daughters, Frida Koeppen, and Sigrid Koeppen, another daughter, Anneli Koeppen, and a son Anders Koeppen.