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Imperial Constancian Ambassador

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An Imperial Constancian Ambassador is the formal diplomatic representative of the Imperial State of Constancia to another nation. They are formally appointed and commissioned by the reigning Basileus or Basilinna, on recommendation of the Mesazon. By tradition, unless they have other higher offices or designations, they are addressed as Ambassador for the rest of their lives, even if they no longer are.

MTO Micras Treaty Organization:

Imperial Constancian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Raspur Pact Raspur Pact:

Committee of Euran Salvation Committee of Euran Salvation:

Committee of Euran Salvation Euran Economic Union:

Aerla Republic of Aerla:

Treaty between Aerla and the Imperial State of Constancia proposed on 1722 AN

Anahuaco Anahuaco Empire:

Accession of Anahuaco to the Raspur Pact concluded on 7.IV.1711 AN.

Benacian Union Benacian Union:

Inherited membership from the UGB and Elwynn in 1703 AN.

Çakaristan Çakar Empire:

Treaty between Constancia and Çakaristan concluded at Huyenkula on 15.VII.1726 AN

Hurmu Realms of the Order of the Holy Lakes:

Formal diplomatic relations established by Autokratorial Decree on 20.VI.1689.

Moorland Kingdom of Moorland:

Accession of the Kingdom of Moorland to the Raspur Pact concluded on V.1719 AN.
Treaty between Constancia and Moorland negotiated at Newcastle upon Eastmoor in 1719 AN

Normark Kingdom of Normark:

Became a member of the Raspur Pact in 1703 after its independence in accordance with the Amicable Grant of the Congress of Chryse on 13.XII.1703

Nouvelle Alexandrie Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie:

  • Prince Farrukhān, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, 1729 -
  • Davey Aron, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, 1724 - 1729

Oportia State of Oportia:

Shireroth Imperial Republic of Shireroth:

  • Princess Rosamund, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, 1.I.1697 - 16.IX.1700
  • Argyris Khan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, 18.XIV.1685 - 36.XV.1696
  • Dunixi Vergas, Chargé d'affaires, Deputy Chief of Mission and Naval Attache, 1.I.1685 - 17.XIV.1685
  • Celandia Kalli, Chargé d'affaires, Deputy Chief of Mission, Deputy Military Attache and Benacia Command Liaison, 1.I.1680 - 36.XV.1684
  • Avernus Tripolis, Chargé d'affaires, Deputy Chief of Mission and Military Attache, 1.I.1674 - 36.XV.1679
  • Spyridon Vlahos 13.II.1663 - 36.XV.1673

Suren Suren Confederacy:

Became a member of the Raspur Pact in 1692

Vegno Republic of Vegno:

Zeed Commonwealth of Zeed: