Angeliki Papadimitriou
Angeliki Papadimitriou has been a member of the Mandate Council of the International Mandate for the Settlements in Apollonia since 1687.
Appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Micras Treaty Organization by Mesazon Alissa Guadalim on 16.VII.1710.
Raised to the Imperial Senate in 1717.
It was her duty on 18.II.1718 to announce the Death of King Manco Cápac I and Basileus Giakoumis to the General Assembly of the Micras Treaty Organization. [1]
18.II.1718 10:30 a.m.
Esteemed representatives,
Her Imperial Majesty Esmeralda is presently informing our Imperial Synkletos and the people of the Imperial State of this grave matter.
I am commanded by my government: It is my sad duty to inform the General Assembly that our Basileus Giakoumis, who served this Organization as Secretary-General, has been brutally assassinated alongside King Manco Capac I. He was aboard Condor 1, alongside the King of Nouvelle Alexandrie.
The grief of the Imperial State is immense, but so is the thirst for justice. Our deceased sovereign of happy memory, and the deceased sovereign of Nouvelle Alexandrie will be avenged.
Angeliki Papadimitriou
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Micras Treaty Organization