Elwynn Memorial Heritage Foundation
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The Elwynn Memorial Heritage Foundation is a corporate entity registered under Constancian law, effective 18.III.1742 via Autokratorial Decree, dedicated towards preserving the history, heritage, and memory of Elwynn and its people.
It is domiciled at the Elwynn Memorial Heritage Museum, Radiant Sun Plaza, Aqaba, constructed 1741 and opened 1742, personally funded by its Founding Chair.
Board of Trustees
1742 -
- Chair: Miranda Isabella Anders
- Vice Chair: Roya al-Osman, Surenšāhbanu of the Suren Confederacy
- Trustee: Zahra al-Osman, Shahbanu of Çakaristan
- Trustee: Ismail al-Osman, Timsar-e Ettelâ'ât va Amniyat-ē Kešvar and former Mesazon
- Trustee: Vahid al-Osman, Senator of the Lakes and former Secretary of State for Peace
- Trustee: Elham al-Osman, Official of the Sazeman-e Ettela'at va Amniyat-e Suren