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Secretary of State for Peace

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The Secretary of State for Peace is a position in the Executive of Hurmu, charged with overseeing the Hurmu Fyrð and the defence of Hurmu. It was established on 34.XV.1716, on the order of Prime Minister Jamshid-e Osman.


Officer Tenure Party Cabinet
Isabella III Güntherdohtor Merrick 1716–1719 H Osman
Jamshid-e Osman 1719–1720 Raudsepp
Roya al-Osman 1720–1734 Enkhjargal I
Enkhjargal II
Vahid al-Osman 1734–1738 Vaykok
1738–1739 Avon-El Myksos
1739–1740 Jovanović-Smičić
Jaas Humboolt Niit n Taag 1740– Mod.