Local government of the Imperial State of Constancia

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The local government of the Imperial State of Constancia is prescribed by law.


Governance within the realm was subject to the Basileus.

The Regulation of The Krýon Theme Act 1638

First legislation on local government was The Regulation of The Krýon Theme Act 1638, which specified:

  • The Local Authority of Krýon is the administrative body led by the Strategos of Krýon
  • The Local Authority is responsible for: Issuing residence permits; Issuing land permits; Issuing work permits; Collecting local taxes; Budgeting Krýon's finances; Providing rules and regulations on the civil, economic, cultural and geographic life of the people of Krýon under Constancian law and custom
  • Any further responsibility can be delegated to the Local Authority by the Mesazōn
  • The Local Authority provides guidance and support to the Constancians in the pursuit of their rights and responsibilities as such
  • The Strategos is accountable to the Mesazōn by providing monthly reports on any and all Krýon Theme matters
  • The Strategos may be summoned by the Synklētos to deliver such and other reports, and accept any rules, regulations, guides on the management of Krýon Theme that the Synklētos may have
  • A phone and internet private security channel is established to connect the offices of the Strategos and the Mesazōn
  • The Strategos, through the Local Authority, shall provide the communication between the Basileus and the Central government, and the the people of Krýon

The Metropole Act 1642

This law repealed The Colonies Act 1637, and that all currently established themes are retained. It specified that:

  • This Bill, or any part of it, does not repeal nor overrule any part of the The Regulation of The Krýon Theme Act 1638.
  • The Constancian territories on Micras are divided into Themes. Exceptions are the Prosgeiosi Basileus and the Basileusian Capital (Vey).
  • Themes are established by the Basileus on the advice of the Synklētos. Themes are disestablished by the Basileus on the advice of the Synklētos.
  • Themes are governed and administered in accordance with this Act, any further Acts concerning a particular theme, or group of themes, each theme's own customs and the Constancian law.
  • Leaders of the Themes are accountable to the Synklētos and the Council.
  • Themes are sub-sovereign entities within the Free Associative Kingdom of Constancia. No part of this Act, any other Act, custom or legal-binding script can alter their status as such. The Constitutional Settlement Act of 1463, all other Acts of the Synklētos, unless otherwise stated, and the Basileusian Prerogative are applicable throughout the Kingdom.

Resolution of the Permanent Standing Committee of the Synkletos, 1673

The following measures are introduced by the decision of the Permanent Standing Committee of the Synkletos and enacted by its own authority: All rural (non-urban) households in the provinces of Aqabah, Mitra, Nivardom, and Varaz, shall be organised into communes of ten households under the authority of a Headman. Each commune must provide one Home Guardsman, aged between 18 and 40, and contribute towards the cost of his maintenance. Each commune must provide four corvée labourers, aged between 15 and 50, and contribute towards the cost of their maintenance. In each province commissioners shall be appointed to apportion households, delineate communal boundaries, and conduct annual conscription assemblies, to be attended by all commune inhabitants. The penalty for any person failing to attend a conscription assembly shall be automatic enrolment into the labour corvée. For any offence committed by the member of a commune, the Headman shall be held accountable. Penalties for individual infractions by members of a commune may, at the discretion of a magistrate, be visited upon all members of a commune collectively. A member of a commune who reports to the authority, whether the magistrate, the gendarmerie, or the servants of the governor, an infraction or crime that has either been committed or is in commission by one or more of his fellow commune members shall receive a community trust reward, exemption from conscription, and immunity from the consequences of collective punishment if his accusations are borne out by subsequent investigation. If the accusation is determined to be false the accuser shall be automatically enrolled into the labour corvée.

Local Government Reform

Local government within the Imperial State was reformed by Autokratorial Decree in response to the

City Councils were established, with elected councilors to provide advice and to consult with as representatives of the people, and, mirroring the Imperial Synkletos, to attempt local oversight, and to provide local legislative proposals and other policy recommendations.

Local Governments


A Minister for Aqabah, a member of the Imperial Constancian Government, was first appointed in 1667, starting with Stefanos Themistoklis, from 1667 to 1686, followed by his successor, Annalisa Trevino, from 1686 onward, replaced by Darcel Slater on 13.I.1694.

Valerija Zulfaqar was appointed Minister for Aqabah on 14.1.1710. She was succeeded by Brendan Ankra on 14.1.1731.


Aqaba was governed by an appointed Military Governor, Demetrios Thesalonikis, from 1656-1667, who possessed plenipotentiary power.

On 18.XIII.1695, the 40th anniversary of its conquest via Operation Debellatio, it was granted a charter by Autokratorial Decree, providing for a new polity known as Metropolitan Aqaba with an elected Mayor, Vice Mayor, 50-member City Council, with mandatory public safety, sanitation, public health, environment, architecture and engineering departments, and certain autonomy in local governance, subject to the oversight of the Ministry of Aqabah of the Imperial Constancian Government. The charter also established the Aqaba International Airport Authority, Port of Aqaba Authority, Aqaba Metropolitan Transport Authority; established the City of Aqaba Corporation to govern the commercial areas, charters and recognizes Euranikon City as a separate but subordinate polity, recognizes historic Aqaba as a separate but subordinate policy and mandates its preservation and conservation, renames New Town to Thesalonikis and recognizes it as a separate but subordinate polity, excludes military installations and Imperial Government complexes from the jurisdiction of city and metropolitan authorities, and authorizes the Metropolitan Aqaba government to institute certain tolls, fees, and taxes.


Created in accordance with Constancian law via the Colonies Act 1637 [1], the Molivadisan Theme at the time comprised Nivardom proper and some of its immediately-surrounding territory. It was essentially governed by general consensus of the locals, or in accordance with the temperament of the local military officer commanding. An Archon (Captain Walter Poldark of the Ergonian Navy, retired) was apparently selected, and governed sufficiently to warrant and maintain a palace, until appointment of Basil Tzimiskes to Exkoubitoi of the Constancian Army, Theos of the Constancian Navy, Strategos of the Home Guard, Defense Minister and Interior Minister in 1653.

The Imperial State of Constancia came into being upon the promulgation of the Magna Carta of 1667 by Basileus Petros III on the 10th day of the 9th month of Artemisios 1667, 48th year of His Imperial Majesty's Reign. Article 76 of the Magna Carta explicitly repealed the Constitutional Settlement Act of 1627 and its accompanying Constitutional Amendment Acts, making a clear break of legal continuity with the previous dispensation.

At the State Opening of the First Imperial Synkletos, Basileus Petros III was pleased to create, ennoble, and raise Jaime Augustin Joaquin Primo de Aguilar, Autokrator of Constancia to the dignity of Prince of Molivadia, with the rank of Prince of Constancia, settling upon him the existing Thema Molivadisa.

The Council of Molivadia is a body of advisers for counsel regarding the good and proper government of the Principality of Molivadia.

Created by Decree of the Prince of Molivadia bearing date at Government House, Principality of Molivadia 16.X.1667, it was convened at pleasure. It is presided over by a Lord President in the absence of the Prince of Molivadia, and served by a Chancellor who serves as Secretary to the Council and chief administrator. The quorum of the Council is three members, with the Prince of Molivadia included in such quorum.

By tradition, the Minister for Molivadia of the Imperial Government serves as Lord President. Alexios Paxos served as Lord President from 1667-1671. Augustus Mirkdale served as Lord President from 1671-1686. Toghemur Ghazan served as Lord President from 1686-1694. Sürreya Tahsin, appointed Minister for Molivadia on 13.I.1694, served as Lord President until the end of 1703. Annalisa Trevino, Minister for Molivadia, is concurrent Lord President, assuming office on Phoinikaios 14, 1704 (14.I.1704), the same day the Basileus Giakoumis ascended the throne.

Effective 17.XII.1676, it was reconstituted to seven members and commanded to meet twice a month in closed session to provide counsel to the Prince of Molivadia on the policy, proposed laws, and government of the Principality of Molivadia.

The Council of Molivadia was reconstituted once more, the day after Iñigo was named Prince of Molivadia in his own right on his 30th birthday, by his father the Basileus Giakoumis, on 6.II.1705.

An Autokratorial Decree bearing date 21.IV.1668 [2], issued in light of the Modanese Migration, granted asylum in the Imperial State of Constancia, residence in the Principality of Molivadia, and citizenship in the Imperial State of Constancia to certain individuals, resulting in Modan, Molivadia and its associated cities, New Drakorda and Daniyalstadt.

Its territorial holdings were significantly increased in light of Operation Paramount and its aftermath, the Alcalá Declaration in 1698. The General Government, officially, the General Government of the Occupied Territories was an institution of the Imperial State of Constancia, created by Autokratorial Decree to govern the territories placed under Raspur Pact military control immediately after the implementation of Operation Paramount.

Bjørn Hendriksson, Sarlashkar (Major-General) in the Imperial Guard, and son of the esteemed Garvin Hendriksson, was appointed Governor-General of the General Government of the Occupied Territories on 12.X.1698 with headquarters at the Palace at Nivardom. He exercised plenipotentiary authority second only, and subject to, the Autokrator of Constancia as his alter-ego.

In light of the Alcalá Declaration, the General Government was dissolved on 3.XIII.1698 by Autokratorial Decree, and the Constancian-occupied territories were reorganized as the regions of Greater Molivadia and Shahzamin as its first civil Governor.

Iñigo, only son of Basileus Giakoumis was named Prince of Molivadia in his own right on his 30th birthday in the year 1705.

The territory of the Principality increased further after Operation Landslide in 1706. The additions to the territory are often referred to as Greater Molivadia.

San Felipe

San Felipe is capital of the Principality of Molivadia.

Modan, Molivadia

The subregion of Modan began with an unincorporated township within the Principality of Molivadia, established for refugees involved in the Modanese Migration. It was directly governed by Daniel Vilyamion, Deputy Minister of Molivadia, until the end of 1719, when he was replaced by newly-appointed Deputy Minister of Molivadia Shapur Vardan Sarkissian, and has a high degree of autonomy.

In 1692, its residents and leaders submitted a petition to the Autokrator of Constancia for greater autonomy, which in 1693 resulted in the subregion of Modan within the Principality of Molivadia, composed of the City of New Drakorda which grew out of the original Modanese Migration-era Settlement of Modan, as well as the master-planned township of Daniyalstadt. It is regulated in accordance with the Constitution of New Drakorda, a revised version of the Constitution of Drakorda

New Drakorda


The General Government, officially, the General Government of the Occupied Territories was an institution of the Imperial State of Constancia, created by Autokratorial Decree to govern the territories placed under Raspur Pact military control immediately after the implementation of Operation Paramount.

Bjørn Hendriksson, Sarlashkar (Major-General) in the Imperial Guard, and son of the esteemed Garvin Hendriksson, was appointed Governor-General of the General Government of the Occupied Territories on 12.X.1698 with headquarters at the Palace at Nivardom. He exercised plenipotentiary authority second only, and subject to, the Autokrator of Constancia as his alter-ego.

In light of the Alcalá Declaration, the General Government was dissolved on 3.XIII.1698 by Autokratorial Decree, and the Constancian-occupied territories were reorganized as the regions of Greater Molivadia and Shahzamin as its first civil Governor.

Bjørn Hendriksson was appointed civil Governor of Greater Molivadia and Shahzamin on 3.XIII.1698. With the accession of the new Prince of Molivadia on 5.II.1705, his remit was confirmed as Governor of Shahzamin, effective that same date.

The capital of Shahzamin is Hyblios, although it has major cities such as Eridu, Al-Ghabi, Edgardia, and Duhok. Port Aguilar, while geographically located within the province, is independently governed as part of the Principality of Molivadia.

A Council of Shahzamin, patterned after the Council of Molivadia, was soon formed on 2.I.1710, composed of the Governor and the mayors of Eridu, Al-Ghabi, Edgardia, and Duhok, and such other individuals as it pleased the Governor to appoint.

His daughter, Sophia Hendriksson was appointed Governor of Shahzamin on 1.I.1710, vice her father, who was elevated as Chief of Staff to the new Mesazon, her grandfather, Garvin Hendriksson.



Company of Merchant Adventurers to New Lands/Constancian Nijima

Ecclesiastical Mountain Republic

Republic of Vey

ESB Isle